1998, 1999 Seagate Technology, Inc. All rights reserved
Publication Number: 20400075-001, Rev. B, January 1999
Seagate, Seagate Technology, the Seagate logo, Medalist and the
Medalist logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc.
Other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their
Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings
or specifications. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
form without written permission from Seagate Technology, Inc.
Medalist 8641, 6531, 4321, 3221 and 2110, Rev. Biii
Figure 1. Typical startup and operation current profile . . . . . . . 10
Figure 2. Alternate capacity jumper and master/slave jumpers . . 18
Figure 3. Drive mounting dimensions—top, side and end view . . . 19
Figure 4. I/O pins and supported ATA signals . . . . . . . . . . . 22
viMedalist 8641, 6531, 4321, 3221 and 2110, Rev. B
Medalist 8641, 6531, 4321, 3221 and 2110, Rev. B1
This manual describes the functional, mechanical and i nterfac e spec ifi -
cations for the Medalist
8641 (ST38641A), Medalist 6531 (ST36531A),
Medalist 4321 (ST34321A), Medalist 3221 (ST33221A) and Medalist
2110 (ST32110A). These drives are referred to throughout this manual
by their model numbers. These drives provide the following key features:
• Low power consumption
• Quiet operation
• Support for S.M.A.R.T. drive monitoring and reporting
• High instantaneous (burst) data-transfer rates (up to 33.3 Mbytes per
second) using Ultra DMA mode 2
• Full-track multiple-sector transfer capabili ty without local processor
• 128-Kbyte cache
• State-of-the-art caching and on-the-fly error-correction algorithms
• Support for Read Multiple and Write Multiple commands
• Support for autodetection of master/slave drives that use cable select
• MR recording heads and PRML technology, which provides the drives
with increased areal density
2Medalist 8641, 6531, 4321, 3221 and 2110, Rev. B
Specification summary table
The specifications listed in this table are for quick reference. For details
on specification measurement or definition, see the appropriate sec tion
of this manual.
Guaranteed Mbytes
(×106 bytes)
Guaranteed sectors
Bytes per sector512
Default sectors per