Samsung UN32EH4000FXZA, UN32EH4000 Brochure

• LED picture quality
• ConnectShare™ Movie
Advanced features and LED picture quality.
With LED technology, the energy-ecient, 32-inch Samsung Series 4 TV produces a brilliant, clear picture. The Dolby® Digital Plus/ Dolby® Pulse is an advanced surround sound feature that optimizes the TV's audio from connected devices. And the Wide Color Enhancer Plus feature lets you see picture color with vibrant, natural-looking images.
32" Class (31.5" Diagonal) LED HDTV with 720p Resolution
• HD LED Picture Quality
• Clear Motion Rate 60
• Wide Color Enhancer Plus
• 10W x 2
• Dolby® Digital Plus/Dolby® Pulse
• SRS TheaterSound HD™
• HDMI®: 2
• USB: 1
• Component in: 1
• Digital audio output: 1 optical
• ConnectShare™ Movie
TV without stand: 29.1" x 17.2" x 3.6" TV with stand: 29.1" x 19.4" x 7.5"
UN32EH4000 32" Class (31.5" Diagonal) LED HDTV with 720p Resolution
HD LED Picture Quality
Clear Motio n Rate (CMR): I s a comp rehen sive
mea sure of a TV 's ability t o displ ay images in motion. The h igher the CMR the better. Samsung achiev es high C MR num bers based on panel processin g adv ance ment s. Se e the pict ure qua lity diff erence for yours elf.
Wide Color Enha ncer Plus: Allows you to see
pict ure color the way the director originally inten ded. Wit ness the entire RGB spectrum brought to lif e on your screen to bring you exce ptional ly vibrant, yet nat ural-look ing images fait hful to the director’s original intent .
10 watt s x 2 audio pow er stereo b roadcast reception : Support s multi-channel sound
(MTS) and second audio pr ogram (SAP) w ith 181-channel capa city.
Dolby® Digit al Plus/ Dolb y® Pulse: A n advanced
surr ound sound audio processin g feature desi gned to opt imize the T V’s sound quality when v iewin g and listen ing to Inte rnet mov ies, Inte rnet music and other c ontent played back fro m wired or w ireless mobile phones, PCs and ta blet devi ces.
SRS T heaterS ound HD™: A high-def inition
audi o experience that delive rs surround sound multi -channel content, using built-in TV speakers to significantly enhance bot h the depth and dime nsion of aud io right t hrough the TV. Enjoy a simulated surround sou nd experience!
HDMI ®: 2
USB: 1
Component in: 1
Dig ital audio output : 1 optical
ConnectShare™ Movie: Have movies and pictur es
on a USB drive? Now easi ly view that content right on the T V. Just plug th e drive in t he USB port and you ar e ready for a b ig screen e xperience.
TV w ithout stand: 29. 1" x 17.2" x 3.6" TV w ithout stand weight: 12 .6 lbs TV w ith stand: 29.1" x 19.4" x 7.5" TV w ith stand weight: 13.9 lbs
Dimensions : 35.5" x 20.9" x 6.4" Weight: 17.4 lbs
1-year parts and 1-year labor wa rranty (90- days parts and labor for commer cial use), wit h in-home service, backed by Samsung toll-free support .
UN32 EH400 0FXZ A
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