Adyaaced Se!tings
You_ )V h_s t_4_ kL_LJS_ _LJS, tht M_ir md_ _rl I_ v .,k.u _ Dompa_d to previo _s n odels ne,._SalnSu_g W o_ier a more
1)ol _s I_ ,@h/_ nu gv<s y)_ _._s k> i/et _ _J_of pr_se pbtu_e wit mole pr_ise coHro_s
the inenu Ot) ion s tara able on your TV The T';dis _ _enus /_ pin> Whl y(ul TV [s /on; get xl to _ PC you _Ln orl_ r_ke
a _ec _J nL b_ of %<}uentJy used Inellu options 1la[ chage
d p _dJng _ t}l,_ _CfOC_ you _t vev,_ g A1PoJs _c_u sy _bol c_ ar g÷s o Gamma and White Balance
_-_ o' e g s e es u c,, _ _ _Co_orSpace Auto/Native:Au4)aLto_tir_Hvnl_t h sth
is a_alabk _ange o_e _o_s _v P,ble to c_eate _it1 re to tie eo_ _:£e ff
l_e M,n _(Jh_ sv_ [xJ__ry _ _egn_k;: th video _x_, NatJve provJ Je_ a filet _ ge w_Jr than the
iiJL • 13 I White Sak_loe/kdjus_s U_ _o[<_ h_l) I_,J.4r_ ol tlH _k h_e sr
• S _1_ • J>:, t , pnk o_ sfiq_ If),vdiow and the o,,e_all color of the pictu_a bcks
• Clanne * rpor
t i_ pu chss*.l ol @ions o_t_ ;d [i r r_ed only to n _n f_c ing
Important Warranty information Regarding in nor 3_' LS ol tie I )rodU_st ] _(IHded but _3_1limit ¢11t3 I1_
Television Format V_ewinq minim,,m or maximum repM li,T,e_ e_ch_n_ or _ep_ac_,_ts
_:, see the walran/y carg tot more ink)rm_tion on v_ar_anty _ccessolbs op_k_ls upgrades, _ consumables
_er,ns _ t_le Ic_atbn o__ _MSUNG Author_z_ _lvice _nter p_ease
W_de _,e_l larmal _ _) [_splay_ (16:g, _he _sp'_;l ratb of 1he e_ll to!l f,_:
scr,x_n wi Ith to _,e_ht) L_eprim _i_, desig_ _ _ovbw wl _escr_ Jn _nthe LMt_ g_dies : 18di) SAMS_N(_ {_ g_) _'26 7864}
In,mat i_ll motbn v_dco Ihe i,na_s d_splay_ or, _he,,¸, _ould _nDa,_,da : ! gog SAMSLJNa
H h ;x.nityoHr x/_l lft th f,. r _tht kn ysa_=
on tan1!, _o,,_n_ D g ]ay_n_ stafionaw g_apm t _r]d r lag, s on
sc _n _uch %glC bk 'dd{_)dr on nerl eM_<_rt d _an,£_rd i/ ,go don _<lts such S Vchnn_ I nos V qho,_qo_ roves
brT ,ai iC<_on _d<_ and pro _ _mming shoL id b_ lin t{Yf 1o n< h p._qa alna o_ 4:_ _orrrl_ kx;k _r n_v', snrol_ b_r s _tc) on he
moo than )% of tM tom Uevsor xi _u[n9pet w@t_ Addi[ion_/l_y s'3r_en Th,( onstal_t dispJ h di till $_;tu_ ¢_1 c_u ' I >stklg _r Mode
vk qng oth r stark n_ry H4g .,nd text x/ a9 sto_ k nl_rkct u _{te I)Uln _n (i1_4ge r t ntion Or, lh( ED_4"re_ n ,vhk;h wit apl
r4ofi/_l_o/_le d@hy 'Jail( i i¢_t(xs dk_ r corripul i _nlg( qtHlity Io_}t_e i_ >tths _=_ k_fowth( S _,_;t _eu_ p;_df_ e< pJ;,r r_M
?aphc ing ] Itt rn_= shout b_ rrlt'd as bed _bove f)r rt,_ < ,r _(_d_tktl olnw: ;_ /M(I yo_r 1 V i, <(nr(_ted _o _ P() yOl (_n)r_y (I(Y
