Samsung WCP732M User Manual


1. Introduc tion

WCP732M is a Wi-Fi / Bluetooth C ombo modu le compliant with IEEE 02.11 MAC/b aseband/radio and Bluetooth 5.0 opti ized for lo -power applications.

2.Hardwa re Architecture:

2.1Main Chipset Information


IEEE 802.11 a.b.g mac /baseband/ra dio Bluetooth 5.0

WCP732M is the 802. 11a/b/g/n /ac +Bluetooth 5.0 COM BO Module that acts as a communication controller for users of a wireless device to co nnect to S ART TV


>IEEE 80 2.11ac Draf compliant. >Dual-ban d 2.4GHz / 5 GHz

>Dual-stre am spatial multiplexing up to 867 bps data ra te

>Support 20, 40, 80MHz channel with optional SGI (256QAM mod lation) >On-chip power amplifiers and low –noise a mplifiers for both bands >Complie s with Bluetooth Core Specification Version 5.0

>Bluetoot h Class 1 or 2 transmitt r operation. >Supports BT-WLAN coexistence.

>Adaptive frequency hopping (A FH) for redu cing radio f requency interference

- WIFI Tra nsmission

Baseband data is modulated and upconverted to the 2.4GH z ISM and 5-GHz U-NII bands,respectively. Linear on chip power amplifier are included, w hich are ca pable of del vering high output pow ers while Meeting IE EE802.11ac and IEEE802.a/b/g/n specifications without the need for e xternal Pas.

When using the internal Pas, close -loop outpu t power co ntrol is completely integ rated.

- WIFI Rec eiver

The chip has a wide dynamic range , direct conversion rece iver that em ploys high-order on-chip

channel filt ering to ens ure reliable operation in the noisy 2.4GHz ISM band or the entire 5GH z U-NII ba nd

.Control signals are available that can support the use of optional LN As for each band,which can increase the receive sensitivity b y several d cibels.

Reverse direction isolation of LNA inside Tran sceiver IC suppresses u nwanted radiation. Then RF

signal will be directly down to IF signal (RX I Q) and high frequency s purious emissions are s uppressed b y

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Samsung WCP732M User Manual



LPF. At last RX IQ signal will be d emodulated digital dat .


- Bluetooth Low Energy


The WCP73 2M support the Blueto th Low En ergy operating mode.


- Adaptive Frequency Hopping


The WCP73 2M gathers link quality statistics o n a channel by basis to

acilitate ch annel assessment and

Channel ma p selection. The link qu ality is dete rmined usi g both RF

nd baseband signal processing to

Provide a m ore accurate frequency-hop map.


- Product etails > Data Modulation

DSSS:CCK,BPSK,QPSK for 802.11 b

OFDM:BPSK ,QPSK,16Q AM,64QAM,256QAM for 802.11a,g,n,ac F HSS:GFSK,OQPSK, 8D PSK, π/4DPSK for Bl etooth

- 802.11n+HT20 spec

Version 1.0

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