Sandvik Coromant Threading User Manual

Thread turning and thread milling
1 Basics in threads
2 Applications
Thread turning vs thread milling
Thread Turning
Thread Milling
3 Products
Thread Turning
CoroThread® 266
CoroCut® XS
CoroTurn® XS
CoroCut® MB
T-Max Twin-Lock®
Extended offer
Thread Milling
CoroMill® 327
CoroMill® 328
CoroMill® Plura
Grade information
4 Troubleshooting
5 Technical reference
Cutting data
Thread turning infeed recommendations
External thread milling recommendations
Inch/mm conversion table
Modern threading tools can produce complex component features with relative ease, but to gain consistent results there are a num­ber of considerations to be made.
In this application guide, we show you how to achieve threading success with Sandvik Coromant tools. Our aim is to help you to choose the right tooling combinations to produce consistent, high quality threads and guide you towards the most productive and problem-free threading performance.
This guide also includes information on basic threading principles
- together with deeper application information, troubleshooting advice and  nally, a technical reference section to cover all of your thread machining needs.
Basic in threads
1. Basics in threads
What is a thread?
Threads are classi ed according to the main functions they perform in a component.
Primary functions of a thread:
• To form a mechanical coupling
• To transmit motion by converting a rotational movement into a linear movement, and vice versa.
• To obtain a mechanical advantage, by using a small force to create a larger force.
Threads are also classi ed into various pro les or forms. The selection of these forms will be in uenced by many other secondary, but still vital, functions.
Thread forms
The thread pro le de nes the geometry of a thread and includes component diameters (major, pitch and minor), the thread pro le angle, pitch and helix angle. The most common thread forms or pro les produced today are shown below.
Application Thread form Thread type Connecting
General usage
Pipe threads Whitworth, British Standard (BSPT),
Food and  re Round DIN 405
Aerospace MJ, UNJ
Oil and gas API Rounded, API Buttress, VAM
General usage
ISO metric, American UN
American National, Pipe Threads, NPT, NPTF
Trapezoidal, ACME, Stub ACME
Basic in threads
Threading terms and de nitions
1. Root/bottom
The bottom surface joining the two adjacent  anks of the thread
2. Flank/side
The side of a thread surface connecting the crest and the root
3. Crest/top
The top surface joining the two sides, or  anks.
P = Pitch, mm or threads per inch (t.p.i.)
= The pro le angle = The helix angle of the thread
d / D = The major diameter, external/internal d
/ D1 = The minor diameter, external/internal
/ D2 = The pitch diameter, external/internal
Pitch diameter, d2 / D
This is the effective diameter of the screw thread; approximately half way between the major and minor diameters.
Helix angle
The helix angle ()is the geometrical shape of the screw thread, it is based on the pitch diameter of the thread (d pitch (P) – the distance from one point on a thread pro le to the corresponding point on the next. This measurement can be represented by a triangle being unwound from the compo­nent.
, D2), and the
The same pitch on different dia­meters gives a different helix angle, see example above.
Thread designations
International standards
To ensure that the two (internal and external) halves of a threaded joint  t together properly to produce a connection capable of bear­ing a speci ed load, threads must maintain certain standards. International standards for thread forms have therefore been estab­lished for all common thread types.
Below are examples of Metric, UN and Whitworth thread designa­tions.
ISO metric thread designations
The complete thread designation is made up of values for the thread form and the tolerance. The tolerance is indicated by a num­ber for the tolerance grade, and letters for the tolerance position.
. Basic in threa
M16 - 6h
Thread designation and nominal dimension Tolerance class for pitch and crest position
Pitch Tolerance class for pitch diameter Tolerance class for crest diameter
M10 x 1.25 5g6g
A  t between threaded parts is indicated by the internal thread tolerance class followed by the external thread tolerance class, separated by an oblique stroke.
Basic in threads
Tolerance positions
The tolerance position identi es the fundamental deviation and is indicated with an upper-case letter for internal threads and a lower case letter for external threads. A combination of tolerance grade and position give the tolerance class. The values of the tolerance classes are given in the standards for the different threading systems.