_1t hwi_(_l [_ph_ln ) st _1_ _% _r,_g_ s tht ex<(_ d J/e _tx}v • Avc_d d spay ng the _#l_e W cnal n [f_ I_/_ p_i_s Entertain _nd Standard
gu_dellne_ nan cause uneven _ging of I ED _spb_,s lha_ k_ve . hiw_ds try to dls_ay any _rnat_e h__uassr_n nl_x_e Use the lV's • Dyn_nic: B_igh_s the _c,e,_n Su_labb f_ a bright roe=n the pk;ture bk_ icooMi Wan_, 1 arm Warm 2 make the _gctu,e m Char Voice: ErtJphaslzes voie,_s ov_ elhe_ _,unds i__,,u ,e,>;ive your IV sign_,_eve, the _, and _'ou s_,ledi '¢_ A g_ay _ol<>_ cl_annel ir_dicales 1he nhar/r,el has been
sutti'bLt_rmln_r/tb"m'dhghost_rr_S_s_nt_/fg)_i_ttre Piet,_reOplbnsmenu_o_4rcttheop_ims_sc_'.nsize red<_(wam,erk mAml _ Inc_,_s he ,en_yofhight_en y_,ndst,_b,,_
_) avoid Ibis vary _he Proeamn i_% and _n,ag_ and p,it rla, i_y • Standard: sei_abb _or a nora ,al Caple, you ,_,,_1see o,_v _o_', vau, nt ,s_ select A_r to s,_e a deleted trern g ,e Added Channels _;_
display fu_lsc_eer, ninqr_g Lrnages r_i s_aliona_y _x_t_J_/s o_dark . _educe brightness and con_aS_ vakles ta Ihe rnir_rrlur_ reauire_ ! Mov e: ) ,kens t ,e sc e ,n ,flail,/ less gl ry S, _ b_e to, _, Warmt a_tc_Warm2 _e deac_ivat_ when the p_c_u,e a bet_e_ lis_÷nln( ex_ erience fo, ¸ule I,ea, ir_ impaired pb_u_e
bars Gr, / _X)m_x ,_s tha_ offe_ _;_L, _slz_ng r_,tu,_ s us<,Ihes, to act_i_; t__ed_iJ _ picture qualib ',e_u_s 1/_a_exc_;_ the va c _J,_me ¸ ies in a da k ,n_ r_ I S_ze _t tl_e _i_ and aspect ,a_ie or _he pie_LJ,eOl¸,the sc_e_, E_qualizer t_uto Program m Add to Favo4_e/Delete from Favorite¸ _ els you add ch_,ne_s to
conl;ols to view ai_t t_na_s as ;_t_rll scrc_ pink _re _e care_ r_,h_n ,,J_r,n,ay speed up the bum _npr_x:ess
i,_l_,e s_f_bn _nd d,J,_,tb,, of tc*_,,ision _o. n_s _eu use _er • Ir_L_e, lt_ use si_ TV f_atu,es deslgn_ _o r_uce image ret_ tlor, m Entertain: Stl_ap_,s _t_epk_tL_,e _ Jibt,_e for gan les _u, cable box o_s_t_i_te ,'_;_v_ m_Y have its own sol or Av_iable _r,S_,da,d sound 1nude c_=ly
_i,_,,i_t_r, vf_ _,,_ _s ,s _l,r,lt_r n s andsc_nb_Jrn_nf_e_e_°P_°l;_'rusern'an_lsecti°nf°r '_,,Dr,lvavai_ablev_her,_heTWsc_necled_oaPC sc'_:_J's_z,*eas_":_Ha_eve'_ehbhlYn_nomnle"dyou_se rheA_toProgr_,.,,_t_o,,rr,,,rnorizes_lch_,,r,el_th_t;,,e _,ndd,_tect_nne!_t_ornvou, Favo_tes_st
as well as bum_d _n _mages _e _,J1covered t,y '_oL_ Samsung details Backlight / Contrast / Brightness / Sharpness / 16:9: se/s 1he pi_/_,_ to 1he 16:9 w_de scr_l _om_ai _p_ke, _ _ing th_ ,_/_ b_tt_n_ _ _ _a@ _i_. selec_ one o_ more char/rise _n the A_IChanndis _S_ udng _he
