Sarotech NHD-355 Users Manual

E. Rename (
This function is for changing the name (rename) of the file or folder you choose.
After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder in which you want to rename file or
folder. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of
current folder to move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to
Click the check box next to the folder or file you want to remane in the file/folder list of
the current folder to mark the V using the mouse.
On the web folder screen of the user, enter the new name at the ‘New folder/Name’.
Select [Rename] button of the function button.
If the renaming is completed successfully, the changed name will be shown in the current
If a file having the same name exists already, an error message of “Same filename or
foldername exist” will be shown.
If you select multiple of files or folders, an error message of “Select one file or folder” will be
If the target of renaming is a public folder in the current folder, then a message of “The
sharing folder is canceled. Continue?” will be shown. If the user selects the [OK] button, then
the rename function will be performed. If he selects [Cancel] button, the rename function will
not be performed.
When the renaming target is a folder and it has a sub folder as a share folder, then the
message of “There are share folders under the selected folder” and the rename function is not
F. Delete (
After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file/folder list you want to
delete. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of
current folder to move to the parent folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to
Click the check box next to the folder or file which you want to delete in the file/folder list
of the current folder to mark the V using the mouse.
Press the [Delete] button.
When the deleting targets do not have any shared folder in the current folder, a message
to confirm the deleting file or folder will be appeared.
If the deleting targets have shared folders in the current folder, then a message of “Shared
folders exist in the current folder. Do you continue to delete the selected files and folders?” will
be appeared.
If you press the [OK] button, the selected files and folders will be deleted. To cancel the
deleting, press the [Cancel] button.
If there are shared folders under the deleting folders in the folder/file list to delete, then a
message of “There are share folders under the selected folders.” will be appeared. The
deleting the current folders having the shared folders are canceled, and other files/folders
are deleted. If the user has only the read authority to the current folder, then a message
“Permission Denied.” Will be shown and all file/folder deletings are canceled.
G. Copy (
After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file/folder list to copy. In
order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current
folder then you will move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name
to move to the sub folder you want to go.
Click the check box next to the folder or file to be copied in the file/folder list of the
current folder to mark the V using the mouse.
Select the [Find] button next to the ‘Copy/Move folder’.
The following dialog box for selecting the folder to Copy/Move will be shown.
Select target folder to copy using the mouse so to move to the folder.
Click the [OK] button.
The selected target folder will be shown next to the ‘Copy/Move folder’.
Select the [Copy] button.
If the user has only reading authority about the folder to be copied, an error message will
be shown and all file/folder copy will be canceled.
H. Move
After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file/folder list you want to
move. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of
current folder then you will move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or
folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go.
Click the check box next to the folder or file to be moved in the file/folder list of the
current folder to mark the V using the mouse.
Select the [Find] button next to the ‘Copy/Move folder’.
The dialog box for selecting the folder to Copy/Move will be shown.
Select the target folder to move using the mouse.
Click the [OK] button.
The selected target folder will be shown in the ‘Copy/Move folder’.
Select the [Move] button.
If there are shared folders under the moving folder/file list, then a message of “Error: You
can not move a share folder. At first, delete share function.” will be appeared. If there are
shared folcers under the moving folder in the folder/file list to be moved, then a message
of “The shared folder does not move." And the current folder having the share folders
does not move, while others are moved. If the user has not the write authority to the
current folder and moving folder, then an error message is shown and all file/folder
movings are canceled.
I. Refresh
Basically, the U-Stor refreshes the contents of the current folder in every 5 minute automa
Press the “Refresh” button to refresh the content of the current folder in manual.
J. Mail
When a file is sent by attached in a mail, it takes long time to send about 1MB or more file further,
it is hard to send the 10MB or more file. The U-Stor suggests the function for sending the file link
information in the remote folder of the U-Stor by attatching to the mail. The user just enters the
text related to the file in the mail and attaches the file link of the remote folder of the U-Stor to
the mail so that it takes very short time to send the mail. The mail receiver can download the files
from the U-Stor by just clicking the file link.
After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file list you want to send via
mail. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of
current folder then you will move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or
folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go. Make sure this folder is located
under Private folder.
Click the check box next to the file to be sent in the file list of the current folder to mark
the V using the mouse.
Select the [Mail] button.
At the web browser screen of sending mail, enter the e-mail of the sender and the
receiver, the subject of the mail and the message. Press the “Send this mail” button.
When the mail is sending to multiple users, the e-mails of receivers’ should be
distinguished by comer (,). Be careful that the mail encording methods of the sender and
receiver should be the same. That is, the mail encording method should be set in Korea.
K. File Link
This function is used for representing the data stroed in the U-Stor to the bulletin board of other
web site by link.
