Schwinn SB13,SR23 Owner's Manual

SB13 Upright
SR23 Recumbent
durability as you pursue your personal fitness goals.
This Schwinn ® bike should enable you to shape and monitor your workouts to:
A _ncrease your energy level
A increase cardiovascular and aerobic fitness
A increase Power body muscle strength
V Decrease your overall percentage of body fat
Whether you are just getting started in an exercise program or are already in good shape, this Schwinn @ bike is designed to be an efficient, easy and fun
way to achieve an enhanced level of fitness. You can pedal your way to a slim- mer and healthier body. The on-board digital computer enables you to accu-
rately monitor your progress by tracking time, speed, distance and approximate Calories burned. This Owner's Manual contains all the information you need
to operate and enjoy your Schwinn @ exercise bike. Also included are general fitness guidelines. Please read this Owner's Manual in its entirety before get-
ting onto the bike and working out. So let's get started.
Take your time and have fun!
Safety Precautions .................................................................................. 4
Important Safety Instructions ............................................ 4
Safety Warning Labels ........................................................ 5
Features ............................................................................................ S
Operation ........................................................................................... 10
How to use the Schwinn ® exercise bike ........................ 10
How to use the Schwinn ® exercise bike computer ....... 12
Maintenance ......................................................................................... 30
Moving your Schwinn ® exercise bike .............................. 30
Leveling your Schwinn G exercise bike ............................. 30
Maintenance ..................................................................... 30
Fitness Guidel}nes ................................................................................ 31
Exercise and Health .......................................................... 31
Your New Home Fitness Program .................................... 31
Steps to Getting Started .................................................. 32
Components of Fitness .................................................... 33
Cardiovascular Fitness ...................................................... 33
Muscular Strength ............................................................ 33
Flexibility ........................................................................... 34
Nutrition ............................................................................ 35
Understand Caloric Balance ............................................. 35
Eat a Variety of Foods ....................................................... 35
Drink Water ....................................................................... 35
Eat More Often / Portions ................................................ 35
Monitoring Your Intensity .................................................. 36
Training Zones .................................................................. 36
Beating the Dropout Odds ............................................... 38
Suggested Readings ........................................................ 39
Workout Log ......................................................................................... 41
Limited Warranty .................................................................................. 43
Contact Information ............................................................................. 43
The following definition applies to the word "Warning" found throughout this
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if I
not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
[_ 1. Read and understand the Owner's Manual.
2. Read and understand allWarnings on this machine.
Keep children away from this machine and / or supervise them closely if they are near the machine or present during its operation. This machine is not suitable asa children's toy. There is a natural tendency for children to want to play on exercise equipment, and parents and others in charge
of children should be aware oftheir respective responsibilities. Moving parts that may appear to present obvious hazards to adults may not appear to do so to children.
4. Consult a physician priorto commencing an exercise program. If, at any time, you feel faint or dizzy,or experience pain, stop and consult your physician.
5. Inspect this machine for loose parts or signs ofwear. Payspecial attention to the seat, pedals, and crank arms. Do not useif found in this
condition. Contact Nautilus Customer Service.
6. This exercise machine isfor consumer users only.
7. Set upand operate this exercise machine on a solid level surface.
8. This machine contains moving parts. Use Caution. Do notwearloose clothing or jewelry.
9. Careshould be taken when mounting and dismounting the exercise bicycle.
10. This machine is designed for a user weight limit of 300 lb. (136kg). Donot use if you are over this weight.
11. Set upthe machine sothatthere is a free area of 19.7inches (0.5 m)on all sides of the machine. Keep third parties out of this area when the
machine is in use.
12. Operate the machine in the manner described in this manual. It can be hazardous to over exert yourself during exercise.
13. Make sure that all positional adjustment devices are securely engaged.
BEFOREUSINGYOURPRODUCT:Thefollowing safetywarnings are located in site-specific areas on the Schwinn Exercise Bike Models SB13and SR23. Please read all safety precautions and warning information prior to usingyour product. Be sureto replace anywarning label if damaged, illegible or missing. If you do not have, or cannot find, or need to replace a warning label, please
call 1-800-864-1270to obtain a new label.
Label1: "1.
Keep children away.
Priorto use,read and understand the Owner's Manual. Injury or death is possible if Cautionis not usedwhile usingthis
machine. Themaximum user weight for this machine is 300 lb.(136kg).
Replace any "Caution", "Warning" or "Danger" label that is illeg- ible, damaged or removed.
This machine isfor home use only."