!il lit y; % _!rr_rlty "_Ita_tSAMSU'N_GWORLD'W_DE ....................... ] _C019[ L_!_ _G/R_ Zo_11 : (ro"id s modern e magn ick*to-_ of tie plt_ Sdc*s = 100Hz / 300Hz / 1KHz / 3Kez / 1OKHz (B _ndwid h To _a4 Auto Progr_ IIIow th@se se_: • _ All Ch_n_ Sho_/a oLirl_ntl a 4lisLe@oha],/eJs flhol_di K1 1 _/_ bUl_or £ _rJ the Yelb/_ g<¢[_1 but orl orl _o_l note
• S/_MS_ NG I H C IRONIC S NOR FH AME[ ( /_N H qlr D _ m Backiight; Adjusts the I_righhe_ of the so t_/b_ adiustil_g tl Zoom2: Frovides af jet r _agn i_d n ol t/e pletL_ S des top. Ife_luerlc ; ist 2 I'ross ihe l"OOLe I u[ton on y,%lr _e_ ore I!_>/bols m_L
VvAR_kN_ STA1EMENI" _ _k_m cJ_t_.r he NV_ _ _;Gtot u It _ r£1r _ i ighh_e; Ol tJ_eir_ Old Ja_pixels a_d L<)(tc_ =af cut otl • Reset R, s t Ih _Q _d 1O ts IMat f s I_irl:s on VOH renlo_ rl,e Arl[enna Source sc_÷_/app_lrs
..... j i_!i !'iii i"i_}/ '.......
€ u r i : ,/ r_ryspi_{,,vlS t ]E _ s [tsl/_entl_ c;_ _ SRSTruSurroundRD(Oa/Off} sign_] ;l_nel;tha _pp_m,,,hrye_pr;s tMCl_butl)r) / S-,Ib_{AddtoFavodtei,the bolsr/_u 41_tl_p_ess_b_
p_ovld_ V_umr W Serw*ir_ thf Unt_M St Lte8(_/SAMSt/N(_ _ Sharpness Sha I _S _ d I_ISth _ g S of di j dis Traces o borders dep_a_ed or _lle left dght aid ce 1_elo lhe roblen, o_ playng t 1 _/t _ich _nnel content tl roJgh two FNTE _ h [\/M , t( m _[e fl,/ I _ft]11_m _iz_rg J_r_nHs I Si_C_ one o _or ci_annes fl tt_ Favorite Char n Is LShJ
I _r_ Jdi't ptJ ChaS<q in Csnada, and k_ nan_da on SAMe[_N{ _ Color A Jj Jsts/! _oM s _tLJ__tMI g e } iqi_ ll,e ((Io_ setli_lg the S(leen may _ause image (t _tor,(sron blain i which S, _Rel /r[ Suuo nd delivers Lr on/poll ny vigil al surroi nd R tot{ ( ontr ) b 4t{_, _;fiv( on 4_ Dhannel List s!_ _m th( _/1_ h_tos _rl( ih _ff Ik_wSI t b Ne_ on yot_r r_rnol(
I_OdUClSpu_;t_sediHh DnkdState,_ort_ev,/a;rantypegod th(m(r n[en_et/e_ok)rlo,_/s)/tir19sr+movecolorand_h isnotcover_Jbythe_/auanty so_nde×periencethroughaaylv, o_eakerp_a_back£_91em Cable • ,eenZoom his e ,rlrksach le_ "-,e 2 Presst eleOLSbuttononyour_enote /he_apsm:_L_
odglndysp,_ii_ _ _dloih_ Orlgi}sif'urc_ _ O1_ s ._a.,_ _,,_ _ pichr b ;omrsblack wlq( andg;ay seree_Fit Dspla sthefu_li_ agewlhoR _ay(L4 off_#_en il_cludi_ljiHerla elwii_ si_kers H sfnl_{orhpalb_ew_t a_ If your V sconnc_:_Ddtoacabeoul_ chc_seC_b, and .... ppea_s
