SANYO STK4067 Datasheet

Thick Film Hybrid IC
Ordering number : EN4376A
D3096HA (OT)/31293YO 5-2987 No. 4376-1/8
SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Bussiness Headquarters
TOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110 JAPAN
High-Output Power Amplifier
Higher output amplification of the car stereo has been generally dependent on boosting voltage of the power supply. The STK4067 supports low-load impedance and is designed for up to 60 W of high output without the need for a power supply voltage booster circuit.
• Power amplifier for car stereos
• Home karaoke systems
• Radio-cassette players
• Superior heat sink capacity using IMST (insulated metal substrate technology)
• Designed for high output while supporting low-load impedance
RL= 1 60 W typ. (EIAJ) 100 W (max.) ➁ RL= 2 40 W typ. (EIAJ) 70 W (max.) ③ RL= 4 23 W typ. (EIAJ) 40 W (max.)
• Supports sufficient amplifier configurations for high power output
• Low-load impedance driver Supports independent or parallel speaker connections
for low-load impedance driving.
• Low distortion
THD = 0.025% typ. (VCC= 13.2 V, RL= 2, Po = 10 W, f = 1 kHz)
Compared with a monolithic IC, with a base frequency of 100 Hz, the following is established: secondary high frequency harmonics switches to –58 dB, with third-order switching to –20 dB, fourth-order to –45 dB, and fifth-order to –18 dB.
• High temperature operation
Provides guaranteed high output to the passenger compartments protected interior even when operating in excessive heat
• Compact heat sink mounting
Supports compact total-set packaging, occupying 1/3 the heat sink area compared of monolithic ICs, and equipped with an 85°C temperature range and 110°C guaranteed case temperature rating
• Low operating power supply voltage range (9 V to 16 V)
• Built-in muting circuit Short attack time with muting quickly enabled
• Built-in protection circuits Built-in thermal shutdown and overvoltage protector
Package Dimensions
unit : mm
No. 4376-2/8
Maximum Ratings at Ta=25°C
Recommended Operating Conditions at Ta=25°C
Operating Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V
= 13.2 V, RL = 2 , Rg = 600 , VG = 46 dB
Equivalent Circuit
Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Maximum supply voltage
max (1) No signal (with circuit cut off) 30s 30 V
max (2) With signal (f = 100 kHZ, Vin = 1 Vrms, t = 100 ms) 18 V
Output current I
max 15 A Junction temperature Tj 150 °C Thermal resistance
θj-c Per power transistor 1.6 °C/W Operating substrate temperature Tc 110 °C Storage temperature Tstg –40 to +125 °C Available time for load shorted ts V
= 13.2 V, RL= 2 , f = 50 Hz, PO= 25 W 2 s
Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Unit
Recommended supply voltage V
13.2 V
Load resistance R
Parameter Symbol Conditions min typ max Unit
Quiescent current I
Rg = 10 k 70 140 mA
Output power
(1) THD = 10%, f = 1 kHz, RL= 1 50 60 W
(2) THD = 10%, f = 1 kHz, RL= 2 40 W
Total harmonic distortion
THD (1) P
= 10 W, f =1kHz 0.025 0.1 %
THD (2) P
= 1 W, f = 20 to 20 kHz 0.4 %
Voltage gain VG P
= 1 W, f = 1 kHz 43.8 46.0 48.2 dB
Frequency response f
, f
PO=1 W,
dB 20 to 30k Hz
Input resistance r
PO = 1 W, f = 1 kHz 20 30 k
Output noise voltage V
Rg = 10 k, BPF 0.6 1.2 mVrms Output offset voltage VN Rg= 10 k –200 0 +200 mV Muting suppression level ATT V
= +5 V dB
Ripple rejection SVRR f
= 100 Hz, Rg = 0 , VR = 0 dBm –47 dB
No. 4376-3/8
STK4067 Design Data (1) The Protection Circuits
a) Overvoltage Protector
Since the STK4067 is designed for car stereo applications, VCCmax for operating mode is set to 18 V. Exceeding the VCCmaximum level activates the overvoltage protector and the circuit switches to an off-state and delivers no output. The overvoltage protection circuit is set for a functional range from 18 to 28 V; 100% operation at 28 V. For this reason, you should be careful not to exceed the 18 V limit in quiescent mode and keep in mind AC line regulations when setting using a transformer power supply for designs such as home stereo systems. Exceeding 18 V activates the overvoltage protector and results in the generation of abnormal sounds.
b) Thermal Shutdown
The thermal shutdown protection circuit is designed to first detect abnormal temperature rises which occur during abnormal operation (such as load shorts) and then prevent damage to the IC by limiting the input signal; thereby preventing a further rise in the temperature. The thermal shutdown protector is set to activate at substrate temperature of 135°C with a complete shutdown by switching to an off-state if temperatures rise to 175°C. Under normal application, the IC is equipped with a heat sink and the temperature never reaches a level resulting in a complete off-state switch and saturation occurs at a specific temperature. For example, when a short occurs with an IC mounted 4.5°C/W heat sink, saturation is achieved at approximately 160°C. At this point, Tj exceeds its maximum rating of 170°C. As previously mentioned, this circuit is designed to protect the IC from damage sustained in a short period of time and you should note that the protection circuit will not protect the IC if abnormal temperature rises occur over a long period of time.
(2) Precautions
a) Excessive Input
If a 1 V or greater (f = 1 kHz.rms) overinput is applied to the input pin, the DC balance of the input channel for the input monolithic amplifier is disrupted and output is cut off. In addition, DC voltage is generated on the output pins and causes damage to the speakers. Proper caution should be displayed in preventing input above this voltage.
b) Parasitic Oscillation
The STK4067 performs phase compensation using 2.2and 0.47µF between VCCand the bootstrap pins. Under such conditions, the power supply line must be in a close proximity to the bootstrap pins for the inverting and non-inverting amplifiers. If the power line is too long, parasitic oscillation is likely to occur at low temperatures. If such a problem arises, add a 0.1µF rated condenser between the ground and the head of the power supply line in order to lower the impedance.
c) Power Supply Voltage Inverse Application
The STK4067 is not equipped with a built-in power supply voltage inversion protection circuit. If the possibility exists, one should be externally connected.
d) Power Off
Do not connect pin 1 of the VCCpin directly to the ground or else the IC will be damaged. When connecting pin 1, install a resistor rated for 100or greater in series with pin 1, or you may place a diode between pin 10 and pin
(3) Application Circuits
a) The under frequency band may be magnified, for applications using a booster amplifier or woofer driver
amplifier, the bootstrap condensers (C3 and C4) can be changed from 220µF to 470µF. Refer to PO-f graphs.
b) L1 = 3 µH and R3 = 4.7are for anti-oscillation applications against capacity loads. We recommend the use of
this coil and resistor with the most compatible amplifier sets connected to general use speakers. This coil is not necessary when the load capacity is low using a chosen speaker connected to a radio-cassette player or active speaker.
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