Tolerance positions
Internal threads H and G External threads h, g, f and e
ISO inch threads (UNC, UNF, UNEF, UN)
The UN system has three tolerance classes, ranging from 1 (course) to 3 ( ne). A typical UN thread is designated as follows:
¼” 20UNC – 2A
2A – Indicates a medium tolerance
UNC – Indicates a course pitch
20 – Pitch value: threads per inch (t.p.i.)
¼” – Major thread diameter
ISO - uni ed (UN):
. Basic in threa
Loose tolerance
Medium tolerance
Tight tolerance
Tolerance position
Types of UN thread
UNC thread diameter with course pitch UNF thread diameter with  ne pitch UNEF thread diameter with extra- ne pitch UN thread diameter with constant pitch
All of the above types of thread can be created using the UN insert from Sandvik Coromant
The pitch value is indicated in t.p.i. (threads per inch). To convert to metric, this should be divided by 25.4 using the following equation:
1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B
20 t.p.i. 25.4/20 = 1.27 mm.
Basic in threads
Whitworth threads (G, R, BSW, BSF, BSPF)
Whitworth screw threads are now obsolete, but Whitworth pipe threads are a recognized international standard. There are two tolerance classes for external-, and one tolerance class for internal Whitworth pipe threads.
Whitworth pipe thread designations
These threads are divided into 2 groups:
• Pressure-tight joints not made on the thread, ISO 228/1
• Pressure-tight joints made on the thread, ISO 7/1
Whitworth pipe threads:
Fine Only
Tolerance position
Examples of Whitworth pipe thread designations:
Pressure tight joints not made on the thread:
ISO 228/1 G
= G 1 ½ A
= G 1 ½ (internal)
= parallel thread
= pipe diameter, not thread diameter
1 ½
A or B = external tolerance class only
Pressure tight joints made on the thread:
ISO 7/1 = R
7/1 = Rc 1 ½R 7/1 = R 1 ½R
Sandvik Coromant’s WH inserts are to be used for parallel threads. The PT inserts are for the conical thread.
1 ½R
= parallel thread, internal
= conical thread, internal
= conical thread, external
2. Applications
Threading methods
Various methods and applications exist for generating screw threads. The choice of application will be based on the time taken to produce the thread and the level of thread precision required.
Different ways of making threads
. Application
Metal cutting
Within the metal cutting area, thread turning, thread milling and thread tapping are common threading techniques using cemented carbide cutting tools. The design of component and machine tool are the main factors when deciding which technique to use, and there are a number of important considerations to be made in order to maximize success.
Metal cutting threading methods
Thread millingThread turning Thread tapping Thread whirling
. Application
Thread milling vs. thread turning
This application guide focuses on thread turning and thread milling products and application techniques. Each technique has its own advantages in certain situations.
Thread turning Thread milling
Thread turning
• Normally the most productive threading method
• Covers the largest number of thread pro les
• An easy and well known threading process
• Provides a better surface  nish
• Can be used in deep holes with dampened bars
• Has dedicated thread programs in CNC machines
Thread milling
• Threading of non-rotating components
• Interrupted cuts offer good chip control in long-chipping materials
• Lower cutting forces make it possible to thread in long overhangs and thin-walled components
• Threads close to a shoulder or bottom, no need for a relief groove
• Enables machining of large workpieces which cannot be easily mounted on a lathe
Insert types
Three main types of threading principle can be used to produce a thread. The different technical and economic arguments for each insert are the main guide in the choice of application.
Thread turning Thread milling
Full pro le
. Application
V-pro le
. Application
Full pro le inserts –  rst choice for high quality thread forms
The most common insert type, used to form a complete thread pro le, including the crest.
• Ensures correct depth, bottom and top pro le for a stron­ger thread
• Extra stock should be 0.03 – 0.07 mm (0.001 – 0.003”)
• No deburring required after threading operation
• Fewer passes required compared to a V-pro le insert, due to the larger nose radius
• Separate insert required for each pitch and pro le
• Productive threading performance
Extra stock should be left on the workpiece for topping the  nish diameter of the thread.
Extra stock
V-pro le inserts – threading with minimum tool inventory
These inserts do not top the thread crests. Therefore, the outer diameter for screws and inner diameter for nuts must be turned to the right diameter prior to threading.
