Seagate, Seagate Technology, and the Seagate logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technol ogy, Inc. Cheetah, SeaFAX,
SeaFONE, SeaBOARD, and SeaTDD are either trademarks or
registered trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc. or one of its
subsidiaries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are
the property of their respective owners.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form with-
out writte n permission from Seagate Technology, Inc.
Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B1
This manual contains information for users of the Seagate®
Cheeta h 9LP SCSI disc drives. It provides support services, per -
formance specifications, and initial setup information. Additional
information is available in the
Cheetah 9LP Product Manual
(pa rt
number 83329240). Co ntact y our Seagate sal es represe ntativ e if
you need to order this publication.
Electrostati c discharge protection
All drive electronic assemblies are sensitive to static electricity,
due to the electrostatically sensitive devices used within the
driv e circuitry. Although some devices such as metal- oxide semiconductors are extremely sensitive, all semiconductors, as well
as some resistors and capacitors, may be damaged or degraded
by exposure to static electricity.
Removal of circuit boards by personnel not performing depot repair will damage components and may
void the warranty.
Elect rostatic damage to elect ronic devices may be caused by the
direct discharge of a charged conductor or by exposure to the
static fields surrounding charged objects. To avoid damaging
drive electronic assemblies, observe the following precautions
when inst alling or servicing t he drive:
•Ground yourself to the drive whenever the drive electronics
are or will be exposed. Connect yourself to ground with a wrist
strap (Seagate part number 12263496). Connection may be
made to any grounded metal assembly. As a general rule,
remember that you and the drive electronics must all be
grounded to avoid potentially damaging static discharges.
2Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B
•Turn off the power before removing or installing the DC power
•Do not remove any circuit boards from the drive.
•Never use an ohmmeter on any circuit boards.
•When instal li ng the drive on a carri er or t ray, discharge t he car-
rie r o r tray pr io r to ins e rting it int o th e syst e m .
Important safety info rmation and precautions
Cauti on.
Use forced-air ventilation when bench-testing the
drive to ensure proper cooling of drive components.
Use proper safety techniques for safe, reliable operation of this
The procedures in this manual and labels on the unit contain
warnings and cautions that must be carefully read and followed
to minimize or eliminate the risk of personal injur y. The warnings
point out conditions or practices that may endanger you or others . The cautions po int out condi tions or practi ces that m ay damage the uni t, possibly making it unsafe for use.
Always observe the following warnings and precautions:
•Follow all cautions and warnings in the proce dures.
•Use sound safety practices when operating, installing, or
removing the unit.
•Use caution when troubleshooting a unit that has voltages
present. Turn off power to the unit before removing it.
•Ensure that the internal temperature of the rack or cabinet
does not exceed the limits defined for the drive when the drive
is mounted in an equipment rack or cabinet. When units are
Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B3
stacked vertically, pay special attention to the top where temperatures are usual ly highest.
•Follow the precautions listed above in “Electrostatic discharge
•Do not remove any circuit boards from the drive. Return the
entire drive for depot repair if any circuit board is defective.
Removal of circuit boards by personnel not performing depot
repai r will damage compo nents and may void th e warrant y.
•Do not separate the head and disc assembly (HDA) from the
PCB. Return the entire drive for depot repair if the HDA is
•Do not attempt to disassemble the HDA. It is not field repair-
abl e. If the sealed HDA is opened by person nel not performing
depot repair, this will damage components and void the
As a component, this drive is designed to be installed and operated in accordance with UL1950, EN60950, CAN/CSA C22.2
950-M95, and VDE0805.
Seagate takes all reasonable steps to ensure that its products
are certifiable to currently accepted standards. Typical applications of these disc drives include customer packaging and subsystem design. Safety agencies conditionally cer tify component
assemblies, such as the Cheetah disc drive, based on their final
acceptability in the end-use product. The subsystem designers
are responsible for meeting these conditions of acceptability in
obtaining safety-regulatory agency compliance in their end-use
products and for certifying where required by law. A necessary
part of meeting safety requirements is the provision for overcurrent protection on drive SELV supply vol tages.
4Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B
This unit is a component part and as such is not meant to com-
ply with FCC or similar national requirements as a stand-alone
unit. Engineering radiated emissions test results are available
thr ough the Seagate Safe ty Department to assist the subsystem
Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise
Beim Testen des Laufwerks auf dem Prüftisch ist
Fremdbelüftung vorzusehen, um eine ausreichende Kühlung der
Laufwerkkomponenten sicherzustellen.
Verwenden Sie geeignete Sicherheits- um den sicheren, zuverlässigen Betrieb dieser Einheit zu gewährleisten.
Die Verfahren in diesem Handbuch und die Aufkleber auf dem
Gerät enthalten Warn- und Vorsichtshinweise. Diese Hinweise
sind sorgfältig durchzulesen und zu beachten, um das Risiko
von Verletzungen auf ein Mindestmaß zu beschränken oder
ganz zu vermeiden. Die Warnhinweise machen auf Situationen
oder Praktiken aufmerksam, die Sie oder andere gefährden
könnten. Die Vorsichtshinweise machen auf Situationen oder
Praktiken aufmerksam, die Einheit beschädigen können, so daß
deren Gebrauch mit Risi ko behaft et ist.
