Schaub Lorenz SLB EB6610, SLB EB6860, SLB EE6610, SLB EE6620, SLB EE6630 User manual

Dear Customer,
Thank you for relying on this product.
We aim to allow you to optimally and efciently use this environ­ment-friendly product produced in our modern facilities under precise conditions with respect to sense of quality in total.
We advise you to read these operating manual thoroughly before using the oven and keep it permanently so that the features of the built-in oven you have purchased will stay the same as the rst day for a long time.
This Operating Manual is prepared for multiple models. Your appliance
may not feature some functions specied in the manual.
The product images are schematic.
This product has been produced in modern environment-friendly facilities without adversely affecting nature.
Products marked with (*) are optional.
"Complies with AEEE Regulation"
Important Warnings Introducing The Appliance 6 Technical Specications 7 Installation Of Appliance 7 Important Warnings 13 Control Panel 14 Program Types 16 Cooking Recommendations 17
Cooking Table 17 Using The Oven 18 Replacing Oven Lamp 19 Cleaning Oven Glass 19 Cleaning And Mounting Oven Door 20
Maintenance And Cleaning 21 Steam Cleaning 21 Accessories 22
Troubleshooting 23 Environmentally-Friendly Disposal 23
Package Information 23
1. WARNING: To avoid electric shock, ensure that the
appliance circuit is open before changing the lamp.
2. WARNING: All supply circuit connections must be
disconnected before accessing terminals.
3. WARNING: The accessible parts may be hot during use
of grid. Children must be kept away.
4. WARNING: Fire hazard; do not store materials on cook-
ing surface.
5. WARNING: If the surface is cracked, open the appli-
ance circuit to avoid risk of electric shock.
6. WARNING: Appliance and its accessible parts are hot
during operation.
7. Setting conditions of this appliance are specied
on the label.(Or on the data plate)
8. Accessible parts might be hot during use of grill.
Small children should be kept away.
9. WARNING: Appliance is intended for cooking only. It
should not be used for other purposes like heating a room.
10. There are additional protective tools avoiding
contact with oven doors. This part must be attached
when it's likely that there are children around.
11. Do not use steam cleaners to clean the appliance.
12. NEVER try to put out the re with water. Only
shut down the appliance circuit and then cover the ame with a cover or a re blanket.
13. Hard and abrasive cleaners or hard metal scrap-
ers should not be used to clean the oven glass door, as these can scratch the surface and cause breaking.
14. Ensure that door is fully closed after food is
15. Children under 8 years of age should be kept away,
if they cannot be monitored continuously.
16. Touching the heating elements should be avoided.
17. This appliance can be used by children over 8
years of age, people with physical, hearing or mental
challenges or people with lack of experience or knowl­edge; as long as control is ensured or information is
provided regarding the dangers.
18. The appliance hasn't been designed for opera-
tion with an external time or a separate remote control system.
19.This device has been designed for domestic use.
20. Cleaning and user maintenance can't be made
by children without adult supervision.
21. Children must not play with the appliance. Clean-
ing and user maintenance shouldn't be made by chil­dren unless they are older than 8 years old and under
adult supervision.
22. Make sure that children at and under 8 can't reach
appliance and appliance cable.
23. Keep curtains, tissue paper or combustible (in-
ammable) materials away from appliance before starting to use it. Do not place inammable or combustible materials in or on the appliance.
1.Control Panel 4.In Tray Wire Grill
2.Deep Tray* 5.Standard Tray
3.Roast Chicken Skewer 6.Oven door
8 9
7. Lamp
8. In Tray Wire Grill
9. Standard Tray
SPECIFICATIONS 60 cm Built-In Oven
Lamp Power
Lower Heater
Upper Heater
Turbo Heater
Grill Heater Small Grill 1000W Big Grill 2000W
Supply Voltage 220V-240V 50/60 Hz
40-240 / Max °C
Technical specications can be changed without prior notice to improve
product quality.
The values provided with the appliance or its accompanying documents are laboratory readings in accordance with the respective standards. These values may differ depending on the use and ambient conditions.
Figures in this guide are schematic and may not be exactly match your
Ensure that electrical installation is suitable for operationalising the appliance. If not, call an electrician and plumber to make necessary arrangements. Manufacturing rm can't be hold responsible for damages to arise due to operations by unauthorized people and product warranty becomes void.
WARNING: It is customer's responsibility to prepare the location the product shall be placed on and also have power utility prepared.
WARNING: The rules about electrical local standards must be adhered to
during product installation.
WARNING: Check for any damage on the product before installing it. Do not have product installed if it's damaged. Damaged products pose
danger for your safety.