• Same insert can be used for a range of pitches - provided that the thread pro le angle (60° or 55°) is the same
• Fewer inserts needed in stock
• The nose radii is designed to offer the smallest pitch, which reduces tool life
Multi-point inserts – productive, economic threading in mass production
Multi-point inserts are similar to full pro le-, but have more than one insert point (two pointed inserts give double productivity, three pointed insert give triple etc.) Stable conditions are needed due to increased cutting forces as the cutting edge has a longer contact length.
Considerations should be made for thread turning and thread mill­ing:
. Application
• Completes the thread in one revolution, when using solid carbide thread mills.
• Requires fewer passes, giving better tool life, productivity and lower tool costs.
• Requires longer passes beyond the workpiece thread to accomo­date the extra points.
Thread turning with multi-point inserts requires longer passes beyond the workpiece.
. Applications – Thread turnin
Thread turning
Thread turning is the most common method of producing threads. The many tooling systems offered by Sandvik Coromant cover internal and external applications and make it possible to produce threads of all sizes and pro les, across all segments of the engineering industry.
Indexable-insert thread turning tools such as CoroThread 266 and others offer high quality performance, providing dampening against vibrations, security in small holes, and in the toughest materials.
. Applications – Thread turnin
Insert geometries
Selecting the correct insert geometry is important in threading, especially in machines where there is limited supervision. Here, geometry A offers consistent tool life and quality and is the  rst choice for most applications, while geometry F is sharper, reducing cutting forces.
The chip-forming geometry C enables more continuous and un­supervised machining, free from sudden stoppages. This results in predictable tool life, and more active machining time.
First choice
Geometry A
First choice
• First choice for most op­erations and materials
• Rounded cutting edge for safe and consistent tool life
• Good edge security
Geometry F
Sharp edge
• Sharp cutting edge
• Clean cuts in sticky or work-hardening materials
• Low cutting forces and good surface  nish
• Reduced built-up edge
Geometry C
Chip-forming geometry
• Maximum chip control, minimum supervision required
• High security for all threading, particularly internal
• Optimized for low carbon­and low-alloyed steels
• To be used with 1° modi­ ed  ank infeed only
2. Applications – Thread turnin
Insert geometries
MC CMC Geometries
ISO No. No.
P2.1.Z.AN P2.5.Z.HT P3.1.Z.HT
M1.0.Z.AQ M3.1.Z.AQ
K2.2.C.UT K3.1.C.UT
S2.0.Z.AG S4.2.Z.AN
For ISO-H use CBN-insert, CB7015
First choice Second choice Alternative choice
. Applications – Thread turnin
Infeed method dictates how the insert is applied to the workpiece to create the thread form. The three common infeed choices are modi ed- ank-, radial-, and incremental infeed.
The infeed method used in threading will directly in uence:
• Chip control
• Thread quality
• Insert wear
• Tool life
Modi ed  ank infeed Radial infeed Incremental infeed
Modi ed  ank infeed
Has many advantages over radial infeed, and most CNC machines are pre-programmed for this method which is modi ed (angled) slightly to avoid the insert edge rubbing on the component surface.
• Recommended for all operations and insert types
• Chip is easier to form or guide, compared to radial infeed
• Chip is thicker but generated only on one side of the insert, mak­ing it easier to cut
• Fewer passes than for radial infeed, as less heat is transferred to the insert
• Can be used on both  anks of the thread (opposite  anking) to steer the chip in best direction
• For larger threads, and to eliminate vibration problems
• Use 3-5° infeed angle for A- and F-geometries
• An infeed angle of 1° should be used for C-geometry.
2. Applications – Thread turnin
Radial infeed
The most commonly-used infeed method and the only one possible on many non-CNC lathes.
• Produces a stiff, V-shaped chip, which is dif cult to form
• Insert wear is even on both  anks
• Suitable for  ne pitches
• Insert tip is exposed to high temperatures, restricting the possible infeed depth
• Risk of vibration and poor chip control in large pitches
Incremental infeed - for pitches larger than 5 mm (5 t.p.i.)
This infeed type is the  rst choice for larger thread pro les.
• Even insert wear and long tool life
• A- and F-geometries should be used
• Special CNC machine programme is required
Very large thread pro les can be pre-machined with a turning tool,  nishing passes can be made with the threading tool For more information see page 33 (Threading large pro les).
. Applications – Thread turnin
Successful chip control in thread turning
Threading can present problems in machines where there is limited supervision. Chips can get trapped in chucks, often resulting in tool damage and lost machining time.