The nl:_>, edescdb d ,_,a_rsnty lepsh S must oe_ iform_l by a • nnt AdjL SIS l,e S_ _ou _to_ g_ee_ and led in _e pbhle AS you you_ IV is i_ _:_£!J_lg /DMI {72(p lgsgi / lg(@p) o; Don ,ponent r u _i(;ha inel ¢o rlat_ hen p_esr EN_E_ :_, C> to Sfip ; " _,o_/Selecti: _a,e _ e ,an_ I Ir Vl ,
SAaSUI<Gei_ i_z_4_e( _1 A _n / _i sS ,or _ ncfea'_u ea;_ou_tdigr_ _s _hearlountMtD_ldetreases _nd liD{ [g_ ) _h i /ih 16:9 p_ _ al I ) gi 10g0f Preferred La_ f_lt _ th r nnH v_ , el,_t_ i theEN]_RL_bJtfon
I_e Ori ih _ I imi_:l Wa, r_y Shlelnel,_ _l_d S da[_<_/_}l o Sale vce ve_ {1920xl 080i or 720p d 280, 720i _esolu io_:
asPtoofofl't_rchasem_stbe)resentedtothe_,_,ce(_tH < Wl(nlh. g (_r_le(l!_dto P() you(_no/lym k_ y_ jcanadustsndstoreset[rssfore_chex_em_ldevoey Diglalchann Ison_ • ,_3_ools) Oil)aysih ChannelUstTeo_s le, ieTools
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111IIIIIIIII ............ ('........................... Jr'...........fO;_'Jl 11819LJ'g_-")".............. ................................. .........
£ del DiS n /at_ rhl o A_O/<manship a d onlv hose n( oHltc_ ;d
L r, 82 0 @ 2014 c_tmSu% Ek,ctroncs Co Lid AII dg!lsrese_ed b rd(a !
rr_slwtal r,_7!a and rron/1he Sewicn (_enter s n r_q_;ndL ili y el
_r,y orlglnal_y _peci_id _xov_sbr Jsbr: _n hon,e Ol¸ _/ si_e servkx_
_;'_'_ ;;, r ! el_ctlve a B_ kl ght bord _;_ on fl_{ ri hl arid ir fl ot thi pi( tur Air m¢ P_grammed:
,r _Dono!vaichyOul[Vi _he41/O_ilstlo_alor/cjtirn e [_ r_SJrr _;_ll }i a[_t_xt,.ISR e@ll)tytJ_ sly Ifyoi_r Vsconr_e/edtoanantennachooseAkand_henp_ess SCldk xlu ngTimerViewing
.............................................. ( _ /)(stoBacklight, Contrast, Brightness, nd havecorlne(tedfoar npu_or!ihe V 'ictuses es:_v_abre Digit] IVbroadc_s/ _}ttr_rsrhitm_r_yatdi(4_l<s nn ,hydf _ edr, _rU st,toM
• So* 9(1r b[uld_@, tss
To v,w fl_ M_n _nll prs; tt_ M_NU b_lk>n on yx*t r _¥1)t TU R-Gain / G-Gain / B-G_n: Adjl sts _aoh colo_ s iF_L g_.,n
q / a lrx>[ m n_,, p_ss _h TOOS _ r_t__ on v{_r r mot b_e) blight ess
i I men[ options Ih _t @pea_ in th_ M _ir/m_ n Jd( per : Reset _ _( t th White Ba/_ce t°il s J _u t s' tilngs
on thn Se_(e you/_ve Idled _o_ xar/r4e 1 you haw" Ill G_ma: _djusts the pdmary c_lo_ i t(_st}i
th_ IDM_ _h_ .0_ _nnH _ *g<xy wli no1 I_ Dyadic Contr_t (Off / Low / Medium ! High}: Adju _s _h_
@f _ {r M se_ t i Ch _nr) _c _t_or)r2 y x n/us/_k t s,_ ;t 7 s ;__ _J3ntr }st
in tt{ I _st • Slack Tone (Off / Dark / Darker/Darkest): S%e_ts tfe b_ack
Ih MnJ q) ion at( i_ IxJ below trr _ngtM by F/n _I_I_LJ [eve110 al_t t_ £,rl c],0_1 Dyke s_li_lg r HI,,_ b},_k
