The iMXDa an d i EXDa ar e covered by the M agnaCar e® lifetime
replac ement no faul t warra nty. No registrati on i s require d. Produc t will
be repl aced foreve r, for any reason, i ncluding but not lim i ted to i nstal lation
error, vandali sm, or act of God. Replac em ent pr oduct i s shi pped at
Securitron’ s expense n ext day ai r i f needed.
For m ore inf orm ation, visit
4 500-22155, Rev B
32 mF at
The S ec ur itron iMXDa is an int egr ated system incorpor ating Magnalock®
reliabilit y with all-in-one exit delay. This sy stem incorporates Securitron’s
BondSTAT and DPS [Door P os ition Sensor] tec hnology along with intelligent
microprocessor-based, alarm options a nd a trainable door movement feature.
The unit f eatures auto-sensin g dual voltage (12 VDC or 24 VDC) and pr ovides a
variet y of selectable operating f unc tions. The iEXDa is an externally triggered
exit delay unit that r equir es no moveme nt and can be used with Securitr on’s
Touc h S ense Bar series of electronic exit bars a s we ll as other ma nufacturer’s
mechanical exit bars equipped wit h Request t o E xit (REX) switc hes. T he iE XDa
includes all of the impr ovements f ound on the iMXDa.
Secur itron also off er a City of Chicago- and S tat e of Calif ornia-compliant
This ma nual is intended t o pr ovide the installat ion/ mou nting configurations,
elect r ic al requir eme nts, f unc tional options, and selec tab le setting s re quir ed to
succ essf ully install an iMXDa or iEXDa integrated movement exit delay door
IMPORTAN T: This product must be installed according to all applicable
bui ld ing and life saf et y cod es!
Holding Force
Dimens ions:
Dual Voltage:
Current Draw:
Door Movement (Gap)
Sensing Range
External Alarm Rating
5 500-22155, Rev B
Lbs [544 kg]
12.5” [318 mm]
3.63 [92 m m]
2” [51 mm]
mA at 12 VDC; 270 mA at 24 VDC
both 12 VDC and 24 VD C.
[3.2 mm] to 1” [25.4 mm]
30 VDC (Maximu m); Current: 1 Amp (Maximum)
DPS Rating
≥ 85 dB at 12”
15 pounds
30 VDC (Maximu m); Current: 125 mA (Maximu m)
Tampe r (TS) Rating
Piezo Sounder:
Shipping Weight
30 VDC (Maximu m); Current: 2 Amps (Maximu m)
Along wit h the installat ion and operating instruc tion manual, the quic k star t guide,
and the mou nting t emp lates, t he pr oduc t package sh ould include the following:
Mounting Bracket
Lock Housing
(DPS) Strike Plate
Figure 1. Product Overview
SB-MXD Sex Bolt
Hardware Pack
Sex Bolt
The following are the recommended t ools for installation:
• Wrenches: 7/16” open end or adjustable
1/2" box/open end or adjustable
1-1/4” open end or 12” adjustable
3/16” hex key (A llen)
3/32” hex key (A llen)
• Pliers, vise grip
• Screwdrivers: #1, #2, and #3 Phillips
1/8” flat blade
• Masking Tape
• Fish Tape or Lead Wire
• Wir e S trippers/ Cutt er
• Multimeter
Pe rfo rmi ng a Pr e-Installation Survey
1. PERFORM a pre-inst allatio n s ur vey to det er min e the mounting location
ba sed o n the f ollowing:
• Physical strength of mo unting areas sho uld me et or exc eed the holding
for c e of t he iM XDa/iEXDa.
• Lock wir ing should be routed for pr otection f r om d amag e due to
intrusio n or vandalis m.
• Door clearanc e s hould be cons idered to prevent a safet y haz ar d.
• Alignment bet ween the lock face and str ike shou ld be c onsider ed for
proper operations bec ause of the lock system’s internal se nsing.
• Addit ional brackets f or pr oper installation may need to be added and
should be consider ed.
Co nfi gu ri ng t he M ounting
NOTE 1: The unit may be m ount ed horizo ntally or verti cally.
NOT E 2: Figure 2, “Typical S ecti on of Instal l at i on (iMXD a),” provides
ill ustrat i on for the following step.
1. VERIFY that the loc k hous ing w ill be mount ed to the header near the corner
oppo s ite t he door hinge side
Figure 2. Typical Section of Illustration (iMXDa)
7 500-22155, Rev B
Mounting the Strike
NOTE: Figure 3, “Typical Str ik e Mounting f or the iMXDa,” illustr at es t ypical
strike mounting f or the iMXDa. F or the iEXDa, the SB-MXD Sex Bolt,
cap, and steel washer sh own ar e r eplaced with a standard sex bolt .