Location: Affixed to the console mastjust below the computen
Label 1
Model SB13
Serial #
Model SR23
Serial #
The unique and revolutionary Schwinn ® BioFitTM Comfort System is
designed specifically to ensure that each point of contact and user-interface
with the bike provides the user with proper ergonomic and bio-mechanical
positioning, superior comfort, the ultimate in functionality, and is fully cus-
tomizable to fit each user's unique and specific needs.
The Schwinn ® BioFit TM console is tilt-adjustable for a customizable viewing angle to accommodate various
workout environments, positions and intensities.
, , TM ,
Schwinn @ BioFit wide seats offer stability, comfort,
and support.
Schwinn @ BioFitTM pedals provide proper alignment for efficient pedaling.
Handlebar slider mechanism contributes to an ideal user interface position (Offered on upright models).
Seat slider mechanism ensures optimum seat height
and fore/aft adjustment (Offered on upright models).
Lumbar support can be adjusted for improved lower back support (Offered on recumbent models).
Other features:
u BioConnect TM feedback system includes multi-program and
feature-packed computer with 16 levels of resistance to
keep you motivated and help you achieve your fitness goals.
m Grip heart rate for monitoring your workouts
u The Schwinn ® BioFit TM recumbent frame is a user-
friendly design that enables you to easily get on and off the bike without having to step over a high seat rail.
m High-quality, chrome-plated seat tube looks good in any
room in the house.
m Oversized rear stabilizer tube for rock-solid steadiness
BioDyneTM performance system includes a drive train featuring a strong drivetrain features a strong and durable 3-piece crank, super
quiet 6-groove drive belt and oversize, perimeter weighted, 20 lb.
(9 kg) flywheel that provide the ultimate in true "road" feel.
m Transport wheels give you the versatility to move your
workouts to the family room while watching the kids or the den while enjoying your favorite tv program.
m Convenient storage for your favorite workout reading
materials (Offered on recumbent models)
m Seat adiustment Proper seat adjustment helps ensure maximum exercise efficiency and com-
fort, while reducing the risk ef injury.
1. Place one pedal in the forward position and center the ball of yeur feet over the center ef the pedal. Your leg should be slightly bent at the knee.
2. if your leg is tee straight or your feet cannot touch the pedal, you will need te move the seat dewn en the upright bike er forward on the recumbent bike.
If your leg is bent tee much, yeu will need te move the seat up en the upright bike er backward on the recumbent bike.
3. Adjust the upright seat height by first dismounting the bike, then pulling eut the adjustment knob en the seat tube and releasing the lecking pin. Lower er
raise the seat te the desired height. Release the seat knob, engaging the lock- ing pin. Be sure that the pin is fully secured in a seat post hole. To adjust the recumbent seat, pull the seat kneb outward te release the seat. Slide the seat
forward or backward te the desired pesition. The knob will "pep" up into the next hole; turn the knob to ensure a tight fit.
4. The upright bike also features a cembinatien fore / aft and micro seat height adjustment slider. Te move the seat closer to, or away frem the consele, lees-
en the knob, slide the seat forward or rearward to the desired position and re-tighten. Because ef the unique angled design of the slider it alse functions
as a micro seat height adjustment. Using this feature in cembinatien with the pep-pin adjustment on the seat tube enables yeu to fine tune the preper seat
height for optimum cemfert and performance.
u Foot poaitioning/pedaJ strap adjustment Place the ball of each feet en the pedals. Rotate the pedals until one feet
is within arm's reach. Then, reach dewn carefully and fasten the rubber strap ever your shoe and secure it to the pedal by slipping the nub at the end of
the pedal through one of the slots in the strap. Pull down on the strap until it snaps into place. Repeat for the other feet. Point your toes and knees directly
forward to ensure maximum pedal efficiency. Pedal straps can be left in place fer subsequent workouts.
m Handlebar Adjustment The upright bike effers an adjustable reach handlebar te ensure a variety of
cemfortable workeut positions. To adjust the reach of the handlebars, loosen the kneb, slide the handlebars in er out to the desired pesitien and re-tighten.
mConsoleAdjustment Theuprightandrecumbentbikesbothfeatureatilt-adjustableconsolethatenables
youtocustomizeyourownviewingangle.Toadjusttheconsoletiltposition, loosentheknob,movetheconsoleteoneofthethreeavailabletiltpositions andre-tighten.
n Resistanceadjustment Usingtheconsole,youhavecontroloverthelevelsofresistanceintegrat-
edintoyourworkout.Typically,lowerresistancelevelsenableyoutomoveat afasterpace,placingincreaseddemandonyourcardiovascularsystem.Higher
resistancelevelswilltypicallydelivermoreofamuscle/ endurance workout at
lower RPMs. But everyone is differen!! So experiment and find the beginning of resistance that is comfortable for you.
n Lower body workout Once you are in position and sitting comfortably, slowly begin pedaling, with your arms relaxed and with your hands resting on the hand grips. Pedal at an
easy pace, at a low resistance level until you feel comfortable and secure. As you feel more comfortable, experiment with the range of resistance levels
available via the console.
