3. Bank address output: Use normal I/O ports as bank address output by program control.
- External prog ram memory access fu nction
External program memory space: 64K bytes
Internal/external program can be switched by program. (at initial: internal program operation mode)
Enabling/ disabling of switching from external program to internal program is provided.
- External data memory access function
By LDC instruction execution:
External data memory space: 64K bytes
(Use normal I/O ports as bank address output by program control.)
1. When internal program is operating:
Access to the internal or external ROM data is selectable by program.
2. When external program is operating:
Only the external ROM data can be accessed.
(Only the external program memory space (64K bytes) can be referred.)
- External RAM memory access function (Able to be used when internal program is executed)
By LDX instruction/STX instruction execution:
External RAM space: 64K bytes (Use normal I/O ports as bank address output by program control.)
(When using the external RAM space in the external program operation mode, refer to the “LC868364 User’s Manual”
for details.)
- Graphic display
A maximum of 1,024 dots capability (without external segment driver)
32 × 80 dots display capability per each segment driver (LC868920A) can be expanded, when 1/32 duty is selected.
Note: If the display capability is expanded by the LC86920A when 1/16 du ty is selected, only S1-S32 of the LC868364 A can be
used, and S33-S48 can not be used. (Refer to the LC 868920A specification sheet.)
- LCD contrast
LCD display contrast is changeable by program.
- LCD power supply (max. 6V): externally boosted output terminal
(assigned at P40 termina l, The terminal fu nction is selec table by program.)
- LCD driver
Following two kinds of combination can be switched by mask option.
Generates an overflow every 500ms for a clock application. (using a 32.768kHz crystal oscillation for the base timer
Clock for the base timer is selectable from 32.768kHz crystal oscillation, system clock or programmable prescaler
output of Timer 0.
(9) Buzzer Output
- Built-in 4kHz and 2kHz buzzer generation function
(10) Remote Receiver Circuit (shares with P73/INT3/T0IN terminal)
- Noise re jection function
- Polarity switch function
(11) Watchdog Timer
- External RC circuit is required (connected to P70/INT0 terminal)
- Interrupt or system reset is activated when the timer overflows.
6. Timer T1L (lower 8 bits of Timer 1), Timer T1H (upper 8 bits of Timer 1)
7. Serial interface SIO0
8. Serial interface SIO1
9. Port 0 or Port 3
- Built-in Interrupt Priority Control
Three interrupt priorities are supported (low, high and highest) and multi-level nesting is possible. Low or high
priori ty can be assig ned to the 11 inter rupt sour ces, fro m the extern al interr upt INT2 , Timer /Counter T0L (T imer 0,
lower 8 bits) to Port 0 or Port 3. For the external interrupt INT0 and INT1, low or highest priority can be set
regardless of the interrupt priority register.
(13) Sub-routine Stack Level
- A maximum of 128 levels: (sets stack inside RAM)
(14) Multiplication/Division Instru cti on
- 16 bits × 8-bit (7 instruction-cycle-times)
- 16 bits ÷ 8-bit (7 instruction-cycle-ti mes)
(15) Three Types of Oscillation Circuit
- Built-in/external RC oscillation circuit used for the system clock
- CF oscillation circuit used for the sy s tem clock
- Xtal oscillation circuit used for the clock, system clock and LCD
* Crystal oscillation clock is also used as LCD display base clock. T he current consumption of this microcontroller
becomes smaller than the Sanyo’s previous microcontrollers by this configuration.
Built-in/external RC oscillation circuit: switched by mask option
(16) Standby Function
- HALT mode
In this operation mode, the program execution is stopped. The mode can be released by a system reset or an
interrupt request.
- HOLD mode
The HOLD mode is used to stop the oscillations;
CF, RC, and Xtal oscillations. This mode can be released by the following conditions:
• System reset
• Feed the selected level to INT0 or INT1 terminals.