Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate
Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Momentus, SeagateSeaBOARD, SeaFONE, SeaTDD, and SeaTools are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Te chnolog y LLC or one of it s af filiate d comp a nies in the United States a nd/
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One gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion
bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary depending on
operating environment and formatting. Quantitative usage examples for various applications
are for illustrative p urpo ses. Actual quan tities w ill vary based on vari ou s factors, including fi le
size, file format, features and application software. Seagate reserves the right to change,
without notice, product offerings or specifications.
• State-of-the-art cache and on-the-fly error-correction algorithms.
• Full-track multiple-sector transfer capability without local processor intervention.
• 800 Gs nonoperating shock, and 250 Gs operating shock.
• SeaTools™ diagnostic software performs a drive self-test that eliminates unnecessary drive returns.
• Support for S.M.A.R.T. drive monitoring and reporting.
• Support for Read Multiple and Write Multiple commands.
• Support for autodetection of master/slave drives that use cable select (CSEL).
Figure 1. Momentus 4200.2 PATA disc drive
Momentus 4200.2 Product Manual, Rev. C
Momentus 4200.2 Product Manual, Rev. C
2.0Drive specifications
Unless otherwise noted, all specifications are measured under ambient conditions, at 25°C, and nominal
power. For convenience, the phrases the drive and this drive are used throughout this manual to indicate
ST9120824A, ST9100825A, ST980829A, ST960812A, ST950814A, ST9402112A, and ST930218A model
2.1Specification summary
The specifications listed in this table are for quick reference. For details on specification measurement or
definition, see the appropriate section of this manual.
Table 1: Specifications for 120, 100, and 80 GB models
Drive specificationST9120824AST9100825AST980829A
Formatted Gbytes (512 bytes/sector)*12010080
Guaranteed sectors234,441,648195,371,568156,301,488
Bytes per sector512
Physical read/write heads443
Cache (Mbytes)8
Recording density, BPI (bits/inch typical)778k
Track density. TPI (tracks/inch typical126k
Areal density (Gbits/inch2 max)98.2
Spindle speed (RPM)4,200 RPM-class performance (actual spin speed: 5,400 RPM)
Internal data transfer rate OD (Mbytes/sec max)37
I/O data-transfer rate (Mbytes/sec max)100
ATA data-transfer modes supportedPIO modes 0–4; Multiword DMA modes 0–2; Ultra DMA modes 0–5
Height9.5 +/–0.2 mm (0.374 +/–.008 inches)
Width69.85 +/–0.25 mm (2.750 +/–0.010 inches)
Length100.2 +/–0.25 mm (3.945 +/–0.010 inches)
Weight (typical)100 grams (0.22 lb)
Average latency (msec)5.6
Power-on to ready (sec typical)3.5
Standby to ready (sec typical)3.0
Startup current 5V (typical)1.0 amps
Track-to-track seek time (msec typical)1.0 (read), 1.5 (write)
Average seek time (msec typical)12.5
Average seek, read (msec typical)12.5
Average seek, write (msec typical)14.5
Full-stroke seek (msec)22 (typical); 24 (max)
Seek power (typical)2.00 watts
Momentus 4200.2 Product Manual, Rev. C
Table 1: Specifications for 120, 100, and 80 GB models
Temperature gradient
(°C per hour max, noncondensing)
Relative humidity
Relative humidity gradient30% per hour max
Wet bulb temperature (°C max)30°C (operating)
Altitude, operating–304.8 m to 3,048 m (–1000 ft to 10,000 ft)
Altitude, nonoperating (below mean sea level, max)–304.8 m to 12,192 m (–1,000 ft to 40,000 ft)
Shock, operating
(Gs max at 2 msec)
Shock, nonoperating
(Gs max at 2 msec)
Shock, nonoperating
(Gs max at 1 msec)
Shock, nonoperating
(Gs max at 0.5 msec)
Vibration, operating (max displacement may apply
below 10 hz)
Vibration, nonoperating (max displacement may
600,000 software-controlled power on/off cycles
20,000 hard power on/off cycles
600,000 software-controlled power on/off cycles
20,000 hard power on/off cycles
5 years on distribution units.
To determine the warranty for a specific drive, use a web browser to access the
following web page:
From this page, click on the “Verify Your Warranty” link. Yo u will be asked to provide the drive serial number, model number (or part number) and country of purchase. The system will display the warranty information for your drive.
