Specif icat ions 14TB 12TB 10TB 8TB 6TB
Standard Model Num bers
ST14000VX0008 ST12000VX0008 ST10000VX0008 ST8000VX0022 ST6000VX001
Sky Haw k™ Health Managem ent Inc luded
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Interfac e SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SAT A 6Gb/ s SATA 6Gb/s
Feat ures and Perf ormanc e
Driv e Bay s Supported 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+ 8+
Cam eras Supported Up to 64 Up to 64 Up to 64 Up to 64 Up to 64
Max . Sustained T ransf er R ate OD (MB/ s) 220MB/ s 220MB/s 210M B/s 210M B/s 180MB/s
Cac he (M B) 256 256 256 256 256
Reliabilit y/ Dat a I ntegrit y
Tarnis h R esis tant Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Load/U nload C yc les 300,000 300,000 300, 000 300,000 300,000
Nonrec overable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E14
Power-On Hours per Year (24×7) 8760 8760 8760 8760 8760
Work load R ate Limit (W RL)
180 180 180 180 180
MT BF 1,000, 000hr 1,000,000hr 1,000, 000hr 1,000, 000hr 1, 000,000hr
Warrant y, Lim ited (years )
3 3 3 3 3
Power Managem ent
Start up C urrent, T ypic al (12V, A) 1.8 1.8 1.8 2 1.8
Average Operating Power (W) 6.9W 6.9W 6.9W 9W 5W
Idle Average (W) 4. 9W 4.9W 4.9W 7.6W 3. 4W
Standby M ode/Sleep Mode, T ypic al (W ) 0.8/ 0.8 0.8/ 0.8 0.8/ 0.8 0.6/0.6 0.25/ 0.25
Voltage Toleranc e (5V) ±5% ±5% ±5% ±5% ±5%
Voltage Toleranc e (12V) ±10% ±10% ±10% ±10% ±10%
Environm ental/ Tem perature
Operating (ambient, min °C) 5 5 5 5 0
Operating (drive cas e, max °C)
70 70 70 70 70
Nonoperat ing (am bient, m in °C) -40 -40 -40 -40 -40
Phys ical
Height (m m/ in, max ) 26.11m m/ 1.028in 26.11m m/ 1.028in 26.11m m/ 1.028in 26. 11mm /1. 028in 26.11mm/1.028in
Widt h (m m/ in, max ) 101.85m m/ 4.01in 101.85m m/ 4.01in 101.85m m/ 4.01in 101. 85mm /4. 01in 101.85mm/4.01in
Dept h (m m/ in, max) 146.99mm /5. 787in 146.99m m/ 5.787in 146. 99mm /5. 787in 146.99mm /5.787in 146.99mm/5.787in
Weight (g/ lb) 690g/1. 521lb 690g/1. 521lb 690g/1. 521lb 780g/1. 72lb 610g/ 1.345lb
Cart on U nit Quantit y 20 20 20 20 20
Cart ons per Pallet /C artons per Layer 40/8 40/8 40/8 40/ 8 40/8
1 14T B c oming soon
2 Lat er 6T B and 3TB models are ST6000VX001 and ST3000VX009.
3 Sk yH awk surveillanc e driv es are des igned f or alw ays -on w orkloads of 180TB/year. For higher transaction workloads , see Seagate’s ent erprise-c lass driv e of ferings .
4 Ex tended warrant y options av ailable. Cons ult your dist ributor for details.
5 Seagat e does not rec omm end operating at s ust ained extreme temperatures. Operating at higher t emperat ures will reduce usef ul lif e of t he produc ts .