natepdes A ;_ols button s_ _,bol _/ne×t to an optbn
n_rn r ]cal _. Ihe optk_ _s also a uhbleln one of th eols m Fiesil Tone: Ad}usts lh( ar iount of red in skin tones
nlen_S • Motion Lighting/Oft / On): Whn ol th S'd _t_tx
. mode is set _o Dynamic " iiiii % P le Add menu ap_M_ only appea_s br d,_ieted chanrle_s
A,/a ab1,1_ S[_d_d ard Movie _ de o,/y
cobr range di the video =x_ulce
that whte obi{x/s uok ,_hite (nsread ot for exan pe rghlly
R-Offset / G_Offset / B*Dffset:/,dj _ ts ,,xh colo s (rd
[ouk darl<{_
_qLJds th_ bri Ihtness of [h( in _ [x)/.e Io th
a Avalabl in Standard rood or.ly
Whn/no v iseor, _ted b a PD yo_ c;_,, onb .,_,ke
da y s o _c'Ooo Tone Sze_,ndHDM BackLeve
co,or Tone (Coot / St_d_d / W_ml / Warm2} {_,1 makes
g,e fVs 16:9 rn_xle ,,,osl of _he _n ,e III Balance L/R: Aqu_s the _lance b_twe_l the rbh_ a_d left svailab_e over the ;_i__ _rough y(_; cabk_ Ws{ern _tnd _dds t_m _ba_n_ Lb_ S_r_n_ i_aa_ am li_t_d _n th_ I_f_ _de. 8_t_ an re add c_ar,,,_s _o _he Favodms _i_ t_Sk_w _l,e,_estep_;
TOt, _nd Iottom are c[Jt Off Ad us[nlel/t): Ad}u _s theJ x£1ness o/_il_ a_d ,._ ffh
_1}8 0_Jp _ _/_na s buto= rese!es ke chs_ e A .z lark a'r>ears '_e= eat te sect 8 Sleet DeJete f_m Favorite in 1he r_ols menu aid ther prss
• :, Y ; i oily _le [ langt fr in _ongt/e )_o be_q
di temm{ s th( signa sou;c( hu I V istined to _nl uxar_ pl_
to me Channel L_st
1 P, JhM [_U[SJ *Channet , Auto Program .LN[ R[_ thoseyOLdek/(_l[ror/th_AddedChanne_s
ffi _ Added Ch_lnels: ,%hey, a_l Added Cha_mels 4 ,ea_s.
a;s sna sls,nes /on cent'e :s::euL a'd ,p>
TimerViewing:'_,_,cansched_a,acnanno _,,dsp,><_ _ Other Channel Menu Functions
aulomatically at a set tim even ,,hen you a ,/atchin _ arrother
cka _/el You rio S,,_th_ {unit tirn_ frs n the Time > Clock [te Programmed Is1 displays the chanr ds ard prog ar/s ou
hnctk_/ louse Time Viewing _ave s_h_d _a rl, e g dnq _.iimeVew ng nc o _o ChanneI Mode (Added Channels/Favorite
T0 _h xk[( ) ohanrl_£ lllow ths _ (i>s: tur_clons on th Programmed st s(xc< n Ibos m,:n, bid o fikf WI_ d_e nJtl a [t lid8 p(ss_-N/ /] _
I _,1{ l_eh_nn;!hH, Added Channels l tusirl_fl( _./lr lqt,_y_>_s_,l_;tthechann_litdispa_eovdq_n_o_p_s the /,,va_ab_ only vher ClockMode sse _)Manual
bLJ[/Orlt J;l(JtM _ IJo,'/S_I( (t bu_ton (x_ your r;mct Programmed List Screen TOOTS Menu _ ACH v Channe} bu_tor on you_ _emote For exampln il you
