Direct Current
Motors and Drives
1/50 - 500 Hp

Why Baldor?
For over 85
years, Baldor has
strived to provide
customers with
the best value and
reliability in industrial
electric motors.
That dedication
shows in customer
preference for
Baldor motors.
To be considered
as the most
Baldor offers
the industry’s
broadest line of
stock products. Save valuable time with just one call to
Baldor. We offer more than 7,000 stock motors, drives
and gearboxes.
Percentage of research studies in which
Baldor was chosen most preferred.
shortest lead
Baldor has
the industry’s
shortest lead
times on custom
motors – just
ten working
days. Our unique
manufacturing process lets us produce any order in any
quantity, quickly and efficiently.
Industry’s best information. Only Baldor offers
customers so many choices for product information with
a wide variety of catalogs and product brochures,
a CD-ROM electronic catalog, the Baldor Web site
(www.baldor.com), or you may talk to a Baldor
customer service person or “ask the engineer” at
Energy-efficiency leader. We began lowering the
energy consumption of our motors in the 1920s, long
before others were even talking about it. Today, our
expansive line of Super-E® NEMA Premium® efficient
motors ranges from 1 through 1250 hp. Baldor’s
Super-E line offers customers the highest overall
efficiency levels in the industry.
Baldor products are
available at more
locations than any other
brand. Our 35 district
offices across North
America offer immediate
availability of Baldor
products to thousands of
Continuous innovation to improve reliability.
Baldor leads the motor industry in applying new
technologies and materials to improve motor reliability.
Baldor was the first to introduce ISR® (Inverter Spike
Resistant®) magnet wire on our AC motors, which is up
to 100 times more resistant to voltage spikes. Baldor was
first to use Exxon’s Polyrex® EM grease, which protects
motor bearings better, providing improved lubrication
life, greater shear stability, and superior resistance to
washout, rust and corrosion.
Table of Contents
DC Motor and Control Applications 1
Matched Performance 1
Typical Frame Sizes for PMDC Motors 2
SCR-Rated PMDC Motors 4
Baldor DC Motor Construction 6
Subfractional Hp PMDC
Motors and Gearmotors 7
Wound Field DC Motors 8
Integral Hp Wound Field DC Motors 10
Low Voltage DC Motors 11
DC Power Motors 11
Lifiting Magnet and DC Generators 11
DC SCR Controls 12
Tachometers 13

DC Motors & Controls
0 200 400 800600 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
TORQUE (ft-lbs)
SPEED (rpm)
Intermittent Safe Operating Area
Continuous Operating Area
for many different
Baldor offers the widest variety of DC Motors. From
1/50 to 500 horsepower, our rugged industrial designs
may be used to power everything from a medical
blood centrifuge to the printing press for your Sunday
SCR-rated DC motors are available from stock in
permanent magnet designs through 5 horsepower.
Wound field designs are stocked through 500 HP. DC
motors with special features are available from stock for
special applications:
• Explosion-proof for hazardous locations
• Washdown Enclosures for food processing
• Metric mounting for replacement of motors built
to IEC standards
• Permanent magnet motors with a built-in
precision DC tachometer
• Right angle and parallel shaft gear motors
• 115 and 230 volt power motors built to IEEE 45
and USCG 259 standards for shipboard use
Custom motors are available
with special voltages, base
speeds, mountings and
other options. With Baldor,
building a custom motor to
the specifications you require
can eliminate assembly time,
adapters, repainting and other
costly operations. You buy only
what you require, and we deliver when
you need it.
Matched Performance™
We know how our DC motors and controls perform
when used together. This assured performance gives you
the Matched Performance™ that you need. The wide
range of SCR controls we offer assures that we have the
correct control for most applications. Let Baldor take the
guesswork out of matching motors and controls.
Baldor offers a wide range of DC motors with up to 500 Hp
available from stock.
Performance Specifications
BC140 Control and CDP3455 Motor 1HP
Input Voltage: 230V AC
50/60 Hz
1 Phase
Base Speed: 1750 RPM
Operating Speed Range: 0-2000 RPM
Constant Torque Speed Range: 90-1750 RPM
Constant Horsepower Speed Range: 1750-2000
Speed Regulation Std. Feedback Type: Armature
1% of Base
Opt. Feedback Type: Tachometer
1% of Set
Motor Cooling: TEFC

Baldor Permanent Magnet DC Motor
At the heart of our DC motor lineup are the many sizes of our versatile permanent magnet DC motors. These range in
output from 1/50 hp to the industry’s only 5 horsepower. Ruggedness, dependability and ease of use are the reasons
that Baldor PMDC motors are specified by more customers than any other.
Tach adaptable with optional tach
mounting kit (except explosion proof)
Long life brushes, constant force
springs on 42 and 180 frame
body sizes (33P & 36P).
Heavy duty steel frames with
removable mounting bases (36P
and explosion proof welded-on).
Typical Frame Sizes for Permanent Magnet DC Motors
1/50 ABP-0 ABP-0 ABP-0 ABP-0
1/25 ABP-0 ABP-0 ABP-0 ABP-0
1/10 42C, 48C or 56C 42C, 48C or 56C 42C, 48C or 56C 42C, 48C or 56C
1/8 56C 42C, 48C or 56C 42C, 48C or 56C 42C, 48C or 56C 42C, 48C or 56C
1/6 56C
1/4 56C 56C
1/3 56C 56C 56C 56C
1/2 56C 56C 56C 56C
3/4 143-5TC 56C 56C 56C
1 143-5TC 56C 56C 56C
1-1/2 182-4TC 143-5TC 143-5TC 143-5TC
2 182-4TC 143-5TC 143-5TC 182-4TC
3 182-4TC 182-4TC 182-4TC 182-4TC
5 1810ATC 182-4TC 182-4TC
Ratings 2 HP and above designed for 180 Volts only.
ABP = Non NEMA Foot Mount
1150 1750 2500 3500 5000
42C, 48C
Base Speed
42C or 48C
42C or 48C
42C or 48C
42C or 48C
42C, 48C or 56C
42C, 48C or 56C

Armature connections fused
to commutator for reliability
and low resistance.
Class H+ moisture resistant
magnet wire operated at a Class
F rise for long insulation life.
Dynamic balanced armature for
smooth operation.
Highest quality oriented ceramic ferrite
magnets for increased motor efficiency.
Drive end bearing locked
in place allowing vertical
mounting or axial shaft
Double seal ball bearings
with moisture resistant
grease for long life.
Die cast alloy endplates
with steel bearing inserts.