Die Warn- und Vorsichtshinweise sind nicht allumfassend! Es ist
uns einfach nicht möglich, alle Wartungsmethoden oder die
event uellen Risiken jeder Methode zu kennen, zu beurteilen und
Sie entsprechend zu beraten. Aus diesem Grund haben wir auf
eine derartige umfassende Beurteilung verzichtet. Falls Sie ein
hier nicht beschriebenes Verfahren oder Werkzeug verwenden,
stellen Sie zuerst sicher, daß das gewählt e Verfahren weder Ihre
persönliche Sicherheit noch die Leistung der Einheit gefährdet.
Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B5
Beachten Sie in jedem Fall die folgenden Warn-und Vorsicht-
•Beachten Sie alle Warn- und Vorsichtshinweise in diesem
•Treffen Sie beim Betrieb, bei der Installation oder bei der
Entfernung der Einheit angemessene Sicherheitsvorkehrungen.
•Wenn eine Einheit unter Spannung steht, gehen Sie bei der
Fehlerdiagnose besonders vorsichtig vor. Schalten Sie die
Einheit aus, bevor Sie m it den Installati ons-und Ent fernungsarbeit en beginnen.
•Wenn das Laufwerk in einem Einbaugestell oder Gehäuse
montier t ist, sorgen Sie dafür, daß die Temperatur im Inneren
des Gestells oder Gehäuses die für das Laufwerk vorgegebenen Grenzwerte nicht übersteigt. Wenn Einheiten vertikal
übereinander betestigt werden, achten Sie besonders auf den
oberen Stapelbereich, da dort die Temperatur gewöhnlich am
höchsten ist.
•Befolgen Sie die oben unter “Electrostatic Discharge Protec-
ti on” angegebenen Sic herheitsmaßn ahm en.
•Nehmen Sie keine Platinen aus dem Laufwerk. Wenn eine
Platine defekt ist, muß das gesamte Laufwerk zur Reparatur
eingeschickt werden. Die Herausnahme von Platinen durch
andere Personen als die für die werkseitige Reparatur zuständigen kann zu einer Beschädigung der Komponenten und
Erlöschen des G aranti eanspruchs führe n.
6Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B
•Die vormontierte Kopf- und Festplatteneinheit (HDA) nicht aus
dem Laufwerkgehäuse nehmen! Falls die HDA beschädigt ist,
schi cken Sie das gesamte Lauf werk zur Reparatur ein.
•Die HDA ist nicht vor Ort reparierbar und darf nicht auseinan-
dergenommen werden! Öffnen der versiegelten HDA durch
andere Personen als die für die werkseitige Reparatur zuständigen hat eine Beschädigung der Komponenten und
Erlöschen des G aranti eanspruchs zur Folge.
Als Tei lkomponen te ist die ses Laufwer k für die Insta llation und
den Betrieb in Übereinstimmung mit UL 1950, EN60950,
CAN\CSA C22.2 950-M95 und VDE0805 vorgesehen.
Seagate ist ständig bemüht, die Zulassungsfähigkeit von
Seaga te-Produ kten im Rahm en der g egenwär tig ge ltenden
Stan da rds z u gewäh rl eiste n. Zu d en typi sch en A nwe nd unge n
dieser Festplattenwerke zählen Systemeinbau durch den
Kunden und die Konstruktion von Untersystemen. Sicherheitsbehörden gewähren eine bedingt e Zulassung für Komponenten wi e
das Cheetah-Festp lattenlaufwerk vorb ehaltlich der endgültigen
Zulasssung im Endprodukt. Designer von Untersystemen sind
dafür verantwortlich, die Voraussetzungen für die Einhaltung
sich erheits- oder aufsichtsbehördlicher Vorschriften in ihren Endprodukten und - falls gesetzlich vorgeschr ieben - für die Zulassung zu schaffen. Eine Grundvoraussetzung zur Einhaltung der
Sicherheitsanforderungen ist die Bereitstellung eines Überlastschutzes für die SELV-Versorgungsspannungen des Laufwerks.
Dieses Gerät ist eine B augruppe und unter liegt als solche nicht
den Anford erungen der FCC oder äh nli cher nati onaler Behörden
für eigenständi ge Ge räte. Techni sche Testergebni sse zu elektro -
Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B7
magneti sche Strahlung sind für Designer von Untersystem en auf
Anfrage von der Seagate-Sicherheitsabteilung erhältlich.
Regulatory agency compliance
Elect romagneti c susceptibi li ty
As a component assembly, the drive is not required to meet any
susceptibili ty performance requi rements. It is the r esponsibility of
those integrating the drive within their systems to perfor m those
tests required and design their system to ensure that equipment
operating in the same system as the drive or external to the system does not adversely affect the perfor mance of the drive. See
DC power requirements on page 18.
