Ferocious Performance.
Superior Storage. Tireless Durability.
FireCuda™ 3.5-inch solid state hard drives blend SSD
technology with an HDD platform for the instant-on
performance and capacity you need.
Key Advantages
Smart 1TB and 2TB capacities with onboard ash memory.
Save time with a drive that boots in seconds, not minutes.1
Best-Fit Applications
• Desktop PCs
• PC gaming
• Workstations
• High-performance
direct-attached storage
(DAS) devices
A perfect upgrade for gamers, creative professionals and PC enthusiasts
who want it all, now!
Game up to 5x faster than with traditional 7200-RPM hard drives, and eliminate the
need to uninstall games in order to make room for new ones. Store up to 40 games
per TB (at ~25GB per game).
SATA 6Gb/s interface speed.
Installs and operates like a standard hard drive. No additional drivers or
software required.
The cutting edge never felt so safe—5-year limited warranty is best-in-class for
hard drive warranties.
1 Performance may vary depending on user’s hardware con guration and operating system.

Speci cations 2TB
Standard Model Numbers ST2000DX002 ST1000DX002
Interface SATA 6Gb/s N CQ SATA 6Gb/s N CQ
Form Fac tor (in) 3.5 3.5
Features and Performance
NA ND Typ e/Size MLC/8GB MLC/8GB
SATA Transfer Rates Supported (Gb/s) 6.0/3.0/1.5 6.0/3.0/1.5
Seek Average, Read (ms) <9.5 <8.5
Seek Average, Write (ms) <9.5 <8.5
Average Data Rate, Read, Avg All Zones (MB/s) 156 156
Average Data Rate From N AND Media (MB/s) 190 190
Max Sus tained Data Rate, OD Read ( MB/s) 210 210
DRA M Cache (M B) 64 64
Con guration/Organization
Heads/Disks 4/2 2/1
Bytes per Sector 4096 4096
Reliability/Data Integrity
Load/Unload Cycles 300,000 300,000
Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14
Predicted Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) <1% <1%
Warranty, Limited (years) 5 5
Power Management
Operating Power, Typical (W) 6.7 5.9
Idle2 Power, Typical ( W) 4.5 3.36
Standby Mode/Sleep Mode, Typical ( W) 0.75/ 0.75 0.63/0.63
Operating (°C) 0 to 60 0 to 60
Nonoperating (°C) −40 to 70 −40 to 70
Height (mm/in, max) 26 .11/1 .0 28 19.87/0.782
Width (mm/in, max) 101.6/4.0 101.6/4.0
Depth (mm/ in, max) 146.99/5.787 146.99/5.787
Weight (g/lb typical) 53 5/1.18 400/0.88
Carton Unit Quantity 20 25
Cartons per Pallet /Cartons per Layer 40/8 40/8
1 One giga byte, or GB, e quals one b illion byte s and one ter abyte, or TB, equals one t rillion by tes when ref erring to dr ive capaci ty.
AMERICAS Seagate Technology LLC 10200 South De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino, California 95014, United States, 408-658-1000
ASIA /PACIFIC Sea gate Singap ore Intern ational Hea dquarte rs Pte. Ltd. 70 00 Ang Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singa pore 569877, 65- 6485-38 88
EUROPE, MID DLE EAST A ND AFRICA Se agate Technol ogy SAS 16–18, rue du D ôme, 92100 Boulo gne-Bil lancour t, France, 33 1- 4186 10 00
© 2016 Seagate Tech nology LLC. Al l rights res erved. Pr inted in USA . Seagate, Se agate Technolo gy and the Spi ral logo ar e registere d tradema rks of Seagat e Technology LLC i n the United St ates and/or
other co untries. Fi reCuda is ei ther a trade mark or reg istered tr ademark of S eagate Technol ogy LLC or one of i ts af liated compani es in the Unite d States and /or other cou ntries. Al l other trade marks or
registe red trade marks are th e proper ty of their re spective ow ners. Whe n referring t o drive capac ity, one gigaby te, or GB, equ als one bill ion bytes an d one teraby te, or TB, equa ls one trilli on bytes. Your
comput er’s operati ng system may us e a differe nt standar d of measure ment and rep ort a lower capac ity. In additi on, some of the li sted capac ity is used f or format ting and othe r function s, and thus wi ll not
be availa ble for data st orage. Qua ntitative us age exampl es for variou s applicat ions are for i llustrati ve purpose s. Actual qua ntities wi ll vary base d on various f actors, in cluding le size, le format, feat ures
and appl ication so ftware. Ac tual data ra tes may vary d epending o n operatin g environme nt and other f actors. Se agate reser ves the rig ht to change, w ithout noti ce, produc t offering s or speci cations.
DS1903.1-1606US, June 2016