Sencore FE20 Service Manual

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Safety Precautions
When testin g elec t ronic equipment, there is always a danger p rese n t . Un expecte d high voltages can be present at unusual locatio ns in defective equip ment. The te c h n ic ia n should become familiar with the de v i ce that he is working on and ob s erve the following precau t io ns.
1. An is olatio n tr ans f ormer should always be used on equipment having the chassi s tied to one si de of the AC power line.
2. When making te st lead con n ec tio n s to high voltage points, r e m o ve the power, if this cannot be done, be su r e to avoid contact with other equip ment or m e t a l objects. Place one hand in your pocket a s a safe t y p re caution and stand on an insulated floor to reduce the poss i bilit y of shock.
3. Discha r g e f ilter ca pac i tors be f o re con nec ting test leads to them. Ca pa cito r s ca n st ore a ch a r ge that could be dangerous to the techni cian .
4. Be su r e your equipment is in good ord e r. Broken or fra y ed tes t leads can be e xtre mely dangerous and can expose the te c h ni c ia n to dangerous poten t ia ls.
5. Remove the test lead s im mediate ly a f t er the test has been completed to reduc e the possibil i t y of shock.
6. Do not work alone when working on hazardous circu its . Always have another pe r son c l ose by in case of accident . Re member, even a minor shock can be the c ause of a mo r e seri ous ac c id e n t, such as fallin g a gains t the equipment, or coming in con ta c t with higher voltages.
SAFE TY PRECAUTIONS..................................................................................... 2
DES CRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 4
SP ECIFIC ATION S ................................................................................................ 4
OPE RATION........................................................................................................... 6
Shielded T est Lead and Probe for the HI-LO M eter Contro ls on the HI-LO Meter
Batter y Install at io n and Testing ........................................................... 7
Measuri ng DC Voltage.............................................................................. 7
Measurin g DCV with a Zero Center Scale......................................... 8
Measurin g DC Curren t............................................................................. 8
Measuri ng AC Voltage............................................................................. 8
Measuri ng R esis t ance (HI POWER O HMS )......................................... 9
Measuri ng Resi s tance (LO POWER OHMS)......................................... 9
Measurin g Res i s tance of Thermistors................................................ 9
Measur in g DC High Voltage................................................................... 10
Measurin g De c ibels (db) .......................................................................... 10
Measu r in g AC Curren t............................................................................. 12
Measuri n g sm all L eak ag e Current....................................................... 13
Overload Prote c t io n..................................................................................... 13
.................................................................. 6
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIO N ..................................................................
Gen eral........................................................................................................... 14
DC Vol tage.....................................................................................
DC Cur rent.................................................................................................... 14
Resis tan ce (HI POWER)
Resis tan ce (LO PO WE R) .......................................................................... 15
AC Vol tage .................................................................................................... 15
MAINT E N A N CE .................................................................................................... 15
Intro d u c ti o n .................................................................................................... 15
Dis asse mbly Ins t ructi ons.......................................................................... 15
Cali b r a t i o n of the HI-LO M ete r
Building a Me ter Cal ibrator................................................................... 17
Trou b le Chart ................................................................................................ 18
Schematic and P arts Li st (S e p a r a te Sheet)
Fig. 1 db Corre c t i on Cha rt
Fig. 2 Voltage vs. Power C hart....................................................... 11
Fig. 3 AC Cur r e n t Adapt e r ................................................................... 12
Fig. 4 Measurin g s mall Leakage Curren t s..................................... 13
Fig . 5 P. C. Board Layout...................................................................... 16
Fig. 6 Calib r a t o r fo r HI-LO Met er.................................................... 17
.................................................................. 11
............................................ 14
............................................ 16
As the st ate of the art in e lec tro nics p rogress es, m o r e tra nsi stors , F ETs, and integrate d cir cu i ts are being used in rad io , telev i s i o n , and indu s tri a l m a rket s. S e ncore engin e ers have kept up with todays pace and have de
veloped a new Field Effe ct m eter to mee t the more demanding requ i r e ment s of sol id s ta t e and integrat ed cir cu it servi c i n g.
The F E20 HI-LO m e t er fea t ures new low AC and DC ranges of . 1 volts full scal e and al o w power ohms circu it allowing for the f irst time a ccur ate re sistance m e a s u r e ments in t ransisto r and integ ra ted circ uits.
