Do not attempt to dive using this watch unless you have been properly
trained in diving. For your safety, please abide by the rules of diving.
Do not use the watch for saturation diving using helium gas.
Before diving, make sure that the watch operates normally.
When diving, never carry out operations other than those specified in the
accompanying booklet. Misuse of the product and misunderstanding of
the displayed content may lead to a fatal or serious accident.
This watch is an auxiliary instrument which is intended to be used as
a timepiece. Use this watch with proper diving equipment, such as a
residual pressure gauge, water depth meter, etc., which is required for
safe diving.
Please read and observe the instructions described in this booklet to ensure
the proper functioning of your diver's watch.
Do not operate the crown when the watch is wet or in water.
Avoid hitting the watch against hard objects such as rocks.
You are now th e proud ow ner of a SEIKO K INETI C® Diver ’s Watch Ca l. 5M82 /5M8 3. For be st
resul ts, pleas e read the ins tructi ons in this boo klet caref ully befor e using your SEI KO KINETI C®
Diver ’s Watch. P lease ke ep this man ual handy f or read y refere nce.
Sie sind j etzt st olzer Besit zer einer SE IKO KINETIC ® Tauche ruhr Kal. 5M 82/5M 83. Bitt e lesen Sie
dies e Bedienu ngsanl eitung vo r der Verw endung Ih rer SEIKO KI NETIC ® Taucheruhr sorgf ältig
durch , um die op timale N utzu ng dies er Uhr zu g ewährl eist en. He ben Sie d iese B edien ungsa nleit ung
gut auf, u m jeder zeit wie der nac hlesen zu k önnen.
Vous voic i l’heur eux prop riétai re d’une mon tre de plo ngée SEI KO KINET IC® Cal . 5M82/ 5M8 3.
Pour en ob tenir de bon nes perfo rmances , veuillez lire a ttenti vement les ex plicatio ns de ce mode
d’empl oi avant d’ut iliser vot re montre d e plongé e SEIKO KINE TIC®. Co nserve z ce mode d’em ploi
pour toute référence ultérieure.
Grazi e di aver acq uistat o questo or ologio SE IKO KINET IC® ad uso s ubacque o, Cal. 5M 82/5 M83.
Per ot tenern e i miglior i risult ati legg ere at tentam ente le is truzio ni di ques to libre tto prim a di
pass are all'u so dell'o rologio s tess o. Tenere poi i l manuale a p orta ta di mano , per ogni e ventual e
futura, ulteriore consul tazione.
Pued e sentirse a hora orgullo so de posee r un reloj de buc eo SEIKO KINE TIC® Cal. 5 M82/5 M83.
Para ob tener de él l os mejore s result ados, le a las inst ruccio nes del pr esente f olleto co n cuidado
antes d el uso de su rel oj de buceo SE IKO KINET IC®. Guarde e ste manual pa ra fácil ref erencia.
pode s entir-s e orgulho so de pos suir um Re lógio do Me rgulhad or SEIKO KI NETIC ®
Cal. 5M82 /5 M83 . Para ob ter del e os melh ores r esult ados , leia at enta mente a s inst ruçõ es con tidas
nest e opúsc ulo antes d e usar o se u Relógio d o Mergul hador SEI KO KINETI C®. Con serve e ste
manual para referéncias futuras.
Те пе р ь вы яв ля ет е сь об л ад ат ел е м дл я да й ви нг а см от р ет ь SE IK O KI N ET IC ® Ка л . 5M 82 /5 M 83 . Пе р ед
и х ис по ль з ов ан и ем и дл я до с ти же ни я лу чш и х ре зу ль та то в, п ож ал уй с та , вн им а те ль но оз н ак ом ьт ес ь
с данной ин струкцией и обяз ательно сохранит е ее.
迎你購買精工 5M 82/5M 83 機型動 力潛水手錶®。 為了更好地使用精工動力手錶®,請您在使用前詳細閱讀