Use and Care Guide
14" Round Portable Grill With
Sears item No, 16318
Kmart item No, i77573ii-0
This Grill is for Outdoor Use Only
Carry Bag
- Read and follow all Safety, Assembly,
and Use and Care _nstructtons in this
Guide before assembling and cooking
with this grilL
- Failure to follow all instructions in this
Use and Care Gutde may lead to fire or
explosion, which could res,ult _n property
damage, persoaN injury or death,
- Safety
• Parts
- Use and Care
• Assembly
Assembly Questions?
Call 1-86_56143731
ToNs needed for assemNy:
Screwdriver (not provided)

sse b y I structio
i4" Round Portable Charcoal Grill
Safety Guidelines
l_ This Grill is intended tbr OU R LISE ONLY.Do no_ a t _o use grilI in euclosed areas_
2_ Place your Grill _mtside ml a f]m_, level surf_ce away from wooden fences, Overhanging ,
or other flammable obiec_s befnm add and lighting oal.
3. DO N(TF USE GASOLINE 1NGRILL. Use only commercial charcoal lighter fluid with 1
briqaeltes o:r pro- charcoN briq . Pt_epam charc-oa! ac :ngm fl_ep ts inslrnctions.
4. Aider ligNing the cha:moal, do not leave _he grill unintended
5. Remember m keep chil and Wts away from a lit grill at all times.
6. To avoid harm m people, pets or propm_y do not move the _ill {race the chamoal Ms been 1R.
7_ Once coals are lit, the grill and surrounding es become veU hm. Do nol put Ne grill tm a
wooden NMe or Nass Nble when cooMug m avoid the damage result fi'orn Ne temperature°
Us_e er r cooM:ng mitts, umnsiis and aw:_idskin co with NI hot i s_::_ces _mgill.
8. To exti_gaish chamoN after cooking, dowse cons with sand or with a fine mist of r.
9. After your Grill has cooled, cover and s the griI! unit when no{ in use_
Tips & Features for safe and easy usage
Lighting _:_ur (;rill
After assembly_ place ch_coa_ on _be bottom bowl. Use ins s on your pre charcoal s
package tbr lighting Charcoal then open the er. If possible, the open side old r imo
the wind to enhance fire i_g and Nr circulation wiNin the unit_
Using "_q+ur Grill As A Smoker
To utilize the smoker tkature of your grill, simply leaving the lid r _To coatrcd {be ing
, adjust Ne posNo_ of dampers by opening!closing m increas mase air . To
extinguish tim compietciy, close co_:son your grill. Add: mesquim, hic chips or liquid smoke
flavouriag, if desired, during cookinNsmoking process.
Cleaning Your (;:rill
After Fire is extinguished and grill has cooled completcly, simply brush ashes in thv bo bowl, life
out and dump ashes into appropriate disposal container.. Clean cooking grill with a giiH scrubber_msh:.
For best msults use an aerosol grill cleaner with a grill scmbb ush
Leg Folding and unfolding important instruction
When setting up tbr use, be su_ that _he wire legs are fblly inside _he side 1 ie b ets
Failure m sc-atthe legs properly could cause the grill m collapse g use If ei leg wili no_
seat ti,Ii> ve the a ted leg, bend {he ends in m bring them closer h< and replace the
legs on the grill This should: N:Iow the wire legs m be Nlly seated, _md io , during use.
NING[ Combustion by- s produced when using this product contain chemicals
to the State of Calitb,mia to cause cancer; bi_h defects, and other reproductive ham_.
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