2 Fles_ 1he OOLg bLtton on,,uu 6 nol Th ruols m_,nu • Change iMo: Dharlge #/.; s<.h d_l_inq i_bn_ ation Io_ _ S r,,_ "_ _o1_ pr, s 1he ACHV hJlk_n Auto, a/ca y shuts off the rv _ [er a p_eset pedant of t me #0
aPF#}a_ . dv_no( Iyou hf_vo 8( herul(wt _} 9U 12:J 1 co a/_ Ii# _ rl I_s}
3 St,t,¢t Time Viewing in/hi, C}ols l'rl(nt3 ard then pess tl_ [:_ cha_ ge th(_ /lu_1181On Ml_w _s{' steps: Fine Tune
EN [£ _ _ bl tton The lime VJmving <sl<_ *" aDp_g{s 1 S_uct g_t Programmed i _s ( x cn 1_ e_ sld_ f the Ar ,,*log chan _uls oNy
4 Useih_ "_/_- but_or,ste r,,ov,_f,o_nen_r_fMd b _ry tbk_ _e disr)lay_ Vo_cana_soonto,r,umlx_,s di,_<U:4,,singthe
and_he_/'_ buttons _0charMeU,ee,,t,i_ Wh_e T,u,_Jbe,s nurn_r keypaden yourr_,_o_e
aregispse_ yo_Jc;_alsoentern,J_,_els,_,_;ll_,si,_c_the 5 PresstM,z_]_RE_b,,_ton_,h{_laone
% _tyouselectEveryday orEveryWeek¸the date _ou sch_uied
se_eci_,_Ihe eate(led becomes _hes_artdale 1oryour
;,ted _c_viev¸,,. MrEveryd_y te V,,U u,,o, _,c_ceh_s,;h_,,led slo_cr charmerfo_k_wlhesesleps: _q_& Play
everydayat thetimeiou selected s/ar_ir,slrom_hat 1 sebct_heProgrammedi_st_onon_he_di_ddeotth,_ Le/syoure_un_heMug&Play_n_bJsetapproc_k_re For
ante For Everyweek the TV_uilllureon every,week¸ ChannelList sc,_,n _r_ithenr,_ss I_e ENT_ _ !,,_1_ hstn4;Uonss_ you,OapkS_t auide
on1hesamedayonhe week asme start dale >'ou 2 en theProgrammed_s_ sc,_n s,_<_t_heshow¢,,nh_n,_el
sobered at t!netime_o_ selected_om _hatdayon g on1,>¸you_nl tecsnceiand _henprc_s_heTOOLSbutton¸
youse_;_ Once¸tl_e _Vvdl_tur,/ononce¸ oJ_th_dste 1he IoolsMenuapr_ars se_themer,uI_,r,g,J_go
and/b_eyou selected
5 MessIheE_4T_I_ bultono,/y_,r re,no_ewh_, do,,e bu_lon _heCancelsehed_le s_en apr*<:rs
% Orly Added Channelsca_ be schedt,led 4 Seect OK and u,enpressthe_TES (_ bditon _ Setting the Time
% Scheduk_dTxograrr,sandch_ar/e_sared_spk_yedir_the mInformation D_sp_aytt_e_nk_rn'at_or__orasho_o_ char_,_elYou Time
Progr_med Iist _,;_vesch_u_ Yc__;_,_isochangethe_;h_uJe in_u,,r,atM,,
% W_teny_uselec_adig_a_c:ha,_neLpr_ssthe_-buito,,to 1 se_eettheProgrammedUs_bonon_he_e_s@,ofth,_ _ _he_h,,eyeuset,_ill_,pp,_ar_.lle,,youp_oss_he_Obu_ton
v_e_thedigits1programiis_It youhlg_,ligh_a r>,og,s,_,,n Cha_nelList sc,_:n a,_d_he,_p,es_lhe _N_R ['_ but_rx_
e s and en _ ss e T S/_Schedu eibu o 2 enihe Programmedist sco:n sek_.tthesno'#e_chann(_ • Clock Sd lh__£ocksoyor Lan is_ ,,ariouslimerle_tu_s T_o_edi4mayr/(>tb phying 5modihlyv/in isng the
youso{ Time_Viewingrot ths_programdirectly/ enlryyouwan/_n_o_ma_i_,for andthenpr;_s 1heTOOLS ,>1g,e_\_ devk;eiowe__hsr,USB 2O
