Sencor SLE 22F58TC User Manual [ru]

LED Television
1. Important safety instructions ........................................................................................................2
2. Stand assembly ...............................................................................................................................9
3. Device description ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Control panel button function ............................................................................................. 10
3.2. TV terminal connections .......................................................................................................11
4. Remote control ...............................................................................................................................12
5. First time setup ...............................................................................................................................14
5.1. Select Language .....................................................................................................................14
5.2. Select Country ........................................................................................................................14
5.3. Surrounding............................................................................................................................ 15
5.4. Auto Tuning ............................................................................................................................ 15
6. Menu .................................................................................................................................................17
6.1. Channel menu .........................................................................................................................17
6.2. Picture menu ..........................................................................................................................21
6.3. Sound menu ..........................................................................................................................24
6.4. Time menu ............................................................................................................................ 26
6.5. Lock menu ............................................................................................................................ 28
6.6. Hotel mode .............................................................................................................................31
6.7. Setup menu .......................................................................................................................... 32
6.8. Screen menu (only PC mode) ..........................................................................................37
7. USB .................................................................................................................................................39
7.1. Photo menu ............................................................................................................................ 40
7.2. Music menu .............................................................................................................................41
7.3. Movie menu ...........................................................................................................................42
7.4. Text menu .............................................................................................................................. 43
8. Trouble shooting guide .................................................................................................................44
9. Technical specifi cations ...............................................................................................................47
EN 1
06 /2016
Important safety instructions
1. Important safety instructions
If you want to use this product correctly, carefully read this user’smanual and store it for future reference. If you give (sell) the appliance to somebody, please also include all the documentation together with this appliance, including this user’smanual.
To reduce the risk of injury
by electrical shock do not
The fl ash symbol in an equilateral triangle indicates that there is
dangerous voltage inside
this appliance, which
presents arisk of injury by
electrical shock.
General safety instructions
– Carefully read this manual before using the appliance. Follow the instructions
contained in this user’smanual. – Heed all warnings. – Adhere to all instructions. – Use only accessories determined by the manufacturer. – AN OPEN FLAME MUST NOT BE PLACED ON THE APPLIANCE, E.G. ABURNING
– Use the appliance in atemperate climate zone. – Under no condition does the manufacturer or the vendor of the appliance take
responsibility for any direct or indirect damages caused by not adhering to
instructions for installation, setup, use, service or cleaning of this appliance as
described in this user’smanual. – Protect the appliance against being knocked, dropped, hit and shaken and against
vibrations, humidity and dust. – Before allowing children to use the appliance, they must be appropriately to their
age, informed about the correct and safe use of the player. – If the appliance is equipped with aheadphone jack, do not use headphones set to an
extreme volume. There is adanger of hearing damage or loss.
remove the cover (or the
rear side). There are no
components inside which
the user can repair. Have all repairs or adjustments
performed at an authorised
service centre.
The exclamation mark
in an equilateral triangle
symbol indicates important
operating or servicing
instructions in the
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Important safety instructions
Installation, operation
– Install the appliance according to the instructions in the user’smanual. – Leave free space on all sides of the appliance necessary for proper air circulation.
This removes the heat created during operation. Covering the ventilation openings
of the appliance’scase creates arisk of overheating or damaging the appliance.
It is necessary to ensure that the ventilation openings are not blocked, e.g. by
anewspaper, table cloth, curtain, etc. Follow the installation instructions in the
user’smanual. – This appliance should not be located in aconfi ned area such as abookshelf or rack, if
suffi cient ventilation is not provided for or the instructions of the manufacturer are not
followed. – Never insert any items into any ventilation or other openings because they could
come into contact with points with dangerous voltage levels or cause ashort circuit of
parts, which could cause afi re or injury by electric shock. Never pour any liquid into
the appliance. – Do not install the appliance in direct sunlight or near sources of heat, such as
heaters, heat exchangers, stoves or other appliances (including amplifi ers) producing
heat. High temperatures signifi cantly reduce the lifetime of electronic components in
the appliance. Do not use or leave the appliance in the vicinity of an open fi re. – The appliance must not be exposed to dripping or running water and objects fi lled
with water must not be placed on it, e.g. vases. Protect the appliance against rain,
spray or contact with any other liquid, do not leave or install the appliance outdoors.