Important Warnings for Installation:
Cooling fan shall take extra steam out
and prevent outer surfaces of appliance from overheating during operation of oven. This is a necessary condition for better appliance operation and better
cooking. Cooling fan shall continue operation
after cooking is nished. Fan shall
automatically stop after cooling is com­pleted.
Figure 1
A clearance must be left behind the enclosure where you'll place the appliance for efcient and good operation. This clearance shouldn't be ignored as it's required for ventilation system of the appliance to operate.
Right Place For Installation
Product has been designed to be mounted to worktops procured from market. A safe distance must be left between the product and kitchen walls or furniture. See the drawing provided on the next page for proper distances. (values in mm).
Used surfaces, synthetic laminates and adhesives must be heat re­sistant. (minimum 100°C).
Kitchen cupboards must be level with product and secured.
If there is a drawer below the oven, a rack must be placed between
oven and drawer.
WARNING: Do not install the product next to refrigerators or coolers. The
heat emitted by the product increases the energy consumption of cooling devices.
WARNING: Do not use door and/or handle to carry or move the product.
60 cm Built-In Oven Installation and Mounting
Place of use for product must be located before starting installation. Product mustn't be installed in places which are under the effect of
strong air ow.
Carry the product with minimum two people. Do not drag the product so
that oor isn't damaged.
Remove all transportation materials inside and outside the product.
Remove all materials and documents in the product.
Installation Under Counter
Cabin must match the dimensions provided in Figure 2. A clearance must be provided at the rear part of the cabin as indicated
in the gure so that necessary ventilation can be achieved.
After mounting, the clearance between lower and upper part of the counter is indicated in Figure 5 with "A". It's for ventilation and shouldn't be covered.
Installation In An Elevated Cabinet
Cabin must match the dimensions provided in Figure 4.
The clearances with the dimensions indicated in the gure must be pro­vided at the rear part of cabin, upper and lower sections so that necessary ventilation can be achieved.
Installation Requirements
Product dimensions are provided in the Figure 3.
Furniture surfaces for mounting and mounting materials to be used must have a minimum temperature resistance of 100 °C.
Mounting cabin must be secured and its floor must be plane for product not to tilt over.
Cabin floor must have a minimum strength that would handle a load of
60 kg.
Placing and Securing the Oven
Place the oven into the cabin with two or more people.
Ensure that oven's frame and front edge of the furniture match
Supply cord mustn't be under the oven, squeeze in between oven and furniture or bend.
Fix the oven to the furniture by using the screws provided with the product. Screws must be mounted as shown in Figure 5 by passing them through plastics attached to frame of the product. Screws mustn't be overtightened. Otherwise, screw sockets might be worn.
Check that oven doesn't move after mounting. If oven isn't mounted in accordance with instructions, there is a risk of tilt over during operation.
Electrical Connection
Mounting place of the product must have appropriate electrical instal­lation.
Network voltage must be compatible with the values provided on type label of product.
Product connection must be made in accordance with local and nation-
al electrical requirements.
Before starting the mounting disconnect network power. Do not connect
the product to network until its mounting is completed.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
30 30
Figure 5
Electrical Connection and Safety
This oven must be installed and connected to its place correctly according to manufacturer instructions and by an authorized service.
Appliance must be installed in an oven enclosure providing high ventilation.
Electrical connections of the appliance must be made only via sockets having earth system furnished in compliance with rules. Contact an authorized electrician if there is no socket complying with the earthed system at where appliance will be placed. Manufacturing company is by no means responsible for damage resulting from connection of
non-earthed sockets to appliance.
Plug of your oven must be earthed; ensure that socket for the plug is earthed. Plug must be located in a place that can be accessed after
Your oven has been manufactured as 220-240 V 50/60 Hz. AC power
supply compliant and requires a 16 Amp fuse. If your power network
is different that these indicated values, refer to an electrician or your authorized service.
When you need to replace the electrical fuse, please ensure that
electrical connection is made as follows:
Phase (to live terminal) brown cable
Blue cable to neutral terminal
Yellow-green cable to earth terminal
Oven disconnecting switches must be in an accessible place for nal user while oven is in its place.
Power supply cable (plug in cable) mustn't touch hot parts of the appliance.
If supply cord (plug in cable) is damaged, this cord must be replaced by the importer or its service agent or an equally competent personnel to
prevent a hazardous situation.
Digital Panel Visual
Mechanical Panel Visual
Adjustment can be made only when button is popped for models with pop-up button.
Make sure that button is popped by pressing on the button as shown in the gure at left side.
Figure 6 *
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