Unpacking the printer.............. 1
Quick startup.............................. 2
1. Introduction
Features...................................... 3
Options and expendables................. 4
Printer description........................ . 6
2. Setting up
Installing the paper rack ................ 1 0
Installing the sound seal cover ........ 10
Installing the ribbon cassette ........ 11
Connecting the computer ............... 12
Connecting the power cord ............. 1 2
Loading the paper.......................... 13
Adjusting print head position ......... 15
3. Control panel and operations
Control panel and indicators ......... 16
Paper parking .............................. 20
Printing test pattern ...................... 21
Demonstration print-out ................ 22
Tearin g off a form.......................... 22
Power-on operation summary ......... 23
4. Basic setup options
About basic setup options ............. 24
Printing multipart paper ................ 26
Selecting page length
for fanfold paper...................... 2 6
Selecting single sheet
paper size .............................. 27
Selecting font style...................... 28
Selecting character spacing ........... 29
Enlarging/compressing print ......... 30
Setting top of form position .....
...... 31
Loading user setup options ............ 31
5. Extended setup options
About extended setup options ........ 33
Print enhancement
1 0 Emulation................................... 3 6
11 Character table (HP mode)............... 36
12 Character table (Epson mode)........... 37
13 Character table (IBM mode)............. 37
1 4 National font style........................ 38
15 Code page................................... 38
16 IBM Alternate graphic mode............ 39
17 Carriage return (CR)....................... 39
18 Line feed (LF)............................... 39
19 Line feed spacing.......................... 40
20 Slashed zero................................ 40
21 Set default tab stops...................... 40
2 2 Lock-in the page length................. 40
2 3 Print quality ............................... 4 1
2 4 Lock-in the font........................... 4 1
25 Lock-in the character
spacing.................................... 41
2 6 Lock-in the print quality................. 41
Barcode print enhancement
27 Enable barcode print .................... 4 2
28 Barcode type............................... 42
29 Bar code size................................ 44
30 Enlarged character size................... 44
31 Graphic Print Speed...................... 4 5
32 Accent character........................... 45
33 Setting of the FF code at TOF ......... 45
HP mode enhancement
38 PCL mode .................................. 46
39 Secondary character table ............ 4 6
Paper handling enhancement
40 Set the top margin........................ 47
4 1 Set the bottom margi n .................. 47
42 Set the left margin........................ 4 7
4 3 Set the right margi n ..................... 48
44 Fanfold paper width ..................... 48
45 Autoscroll delay........................... 48
46 Override bottom margin ............... 4 9
47 Label mode................................. 49
48 Paper out detection....................... 50
49 Cut sheet feeder type..................... 5 0
5 0 Setting of the auto
scrolling position ................ 50
51 Line Feed Speed............................ 5 1
Communication enhancement
6 0 Interface type............................... 51
61 SELECT IN signal......................... 5 1
6 2 Parity bits.................................. 51
6 3 Data length................................. 5 2
64 Stop bit..................................... 5 2
6 5 Communication protocol ............. 52
6 6 Communication speed .................. 52
67 Serial error check ........................ 53
6 8 CTS signal ................................. 53
6 9 CD signal.................................. 53
7 0 DSR signal................................. 53
71 Communication buffer size ........ 54
72 Busy/ACK timing......................... 54
7 3 Data latch timing.......................... 54
74 Setting of whether ERROR/PE
signals are output or not ...... 54
8 0 Print direction............................. 55
81 LCD display language.................... 55
82 Invert LCD display ...................... 55
83 Software controlled setup ............. 56
84 Lock the RESET key...................... 56
85 Setting of ENERGY STA R ............. 56
8 6 Saving user setup options ............. 5 6
87 Printing list of option settings ..... 56