SelectAll: Se_;t a_theeh_/,,,_s Jr/_,ed_sp_ ,:1,a,,rMIi_ bu_n _heTCX;_SM_,u _,ppe_s
Dese_ectAll:De_lect a_lthe se_ct_ di_by,.d charm,s S Se_ _nformation andthenpressthe E_ES _ but_a
% _ can onlyse_ec_Deselect Allwh_l o_e o_more g,eTimeViewing _n_,_,ati_ s_,÷_, app_a,s
nhsnnelsa,_ se_ec1_ 4 SdectChangeInto_x_pro_stheENTre _ txJ_ _o
mChannelN_le Edit; Anabgel,_,/,l_s onlyLe__u ass,gr,a c_l_nge_n_ormstion,or _lect D_osea__1preL_sil_e E_ER
_ameol up_of_vecharact÷stoanallalOgcllanne__or example¸ bLJtto,i todose the _rl_O,_na_io_scr<_n
I _s__ood Golf,eis T_lismakesite_si_ to_i_,d_ndseledi a mSelect/q / Deselect Alt:_u c;_ sebc_o_desel_Xallchann_M
_,_nn_l in thenhannel_is_
mAub Pmg_: SeeAutoPmg_am,Jnd_ Mem0,izingeh_nne_s
c_n ,,_ev _orlif_ or dnlett _ sho_ yr_ hay sc_eduk d tJsng th, Channets_ enter the vahes dilectly Use the 4/_ bL_ ons Io hove kon!
seffct Faro t_ Dhdn _6_ ¥_J qlJ c_qh/ __,vorite <h_nn(_s v_n I_Sleep Timer
Channel Ust s ;n>sn arH thon pn ss g,_ N] 5R[_ bt4ton Jfthe i_ q)l on is c_ ,_: _uu d } _ut have to f_r e h_ e _he (h ,r n_ Timer t / Timer 2 / Timer 3
2 Or_ the Progranlmed _S see{ n sJ x t _h_ S/ _.,u, c _an _d as tl HS set e a i omr{_kal_y dudng t_ 4 voarb F_nd "._rtu _Mns the rv on ,,_ d ot aut(?_a_ ca_y a! 1 _s a id d,_/_ you
(nl_ _xr war4 t>char'g._ af_J t_r_l pros the OOLS bttton op _ati xl g th( sJgn_l s v,*_r& _f Mkx (d t_: Jr_ th, charon( q s ,loot You {an s(t g1[£_ dfle_4ut ono ;_Tirn_ s{ tln s
t/loci. M{©_ ,_apcar itan_y '_ _'>_lHst '_e_th clock first
3 _%bot Ch_ge Into a_J then ire% tl" [-N'_ R[e huh/. _ elec chanr_d, and _ers sqect Fine Tune m On Time / Off Time: set tse _o,f rr,il qte snip'r, _nd
The Time Viewing scece _pp_rs ir+,lur/eg channels ll_al f/_,,+,_eef _'t,I are _tark_J viih A<tk, _te Ir,sctiva_e Md fc_ tre or, Time snd Off Time LSe the
4 /Jse _/_" bLt OPSio rlov_ _0_ (llhy _ld IOe_my[kid
andtl_e _/V bullocks_0d_nge tile e,/tries gv_e r_un,be,s
in tfe charlnel bannel to chaff M the vaues n each tied lo acS,,ate the liner vith £:l_er_ il] appear and you _st e,//_ a PiN scr(< n rLdl 1odin files
o reel (hie turn s ,lel he char11 el ebct Fine Tune and the st_in 1 y<_ h.we dosn sdt the A£tk, at !n_ctiv k _iU to k@lc_ th :_til_ Lock screen a_)eat, _t Program Rating " Caption f tun does not ,,/ofk n Component el
then sl_t Reset on the Fine Tune cr_ n Activate Lock _rld I en pros ; Nf_ Sei_l On _ld tl en press {Ie HDMI n,',l, Self Dia_ . ( e yster s>pr s A!' A-8_ ad N] 8
