Power On/Off
Powering On = +
Powering Off = +
Volume Adjustment
Volume Up =
Volume Down =
Bluetooth Pairing: Phone, MP3 and GPS
Navigate Forward 1x =
Status LED
Select Sena SRL in your mobile phone
Enter PIN number
Mobile Phone
70 ~ 100 %
Powe r On
Configurati on Menu
Using the Sena Device Manager
Connect the headset to your computer via a USB cable. Launch the Sena Device
Manager and click DEVICE SETTING to configure the headset settings. For more
information on downloading the Sena Device Manager, please Sena.com.
Using the Sena Smartphone App
1. On your smartphone, download the Sena Smartphone App for Android or iPhone
from Google Play or App Store. Please refer to www.sena.com/headset-app/ for
more details.
2. Pair your smartphone with the headset.
3. Run the Sena Smartphone App. Swipe the screen to the right and tap Setting to
configure the headset settings.
Intercom Pairing
<---------Pairing ---------->
Note: You can use Group Intercom after saving your own group in the Sena
Start / End Intercom
1st Friend =
2nd Friend =
3rd Friend and above =
Navigate 3rd to 9th friend =
Start / End Group Intercom
Start / End Group Intercom = +
Smartphone App. Please refer to the SRL User’s Guide in more details.
Radio On / Off
Radio On /Off =
Radio: Seek Station
Radio: Scan Up FM Band
Save to preset while scanning
Save Preset =
Radio: Save and Delete Preset
Entering Preset Setting =
Select Preset Number = or