Tieringerstr. 11-15
D-72336 Balingen
E-Mail: info@sauter.eu
Brief Instruction
USB Converter Installat ion – SAUTER AFH 12
Hardware Installation
- Deposit Driver-CD of the converter into PC
The Driver-CD might be located in the back part of the sales packaging
- Activation and installation of the Driver-Software
- Insert converter (RS 232 to USB) into USB-Port
Software Installation
Allocation of the virtual COM Interface (= Port) to USB Converter.
- Access „Control Panel“
Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174
Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285
Internet: www. sauter.eu
- Access „System“
- If necessary, change to „Category View“
AFH_12-KA-e-1112 1
USB Converter Installat ion – SAUTER AFH 12
- Select file „Hardware“
- Access „Device-Manager“
Tieringerstr. 11-15
D-72336 Balingen
E-Mail: info@sauter.eu
Brief Instruction
Tel: +49-[0]7433- 9976-174
Fax: +49-[0]7433-9976-285
Internet: www. sauter.eu
- Select „Data link (COM and LPT)”
AFH_12-KA-e-1112 2