Data Sheet
Cheetah® 15K.6
Highest capacity and reliability
in mission-critical storage
450, 300 and 146 GB • 15K RPM • 3-Gb/s Serial
Attached SCSI (SAS) and 4-Gb/s FC
Key Advantages
Second-generation perpendicular recording delivers up to
450-GB capacity.
Unprecedented performance with a 30 percent increase in sustained
data rate of up to 171 MB/s
Industry’s highest 3.5-inch drive reliability at 1.6-million-hours MTBF.
Seagate proprietary PowerTrim™ technology provides a 62 percent
improvement in GBs/watt at idle.
Advanced read/write technology delivers nonrecoverable error rate
of 1x10E16
Available in FC or SAS interfaces
Best-Fit Applications
All mainstream enterprise applications, such as:
Business processing
Transaction processing
Decision support
Storage area networks
Networked attached storage
Internet and e-commerce

Cheetah® 15K.6
Highest capacity and reliability in mission-critical storage
Lowest Cost of Ownership
Sixth-generation Seagate® Cheetah 15K drive is the
fastest, highest capacity and most reliable ever.
Cheetah 15K.5 drive performance and reliability enable
lower TCO for enterprise applications.
Lower watts/GB ratio helps achieve reduced power and
cooling costs while optimizing capacity requirements.
Higher performance with fewer drives—reducing support
infrastructure, physical space requirements and storage
management costs
The highest reliability of any 3.5-inch drive, with increased
system reliability due to the need for fewer drives
MTBF Improvement
Seagate continues to focus on reliability and data
protection. MTBF is increased to 1.6 million hours.
Seagate-exclusive enhanced Error Correction Code
better maintains performance throughout the life of the
drive and reduces the probability of lost data.
The second generation of Seagate-exclusive Background
Media Scan proactively scans the media for potential
defects during drive idle time. It enables incipient errors
to be corrected before data is lost.
Our new Quick and Robust Download feature loads new
firmware in less than 2 seconds and built-in protection
ensures no corruption in the event of a power failure
during firmware switch.
Seagate Global Customer Support
Get presales and technical support at
Visit our knowledge base for answers to common
support questions.
Find documentation for current and legacy drives.
Utilize our online troubleshooting and diagnostic tools.
Model Number
Forma tted 512 Kb ytes /Sector ( GB)
External Tran sfer Rat e (MB /s)
Fibre C hannel
3-Gb /s Serial At tached SCS I
Spindl e Speed ( RPM)
Average L atency (ms )
Seek Tim e
Average R ead/Write (ms )
Track-to-Trac k Read/Wr ite (ms)
Transfer Rate
Inter nal (Mb /s)
Susta ined (MB/ s, 1000 x 1000 )
Cache, M ultisegment ed (MB/s )
Configuration/Or ganization
Nonrecoverab le Read Errors per B its Read
Reliab ility Ra ting at Ful l 24x7 Operation
Power Management
Typical ( W)
Fibre C hannel
Power Id le (W )
Fibre C hannel
Temperat ure, Operating (°C )
Temperature, Nonoperating (°C)
Shock , Operat ing: 2 ms (Gs )
Shock , Nonope rating : 2 ms (Gs)
Acous tics Idle (be ls—s ound power)
Vibra tion, Operat ing: < 400 Hz (Gs )
Vibra tion, Nonoper ating: <4 00 Hz (Gs)
Height ( in/mm)
Width ( in/mm)
Depth ( in/mm)
Weight ( lb/kg)
Warrant y
Limite d Warranty ( years )
One gigab yte, or GB, equ als one billion by tes and one tera byte, or TB, equ als one trillion b ytes when ref erring to hard dr ive capacity.
450 GB
ST3450856SS/FC ST3300656SS/FC ST3146356SS/FC
450 300 146. 3
15K 15K 15K
2.0 2.0 2.0
1051 to 222 5
171 to 110
16 16 16
4 3 2
8 6 3
1 sector p er 10E16 1 sector per 10E 16 1 sector p er 10E16
0.55% 0.55% 0.55%
17. 0
17. 3
5 to 55 5 to 5 5 5 to 55
–40 t o 70 –40 t o 70 –40 t o 70
60 60 60
250 250 250
3.6 3.6 3.6
1.0 1.0 1. 0
2.0 2.0 2.0
1.0 /25. 4 1.0 /25. 4 1.0 /25 .4
4.0/101.6 4.0 /101.6 4.0/101.6
5.75 /146 .05 5.75 /146 .05 5.75 /146 .05
1.56/0.709 1.5 3/0 .694 1. 49 /0. 674
5 5 5
300 GB
1051 to 222 5
171 to 110
146 GB
1051 to 222 5
171 to 110
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
AMERI CAS Seaga te Technolog y LLC 920 Di sc Drive, S cotts Va lley, Calif ornia 95 066, Un ited St ates, 831- 438- 6550
ASIA /PACIFIC S eagate Techn ology In ternat ional Ltd . 7000 Ang M o Kio Avenu e 5, Singa pore 56 9877, 65-6 485- 3888
EUROPE , MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Techno logy SAS 130 –136, r ue de Sill y, 92773, Bou logne -Billa ncour t Cedex, Fr ance 33 1- 4186 10 00
Copyrig ht © 2008 Seagate Techno logy LLC. All rights r eserved. Print ed in USA. S eagate, Se agate Technolo gy and the Wave logo are r egistere d trademarks of Se agate Technol ogy LLC in the Un ited States and /or other co untries.
Cheeta h and PowerTrim are either tra demarks o r register ed tradem arks of Seagate Techno logy LLC or on e of its affil iated comp anies in the U nited States and /or other countr ies. All other tra demarks o r register ed trademarks ar e the
proper ty of their respe ctive owners. Whe n referring to hard d rive capacity, one gi gabyte, or GB, equa ls one billion byte s and one terabyte, o r TB, equals one tri llion byte s. Your compute r’s ope rating sys tem may use a dif ferent standa rd
of measu rement an d report a l ower capac ity. In additi on, some of th e listed cap acity is us ed for formattin g and other functi ons, and thu s will not be availabl e for data stor age. Seagate rese rves the right to ch ange, with out notice ,
produc t offerin gs or specificati ons. DS1645.2-080 6US, June 2008