Seiko Astron 3X22 HANDY MANUAL

Printed in Japan
Thank you very much for
choosing a SEIKO watch.
For proper and safe use of
your SEIKO watch,
please read carefully the
instructions in this
booklet before using it.
Keep this manual handy
for easy reference.
“3X22 C omplete User Guide”
Length adjustment service for metallic bands is
available at the retailer from whom the watch was purchased. If you cannot have your watch repaired by the retailer from whom the watch was purchased because you received the watch as a gift, or you moved to a distant place, please contact SEIKO CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER. The service may also be available on a chargeable basis at other retailers, however, some retailers may not undertake the service.
If your watch has a protective film for preventing
scratches, make sure to peel it off before using the watch. If the watch is used with the film on it, dirt, sweat, dust, or moisture may be attached to the film and may cause rust.
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1. Features ��������������� 3
2. Names of the parts ��������� 5
3. Check the charging status ������ 7
4. Time zone �������������� 9
5. List of time differences aroun d the world (for reference) �������� 11
6. To adjus t the time zone and time by GPS signal re cep tion (time zone adjustment) ������������ 13
7. To adjust only the time by GPS signal reception (manual time adjustment) ������������ 15
Setting the destination time zone
8. while in flight, etc. (manual time
renc e set ting), and setting/
diffe rese tting DST (daylight saving time or “summe r time”)
9. When b oarding (in-flight mode ( )) � 19
10. Leap second (Automatic leap second reception function) �������� 21
11. Reception re sult display ������ 23
12. How to check when the time zone information was configured for your watch ��������������� 25
��������� 17
This is a GPS solar watch.
This watch has the following features.
GPS signal reception
The time on the watch can be adjusted to the current time with just one button operation*, anywhere in the world.
DST (day light saving ti me or “summer time”) i s set manually
This wat ch quickly adjusts t he time by recei ving GPS signals from GPS satellites. This watch r esponds to all the time zones around the world. When the region or tim e zone where the watch is used is changed, please carry out operation of “time zone adjustment.”
Unlike na vigation equ ipment, this G PS solar watc h is not design ed to con stantly re ceive GPS sign als from GPS s atellites w ithout any ope ration.
This watch receives GPS signals only in the time zone adjustment mode, automatic or manual time adjustment mode.
Standard Charging Time
Charge the wa tch us ing th e time s below as a guide. GPS signal re cep tion c onsumes considerable en ergy. Expo se the watch to light frequent ly, and ch arge t he watch so that the energy level is “mi ddle” or “ful l”. (If the energy level is “low”, rec eption will not begin even if G PS signal reception is operated.)
lx (LUX)
The fig ures of “Time r equired for c harging the wa tch to star t moving at one - secon d interval s” are estima tions of time re quired to char ge the stopp ed watch b y exposing it t o light until it mo ves at stead y one-sec ond interva ls. Even if th e watch is par tially charg ed for a short er period, th e watch will resum e one-sec ond- inter val movement . However, it may s hortly ret urn to two -second -interval m ovement. Us e the charging t ime in this colum n as a rough gu ide for suff icient cha rging time.
The required charging time slightly varies depending on the model.
Light source
Fluorescent light General offices Fluorescent light 30W 20 cm
Fluorescent light
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Solar charging Function
This watch operates by solar charging.
Expose the dial to light to charge the w atch. The watch will operate for about 6 months on a full char ge.
When the energy stored in the watch runs out comple tely, it takes time to fully charge the wa tch, so please keep in mind to charge the watch regularly.
Condition (Example)
Cloudy day
30W 5 cm
Sunny day (Under the direct sunlight
on a summer day)
Automatic time adjustment function
This watch automatically adjusts the time in acc ordance with ac tion pat terns during use.
When the wa tch has sensed suf ficient brightne ss under an open sky, it aut omatically receive s GPS signals from GPS satellites. This function enables the watch to automatically adjus t the time pre cisely even while you are using the watch.
This wa tch is
unable t o receive GPS sig nals when the ene rgy stored in the wat ch is low.
From the state where the watch is stopped
To fully charged
(not charged)
To one-second interval
movement is secured
In the state where the hand
moves (the watch is charged)
To move for one day
250 hours 9.5 hours 1 hours
75 hours 3 hours 15 minutes
30 hours 1.5 hours 10 minutes
3.5 hours
 Names of the parts
Hour hand
Seconds hand
The orientation and design of the display may vary depending on the model.
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Minute hand
Button A
Button B
 Check the charging status
Push and
Button B
When Button B is pushed and released, the seconds hand moves, allowing you to check the energy level. We recommend that you check the “energy level” on a regular basis to ensure that the watch does not do into a low energy state.
Reception is
Seconds hand
Charging status Solution
Reception is
allowed. Use the watch as it is.
Reception is allowed, but keep in mind to charge the watch.
Reception is
not allowed
Seconds hand
The movement of the seconds hand
2-second interval movement
5-second interval movement
Charging status Solution
The watch is unable to receive GPS
signals, but has energy to operate.
Charging status Solution
The energy level is in a very “low” state.
If the energy depletion forewarning function is activated, the “charging status” cannot be displayed.
To enable reception, charge the watch until the energy level is at least “middle”.
To keep the watch operating and also enable reception, continue charging the watch until the energy level is at least “middle”.
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