Data Sheet
Barracuda® LP
Low power that won’t slow you down
2TB, 1.5TB, 1TB and 500GB • SATA 3Gb/s
Key Advantages
Power consumption has been reduced by up to 44 percent over
standard desktop drives to provide power savings over the life of the
Best-in-class acoustic performance means whisper-quiet operation.
Cool, low-power drives can reduce more than electricity costs, reducing
costs of fans and power supply units.
Sustainable technology for a green world:
– 70 percent or more of the materials used to build the drive can be
– Complies with the RoHS directive and several non-regulatory
– Designed and built to the highest international environmental
– Brought to you by Seagate, a company that has earned recognition for
implementation of green practices worldwide
Best-Fit Applications
Personal Attached Storage—USB/FireWire/eSATA
Small office and home data storage appliances
Low-power PCs

Barracuda® LP
Low power that won’t slow you down
The company that has provided the world with product innovation over
12 generations of desktop drives has turned its focus to the increasing
customer needs for low-power drives. Meet the Seagate® Barracuda LP
family, the low-power drive with rock-solid performance and whisperquiet, super-cool operation.
Low Power
Low-power drives provide immediate cost savings during operation.
Reduced power consumption and heat generation enable systems to
run cooler and can increase their useful life.
Low power doesn’t mean slow power with the Barracuda LP drive.
The drives enable a faster, more energy-efficient system.
A range of capacities up to 2TB for greatest flexibility in building drives
and systems for ever-expanding, storage-hungr y applications
Whisper-quiet acoustics for a quiet PC environment
Low-power, super-cool drives increase reliability
Ships with the world’s most reliable and proven perpendicular
magnetic recording technology
Thirteenth generation of the most widely used Barracuda desktop line
Sustainable Technology for a Green World
Meets rigorous green design and manufacturing standards that are
built into every Seagate drive
Low power consumption enables eco-friendly systems.
Complies with RoHS directive and all major non-regulatory restrictions
1-800-SEAGATE (1-800-732-4283)
Model Numb er
Inter face Option s
Perfor mance
Transfer Rat e, Max Ex t (MB/ s)
Sustai ned Data Rate O D (MB/ s)
Cache ( MB)
Average La tency (ms )
Spindle Speed (RPM )
Configu ration /Org anizat ion
Bytes pe r Sector
Reliab ility /Data In tegrit y
Contact Start- Stops
Nonreco verable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max
Annualized Failure Rat e (AFR )
Power Mana gement
Star tup Curren t +12V Peak (A±10 %)
Operating, Average ( W)
Idle, Average (W)
Enviro nmental
Temperatur e
Operatin g (°C)
Nonopera ting (°C )
Operatin g, 2ms (G )
Nonoperating, 1ms (G )
Acoust ic (bels- sound power)
Physica l
Height ( in/mm )
Width ( in/mm )
Depth (i n/mm )
Weight (lb /kg)
One gigaby te, or GB, equals one billion by tes and one terabyt e, or TB, equals one trillio n bytes when referrin g to hard drive capacit y.
ST320 00542AS ST31500541AS S T31000520A S ST35 00412AS
300 300 300 300
95 95 95 95
32 32 32 16
5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
5900 590 0 5900 59 00
512 512 512 512
50,00 0 50,00 0 50,00 0 50,000
1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14 1 per 10E14
0.32% 0.32% 0.32% 0.32%
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
6.8 6.8 5.7 4.0
5.5 5.5 3.0 3.0
0 to 60
–40 to 70
1.028/ 26.1 1.028/ 26.1 1.028/ 26.1 0.795/20.2 0
4.010/101.85 4.010/101.85 4.010/101.85 4.010/101.85
5.787/146.9 9 5.787/146.9 9 5.787/146.9 9 5.787/146.99
1.44/ 0.66 1.44/ 0.66 1.4/0.6 4 0.838 /380
0 to 60
–40 to 70
0 to 60
–40 to 70
0 to 60
–40 to 70
AMERI CAS Seagate Techno logy LLC 920 D isc Dri ve, Scot ts Valley, Cal ifornia 9 5066, U nited St ates, 831- 438- 6550
ASIA /PACIFIC Seaga te Singa pore Inte rnatio nal Head quart ers Pte. Lt d. 7000 An g Mo Kio Aven ue 5, Sing apore 56 9877, 65-6 485- 3888
EUROPE, MID DLE EAST A ND AFRIC A Seag ate Technolo gy SAS 16–18 rue d e Dôme, 92 100 Boulog ne-Bil lancou rt, Fra nce, 33 1-4186 10 00
Copyright © 2009 Seag ate Technology LLC. All rights reserve d. Printed in USA. Seagate, Seag ate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trade marks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States an d/or
other countrie s. Barracuda is either a trade mark or registered trad emark of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affilia ted companies in the United State s and/or other countr ies. All other tradema rks or registered
trademarks are the pr operty of their resp ective owners. When refe rring to hard drive capacit y, one gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one ter abyte, or TB, equals one trillion by tes. Your computer’s operating
system may use a different st andard of measureme nt and report a lower capacit y. In addition, some of the listed capacity is use d for formatting and other func tions, and thus will not be available for data stor age.
Seagate reser ves the right to change, without notic e, product offering s or specifications. DS1680.3 -0911US, November 2009