Do not use the appliance outdoors. Not adhering to these instructions creates arisk of
electrical shock or fi re hazard. – Do not use this appliance near water. – Treat the glass panel and appliance cover with care. The screen glass can break on
impact and cause serious injuries. – Make sure that the power cord is not stepped on or compressed, particularly near the
power plug, power socket and at the point where it exits the appliance or the adapter.
The power plug (adapter) is used as adisconnection device and must be easily
accessible. – Never use aappliance with adamaged power cord or plug. If the power cord or plug
are damaged, turn off the appliance, disconnect it from the power source and contact
an authorised service centre. Adamaged power cord or plug may only be replaced
by qualifi ed personnel. Under no circumstances attempt to replace the power cord or
plug yourself. – Do not attempt to circumvent the polarised power plug safety feature. If the power
plug cannot be inserted into your power socket, contact aqualifi ed electrician to
replace the old type of power socket. – Before connecting the appliance into apower socket, check that the voltage in your
power socket corresponds to the voltage on the rating label of the appliance or on
its power adapter. If you are not certain about the type of the power sources in your
home, contact your vendor or the local energy company.
EN 3
06 /2016
Important safety instructions
– Before turning on the appliance, check that the electrical connection is performed
properly and in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. Before
connecting or changing the connection, turn off the appliance and disconnect it from
the mains. – Remember to always disconnect the power plug (adapter) from the power socket
before disconnecting the power cable from the rear side of the appliance. – Insert the power plug into aindependent power socket. Do not overload wall sockets
with extension cords or multi-socket adapters. There is arisk of injury by electric shock. – When disconnecting, hold the power cord by the plug and not by the cord itself. – Disconnect the appliance from the power socket during storms or if you will not be
using it for alonger time. – Avoid moving the appliance from acold environment to awarm one or vice versa, or
when using the appliance in avery humid environment. Air humidity may condense
on some components inside the case of the appliance and the appliance may stop
working temporarily. If this occurs leave the appliance in awarm and well ventilated
place and wait 1 – 2 hours until the moisture evaporates and the appliance can
once more be used as usual. Take care especially during the fi rst use of the player
immediately after its purchase during acold season. – Do not place this appliance on an unstable cart, pedestal, stand, bracket or table.
The appliance could fall and cause serious injuries to children or adults or could
be seriously damaged or damage other items. Only use the appliance with
acart, pedestal, stand or table designated by the manufacturer or sold with the
appliance. Any mounting of the appliance should be carried out according to the
manufacturer’sinstructions and the mounting accessories recommended by the
manufacturer should be used. – Do not lean on the appliance, do not lean over it or use it as astep. Protect it against
violent movements. Ensure that children do not play with the appliance.
If using the cart, be careful when moving it. Stopping suddenly, excessive force and uneven surfaces could cause the cart to fall over with the appliance.
– Neither the manufacturer nor the vendor of the appliance under any condition
takes responsibility for any direct or indirect damages caused by not adhering to
the instructions for installation, setup, use, service or cleaning of this appliance as
described in this user’smanual. – Protect the appliance against being knocked, dropped, hit and shaken and against
vibrations, humidity and dust. – Do not expose the appliance to extreme temperatures or humid conditions.
If the appliance is powered by an adapter, use only the adapter and AC power cord supplied with the appliance. Do not use faulty power sockets. Check that the power plug is properly inserted into the power socket. If the power plug is loose, arching could result in afi re. Contact aqualifi ed electrician to have your socket replaced.
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Important safety instructions
Only connect the appliance to aproperly grounded socket with aprotective grounding pin.
If you will be installing the appliance on awall or to the ceiling, follow the manufacturer’sinstruction found in the user’smanual of the particular appliance.
