General Features & Benefits
Contamination Control
The SANYO Large Capacity Cell Culture CO2 incubator is designed for a wide array of demanding and highly regulated applications in the
biomedical, pharmaceutical, medical research and clinical laboratory. Representing years of research, development and component testing,
the Cell Culture CO2 incubator incorporates a collective of mutually functional systems and design attributes to offer a holistic solution to cell
culture protocols, from the most sophisticated to more familiar and conventional processes.
Large Capacity CO2 Incubator MCO-20AIC MCO-40AIC
SafeCell™ UV Decontamination Standard Standard
Single Beam, IR CO
Active Background Contamination Control•
contamination while cell culture protocols are in process.
The patented SafeCell
airflow to destroy airborne and humidity pan
Sensor Standard Standard
Temperature and Humidity Control
UV system scrubs interior
The patented Direct Heat and Air•
setpoint temperature through multiple, variable warming
points under microprocessor control.
The humidity pan is easy to fill, •
easy to clean; the automatic
jacket system manages
optical sensor advises of low
Exclusive InCu SaFe
copper-enriched stainless steel
water level.
interior surfaces assure constant germicidal protection.
Cabinet Design
Control and Monitoring
Control and information center includes central mounted •
touchpad and digital display.
Precise PID logic controls adjust to all temperature •
setpoints and alarm parameters.
High volume, low profile •
cabinets are stackable with
field-reversible doors.
Interior components and •
adjustable shelves are
configured for easy access.
CO2 Control
SANYO proprietary single-beam (IR) CO2 sensor
delivers precise CO
door openings, and auto sampling with no moving
Ceramic based infrared system that is maintenance free•
Continuous zero calibration is standard.•
control, quick recovery following
Active Background Contamination Control
At the base of the plenum, an isolated beam
of high intensity, ozone-free UV light destroys
contaminants in the air and in the water pan, away from
cell cultures, not simply collected in a HEPA filter. Plenum
components isolate UV light to protect cell cultures, while
the UV process continues in the background as programmed
without downtime. Airborne contaminants are eliminated
by an automatic 5 minute UV cycle (programmable 0 - 30
minutes). Trace contaminants which attach to walls, shelves
and plenum components are destroyed by the germicidal
properties of the inCuSaFe™ copper-enriched stainless steel
Humidifying Water Comparison
No exposure to UV Five-minute exposure to
Test results after three months
confirm the efficacy of SANYO
SafeCell™ UV protection on humidifying
water after three months.
Other design factors which help mitigate contamination
include condensation control, inner door gasket design and
triple 0.3 micron filters for vent air and CO
• The SafeCell™ UV air ow plenum promotes temperature
uniformity through the chamber, shaped by natural and
mechanical convection through and around the perforated
shelves with gentle circulation through the plenum for UV
sterilization and warm water humidification.
• Contaminants contained within the distilled water in the
humidity pan are destroyed by UV.
SafeCell™ UV
sensor sampling.
• Sterile, humidied air is released from the lower plenum for
vertical convection through and around the perforated shelves
• Interior air motion stops when the door is opened,
minimizing movement of room air into the chamber.
UV Decontamination vs. Heat Sterilization
Independent testing1 confirms that the UV decontamination
technique employed by the SANYO incubator is equally
effective against contamination as conventional high heat
sterilization over a range of +90°C to +140°C. Whenever
overnight or event sterilization of the SANYO incubator
chamber is desired, all interior components are removed for
autoclaving, exposing all interior surfaces to ultraviolet light.
During normal operation when cells are being incubated
within the chamber, the UV lamp is visibly isolated from the
cell culture chamber by a plenum cover over the humidity pan,
permitting UV decontamination of circulated, humidified air
and humidity pan surface water to remain in process without
damaging the cells.
1. A Compara tive Analysis of Ultra violet Light Decontami nation vs. High Heat S terilization in the Ce ll
Culture CO2 Incubator, with the Use of Co pper-Enriched Stainless St eel Construction to Ac hieve
Active Background Contamination Control" H. Busujima; D. Mistry 2007
Active Background
Contamination Control
> 4.5 > 4.5 > 4.5
> 2.9 > 2.9 > 2.9
> 2.7 > 2.7 > 2.7
( +140˚ C) (+ 90˚C )
Ideal for Highly Regulated or Sensitive Applications
Interior components and adjustable shelves are
configured for easy access, in situ sterilization and
Model MCO-20AIC is designed for use with a variety of standard
cell culture vessels and protocols. Four adjustable shelves are included,
standard; maximum shelf capacity is 15 shelves.