Figure 3. Typical Strike Mounting for th e iMXDa
1. MO UNT the strike plate prior to t he loc k housing k eeping the f ollowing items
in consider ation:
• When installing t he str ike plate, the long edge of the strik e mu st be
at least 1/8" [3.2 mm] away from the door frame stop. T he installed
strike mu st allow the d oor to close properly.
• At least 3/4” [19mm] c learance mu st be pr ovided between t he end
of the lock and the cor ner of t he door fram e for tool acc ess.
• The entire mou nting area for t he loc k br ac k et and housing mu st be
a flat surfac e.
• When installing t he loc k in the vertical position it i s recommended
that the strik e be mo unted wit h the roll pin oriented t oward the t op.
• The external and int ernal are as of the marked door and f r ame
should be chec ked for any mount ing obstacles and necessary
adjustments sh ould be made to avoid the se o bstac les. The
provided te mplate for marking the mou nting locations of t he loc k
hou si ng mount ing br acket and strike should b e used.
• The installed lock (E-laminate) face and the strik e plate must be
alig ned so that t hey are cent er ed with each other.
a. Fully OPE N the door.
b. Carefully FO LD the t emplate and P LACE into the desir ed location.
c. On the door, CENTER P UNCH the strike and actuat or mo unting holes
mark ed [A] on the template.
8 500-22155, Rev B
d. On the f r ame, CE NTER P UNCH the slott ed loc k mo unting holes marked
[A ] on t he template.
e. DRILL the 2 holes req uir ed for t he str ik e in t he door a s noted on the
f. INS TALL the provided roll pin into t he back of the strik e plate u si ng a
NOTE 1: Steps “g” through “o” are co mpl eted f or the installat ion of t he
NOTE 2: T he S B -M XD may be used to mark the two (2) pin holes by
in sert ing the sex bolt into the hole f r om the outside of the door
and li ghtly tapping the head with a h ammer so that the pins mark
the door where the holes are to be located. The head should be
covered with a piece of cardboard to protect f r om marring, if
g. MARK and DRILL t he two 3/ 16” [4. 8 mm] dia m eter holes for the pins of
the S B -M XD on the out sid e of t he door – these holes are designated [ C]
on the template.
h. INS TALL the sex bolt t hr ough the hole in t he door from the outside,
enga ging the pin s i nto t he holes.
i. THREAD the cap ont o the end of the sex bolt inside of t he door , and
TIG HTEN the asse mbly using a wrench.
NOTE:Use of two (2) r ubber washer s i s recommended in the fol lowing
j. In the following order, ASSEMB LE the strike mounting screw, strike
bu shi ng, strike plate, 1 to 3 rubber washer(s), and the ste el washer.
k. APP LY thread loc k ing c ompound to t he str ik e screw threads.
l. THREAD the strike m ounting screw int o the sex bolt just a f ew t hr eads,
whil e aligning t he r oll pin int o the hole in t he door .
m. PULL on t he asse mbly (str ik e) to expose the end of the spri ng loaded
n. With t he plunger being held extrac ted, TIGHTEN the asse mb ly using a
wrench ( or vise grip pliers) on t he plunger end and a 3/16” hex key
wrench in the sock et head of the screw.
o. RELEASE the assembly .
NOTE:St eps “p” through “u” ar e c ompl eted f or the installat ion of t he
p. INSTALL the sex bolt through the hole in the door from the outside.
q. , ASSEMBLE, in the following order, the strike mounting screw, strike
bushing, strike plate and
9 500-22155, Rev B
rubber washer(s) together.
r. APPLY thread locking compound to the strike mounting screw threads.
s. While holding the assembly together, THREAD the strike mounting
screw into the sex bolt just a few threads, while aligning the roll pin into
the hole in the door.
t. PULL on the assembly (strike) to align and engage the knurled potion of
the sex bolt into the
C AUTI ON: Over tig htening of the strike/ sex bo lt assembl y can cau se
damage to the ru bb er wash ers and may prevent proper operation or a
reduction in holding strength of the unit.
u. While keeping the assembly aligned, TAP the head of the sex bolt into
place using a hammer,
key wrench in the socket head of the screw.
and TIGHTEN the asse mbly using a 3/16” hex
Mounting the Actuator
1. DRILL the t wo ( 2) pr evious ly mark ed ac tuat or mo unting holes as noted on
the template.
2. INSTA LL the act uator to t he door usin g a #2 P hillips screwdr iver and the
prov ided screw s.
Mount ing the Lock Housing
NOTE 1: Figure 4, “Installing t he Lock Housing,” pr ovides ill ustr ation f or the
follow ing step s.
Figure 4. Installing the Lock Hous ing
NOTE 2: At least t wo ( 2) blind nut s (as specif ied by the t emp late) mu st be use d
for installing t he mou nting brac ket t o alumin um and/or hollow metal
10 500-22155, Rev B
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