Samsung WF520ABP/XAA, WF520ABW/XAA Fast Track Troubleshooting

# tsWF520 RevB 03/21/2011 1
Fast Track Troubleshooting
Quick Test Mode
To enter press Spin, Soil, & Power simultane- ously with the power off.
1. All LED’s light up and the washer beeps as it
enters the Quick Test Mode.
2. After the displaying the software version, LCD will display Model information. If EEEE is displayed
the PCB ass’y is defective.
4. When the version is displayed, turn the Jog-Dial CCW so that the version disappears. Press the fol­lowing keys to test the various components:
Press Temp Key to cycle through the Water Valves circuit test (lock the door first) in this order: Pre-Wash, Bleach, Cold Main, Hot, & Steam, then off.
Press Spin Key to test Door Lock/Unlock circuit Press Steam Level Key to test Circulation/Drain Pump. Press Soil Key to test the Water/Steam Heater.
When either Test or Spin is displayed on the LCD, press Start/Pause key to conduct the motor test. In Test mode, you can test the clockwise and counter- clockwise movement of the motor. In Spin mode, you can test the motor at a high rpm.
Service Mode:
This mode allows more detailed operation tests and trouble­shooting, to enter press Signal & Extra Rinse simultaneously with the power on.
While in Service Mode the following tests can be performed:
Quick Spin Test = Delay Start & Extra Rinse: This accel­erates the drum motor from 0 to maximum RPM over a few minutes. Note: Stay with the washer during this test, out of balance detection may be bypassed. Press the Start/Pause
button during the test to hold its spinning speed for 10 minutes before going back to Quick Spin Test Mode. Press and hold the Delay Start & Extra Rinse button to continue.
Cycle Count = Press Signal button to see # of times used. Soft Ware # = Press Soil button to see software version info. Fault Code Test = Press the Spin button to view the stored fault
codes – then turn Jog Dial to view error codes (Push Start/ Pause while the code is displayed to view the number of cycles since the error occurred, Push Start/Pause to go back to faults)
Peripheral (Main PCB) input Tests
1. Select Extra Wash. Then turn the Jog-Dial so that the Heavy Duty LED is turned on. Next, press the Start/Pause Key. The
Water Temperature will be displayed in Fahrenheit.
2. Select Extra Wash. Then turn the Jog-Dial so that the Perma- nent Press LED is turned on. The door status will be displayed
(OP if open, CL if closed).
3. Select Extra Wash. Then turn the Jog-Dial so that the Sani- tize LED is turned on. The door lock Switch status will be dis-
played (UL if unlocked, Lo if locked).
4. Water Frequency/Water Sensor Testing - Select a cycle & start the washer, enter Service Mode & press Extra Wash.
Turn the Dial so that the Bedding LED is turned on. Next, press the Start/Pause Key. The Water Frequency will be displayed. The frequency will change as the unit fills.
IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE“For Technicians Only” This service data sheet is intended for use by persons having electrical, electronic, and mechanical experience and knowledge at a level generally considered acceptable in the appliance repair trade. Any attempt to repair a major appliance may result in personal injury and property damage. The manufacturer or seller cannot be responsible, nor assume any liability for injury or damage of any kind arising from the use of this data sheet.
EEPROM Clear Check
Power off, Press Delay Start, Signal and Power Key at the same time. Good = Good Fail = FAiL All memory will be cleared, including Fault Codes This should be done when a new Main PCB is installed
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# tsWF520 RevB 03/21/2011 2
To MEMS connector on Main PCB CN11
To MEMS connector on outer tub
Door Ck Sw
# tsWF520 RevB 03/21/2011 3
Washer Connector Checks WF520
1 Door Lock Close (Blk) 2 Door Lock Open (Wht) 3 Drain Pump (Vio) 4 Steam Valve (Brn) 5 Bleach Valve (Pnk) 6 Bubble Pump (Gry) 7 Pre Valve (Yel) 8 Main Valve (Blu) 9 Hot Valve (Red)
1 AC Pwr (L1) (Blk) 2 Door Lock Detection (Gry)
1 Reactor Connector Port (Red) 2 Reactor Connector Port (Red)
RY11 Steam Htr Relay 1 Heater (Wht) 2 L1 (Blk)
RY1 Power Relay 1 (Blu) 2 (Wht)
RY13 Washer Htr Relay 1 L1 (Blk) 2 Heater (Red)
1 Motor Pwr U Phase (Red) 2 Motor Pwr V Phase (Wht) 3 Motor Pwr W Phase (Blu)
CN3 (Hall Sensor) 1 +5 vdc (Pnk) 2 Sensor Signal (Red) 3 Sensor Signal (Blu) 4 Ground (Org)
CN11 Mems Boards 1 3.3vdc (Red) 2 Chip Select 1 (Yel) 3 Chip Select 2 (Vio) 4 Output Signal (Blu) 5 Input Signal (Wht) 6 Clock Signal (Pnk) 7 DC Common (Org)
CN10 1 Tx Disp pcb(Vio)CN7 2 Rx Disp pcb(S/Blu)CN7 3 Reset Signal Disp(Pnk)CN7 4 5vdc (Brn) CN7 5 DC Common (Org) CN7 6 15vdc (Blk) 7 Main Reset (Yel) 8 Water Level (Blu) 9 Watchdog Signal (Wht)
Steam Heater Relay Check Test 1 Test 2
Connector CN6 Pin 2 (Gray) and RY11 (heater re­lay) Pin 1 (White)
120VAC with the Heater On and 0VAC with the Heater off
Power Off, heater resistance is
15.6 Ω
Heater Relay Check Test 1 Test 2
Connector CN6 Pin 2 (Gray) and RY13 (heater re­lay) Pin 2 (Red)
120VAC with the Heater On and 0VAC with the Heater off
Power Off, heater resistance is
16.6 Ω
Hall Sensor Check Test 1
Test 2
Connector CN3 Pin 4 (Orange) and Pin 2 (Red) ad­ditionally Pin 4 (Orange) and Pin 3 (blue)
Manually spin the drum to see the volt­age change, Power On
0Vdc or 3.75Vdc
Motor Check Test 1
Test 2
Connector CN8 Pin 1 (Red), Pin 2 (White) and Pin 3 (Blue)
Power Off 11.5Ω across Pins 1-2, Pins 1
-3, & Pins 2-3
A/C Power Check Test 1
Test 2
Connector CN 6 Pin 1 (Black) and RY1 Pin 1 (Blu) Power On 120VAC N/A
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