2 3
The combination of SANYO's CO2 incubator performance
functions permit use with confidence in high-value cell
protocols among hard-to-grow cell lines, cells highly
sensitive to contamination, ultra-sensitive media and
reagents, or protocols that require a strict isolation and
sterilization between processes. These include but are not
limited to:
• Stemcellresearch
• Autologoustissueregeneration®enerativemedicine
• In vitro fertilization
• Genomicandproteomicexpression
• Esotericplantandamphibiancellculture
• Hypersensitiveandtransgeniccellculture
• Lowmediavolumemicroplatework
1. MCO-20AIC CO2 incubators have received U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) clearance for in vitro fertilization applications in accordance with the FDA Safe
Medical Devices Act of 1990 and the Medical Device Amendments of 1992. Reference: Number K013703. Regulation Number: 21 CFR 884-6120, Assisted Reproduction
Accessories, Regulatory Class II, Product Code 85MOG, October 30, 2001
Control System
Microprocessor Based Controller
SANYO expertise in electronic innovations applies to the
SANYO MCO-20AIC microprocessor control system. All
incubator functions are managed by a fully integrated
controller which acquires and processes information from data
entry, setpoints and alarm parameters.
• P.I.D. Proportional, integral and derivative controls supervise
temperature, and other features for accurate, repeatable
• A range of setpoint, alarm and programmable inputs are
established through the use of function keys.
• Standard parameters are factory-set for quick start-up, and
all parameters may be changed as required.
• A remote alarm terminal mounted at the rear of the cabinet
can be connected to an external alarm system.
The MCO-20AIC control panel is center mounted in the outer
door for easy access, even when incubators are stacked.
Microprocessor based controls manage all incubator functions
including setpoints, alarm parameters, UV lamp periods,
programming, calibration and diagnostics. Extra-large digital
displays are easy to read. Tactile feedback touchpad data
shift and entry keys simplify operation. When stacked, door
mounted controls remain easily accessible at eye level.
Digital Temperature Display
Multi-function display reads actual
temperature in normal mode
Heat ON Lamp
Indicates when Direct Heat, Air
Jacket elements are powered
UV Lamp
Indicates ultraviolet lamp ON
Door Open Lamp
Warns of inner or outer door ajar
Low Water Lamp
Warns of low water level in
humidity pan
Overtemperature Setpoint
For manual adjustment of high
temperature limit
Set Function Key
Accesses setpoint mode
Digital Shift/Lock Key
Adjusts position in digital
Inject Lamp
Indicates CO
flow to chamber
Numeric Shift Key
Adjusts digits in digital display
Digital CO2 Display Multi-function
display reads actual CO2 density in
normal mode
Calibration Function Key
Accesses calibration
functions and UV lamp periods
Audible Alarm Silence Key
Silences alarm buzzer
Gas Cylinder Supply Indicator
(Optional) Indicates gas supply source
Gas Cylinder Switch Key
(Optional) Allows manual switchover
from primary to secondary gas cylinder
Enter Key
Writes value to the controller
SafeCell UV
Active Background
Contamination Control
(5 min. door openings)
SafeCell UV 24HR
(24 Hours, total)
Elapsed Time:
Conventional High Heat
(24 Hours, total)
Overtemperature Warning Lamp
Indicates high temperature limit has
been reached normal mode
Start Incubation
PREP: 15 min.
Before sterilization by UV lamp,
remove all attachments (trays,
tray supports, side supports, top
duct, rear duct, humidifying pan,
and pan cover with fan) in the
Start Cycle: 24 hours
Follow keypad function code.
UV lamp is on for 24 hours.
15 min. 30 min. 45 min. 1 2
SafeCell UV on:
5 min. after door
Scrubs interior air
flow to destroy
airborne and
humidity pan
SafeCell UV on:
5 min. after door
Scrubs interior air
flow to destroy
airborne and
humidity pan
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
SafeCell UV on:
5 min. after door
Scrubs interior air
flow to destroy
airborne and
humidity pan
SafeCell UV on:
5 min. after door
Scrubs interior air
flow to destroy
airborne and
humidity pan
SafeCell UV on: 5 min.
(every 12 hours)
Scrubs interior air flow
to destroy airborne
and humidity pan
Shelves, humidity pan and plenum
are returned to operating position.
PREP: 15 min.
Remove interior components
sensitive to high heat.
Start Cycle: 90 min.
Interior chamber elevates to high heat.
Sterilize: 14 hours
Interior chamber remains at high heat.
Incubator must cool from high heat temperatures to near ambient.