Momentus 4200.2 Product Manual, Rev. C
Table 1: Specifications for 60, 50, 40, and 30 GB models
Formatted Gbytes (512 bytes/sector)*60504030
Guaranteed sectors1 17,210,24097,692,17478,140,16058,605,120
Bytes per sector512
Physical read/write heads2221
Cache (Mbytes)8
Recording density, BPI (bits/inch typical)778k
Track density. TPI (tracks/inch typical126k
Areal density (Gbits/inch2 max)98.2
Spindle speed (RPM)4,200 RPM-class performance (actual spin speed: 5,400 RPM)
Internal data transfer rate OD (Mbytes/sec max)37
I/O data-transfer rate (Mbytes/sec max)100
ATA data-transfer modes supportedPIO modes 0–4; Multiword DMA modes 0–2; Ultra DMA modes 0–5
Height9.5 +/–0.2 mm (0.374 +/–.008 inches)
Width69.85 +/–0.25 mm (2.750 +/–0.010 inches)
Length100.2 +/–0.25 mm (3.945 +/–0.010 inches)
Weight (typical)100 grams (0.22 lb)
Average latency (msec)5.6
Power-on to ready (sec typical)3.5
Standby to ready (sec typical)3.0
Startup current 5V (typical)1.0 amps
Track-to-track seek time (msec typical)1.0 (read), 1.5 (write)
Average seek time (msec typical)12.5
Average seek, read (msec typical)12.5
Average seek, write (msec typical)14.5
Full-stroke seek (msec)22 (typical); 24 (max)
Seek power (typical)2.00 watts
Read/write power (typical)Read: 1.80 watts; Write: 1.80 watts
Idle mode (low power, typical)0.80 watts
Standby mode0.26 watts (typical)***
Sleep mode0.26 watts (typical)***
Voltage tolerance (including noise)5V ± 5%
Ambient temperature5° to 55°C (operating)
Temperature gradient
(°C per hour max, noncondensing)
Relative humidity
Relative humidity gradient30% per hour max
Wet bulb temperature (°C max)30°C (operating)
Altitude, operating–304.8 m to 3,048 m (–1000 ft to 10,000 ft)
Altitude, nonoperating (below mean sea level, max)–304.8 m to 12,192 m (–1,000 ft to 40,000 ft)
Shock, operating (Gs max at 2 msec)250
–40° to 70°C (nonoperating)
20°C (operating)
30°C (nonoperating)
5% to 90% (operating)
5% to 95% (nonoperating)
40°C (nonoperating)
Momentus 4200.2 Product Manual, Rev. C
Table 1: Specifications for 60, 50, 40, and 30 GB models
*One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environment
and formatting.
**During periods of drive idle, some offline activity may occur, according to the S.M.A.R.T. specification, which may increase acoustic and
power to operational levels.
***Typical notebooks will pull power to th e drive when ente ring S3 and S4; while in the S3 and S4 states, dr ive sleep and drive standby
modes will not contribute to battery power consumption.
1.0 Gs (0 to peak, 5–500 Hz)
5.0 Gs (0 to peak, 5–500 Hz)
2.6 (max)
3.1 (max)
600,000 software-controlled power on/off cycles
20,000 hard power on/off cycles
600,000 software-controlled power on/off cycles
20,000 hard power on/off cycles
5 years on distribution units.
To determine the warranty for a specific drive, use a web browser to access
the following web page:
From this page, click on the “Verify Your Warranty” link. You will be asked to
provide the drive serial number, model number (or part number) and country
of purchase. The system will display the warranty information for your drive.
Momentus 4200.2 Product Manual, Rev. C
2.2Formatted ca pacity
ModelFormatted capacity*Guaranteed sectors Bytes per sector
*One Gbyte equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environment
and formatting.
2.3Default logi cal geometry
CylindersRead/write headsSectors per track
LBA mode
When addressing these drives in LBA mode, all blocks (sectors) are consecutively numbered from 0 to n–1,
where n is the number of guaranteed sectors as defined above.
Seek measurem ent s a re t ake n wi th nom inal po w er a t 25 °C amb ient temperature. All tim es a re m easu red using
drive diagnostics. The specifications below are defined as follows:
• Track-to-track seek time is an average of all possible single-track seeks in both directions.
• Average seek time is a true statistical random average of at least 5,000 measurements of seeks between
random tracks, less overhead.
T yp ical seek times (msec)Read Write
Average latency5.565.56
Note.These drives are designed to consistently meet the seek times represented in this manual. Physical
seeks, regardless of mode (such as track-to-track and average), are expected to meet or exceed the
noted values. However, due to the manner in which these drives are formatted, benchmark tests that
include command overhead or measure logical seeks may produce results that vary from these specifications.
Momentus 4200.2 Product Manual, Rev. C
2.8Time to ready
Time to readyTypical
Power-on to Ready (sec)3.58.0
St andby to Ready (sec)3.08.0
Max @ 25°C
2.9Power specifications
The drive receives DC power (+5V) through the interface connector.
2.9.1Power consumption
Power requiremen ts for the dr i ves are lis ted in the ta bl e on p age 9 . Typical power measurements are based on
an average of drives tested, under nominal conditions, at 25°C ambient temperature.
• Spinup power
Spinup power is measured from the time of power-on to the time that the drive spindle re aches operating speed.
• Seek mode
During seek mod e, the read /write actuator arm move s toward a spe cific positi on on the d isc surface and does
not execute a read or write operati on. Servo ele ctronics ar e acti ve. Seek mode power is mea sure d based on
three random seek operations every 100 msecs. This mode is not typical.
• Read/write power and current
Read/write power is measured with the heads on track, based on three 63 sector read or write operations
every 100 msecs.
• Idle mode power*
Idle mode power is measured with the drive up to speed, with servo electronics active and with the heads in
a random track location.
• Standby mode
During Standby mode, the drive accepts commands, but the drive is not spinning, and the servo and read/
write electronics are in power-down mode.
*Duri ng pe riods of driv e idl e, some off lin e a c tivit y ma y occu r ac cord in g t o t he S.M .A. R. T. speci fic ation , w hich may increase acou s tic an d
power to operational levels.
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