Repairs and maintenance
– To prevent risk of injury through electric shock or the creation of afi re, do not take
the appliance out of the case - there are no parts inside the case repairable or
adjustable by the user without appropriate equipment and qualifi cations. Should the
appliance require adjustment or repair, contact aprofessional service centre. – In the case of any unusual events occurring during the use of the appliance, e.g. if
there is adistinct smell of burning insulation or smoke comes out of the appliance,
immediately turn off the appliance, disconnect the appliance from the power source
and do not use the appliance until you have received the results of an inspection by
the employees of the professional service centre. – Have all repairs carried out by qualifi ed personnel. Repairs are necessary if the
appliance has been damaged in any way, for example if the power cord is damaged,
liquid was poured on the appliance, foreign objects have entered the appliance, the
appliance has been exposed to rain or moisture, if the appliance is not working as
usual or if it has fallen. – In the event of repair or replacement of apart of the appliance, ensure that the
service technician uses components designated by the manufacturer or that these
components have the same specifi cations as the original ones. Unauthorised
replacements could cause afi re, lead to adanger of injury by electrical shock or other
dangers. – Before cleaning, carrying or other maintenance, disconnect the plug (adapter) from
the power socket. – Clean the appliance only with adry cloth. – For cleaning do not use petrol, thinners or any other solvents or use any abrasive
cleaning agents, steel wool or any sponges with steel wool.
Note: Do not throw the appliance into ordinary household waste. For disposal follow all local laws and regulations.
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Important safety instructions
Remote control and batteries
– Do not expose the remote control or the batteries to direct sunlight or sources of heat,
such as heaters, heat exchangers, stoves or other appliances (including amplifi ers)
that produce heat. Do not use or leave the appliance in the vicinity of an open fi re. – Ensure that the sensor is not exposed to astrong light source (e.g. sunlight) or light
from fl uorescent light tubes, which could reduce the effectiveness and reliability of the
remote control. – Neither the remote control nor the batteries may be exposed to dripping or running
water and objects fi lled with water must not be placed on them, e.g. vases. Protect
against exposure to rain, spraying or pouring of any kind of liquid. Do not use
outdoors. Not following these instructions creates adanger of damage to the remote
control or to the battery. – Do not use this appliance near water. – It is necessary to pay attention to the environmental impact aspects of battery
disposal. – The incorrect use of batteries may cause the leakage of the electrolyte and corrosion.
To ensure that the remote control works correctly, proceed according to the
instructions below:
- Do not insert the batteries in the wrong polarity orientation.
- Do not charge, heat, open or short circuit the batteries.
- Do not throw batteries into afi re.
- Do not leave discharged batteries in the remote control.
- Do not combine various types of batteries or new and old batteries.
- If you will not be using the remote control for alonger period of time, remove the batteries to prevent potential damage caused by asubsequent battery leakage.
- If the remote control is not working correctly or its operational range is reduced, change all batteries for new ones.
- If electrolyte leaks out from the batteries, have the remote control cleaned by an authorised service centre.
6 EN
To prevent afi re hazard or injury by electrical shock, do not expose this appliance to rain or humidity.
Batteries must not be exposed to excessive heat, for example sunlight, fi re, etc.
This symbol indicates that the appliance has double insulation between the dangerous mains voltage and the parts accessible to the user. In the event of repairs use only identical spare parts.
06 /2016
Important safety instructions
Supplement to the LCD TV user'smanual
Measures to take when astatic image is displayed; red/blue/green pixels on the screen Astatic image can permanently damage the display part of the television
– Do not leave astatic image on an LCD screen for longer
than 2 hours, because this could damage the screen. This type of damage is known as "screen burn-in".
– Similar damage to the LCD screen can be caused by
astatically located TV channel logo.
– Watching television in 4:3, 16:9 formats or similar (formats not covering the entire area
of the screen) for along time may leave marks on the right or left side, or possibly in the middle of the picture as aresult of the differences in light emission. Similar damage may also occur when watching aDVD or playing games.
