Pin No. Pin Name Pin Type Function
104 MVREF Input Reference Voltage for DDR SDRAM Interface
105 MCLKE Output DRAM Memory Clock Enable
106 MCLKZ Output DRAM Memory Clock Complementary / Input (for differential clocks)
107 MCLK Output DRAM Memory Clock
112 RASZ Output Row Address Strobe, active low
Output Column Address Strobe, active low
116 WEZ Output Write Enable, active low
101, 133 DQM[1:0] Output Data Mask Byte Enable
81, 100, 134, 153 DQS[3:0] Output Data Strobe
110, 111 BADR[1:0] Output Memory Bank Address
130-127, 124-117 MADR[11:0] Output Memory Address
82-85, 88-99, MDATA[31:0] I/O Memory Data
135-138, 141-152
DRAM Interface
Misc. Interface
Power Pins
Pin No. Pin Name Pin Type Function
203 XIN Cr ystal Oscillator Input Cr ystal Oscillator Input
202 XOUT Crystal Oscillator Output Crystal Oscillator Output
14 DDCD_DA I/O w/ 5V-tolerant HDCP Ser ial Bus Data / DDC Data of DVI port; 4mA driving strength
15 DDCD_CK Input w/ 5V-tolerant HDCP Serial Bus Clock / DDC Clock of DVI Port
158 BYPASS For External Bypass Capacitor
62 VCTRL Output Regulator Control
Pin No. Pin Name Pin Type Function
4, 10 ADD_DVI 3.3V Power DVI Power
17, 34 ADD_ADV 3.3V Power ADC Power
12 ADD_PLL 3.3V Power PLL Power
109 ADD_PLL2 3.3V Power PLL Power
49 ADD_APLL 1.8V Power Audio PLL Power
204 ADD_MPLL 3.3V Power PLL Power
86, 102, 113, VDDM 3.3V Power (SDR SDRAM) DRAM Interface Power
125, 139, 154 2.5V Power (DDR DDRAM)
66, 162, 182 VDDP 3.3V Power Digital Output Power
63, 79, 131, 156 VDDC 1.8V Power Digital Core Power
173, 185, 195
1, 7, 13, 16, 35, GND Ground Ground
50, 64, 65, 80,
87, 103, 108, 114,
126, 132, 140, 155,
157, 159, 163, 172,
183, 184, 194, 205,
IC7200 (LCD TV Controller with Dual LVDS Transmitter)
Port Functions