Unpacking the printer ........... 1
Quick startu p ......................... 2
1 . Introduction
Features ................................... 3
Options and expendables ............... 4
Printer description ...................... 6
2 . Setting up
Installing the paper rack ............... 10
Installing the sound seal cover ........ 10
Installing the ribbon cassette ........ 11
Connecting the computer .............. 12
Connecting the power cord ............. 12
Loading the paper ........................ 1 3
Adjusting the print head position....... 15
3 . Control panel and operations
Control panel and indicators ........... 1 6
Paper parking ............................. 20
Printing test pattern ..................... 21
Teari n g o ff a form ........................ 2 2
Power On Operation summary ........... 23
4 . Basic setup options
About basic setup options ............. 24
Selecting font style ..................... 26
Selecting character spacing ............ 27
Selecting page length for fanfold paper 28
Selecting single sheet paper size......... 29
Printing multipart paper ................ 3 0
Loading user setup options ............ 30
Printing list of option settings ....... 30
5 . Extended setup options
About extended setup options ......... 31
Basic setup option summury ............ 32
Extended setup option summury......... 33
Setting top of form position .......... 35
Paper width ............................... 35
Setting maximum print line length . .. 35
Line feed spacing ........................ 36
Override bottom margi n ................ 36
Autoscroll mode .......................... 37
Label mode ................................ 3 7
Set default page length ................. 38
Disable paper out detection ............ 38
Disable paper out buzzer ............... 3 8
Skip over perforation ................... 39
Line Feed Speed............................ 39
Set CSF (cut sheet feeder) type ......... 3 9
Emulation ................................. 40
National font style ...................... 40
Code page .................................. 41
EURO symbol(ISO 8859-1).................41
Slashed zero................................. 4 2
Character table ........................... 42
Carriage return (CR) ..................... 42
Line feed (LF) ............................ 43
Set vertical tabs (VT) in BP-A/I mode . 43
IBM 20 cpi character spacing .......... 43
IBM download character table ......... 43
Set italic character style ................ 44
Set bold character style ................ 4 4
Enable bar code command ............... 45
Set bar code type ......................... 45
Bar code size ............................. 46
Interface type ............................. 47
Parity bits ................................ 47