Using the Computer Your Schwinn ® bike is equipped with a versatile computer console which
Quick Start
1 Manual program
10 Profile programs 3 Heart Rate Control programs 2 Custom user-defined programs
Time Trial program
Fitness Test Calorie Goal
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Recovery Mode
Results Mode
This console provides you with important
information about your workout as well as controlling the
resistance levels. The following sections
will describe how to utilize the many func-
tions provided by this computer. Keep this
manual accessible for future reference, as you will want to exper-
iment with the various functions while you
become familiar with the bike.
Computer Console Design
Before we discuss
using the specific func- tions of the computer,
let's get familiar with the display, the differ- ent features, and vari-
ous buttons located on the console.
Computer Features
m LCD DispJay The large LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen located in the center of the console is your information center. This display is divided into sections that
provide information about your workout and any preset information you may have input into the computer. The display provides a large main window that
indicates the PROGRAM selection and RESISTANCE LEVEL. The smaller windows across the bottom show INTERVALTIME andTIME, RPM and
WATTS, DISTANCE, and HEART (PULSE) RATE. The next larger window on the right side of the display shows SPEED and CALORIES, ENGLISH or
METRIC operating mode, and the CYCLIST ICON with spinning wheels
relative to your SPEED. The icon also indicates that the program is running.
The large main area of the display shows the program profile you are using. Within this profile are "bricks" or rectangles, that are stacked vertically and
indicate the relative resistance level and course profile. The computer is capable of offering 16 different levels of resistance. One "brick" represents the lowest level and eight "bricks" represent the highest level. You can view the level you are exercising in by referencing the Level numbers displayed on the left and right side of the "brick" display. Levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,
and 15 display on the left side and Levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 dis- play on the right. The highest value displayed is the resistance level you are working out in.
In addition, you will notice that there are 12 columns of these "bricks" lined up horizontally across the bottom of the center of the display. Each Profile Program is 50 columns or "intervals" long so each of these columns or
"intervals" represents one fiftieth of your workout time. For example, if you enter a workout time of 25 minutes, each column or "interval" time will last
a duration of 30 seconds. Since the display shows the first 12 columns of your workout program, as you progress through the workout, the program
will scroll to the left. The flashing "bricks" on the leftmost column let you know where you are in your workout and other columns to the right show the upcoming course profile.
The Manual, Heart Rate Control, Custom andTimeTrial programs will display in the 12 interval columns as viewed on the LCD screen and do not scroll as
you advance through the workout.
m Alphanumeric Display
Within the LCD display the computer features a "message center" that prompts you to input specific data and values to make the bike easy to operate and gets you to your workout quickly.
m LCD Display Descriptions
Displays the workoutTIME. TheTIME will count down from the
TIME you entered when beginning the program and shows theTIME
remaining for your workout.
Displays the INTERVALTIME. The INTERVALTIME will count down showing the TIME remaining before the program moves to the
next column.
Displays the current pedal RPM (revolutions per minute).
Displays the current power you are producing at a given resistance level. AWATT is a measure of workload similar to horsepower (in
fact 1 horsepower is equal to 746 Watts).
Displays the estimated DISTANCE traveled (Miles or Kilometersi.
Displays your current heart rate BPM (beats per minute). You must grip each Heart Rate contact sensor pod to enable the computer to detect your heart rate.
Displays the estimated SPEED (Miles or Kilometers / hour).
Displays the estimated CALORIES you have burned during the exercise.
u Cunsule Buttuus and Button Functions
Used to start and pause the workout. When in a program pressing this button will pause the workout. Press this button again to restart the clock and the program where you left off.
Used to change resistance level or to adjust values such as program time etc.
Confirms or enters your selection.
These 3 buttons enable the user to alternately view IntervaITime or Time, RPM or Watts, and Speed or Calories.
Pressing RESET in the program mode will bring you back to the
"ENTER PROGRAM" screen. Holding the RESET button down
for 2 seconds will reset the console and perform the "Power Up" step.
When the screen displays "ENTER PROGRAM", pressing this will start the Manual Program. This is a "one-touch" way of starting the Manual Program.
Press this button to end the program and see the summary results of your workout: Total Time, Total Distance, Average Speed, Average Watts, Average Pulse andTotal Calories. Once you press this button your workout will end. You cannot go back and resume your workout
where you left off. See START / PAUSE above for information
regarding pausing then resuming your workout.
Press this button to measure and obtain your heart rate recovery
score. See section "Recovery Test':
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