24 0 Hz
6, 000, 000 :1
10 80p
• Samsung LED delivers unparalleled contrast ratio
• Ultra Slim Design (0.31")
• Experience 3D excitement on your HDTV
• Real 240Hz
The Samsung LED 9000: delivering the pure thrill
of 3D entertainment, connectivity that enhances
your life, and visually stunning picture quality.
Action leaps off the screen with advanced 3D technology, for a truly immersive viewing experience.
2010 Internet@TV Content Service lets you get
connected to the best of the web, right on your HDTV,
with downloadable and customizable widgets – and
coming soon, Samsung apps. Connect to friends,
share pictures, shop online and more. Breathtaking
ultra-slim design adds sleek versatility, while an
elegant Touch of Color bezel accent brings both
new colors and textures to your décor. Take entertainment further than ever before.
55 ” LED High-Definition TV with 1080p Resolution
[54.6” (truncated) actual diagonal screen size]
• Real 240Hz
• Full HD 1080p resolution
• Ultra Slim Design (0.31" deep)
• Touch of Color
• Exceeds ENERGY STAR® standards
• Samsung LED delivers unparalleled contrast ratio
• 3D LED TV (emitter built into TV, glasses sold separately)
• Ultra Clear Panel
• Wide Color Enhancer Plus
• 2010 Internet@TV Content Service
• Light sensor (energy saving)
• AllShare
• ConnectShare™ Movie
• Game Mode
• Swivel stand
• 4 HDMI® (back)
• Anynet+™ (HDMI-CEC)
• 2 USB (back)
• 1 PC input (back)
• SRS TheaterSound
• Dolby® Digital
• Watts per channel: 15W x 2
TV without stand: 51.0" x 30.8" x 0.31"
TV with stand: 51.0" x 34.4" x 12.0"

UN55C9000 55” LED High-Definition TV with 1080p Resolution
1080p Full HD: E njoy the powerful p icture
quality, vi vid colors and stunning clar ity of
Full HD 1080p re solution .
Real 24 0Hz™: Samsung 240Hz tech nology
deli vers eve n the faste st onscreen motio n
wit h utterly l ifelike cla rity.
Ult ra Slim Design (0.31" deep): S tunning
ultra sl im depth – includes tuner (no external
transceiv er box).
Touch of Color™: Exclusiv e Touch of C olor design
comb ines texture and color that can complement
any ro om.
Bui lt-in dig ital tune r: no external box needed.
Exc eeds ENER GY STAR® standar ds: LED Energy
Eff icient, up to 50 % less than t he latest ENERGY
STAR ® specif ication depend ing on series and
screen size in standar d mode.
See w ww.ene rgyst ar.gov for m ore det ails.
Ult ra Clear Panel: Advanced technology lets you
enjoy crisp image details, nat ural skin to nes,
excellent shadow deta il, and v ibrant color s.
3D LED TV: Samsung 3D te chnology makes images
leap of f the screen– so you f eel like you ’re a part
of the a ction. S ync up withour Sams ung Blu-ray™
player t o experience mov ies in 3D on your TV –
and enjoy more T V broadcasts in st unning 3D,
coming soon.*
Wide Color Enha ncer Plus: Delive rs the ent ire
spectrum of color and luminance for rich,
saturated images with intense detail.
2010 I nternet @TV Cont ent Serv ice*: Connect to
an ever-ex panding portal of your favor ite digital
content. Customiz able widgets giv e you access
to BLOCKBUSTER,® YouTube,™ Flickr® and more –
all on your HDT V.
Light S ensor (energy saving)
AllShare™: Sync u p your entire househ old.
A wir ed or wireless3 DL NA connection le ts
you st ream your PC audio and v ideo f iles to
your HD TV using your remote.
ConnectShare™ Mov ie: Connect a thumb drive or
dig ital camera q uickly and e asily. U ser-fr iendly
inter face allo ws access to vide os, music
playli sts and pic tures v ia the remote.
Game Mode: Enhances dark areas, s harpens
the picture, speeds up t he image processing
resp onse and enhances the sounds of yo ur
games . Picture and sound quality optimized
for the special needs of gaming syst ems at
the touch of a button.
Swivel sta nd
4 HDMI ® (High-Defin ition Mult imedia
Inte rface) ver sion 1.3: 4 back
Anyn et™ (HDMI-CEC): All ows perip heral
AV dev ices such as a DVD player to be cont rolled
by a Samsung TV r emote control.
2 USB: 2 b ack
1 Component video input : 1 back
1 Opt ical sound ou tput: 1 back
1 PC input: 1 back
1 Ethernet: 1 back
SRS T heaterS ound™: Creates an immers ive,
feat ure-r ich surro und sound ex perienc e from
two speakers, complet e with rich bass, high
fre quency det ail and cle ar dialog.
Dolby® Digit al
15 Watts x 2 audio p ower ster eo broadcast
reception : Support s multichannel sound (MTS)
and second audio program (S AP) with 181-channel
2010 Li nkStick™: Connect wirelessly to a world
of digital content from Samsung. The LinkStick
wireless LAN adaptor eliminates the hassle
and cluttered look of wires.
(included in box)
Touch Screen Remote Cont rol: HDTV remote
control goes even more hands-on, with a 3" touch
panel universal remote that looks and interacts like
a smartphone, and lets you find your favorite
programs and content, quickly and easily.
(included in box)
Ult ra Slim Wal l Mount: Hang your Samsung LED
HDTV just like you hang a picture frame. At only 0.6"
deep, it's as elegant as it is functional. The Ultra Slim
Wall mount even uses a unique cord-and -disc system
that keeps your walls and home neat and organized.
(included in box)
TV w ithout stand: 51. 0" x 30.08" x 0.31"
TV w ithout stand weight: X XX
TV w ith stand: 56.0 lb s
TV w ith stand weight: 51.0" x 3 4.4" x 12.0"
Dimensions: 55. 8" x 39.1" x 15.6"
Weight: 81.6 lbs
1-year parts and 1-year labor wa rranty
(90- days parts and labor for commer cial use),
wit h in-home service, backed by Samsung
toll-free support .
03 6725 23 40 48
©2010 S amsun g Elec tron ics Am eric a, Inc . All ri ghts r eser ved.
Sam sung is a r egis tere d trade mark of S amsu ng Ele ctr onics C o., Lt d.
Des ign and spe cif icat ions are s ubjec t to chan ge wit hout not ice.
Non- metr ic weig hts and m easur ement s are appr oxim ate. HDM I,
the HD MI logo a nd High -Def initi on Multi media I nterf ace ar e
trad emark s or reg ister ed trade marks o f HDMI Lic ensin g LLC.
ENERG Y STAR® is a reg istered tr ademark of the U. S . Enviro nmental
Pro tect ion Agen cy.
SRS T heate rSoun d is a regi stere d trade mark of SR S Labs , Inc.
All Share , Anyne t+, LinkSt ick, To uch of Col or, ToC and Auto M otion
Plus 2 40Hz a re trade mark s or regi stere d trade marks o f Samsun g
Ele ctro nics Co ., Ltd .
All o ther pr oduct an d brand na mes are t radem arks or r egist ered
trad emark s of the ir respe ctiv e owner s.
*Avai lable A pps vary b y model.
Scr een imag es are s imulate d.