Note : External resisters (Rf, Rd) are required when X’ tal oscillation is used.
(4) Ports
- Input/output ports : 3 ports (16 terminals : port 1, 7, 8)
Input/output port programmable in a bit
- 15V withstand Input/output ports : 2 ports (16 terminals)
Input/output port programmable nibble unit : 1 port (8 terminals : port 0)
(When the N-channel open drain output is selected, the data in a bit can be inputted.)
Input/output port programmable in a bit : 1 port (8 terminals : port 3)
- Input port : 2 ports (6 terminals : port 7, 8)
- VFD output port : 52 terminals
Large current output for digit : 16 terminals
Pull-down resistor option available
- Other function
Input/output port : 2 ports (12 terminals : port F, G)
Input port : 3 ports (24 terminals : port C, D, E)
(5) VFD automatic display controller
- Segment/digit output pattern programmable
Any segment/digit combination available
VFD parallel-drive available
- 16-step dimmer function available
(6) AD converter
- 8-channels × 8-bit AD converter
(7) Serial interface
- 1-channel × 16-bit serial interface circuits
- 1-channel × 8-bit serial interface circuits
- LSB first/MSB first function available
- Internal 8-bit baud-rate generator in common with two serial interface circuits
- SIO automatic transmission available (2-32 byte data can be transmitted with program automatically and
Microcontroller allows 3 levels of interrupt ; low level, high level, and highest level of multiplex interrupt. It can
specify a low level or a high level interrupt priority from INT2/T0L through port 0 (i. e. the above interrupt
number fro m three thro ugh ten). I t can also spe cify a low leve l or the high est level in terrup t priori ty to INT 0 and
(13) Subroutine stack levels
- 128 levels (Max.) : Stack area included in RAM area
(14) Multiplication and division
- 16 bit × 8 bit (7 instruction cycle times)
- 16 bit ÷ 8 bit (7 instruction cycle times)
(15) Three oscillation circuits
- On-chip RC oscillation circuit used for the system clock
- On-chip CF oscillation circuit used for the system clock
- On-chip Crystal oscillation circuit used for the system clock and for time-base clock
Note : External resisters (Rf, Rd) are required
(16) Standby function
- HALT mode function
The HALT mode is used to reduce the power dissipation. In this operation mode, the program execution is stopped.
This operation mode can be released by the interrupt request signals or the initial system reset request signal.
- HOLD mode function
The HOLD mode is used to stop all the oscillations ;
RC (internal), CF and Crystal oscillations. This mode can be released by the following operations.
• Reset terminal (
) set to low level.
• Input a assigned level to P70/INT0/T0I N or P 71/INT1/T0IN terminal.
Frequency range of the system clock Voltage range Clock Divider Note
15kHz to 3MHz 1/1 Can no t use 1/2 divider
30kHz to 6MHz 1/1, 1/2
Internal RC oscillation
Pin Name I/O Function Description Option
VSS1, 2 Power pin (-) *1
VDD1,2,3,4 Power pin (+) *1
VP Power pin (+) for the VFD output pull-down resist
Port 0
P00 - P07
Port 1 •8-bit Input/output port
P10 - P17
Port 3
P30 - P37
Port 7 •4-bit input/output port
P70 - P73
- P75
Port 8
P80 - P83
P84 - P87
S0/T0 to
I/O •8-bit input/output port
Input/output in nibble units
•Input for port 0 interrupt
•Input for HOLD release
•15V withstand at N-channel open drain output
Input/output can be specified in bit unit.
•Other pin functions
I/O •8-bit input/output port
Input/output in bit unit
•15V withstand at N-channel open drain output
Input/output in bit unit
•2-bit input port
•Other pin function
•Interrupt recei ved form, vector address
rising falling rising/
•4-bit input/output port
Input/output in bit unit
•4-bit input port
•Other function
AD input port (8 port pins)
O Output for VF D display controller
segment/timing in common
SIO0 data output
SIO0 data input/bus input/output
SIO0 clock input/output
SIO1 data output
SIO1 data input/bus input/output
SIO1 clock input/output
Buzzer output
Timer1 output (PWM0 output)
INT0 input/HOLD release /Nch-Tr.
output for watchdog timer
INT1 input/HOLD release input
INT2 input/timer 0 event input
INT3 input with noise filter/timer 0
event input
Input pin XT1 for 32.768kHz crystal
resonator oscillation
Output pin XT2 for 32.768kHz
crystal resonator oscillation