To avoid these problems and achieve the best possible chip control, use modi ed- ank infeed, together with a C-geometry (chip-control) insert.
Opposite  ank infeed
With this infeed type, the insert can cut using both  anks (opposite  anking) meaning that the chip can be steered in the right direction. This helps to ensure continuous, trouble-free machining, free from unplanned stoppages.
Standard modi ed
 ank infeed
Chip direction Chip direction
 ank infeed
2. Applications – Thread turnin
Infeed depths per pass
Decreasing depth per pass (constant chip area)
• First choice, most common
• First pass is deepest
• More ‘balanced’ chip area
• Even load on insert
• Last pass 0.07 mm (.003 inch)
Constant depth per pass
• Each pass is of equal depth, regardless of number of passes
• More demanding on the insert
• Can improve chip control
• Increases the required number of passes
• Should not be used for pitches larger than 1.5 mm or 16 t.p.i.
• A less-productive method
First choice
Normal CNC lathes are equipped with dedicated threading cycles, where pitch, thread depth and number of passes can be set in dif­ferent ways – including the  rst and last passes.
For the last pass, we strongly recommend against using a spring pass (a cut without radial cutting depth). It is more bene cial to use the recommended infeed cycles to ensure better thread quality and longer insert tool life.
. Applications – Thread turnin
Number of passes and size of infeed per pass
The recommended depths of cut for the different passes are shown in the table below.
• These are recommended as starting values - the most suitable number of passes must be determined by trial and error.
• Infeeds of less than 0.05 mm (0.002 inch) should be avoided
• For Cubic Boron Nitride-tipped inserts, infeed should not exceed
0.10-0.12 mm (.004-.005 inch)
• For multi-point inserts, it is essential that the correct infeed rec­ommendations are used
Infeed value recommendations
Number of infeeds and total depth of thread.
For tables and recommendations see chapter 5, Technical refer­ence (page 96) or use the Sandvik Coromant threading calculator for more values.
2. Applications – Thread turnin
Tool holder selection
The choice of tool holder used in a threading operation is in u­enced by many factors:
• Component shape
• Tool availability
• Machine type and condition
• Chip control requirements
• Hand of thread
• Tool holder choice
Coromant Capto®
Quick change coupling - for large, internal threads
Boring bar - for internal threading
coupling - for internal and external thread­ing
Drop head - for external threading
QS shank tool - for exter­nal small part machining in sliding head machines
Shank tool - for external threading
Exchangable cutting head - for internal and external threading, with anti-vibration bars.
. Applications – Thread turnin
External thread turning
This is the most common thread turning method. It is often easier and less demanding on the tool and there are a number of different methods which can be used to achieve the desired results.
Upside-down tool holders
In many operations, it is bene cial to use a tool holder in an upside-down position, to help remove chips more effectively.
Drop-head tool holders are specially developed for threading upside-down and allow the correct centre height to be maintained, without having to change the clamping in the turret.
Conventional tool holder (right-hand)
Drop-head tool holder
2. Applications – Thread turnin
Internal thread turning
Internal threading is more demanding than external threading, due to the increased need to evacuate chips effectively.
Chip evacuation, especially in blind holes, is helped by using left­hand tools for right-hand threads and vice versa (pull-threading). However, this also creates the greatest risk of insert movement.
Modi ed  ank infeed should always be used to generate a spiral chip, which is easy to guide towards the entry of the bore
Boring bar selection also has a strong in uence on the effective­ness of internal threading. Three main bar types can be used for internal threading, depending on the length of overhang and level of stability required.
• Steel boring bars - maximum 2-3 x bore diameter overhang
• Steel dampened boring bars - maximum 5 x bore diameter over­hang
• Carbide boring bars - maximum 5-7 x bore diameter overhang
Boring bar type Max. overhang
Steel Steel dampened Carbide
Boring bar de ection is in uenced by the boring bar material, diameter, overhang and cutting forces. The recommended clamping length in a boring bar holder with a sleeve is 4 x bar diameter dm
2-3 x dm 5 x dm 5-7 x dm
External Internal
Right hand threads
Most common
Left hand threads
Right hand threads
. Applications – Thread turnin
Left hand threads
Right hand tool/insert
Right hand tool/insert
Left hand tool/insert
Left hand tool/insert
Left hand tool/insert
Right hand tool/insert
A negative shim must be used.