Elect romagnetic compliance
Seagate uses an independent laboratory to confirm compliance
to the dir ectives/standard(s) for CE Marking and C-Tick Marking .
The drive was tested in a representative system for typical applications. The selected system represents the most popular characteristics for test platforms. The system configurations include:
•486, Pen ti um , and PowerPC mic ropr ocessors
•3.5- inch floppy disc drive
•Monit or/display
•External modem
Although the test system with this Seagate model complies to
the directives/standard(s), we cannot guarantee that all systems
will comply. The computer manufacturer or system integrator
8Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B
shall confirm EMC compliance and provide CE Marking and C-
Tic k M arki ng for t heir product.
Elect roma gneti c compliance for the European Union
If this model has the CE Marking it complies with the European
Union requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directi ve 89/336/EEC of 03 M ay 1989 as amended by Directi ve 92/31/
EEC of 28 April 1992 and Directive 93/68/EEC of 22 July 1993.
Australian C-Tick
If this model has the C-Tick Marking it complies with the Australia/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS3548 1995 and meets the
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Framework requirements
of Australia’s Spectrum Management Agency (SMA).
Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B9
Seagate Technology support services
Presales suppor t
To determine which Seagate products are best suited for your
specific application, contact us about configuration and compatibility and for current product availability. You can leave a voice
message after business hours or send an e-mail message—we
repl y during busi ness hours.
Disc Dri ves405-936- 1210Fax: 405-936- 1683
(8: 00
to 12:15 P.M., 1 :30 P.M. to 6:00
, central time, M-F)
Tape Products1-800-626-6637 or 714-641-2500
Fax: 714-641- 2410
You can purchase select tape products and tape accessories through Seagate Express 24 hours daily by calling
1-800- 531-0968 or by fa xing your order to 972-481-4812.
to 5:00
pacific time, M-F)
Technical support services
If you need assistance installing your drive, consult your dealer.
Dealers are familiar with their unique system configurations and
can help you with system conflicts and other technical issues. If
you need additional assistance with your Seagat e
driv e or other
Seagate produc ts, use one of the Seagate technical support services listed bel ow.
Seagate’s 800 number (1-800-732-4283) allows toll-free access
to automated self-help services, providing answers to commonly
10Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B
asked questions, troubleshooting tips, and specifications for disc
drives and tape drives. This service is available 24 hours daily
and requires a touch-tone phone. International callers can reach
thi s automated self-help service by di aling 405-936-1234.
Online servi ces
Using a modem, you can obtain troubleshooting tips, free utility
programs, drive specifications and jumper settings for Seagate’s
entire product line. You can also download software for installing
and analyzing your drive.
You can obtain technical information about Seagate products
over the Inter ne t fro m Se agat e’s World Wid e Web h ome pa ge
DiscSupport @
. You can also send E-mail with your quest ions
or Seagate’s ftp ser ver
TapeSupport @
SeaBOARD is a computer bulletin board system that contains
information about Seagate disc and tape drive products and is
available 24 hours daily. Set your communications software to
eight data bits, no parity, and one stop bit (8-N-1).
You can use a touch-tone telephone to access Seagate’s automated FAX system to receive technical support information by
return FAX. This service is available 24 hours daily.
For one-on-one help, you can talk to a technical support specialist during local business hours. Before calling, note your system
configurati on and dri ve model num ber (ST
Hong Kong852-2368 9918
Korea82-2- 531-5800 (9: 00
to 6:00
Singap ore65-488- 7584 (9:00
, M–F)
to 12:00
to 12:00
, 1:00
, 2:00
to 5:00
UK44-1628- 894083 (10:00
USAPlease dial 1-800-SEA GATE or 405-936-1234 f or
the specific product tel ephone numb er.
ce n tra l time, M– F)
to 5:00
, M–F)
to 12:15
, M–F )
, 1: 3 0
to 1:00
to 6:00
Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B13
SeaTDD™ 405-936-1687
Using a t elecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), you can
send questions or comments 24 hours daily and exchange mes-
sages with a technical support specialist between 8:00
. and 1:30 P.M. to 6:00
(central time) Monday
thr ough Friday.
Customer service centers
Seagate direct OEM, Distribution, and Systems Integrator customers should contact their Seagate service representative for
warranty information. Other cus tomers should cont act their place
of purchase. Seagate offers comprehensive customer support
for all Seagat e drives . These services are available worldwide.
LocationPhone numberFAX number
Asia Pacific and Austra li a65-485- 359565-488-7 503
Europe, Middle East,
and Africa31-2031- 6730031-2065- 34320
Japan81-3-54 62-290481-3- 5462-2979
Other Americas (Brazil,
Canada, Mexico)405-949-6706405-949-6738
Manufacturer’s representatives
MA Informatica55-21-516-664955-21-516-5280
14Cheetah 9LP Installation Guide, Rev. B
LocationPhone numberFAX number
Abicom Seamax
SA DE CV525-546- 4888525-546-4888
Southe rn Europe
Caesar Italia39-688-1814939-688-0 2103
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