(5)- (110 SOURCE) DRYER MOTOR KIT #279827.

for Pluggable Motor Replacement _
ThlLsIat C_nt_lnt:
I Motto A_membly
2 !/_" Ferule Tmmlnals (kwulated)
1 Sheet.to.ruction
EI,e_trlcal 8h©.:k X_,_tsrd
Dis_mtecd power INlf_
Failure tO do so could resuR In
s_loUa ht|ury ot death.
NOTE TO THE INS.T.A_ER: This motor kit isan authorized FSP ser_ce _e_ment
p._t.for your epphc_tlon.Themotorinthis .kitmayor maynotbe.klentl_ltoyour
ore.moOr, if your_re, m motor ha=the ptuggablemR _it_ (_e _ure.4B),
mpmceme eewlcemotorInmesamemanneras you mmo_ __ motor.
If your doteOtlve motor has the switch where the wire lead from the _n harness
oonne_ rfollowInstru_ons below.
Potm_tlat Fire Hazed andlor
Nulsam_e "l'dpplng of Motor Protector
00 NOT under any c4mumstance attempt
to remove oH"replace the motor switah
from this plugglb|e _rvice motor. The
swltoh is o non-serviceable component,
Failure to do so oouid result In fire, serious
injury or death,
Remove defective motor using standarclmotor
2. Compare and note the difference between the
detective motor andyour new replscement motor The
first thing you will need to' compare is the motor
pulleys. The I_Uey supplied with the replaoement
motor can be used in zdl _ppgc_lons. Al_ough
g_ere m_ two (2) €_ses, you may want Io use the
pulley from the def_t_ve motor. See Rgure I forthese
Remove Ixdley from replaaementmotor by using.two
(2) open end or adjual_de wrenches. Place one on
the motor shaft, rlghtbehb_:lglS¢ulley,_ the other
on the pulley. Holdi_the motor shelf in ple.cewith
one (1) wrench, turn puikly with o_r wrench In a
COunte_e dlmotlon to remove pulley. See
Figure E.
5. Remove beltrestrainerfromreple(;eme_tmotor.,._ee
NOTE: It you choose not to reuse your pulley
from the defective mlptor as shown In Figure I,
you will loose the 2..speed or 3-speed option.
fns(rucSonSheet 279807 7194