After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the file you want to link. In order
to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder list of current folder
then you will move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or folder name to
move to the sub folder you want to go. Make sure this folder is located under Private
Click the check box next to the file to be sent via mail in the file list of the current folder to
mark the V using the mouse.
Select the [File link] button.
At the file link web browser secreen, after selecting the contents next to the file link using
the mouse and copying it using the Ctrl-C, paste the file link information at the wanted
web site of document using the Ctrl-V or paste menu
Here, the share function using the U-Stor file manager will be explained. The folder in the private
folder (/U-Stor/private/) can be set to be used by other users with reading or writing authority.
The set public folders will be shown under the path of /U-Stor/public/. These folders can be
limited to be accessed, downloaded or uploaded according to the user’s authority. A user having
the writing authority to certain public folder has the reading and writing authority to all files and
folders under the public folder. A user having the reading authority has the reading authority to
the files and folders under the public folder.
The name of the public folder shown under the path of /U-Stor/public/ has “user’s name_” in
front of its name. For example, a user whose name is “User1” set the folder “Temp1” as a public
folder under his/her private folder, then the name of the public folder will be “User1_Temp1”. The
maximum length of the shared folder name is 16 characters.
★ Caution: To the sub folder or upper folder of the current public folder, the share setting can
not be performed. If you want to set the share setting, delete the share info of the shared folder
and then set the new share setting.
A. Share Folder (
After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the folder you want to set a
share setting. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder
list of current folder so as to move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or
folder name you want to move to the sub folder you want to go.
Click the check box next to the folder you want to share.
Select the [Share Folder] button.
The dialog box for setting the Share Folder will be shown.
Enter a share name unique in the U-Stor system at the ‘Share name’ under the ‘Public
folder’ showing the actual folder names. The default of share name includes the user’s
name and folder name. If needed, the user can change the folder name. The user’s name
can not be changed. The maximum length of the shared folder name is 16 characters.
Make a register of the share user list. The left ‘Group/User list’ shows all user list of the
U-Stor system. If you check users to be public members, then one of add authority
buttons there-under will be activated. To grant a reading authority to the selected user,
click the [Add Read] button. To grant a writing authority, click the [Add Read-Wirte]
The registered share users are shown in the reading authority list or the writing authority
list according to his/her authority. Using the [Delete User] or [Delete All] button under the
Share user list, certain user can be deleted from the user list. The “Delete User” is for
deleting one user selected in the Share user list. The “Delete All” is for deleting all users
in the all users having the relative authority in the Share user list. Completing the share
setting, select the [Save Share Info] button.
If any problem exists in the sharing setting, the following error message will be shown and
the sharing setting will not be proceeding. According to the message, please modify the
setting value.
If the sharing setting is succeeded, the folder icon will be changed into the share folder
icon form the normal folder icon. Also, you can see the public folder name in the window
B. Delete Share Information (
After accessing to the U-Stor, move to the folder having the folder you want to delete the
share setting. In order to move to wanted folder in the U-Stor, select “..” at the file/folder
list of current folder so as to move to the upper folder. Otherwise, select folder icon or
folder name to move to the sub folder you want to go.
Click the check box next to the public folder to be cancelled its public setting.
Select the [Share Folder] button.
The dialog box for setting the Share setting will be shown.
Select the [Delete share info] button. Completing the deleting the share, the share
information of the U-Stor system will be deleted. You can see the folder icon is changed
to the normal icon. You can also see the share name is deleted under the shared (public)
folder (/U-Stor/public).
C. Caustions using the Share function
The followings are the main message related to the share setting.
If a same share name exists already, the public setting can not be performed. It causes an
It is impossible to perform the share set to the sub folder of the share folder.
It is impossible to perform the share set to the upper folder of the share folder.
When the share folder in the private folder (/USotr/private/) is renamed or deleted, a
message inquiring whether the share setting will be deleted or not will be shown. To
delete the share setting, press the [Y].
When the commands of move, upload, download, delete, rename or create new folder are
performed in the share folder (/U-Stor/public/), a message of “Permission denied” may
be shown according to the authority of the user. The following is the case in which the
user has not writing authority to the share folder.
1.2.4. Change the Password of U-Stor account
Each user of the U-Stor has his/her own password. It is recommended that the password should
be changed periodically for security. The method for changing the password is as follows.
Select the [Change Password] item on the left main menu.
On the password changing screen, enter the old password into the ‘Current password’
and the new password into the ‘New password’ and ‘Confirm new password’. The
password should be comprises of more than 5 digits and less than 8 digits of
alphanumeric characters.
Press the [Apply] button to change with the new password. If there are no errors in the
current password, new password and confirm password, then the password is changed
with the new one. If the current password is incorrect, an error message will be shown.
When the password is identical with the user’s name, the new password is not identical
with the confirm password or the new password includes less than 5 digits, an error
message will be shown.
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