Right hand tool/insert
Most common
Right hand tool/insert
Left hand tool/insert
Left hand tool/insert
Left hand tool/insert
Left hand tool/insert
Right hand tool/insert
Right hand tool/insert
Thread turning methods
A thread can be produced in a number of ways. The spindle can rotate clockwise or anticlockwise, with the tool fed towards or away from the chuck. The thread turning tool can also be used in the normal- or upside-down position (the latter helps to remove chips).
Working away from the chuck
Using right-hand tools for left-hand threads (and vice-versa) enables cost savings through tool inventory reduction (a negative shim must be used). Care must be taken due to the risk of insert movement, particularly at the beginning of the thread.
2. Applications – Thread turnin
Insert clearance angles
Two types of angular clearance between the insert and thread are necessary for precise, accurate threading. These are:
• Flank clearance
• Radial clearance
Radial clearance
Flank clearance
Cutting edge clearance between the sides of the insert and thread  ank is essential to ensure that tool wear develops evenly, to give consistent, high quality threads. The insert should therefore be tilted to gain maximum symmetrical clearance from the  anks ( ank clearance angle).
The tilt angle of the insert should be the same as the helix of the thread, to ensure success.
Flank clearance
. Applications – Thread turnin
Selecting shims to tilt the insert for  ank clearance
Insert shims are used to give different tilts to the insert, so that the angle of insert inclination is the same as the helix of the thread. See table opposite for methods of selecting the correct insert shim.
• The standard shim in the holder is 1°, the most common angle of inclination
• Shims are available in 1° steps, in the range -2° to 4°
• Negative-inclination shims are required when turning left-hand threads with right-hand tools, and vice versa
= the angle of insert
The  ank clearance angle of the insert is adjusted by changing the shim under the insert in the tool holder. Standard tool hold­ers have a 1° insert inclination angle.
2. Applications – Thread turnin
Methods for selecting the correct shim
Two alternative ways to select the correct shim:
A. Use the diagram, selecting shims. B. Use the formula to calculate the helix angle to choose the corresponding shim.
Workpiece diameter and pitch in uence inclination angles
Lead (Pitch) mm Threads/inch
Workpiece diameter
For a pitch of 6 mm and a workpiece diameter of 40 mm, a 3° shim is required. For a pitch of 5 threads per inch and a diameter of 4 inches, a 1° shim is required.
d2 x π
Effective diameter of thread
P = 6 mm d
= 40 mm
= arctan
P = 5 t.p.i.
= 4”
= arctan
mm inch
6 mm
40 mm x π
mm x
5 t.p.i.
4” x π
= 2.7° use a 3° shim
= .91° use a 1° shim
Relationship between  ank clearance, radial clearance and thread pro le angle
The smaller the thread pro le and radial clearance angles, the smaller the  ank clearance angle (see table below for  ank clear­ance values when the correct shim, equal to the helix angle, is used).
Please note that as the pro le angle becomes smaller, it is more important to choose the correct shim.
. Applications – Thread turnin
Threads with small pro le angles
ACME, Stub ACME, trapezoidal and rounded threads fall into this category and put extra pressure on the cutting edge. To minimize this pressure, choose the correct shim to tilt the insert.
Thread Pro le
Metric, UN Whitworth Trapezoidal ACME Buttress
Angle Internal 15° External 10°
( ()()
Flank clearance Flank clearance
60° 7.6° 5° 55° 7.1° 4.7° 30° 2.6° 29° 3.8° 2.5°
10° / 3° 2.7° / 0.8° 1.8° / 0.5°
Radial clearance ()
Flank clearance
2. Applications – Thread turnin
Radial clearance
To give adequate radial clearance, inserts are tilted in the tool holder 10° or 15°.
It is important to use internal inserts with internal tool holders, and vice-versa, to ensure that the correct thread form is achieved.
Insert sizes 11, 16 and 22 mm
Insert size 27 mm (5/8 inch)
(1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 inch)
Modi ed bars for small holes
Internal boring bars can be modi ed to  t small holes and can be used in place of special tools. These modi ed bars retain their rigidity, as long as the recommended minimum dimension D retained – see main catalogue for further information.
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