– The display of astatic image from video games or computers for an extended period
of time may cause apartial effect of a"persistent image". To prevent this effect from occurring, lower the brightness and contrast when displaying astatic picture.
Damage to the screen resulting from the above mentioned causes is not covered by the warranty!
Red/blue/green/black pixels may appear on the screen
– This is a characteristic feature of liquid crystal displays and does not represent
aproblem. LCD screens are manufactured using avery precise technology in order to achieve avery fine picture resolution. From time to time several inactive pixels may appear on the screen as apermanently red, blue, green or black pixel (up to 0.001% of the total number of pixels on the screen). This does not in any way affect the features and performance of your television.
EN 7
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Important safety instructions
Notes on the USB connector:
– USB memory devices must be inserted into the appliance directly. To prevent data
transmission failure or its interference, do not use USB extension cables. Electrostatic discharges may cause the appliance to malfunction. In such an event the user must restart the appliance.
– Before using aUSB fl ash drive test its ability to communicate with the appliance and
its data reading and writing speed.
– To achieve maximum reading speed we recommend that you keep disk space
defragmented. Use the FAT32 fi le system, asingle partition, without protection. If reading and writing on the USB memory device is not continuous, undesirable effects may occur such as partial image loss (distortions/checkering effects) or complete image loss, audio defects, and in extreme cases the operation will be stopped. Unexpected behaviour of the connected memory device, or the presence of viruses or other damaging software may cause the functions of the appliance to stop working, necessitating arestart.
– The USB connector is the standard type and is not able to power aUSB device with
ahigh power usage (e.g. hard disk drives HDD). Use devices with independent power supplies and power them from their own power supplies.
– The appliance was designed to achieve maximum compatibility with memory devices.
With respect to the variety of devices on the market it is not possible to guarantee compatibility with every USB device. In the event of diffi culties try formatting the fl ash drive directly in the appliance. If problems persist, use adifferent fl ash drive.
Due to the wide range of USB devices available on the market it is not possible to guarantee the compatibility of the appliance with all USB devices.
Serial number of the appliance
The serial number of the appliance is unique and unequivocally identifi es your appliance. Enter the serial number of your appliance together with other details necessary for the defi nite identifi cation of your appliance below.
Serial number: ______________________________________
Date of purchase: ____________________________________
1. The graphics in this manual is informative.
2. The menu on your TV screen may be slightly different from the illustrations in this
3. The information in the document are subject to change without notice. The
manufacturer accepts no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly from errors, incompleteness or discrepancies between the instruction manual and the product described.
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Stand assembly
2. Stand assembly
Before attaching/detaching the stand, ensure the television is switched off and unplugged from the power outlet.
Before performing work spread cushioning (e.g. soft blanket) over the base area to lay the LED TV on this will prevent it from being damaged. Make sure the stand is properly assembled so that the TV would be stable.
Place the assembled television on a solid and fl at base.
Stand installation instructions
2x 4*15BBH 2x 4*15BBH
EN 9
06 /2016
Device description
3. Device description
3.1. Control panel button function
The buttons on the lower-right panel control your TV´s basic features, including the on-screen menu. To use the more advanced features, you should use the remote control.
Pictures are only for illustration.
1. POWER: turn on/off
2. VOL-
3. VOL+
4. CH-
5. CH+
VOL+/-: adjust volume
CH+/-: channel select
6. MENU: into or exit from the menu (use CH+/- buttons to select item, use VOL+/-
buttons to adjust items)
7. INPUT: source select
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3.2. TV terminal connections
Device description
1. CI+: Cl input
2. YPbPr
3. AV input
4. USB input slot
5. HDMI input
6. COAXIAL output
7. RF antenna jack
8. PC AUDIO input
9. SCART input
10. VGA
11. Headphone socket
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Remote control
4. Remote control
1. POWER: Turns the LCD TV on and
into standby mode.
2. AUDIO I/II: Switch the audio channel
of multimedia playing.
3. MUTE: Mutes and restores your LCD
TV sound.
