Sanken CS-3e Specification

n the CS-3e, three directional capsules are arranged in a front-back array to combine line
microphone performance and second-order pressure gradient response in a single system .With this unique design, the CS-3e achieves phenome­nal supercardioid d irectivity in the lowest frequen­cies and throug hout the full range in a microp hone 27cm (10 inches) in lengt h. It is significa nt that t he CS-3e picks up t he targeted frontal sound sources with exceptional clarity over a wide frequency range - even in no isy amb ient environments o r in long reverberation sp aces - b y rejecting und esired noise and sounds coming from t he rear and sides.
Conventional shotgun microphones use a line cap­sule array and a pipe with slits in front of t he cap­sule to create high directivity by utilizing phase interference inside the casing. With this conven­tional design, high-direct ivity in the middle-lo w fre­quency range is not achieved, although high-d irec ­tivity in the high frequency range is maintained. Conventional shotgun micr ophones are at a disad­vantage because they invariably pick up unwanted sounds com ing from t he back and sides. In order to solve this problem, conventional shotg un micro­phones d esigned for high d irectivity in the midd le­low frequencie s require a lengt h of more than one meter (39 inches) in length. However, long shotgun microp hones seriously af fect mob ility and are not ideal for field recording.
Unique Design
The remarkable per formance of t he CS-3e is b ased on the combination of a second-gr adient and line microphone with three directional condenser ele­ments, using new PPS (Poly-Gold-Phenylene­Sulfide) diaphragms to provide optimum humidity/temperature stability. The CS-3e incorpo­rates the revolutionary technology of the CSS-5 shotgun stereo microphone (switchable shotgun­stereo/mono/w id e) and the COS-11s lavalier micro­phone developed in con junct ion w ith NHK.
The CS-3e is small and lightweight with a low-cut switch to satisfy the various needs of location and studio recording.The standard 19mm diameter per­mits use of a wide range of accessories developed for enhanced performance and field mobility.
Non-Pr oximity Ef fect
When a conventional shotgun microp hone is near the sound source, proximity effect results in a boosting of certain low frequencies and slight masking of others. Some d esigns utilize this effect to reduce surrounding noises, but microphone response greatly varies with the changing distance between the source and the microphone. This effect become s mor e pr onou nced when the direc­tionality become s greater. By contrast, the CS-3e virtually eliminates the proximity effect and main­tains sharp directivity, while the sonic characteris­tics do not change with varied distances between sources and microphone. This is a significant advantage over all other directional microp hones.
Short Shotgun Condenser Microphone
with new low fr equency response
Short Shotgun Condenser Microphone
with new low fr equency r esp onse
SANKEN MICROPHONE Co., Ltd., 2-8-8 Ogikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167-0051, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3392-6581 Fax: +81-3-3393-2055
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