Just co mpare these fe atur e s and see why the FE 20 is the most advanced meter on the m a r ket today:
* High input impedance on all AC and DC ran g e s (15 megohm DC, 12 me g
ohms AC). * T r u e pe ak to peak AC r anges. * Z ero ce nter ran g e s on DC for s olid s t a te servi cing. * Db s cale fo r audio and lab work. * DC cu rrent ranges for genera l tes tin g . * Low power (low applied voltage) ohms ra n g e s for solid s t a t e s ervic ing. * Mirrored sca l e m eter for g reater accu r acy in readings. * Me t e r pro te ct e d fr om over loads. * C i r cuits pr o te c te d from acc i d e n t a l ap pl icati on of wrong voltag es . * All ste el carry i ng c ase with cover fo r grea ter durab il it y and portability.
* Long life "C" cell power.
Ran g e s : 0 to .1 , .3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, and 1000 full s cale
- .05 to. 05, - .15 to. 15, -.5 to. 5, -1.5 to 1 .5 , -5 to 5,
-15 to 15, -50 to 50, - 150 to 150, and -5 00 to 500 Z ero Cent e r Scale Ran ges .
Input Re s istance: 15 megohms shunted by 90 pf in probe "NORM"
positio n ; or shunted by 10 pf in probe " 120K ISOLATION position.
Acc uracy : +1. 5% AC Rejec t i on: 30 db Minimum
AC VOLTS Ran g e s : (RMS)
0 to .1, . 3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, and 1000 Full s cale
Ranges: (Peak to Peak)
0 to . 28, . 84, 2. 8, 8. 4, 28, 84, 280, 840, and 2800 F u l l scale
Input Resistance: 12 Megohms shunted by 9 0 pf
Freq u e n cy Res ponse : 1 db 10 Hz - 150 KHz
3 db 5 Hz - 500 KHz OHMMETER Ran g e s : HI & LO POWER
0 to 10 00 ohm s, 10K, 100K, 1 Meg, 10 Meg, 100 Meg, and
1000 Meg with 12 ohms ce nter scale Accurac y: + 2 degree s ARC Applied Voltage: Hi Power 1.5 Volts
Lo Power . 08 Vo lts
DC CURRE N T MEASUR E M E N TS : Ran g e s : 0 to 100 mi c r oamps, 300 microamp s, 1 mA, 3 mA, 10 mA,
30 mA, 100 mA, 300 mA, and 1 amp.
Ac c u r acy: + 3% full s cale Interna l voltage drop: 80 mv on 100 mic r o a m p to 10 mA r ange s ,
100 to 900 mv on 30 mA to 1 amp ra n ges.
Dec ib e l (db) Ran g e s : -20, -10 , 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 db
Refer enc e: 1 mv into 600 ohms
M eter : 6 inch, 200 mic r o a m p , 2% Mul tip lier resistors: 1/2% deposited ca r b o n type
Semiconductor com ple m en t :
T ransis to rs: 2 - 2N5457 FE Ts, 2 - 2N4248, 1 - 2N5172 Diodes: 2 - 1N456, 3 - 1N695, 1 - 16S10
Power supply: 6 e a c h 1. 5v " C" ce lls Evere a d y #935 or equivalent
(not supplied)
Ohms Batte r y : one 1. 5V "C" ce l l Eve re a dy #1035 or equivalent
(not supplied) Weight: ( less b atteries) 8 lbs. Dime n sions: 9 1/2” High X 7 3/4" Wide X 3 3/4" Deep.
The FE20 HI-LO Meter is equipped with a shielded tes t lead to allow ac cu r ate meas u r e ments on AC in the presen ce of strong e lectr ost ati c and ele ctromag netic fields. The special pro be has a 120K isola t io n res isto r to iso l a t e the cab le capacity when making DC voltage m e a s urem e n t s in crit ic al cir cuits such a s RF, IF or sweep cir cui ts. For a ll normal read in gs
including DC voltage, the pr o be switch is le f t in the n ormal position. The only time that the switch is placed in the isola t e p o sitio n is when it i s nec ess ar y to is olate cable cap a ci t y from the ci rcu it being m e a sured. When the
switch is in the isola t e po si tio n, the DC voltage rea di ng on the FE20wil l be onlyO. 6% low. The isola t e position should only be used with the DC voltage and AC voltage at 60 Hz functions as much greater e rro r will re sult on other
functions. CONTROLS ON THE FE 20 The FE20 HI-LO Met e r i s a s simple to operate as a standard VOM. The
front panel c ontrols include the RANGE switch, FUNCTION switch, met e r
ZERO ADJUST, OHMS ADJUST, ON-OFF switch, and the batter y test
swit c h e s . The following i s a brief desc r i p t i o n of each c o n t r o l and how it is
RANGE Switch: The RANGE Switch sele cts the d esire d range of voltage, cu rrent or resistan ce to be measu r e d .
FUNCTION Switch: The FUNCTION Switch sele cts the type of measu r e ment
to be made, plus or minus DC volts or curre nt, AC vo lts , HI or LO power ohms.