4. 0-9: Pressing a number selects
a channel.
5. SLEEP: Set the sleep timer.
: Switches back and forth
between the current and previous channels.
7. EXIT: Exits the OSD menu.
8. MENU: Displays the OSD menu on
the screen.
9. SOURCE: Press to display the source
10. INFO: Press once to display a variety
of information such as the current channel and the input source.
11. ////OK: Allows you to navigate
the onscreen menus and adjust the system setting to your preference.
OK confi rms option settings; OK
Display the channel list.
12. VOL+/VOL: Increases and decreases
13. CH+/ CH-: Scans up and down the
14. P.MODE: Selection picture mode.
15. : Displays the main index in
Teletext mode.
16. S.MODE: Selects sound effect
17. : Reveals hidden information
such as the answers to a quiz in TELETEXT mode
18. P.SIZE: Cycles through wide screen
mode settings.
19. : Displays the top, button or all of
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Remote control
20. EPG: Displays the Program Guide on the screen in DTV mode. Press again to turn
GUIDE off.
: Freeze a multi-page changing on Teletext mode.
22. PVRLIST: In DTV mode, displays the executed PVR LIST and Index.
23. DTV/RADIO: In DTV mode, press DTV/RADIO button to enter DTV or RADIO mode.
24. FAV.CH: Press to display favourites.
25. SUBTITLE: Select subtitle of media video fi le (needs the support of disk or fi le).
26. TS: Cycles through wide screen mode settings.
27. : In Media mode, press to start playback or pause.
28. STOP : In Media mode, press to stop playback.
29. TEXT: Turns on and off the Teletext function.
30. GOTO: Play from the desired location.
31. Colour buttons: Press the appropriate colour to direct access functions in TELETEXT
or EPG OSD mode.
32. : In Media mode, press to jump to the previous of the currently played chapter
or track.
33. : In Media mode, press to jump to the next of the currently played chapter or
34. : In Media mode, use to reverse/advance.
35. : In Media mode, use to playback rapidly.
Remove batter during storage or when you are not using the device for a long time. To control the device using the remote control, point the remote control at the device and then press the button with the required function. The maximum range of the remote control is about 5 meters with a deviation of up to +/- 30° from the perpendicular direction to the reception sensor of the remote control on the front side of the device. The falling capacity of the batteries gradually reduces the remote control range. There must be no solid obstacles in the area between the remote control and the device when the remote control is being used. During standard use the lifetime of batteries in the remote control is about 1 year. When the effective range of the remote control is substantially reduced, or when there are problems with its use, change both the batteries in the remote control. If you are not using the remote control for a longer period of time, take out both batteries from it – in this way you will prevent potential damage caused by their leakage. Avoid strong impact of light (e.g. sunlight or light from strong fl uorescent/saving sources) which can reduce the effectiveness and reliability of IR remote control.
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First time setup
5. First time setup
Press INPUT button to display the input source list. Press / or OK button to select the desired input source. Press OK button to enter the input source. Press EXIT button to quit. Connect an RF cable from the Tv’s input called “RF-In” and to your TV Aerial socket (antenna, common antenna, cabel, …).
5.1. Select Language
Press / button to select the language to be used for menus and message.
5.2. Select Country
Press / button to highlight country menu. Press / button to select the country you want to.
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First time setup
5.3. Surrounding
Choose between Home (Home/Off) or Shop (Shop/On). Note: Using of Shop, the system will set some parameters of the device to the highest settings to present the device in a surrounding with extreme lightning, accompanying by higher ballast and consumption. Therefore, the switch to a Shop surrounding is accompanied by a question of the device where you should confi rm your aim. For common use, it is recommended to set Home surrounding.
5.4. Auto Tuning
Select among Analogue (ATV) or digital (DVT) or leave both sources ATV+DTV. ATV tuning will start fi rst. If you want to skip ATV tuning, press MENU button and left arrow button. Then DTV tuning will start. To skip DTV tuning, press MENU button and left arrow button.
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+ 37 hidden pages