Sencore LC102 Datasheet

LC102 AUTO-Z A utom atic Capacitor/Inductor Analyzer
Z M ete r
A $39.95 Value!
Receive the Z Meter Question And Answer Book" FR E E with the purchase of the LC102 A UT O- Z.
U.S. Funds
On GSA Contract
LC102 AUTO-Z The Z Standard; Helps You Quickly, Dynamically, Portably, And Automatically Find Any Defective Capacitor Or Inductor That Other Testers Miss,
Anywhere, Without Calculations, Look-up Tables, Or Errors
Analyzes Ca pacitors For: Value From 1 pF to 20 F Leakage With 1 kV Applied D ielectric Absorption Se ries Res istance (ESR)
Analyzes Inductors From 1 uH to 20 Henrys For Opens, Shorts, Va lue, And Even One Shorted Turn
Analyzes SCRs, Triacs, High Voltage Resistors, And Tran s mission Lines As An Added Bonus
Makes All Tests, Co mpares Results To EIA S tandards And Tells You "Good" Or "Bad" Auto matically
Portab le; 9-Hou r Battery Operation For Re mote Sites AC Operation For Your Bench
Value Changes In Onl y 25%
Measures capacitors from 1 pF to
problems caused by value change— even finds the small critical value changes that make troubles hooting tough.
20 farads, to locate
Leakag e Develops In 40%
With leakage tests to 1000 volts, you can locate
problems (with .01 microamp resolution) in ceramic and tanta lum capacitors that other testers can’t find.
Dielectric Absorption (D/ A) In 25%
discharge—the capacitor acts like a battery
that changes the circu it's bias voltage.
Equival ent Series Res istance
(ESR) In 10%
connections. ESR worsens as the capacitor ages, causing problems in high-frequen cy circuit s such as s w itching power supplies.
Dielectric Absorp tion is the capacitor's
inability to completely
ESR is the equivalent series resistance in a capacitor's leads and internal
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Inductor Value Changes In 25%
And Ope ns In 25%
Other than opens, value changes are particula rly diff icult to
isolate w ithout an analyzer. Usually the value change is small, caused by the failure of a few turns, or perhaps is associated with
insulation failure which affects one turn.
Shorted Turns In 50%
making it almost impossible to detect with an ohm meter or ordinary tester. Just one sho rted turn can cause a circ uit to fail.
A shorted turn will cause only a small change in a coil's
Analyze Capacitors, Coils, And
High-Voltage Components,
Automatically: The LC102 a uto-z is
microprocessor contr olled for speed and
accuracy, with extended ranges to meet all your cap/coil testing needs. Enter the value, rated voltage, and tolerance— the
AUTO-Z makes the readings, compares to
EIA tables stor ed in memory, and dis
plays if the component is good or bad.
Prot ects You And Your Instrument From Charged Capacitors: An audible and visual alert
warns you if the AUTO-Z’s internal discharge circuit fails or the test lead fuse blows.
Portable—Use In The Shop, Field, Or Factory: The LC102 packs
full inductance, capacitance and resistance analyzing power into a lightweigh t, portable (battery and AC) package. It' s designed with CMOS logic, LCD technolog y and auto m atic shut-off for long battery life (operates nine hours on a single charge).
N ew DM115 Z Meter Dynamic Dem onstrato r: Helps you evaluate the
AUTO-Z in y our application by pr ov id ing samples of good and bad capacitors, inductors, SCRs, and transmission lines. An informative booklet covers Z Meter operation, step-by-step, plus explains
how and why each compone nt fails.
The LC102 AUTO-Z meets all the LCR compo nent analyzing challenges new technology can bring; call today
fo r more information.
LC102 Specifications
19.99 F in 12 automatically selected ranges. Accuracy: ±1% ,± 1 pF, ± 1 digit up to 1990 uF, ±5 %from 1990 uF to 19.99 F. Leakage: .01 uA to 19.99 mA fully autoranged, ±5 %, ±1 digit. Voltages: DC voltages from 1.0 V to
999.9 in 0.1 V steps.
stored to total charge, ± 5 % of reading.
toranged, ±5 %, ± 1 digit.
IN DUCTANCE (In or out o f cir cuit):
to 19.99 H fully autoranged, ± 2 %, ± 1 digit; Ringing Test: Dynamic Quality Test
supplied PA251or with optional BY234 bat tery pack. 9 hours on one charge. Shuts off in 15-20 minutes when the instrument isn’t in use. Protection: Input fuse, voltage >1.5 V ties up the front panel. Audible and visual alarms tell you if input fuse is open or dis charge circuit fails. Size: 6" x 9" x 11.5" (15.2 x 22.9 x 29.1 cm) HWD.Weight: 7.6 lbs (3.6 kg) with battery.
(Out of Circuit): 1.0 pF to
Percentage of
0.10 ohms to 1999 ohms fully au
0.10 uH
Power: 105-130 VAC, 60 Hz with
Supplied Accessories:
(1) 39G219 Test Lead (1) 39G144 Test Lead Adapter (1) 39G201 Test Button Hold D own
Rod (1) 6 4G37 Test Lead M oun ting Clip (1) PA251 Power Adapter
S ee Pa ge 29 For Opt i onal Accessori es.