Use and Care Guide
i8,5" Square Charcoal Gril!
Foldable Leg
Sears item No. i6320
Kmart item No, i 7758111-3
This Griii is for Outdoor Use Oniy
, Read and follow all Safety, Assembly,
and Use and Care Instructions in this
Guide before assembling and cooking
with this grHt,
• Failure to follow all instructions in this
Use and Care Guide may lead to fire or
e×ples_en,, which could result in pro,petty
damage, personal _njuty or death,
" Safety
, Parts
* Use and Care
, Assembly
Assembly Questions?
Call :L-86_561-0731
Tools needed for assembly:
Screwdriver (not provided)
Open end wrench (not provided),

Tips and Features for safe ' and ease of use
Veri*}ithat all p_ms are Mduded with your grill betime _ginuing asse_l_bly by_checking the Pa_s
List inside. If all parts are not: included, Nease call our toll flee number i o866G61o0731 for pm_
[SE DIAGRAM(S) PROVIDED, FOR ASSEMBL_2 Leave nuts imi_:tighte_ed on the grill during
assembly until uni_ is completely assembled then finish tightening n:uts_
1. This grill is ir_ended tbr HOUSEIR)LD 0 R USE
ONLY_ Do _ro_attempt {o use grill in enclosed or
under an overhead cover ofany kind, il_Auding a rant or
patio cover_ _Y%urgrill shouM new,st be used closer fl_an 36 walls on _he back and sidets) of grill.
2. Place yo_._rgrill out on a firm, leve! s_r_hce. Do not _aseNis grill on a s e that will bum
or melt, such as a plastic or anificia! su or wood mble_ grill away from wooden fences,
ovcflmnging trees, or other flammable objects betbre adding and lig!lting ch L
charcoal lighter fluid with charcoal briq or pmos charcoal briquettes Prepare charcoal
accoNing m the p_hlct s instructions. Do m_t excec_d 3 1N of charcoM briq in this grill per use.
4. After liN_ting chmvoaI, do not lc_ grill unattended_
5, Remember m keep children and pets away from lit grill a_all times_
& To avoid harm m le, pets, or Nope_V do not n_we the grill once the ch i hasbeen lit
Z ()l_ce coals are liL fl_egrill and u:ndi_g very hot. Use r o r cooking
mitts, utensils and avoid skin c t with all bol on grill
8, Ii_ extinguish dmrcoal c_×)king, e coals wi_h sand or' spray win a fine mist of
%After yore° gritl has coole& remove as/:res from 1he catcher, cover a_d Ne grill unit wq_en _ot in use.
WARNING!: Combustion by_products produced when using this p_cduct contain c:hen_icals known
to the State of Cali_brt_ia to cause cancer° biN_ defects, and other reproductive ham_.
Tips & Fe_es _ _fe a._ easy _sage
Ligh_i_g Your Grill
After assembiy, place chavoai on ti;_eN>{lom [x_wi. Use instructions on your pref_rred chmvoal _s _ac:kage
tbr lighting charcoal then open the dampen If possiMe, :Nce Ne ot_ side of damNr into the wind to
enhance fire:sta_i:ag and air circulation within the unit_
Using _imr (,rill As A Smoker
lk>udlize the w_oker re of your grill, simply leaving the Iid damper open_ "R_c(mtrol the cooking
turc, adjust the position of d rs by opening/closing m increas_decrease air intakes. _li>extingt_ish
fire lc_21y,close damwrs on your grill Add mesqNte, hick:oD' Chi_xsor IiqNd smoke flavouring, if
desired, during ctvkingismoking pmc:ess_
Cleaning Your Grill
After Fire is g_Ashed and grill has cx_o,lcdcomptctd>< simply brash ashes in fl_ebottom bowl Ii_?cout
and dump ashes into appropriate disposal cnntainer. Clean cooking grill with a _riI! scrubb sh.
For best _sults use an aerosol grill ctea_er with a gill| scrub sh.
Castomer $erviceolo866o56io0731 Page 2

1 (4pcs)
1/_/:x2-,1/2" Bolt 3!Id _Wi_ Nut
2(2r_st _o sl
1/4"x I@8" Bolt 371d"_ri_:_b_t_t
3(41×,s) 11(6p:s)
I/_ :x>,8 Ha 1die Bolt
3/16 x_,o Bolt
3/1<_"x 3/8"Bott
:..... _ ..... Ii4" Hex Nu:_
...... i> "
3, 16 x l- 14 [_/t ,.................
az x 3/8" Boit
I::4:"Fitter Washer
15(1s_s) :(ii:_)
IN" Metal Washer .....
5,32 Darner Wmg;_ Nut
516" Plastic er
Customer $erviceolo866o561o0731 Page 3

A: Lid!"1) G: Wheel (2)
B: Bottom Bowl (1)
C: Cooking Grid (1)
H: Bottom Bowl Damper (2)
I: Bottom Bowl Connector (1), O: Oute_ Suppo_ Bracket (1)
M: inner Connectoro2 (1)
_J!i_ _ •
N: Leg Connector (2,}
D: L&S Shaped' Binge (2 each) J: L Shaped suppe_ bracket (2) P: Inner S Bracket (1}
(Pre-assembled on Bottom Bowl)
E: LM VentAssembly (1)
L: inner Connector-I (1) Ri:Latch(1)
Q: Axle (1)
Cu'stemer Serv'gceolo866o561o0 731 Pade4