ZERO ADJUST: The ZER O ADJUST is used to po sitio n the pointer of the m eter ov e r the ze r o at the extreme left of the me t er for m o s t mea s u r e ment s , or ove r the cen t er z ero for the z ero ce nter ranges.
OHMS ADJUST: The OHMS ADJUST i s adjusted with the FE 20 le a ds held open. The OHMS ADJUST co ntrol is adjusted so that the po in ter of the me t e r is positioned di rect l y o ver the infinity ma r k on the extreme right hand side of the meter. Th e ohms zero is adjusted with the test leads shorted togeth er and the Range Switch s et to any posi t io n ex c ep t RX1 or RX10 .
ON - OFF Switch: The O N-OF F Switch controls the power to the m e t er cir cuit . In the OF F position, the b atteries ar e disco n nect ed f r o m the me t e r circ uits. In the ON position, b a t t e r y power is applied to the m eter circui try and the mete r is re a d y to go. When the lid of the FE20 is shut, a s pecia l tab autom a t ic a ll y shuts o fft heFE20 to be su r e that the ba tteries do not wear
down nee d le s sly. BAT T E RY T EST Swit ch es : The FE20 use s two bat t e r y test sw it c he s . The
bat t e r y t est switch on the l e f t is the t est fo r the main (power) b a t te r y , and the switch to the rig h t is the ohms ba t t ery t e s t.
The S e n c o r e FE20 is s im p le and easy to opera t e . The long li f e "C " cell
power supply allow s the FE20 to ope ra te anytime, anywhere.
Batt e r y Inst al la tio n and Test ing: To gain ac cess to the bat tery compartmen t, remove the two s crews in the lead compa rt m en t . Lift out the lead c om
partm e n t, exposing the batte r y ho l d ers.
Th ere a re two power supp lies used in your F E20. Six "C" ce lls are con nected in series to power the amplif ier and bridge circuit, and one "C" cell is used to power the ohms function. To install the s ix "C " c ells for the bridge power supply, plac e 3 "C" cells in each of the two tubes provided. Inst a ll the tubes containing the th re e batte ries each , between the spring bat tery conta cts. Be s ure to o bserve pola r i t y . The ohms ba t t e r y is in s ta l le d in the single bat t e r y hold er that is mounted at an angle. It i s recomm ended that a "p r e mium " cell be used in this app lication as the c urre nt drain can be quite high when using the RX1 HI power ohms range.
The two s prin g r e t urn slid e switche s on the front panel of the FE20 provide a batte ry c heck function. Push the Ohms switch to the righ t to test the con dition of the o h m s bat t e ry, and push the Main switch to the l eft to t est the condition of the bridge power supply b a t t e r y .
Operatio n : To o p e ra t e the F E20, mer ely select the desire d test with the
Function switch, the app ro p ri ate rang e with the Range switch, connect the test lead s to the points being measu r e d , and obs e r v e the indication on the
m eter. H er e is a bri ef desc r i p t ion of how each test is p e rf o r m e d .
Meas u r in g DC V o lt s : Set the switch on the pro be to the NORM po s it io n ; set
the Function switch to eit her the plus or minus DCV positio n; se t the Range switch for a mete r indication a s c l ose to full sc ale as possible. (I f the volt
age to be me a s u r e d is unknown, start with the 1000 volt range and work
toward the 0.1 volt range). The DC voltage is rea d on the two blac k scal es j ust above the mir ro r on the
m eter. The top DC sc ale i s calibr ated from Oto 1.0 volts, with each smal l
sc ale division r epre s enting . 02 volts, and is used with the . 1, 1, 10, 100,
and 1,000 volt ran ges. The second DC scal e i s c a l i brated fr o m 0 to 3.1
volts with each s mall s cal e division repr esen t i ng 0.1 volts, and is used for the . 3, 3, 30, and 300 voltr ang e s . l i ieO to 1.0 v olt scale i s readdi rec tly
for the 1.0 volt range, and is multiplied by . 1, 10, 100, and 1,00 0 for the
.1, 10, 100, and 1,000 volt ran g es respectively. The 0 to 3 .0 volt scal e is rea d di r ectl y for the 3. 0 volt range and is multiplied by . 1, 10, and 100
for the . 3, 30, and 300 volt ranges re spectiv ely. For Exam p le: If the sca l e
indication i s . 42 on the 0-1 vo l tsc ale and the Range switch is set to the 10 volt range, you would multiply . 42 by 10 r esult i n g in an actu al reading o r
4.5 volts. If the scal e indication is 1. 6 on the 0 to 3 volt scal e and the
Range switch is se t to the 0. 3 ra n g e , the actu a l reading would be . 16 volts.
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