Senco SLS18 User Manual

Fastening Solutions
ProSeries 18 Gauge Stapler
SLS18 w/case Item#: 1W0002N contact, 1W0001N sequential Tool Weight: 2.9 lbs (1.3 kg) Height: 9" (228.6 mm) Length: 10" (254 mm) Staple Capacity: 110 Reg. Operating Pressure: 70-120 psig Mode of Operation: Available with either contact or sequential trigger activating mechanisms Lip length: 3/4" (19 mm)
Fastener Specifications:
The versatile SLS18 finish stapler weighs just 2.9 lbs, but can drive 1/2" to 1-1/2" staples into hard woods. With either a dual or restrictive trigger, you can choose between high productivity or precision placement, making it the ideal stapler for a wide range of applications
Cabinets, soffit, fascia, drawer assembly, picture frames, case backs, craft assembly
SLS18 Features and Benefits:
• Extra power to drive fasteners up to 1-1/2" into hard wood applications
• Adjustable depth-of-drive
• Rear exhaust – keeps oil and dust away from the work surface
• Easy-open latch – for quick loading
• Hardened steel driver – for extended life
• Full soft grip – for comfort and control
• Low load indicator – visible fastener indicator
• No-mar pad – to protect work materials
• One-year warranty
• Available dual action or restrictive fire
• Includes case, fitting, oil, hex wrench and fastener rebate
Gauge: 18 Crown: 1/4" (6.35 mm) Fastener Range: 1/2" – 1-1/2" Finish: Galvanized
1 11/4*
11/2* ©2005 by Senco Products, Inc.
Fastening Solutions
Heavy-duty body.
Smooth metal cap
Comfort Grip
ProSeries® 18 Gauge Stapler
Rear Exhaust Keeps oil and dust away from work surface
Easy-Open Latch For more comfortable loading
No-Mar Pad
Protects woodwork
Adjustable Depth-of-Drive Drives staples to a consistent
Low Load Indicator
and controllable depth
Easy to check fasteners
Seq uen tial Actu ation Trigge r (also kno wn as restrictive trigg er o r trigger fire) operates in the fol lowi n g a sequen ce - depress the safety element at the no se o f to ol ag ain st the wo rk surface then pu ll the trig ger. After each fastener is d riven, release th e trigg er and l ift th e to o l off th e work surface befo re starting the sequ ence again. T his trig ger is recommended an d acceptab le for most app licati ons.
Con tact Actua tion Trigge r (also kno wn as d ual actio n, b oun ce or bo tto m fire) op erates in th e fo llo win g sequ en ce- pu ll th e trigg er first and keep th e trig ger pull ed wh ile movin g th e to ol alo ng the wo rk surface with a b oun cin g motion , dep ressing the safety element at the no se of the too l again st th e work surface where the fastener is to b e driven. T his trigger is recommen ded for u se b y train ed professio nals o nly i n hig h produ ction o r vo lume app licatio n s.
Rear Bumper Protects work surface
Bottom-Load Magazine For added convenience
Always read the Operators Manual and Safety Instructions with all tools to ensure proper use and safety precautions or contact SENCO for more information on our trigger systems. Choose the right trigger system for your specific needs! For additional information on how SENCO Fastening Solutions will save you time, reduce costs, and increase quality, call our toll-free Action Line: 1-800-543-4596 to find your nearest Authorized Senco Dealer or Distributor. Visit our web site at: ©2006 by Senco Products, Inc.