mC_cel sehedu_esDancd ashow orohsnn_ yo,,have
3 Sebc_C_I Scheddies and_ha_pressthe _T_ _ "_ C_,oesebe_v,eenEnglish¸Eapa_ohand Francals
_tv(u 1is onn(etthl pe_,,r <o,d_u haveto s_l t! _ U;efi_e_/_ bLtt)nStO_]JOVtothelld un_r_Music {_, Fdu(Ydlov k/_* h _=JD'/_r/YOU:_n_ge th
dock aga,n or _1_e_iddurld<_Photo¸_d _it__presstM__NTER_ t_les have_a_ings_ist_on _heIdit I heIV I 'a_entalGuklelines
_setthediock, followthesestaps: r, fleIM _p_VS s ;I i,_,_(h _ _I,_ oMbnalsohaskindsotcontent_s_ed_:t_sthe_op:ALL:Lonk_ b_kg, oundc_£_,or_hecaptionsThedefsui_isBlad¢
I Sek_c/setap_Time >Clock a_n he epe o,na_/eer th,,d_4ne rV,atings / FV FantasyvioM_ce/ V Woler,ce/ S: Sexuald_ua_ion ForegroundOpacgY:lh_sadjuststM_q:'acibdi t_l Gp/bns
2 I_e_; _TER/_ and s_lf_;tAuto or Malual andttl_, press 2 P,essthe _TER [_ tx,t_,n A lis_ol¸k,l_le,s onthedevlce BackgroundOpacity: lhls adiuststhe Ol_aCi_of tl_ecq_tion
M_T_SI_ again app,_afs _o i_&,'bbckmo,4esor showsw_th,_fta_,,,ati,_gsa,,diorkindsdi
!f_ _M_ _M_; _;s_ therea_eno fo!derson¸/ourdevice pressthe _ni_t A locka_,_rs TOurlbcWunbl_:k cl_ckthesquareaga_ SolidandFlasl,i,,g
digitalchanne_ re_,r4,_rs
• sel_t TimeZone a_x_lher q:_re__he_T_n E_ b_,ttr:>,_
Usethe_,/'_ t_u!lonstoeel_ltye,,r T_meZone¸ s,,dther, ,n,Ls_Cor p_OtOS_,ndmenp,esstheYellow_ect b,,tton
press _NrE_:__ to sel_;l _hefolder¸
• e_ 3SI _Dayl._ Savlngstime) a,¸, _en_,e_s
EI'_T£F_/;_se_eclOn_you v<_,ttoturf, the[:)S_
adjuslmenton andof_r,,_udiy _bcl Off _otu,noffIne mRepeat:Sebct Once¸ Everyday¸Mort-Fd Mon_Sa_,
BS[ adiustrn_t Se_e_Auto _fyou wantthe iV to adjust set-Sun _ Manua_g you_bnt Manualyoucansels,cl the
b DSt autemal_ca_,Mess ESrER{_ ,/¢en do_e daysY_,w_n__oa,_ba_etheM,er b_ usingthe'_/_ bunions
% DSTa,,d TimeZone rur,ct_o,L_,eo,A¸ _va_a_)_ewherl _ohighligh_the d_, and _/_ p_ess_ng!_/e_NTEe(_ bui_on
_l,eClockMode _ssetto Auto button
!!_LO_!_#cted Ma£#ak _ Other Features Game Mode (On/Off) Auto Protection Time _ Using the Media Play Menu
Ihe Clock Set qe_n apea_ e;e tie _/_ b _uons to Whln you cot1 !on1 a g,,_ _ con so/ SlCh as a f:_avS[atJor_ ,i M Auto Protection Time (Off / 2 ho_ / 4 hours / 8 hou_ / 10
_n_ e he vaues n eac 1rid or ue th_ n _mbe_ _LLtons _o Pra_ram Ratin_ Lock , r Xbox _ to yo _r rv _c_ < _n _'Jay I _o_ _ _fisti 3 _ming hours}: _ _he serea_ r_na ns _dl ,n,tb a still ima0e f_ a crb_n
% TP c,,n< el t_ Sleep Time_ s_A¢,t Off
mVolume:Set/hedes_Jk)udlless ENT_f._L_k _again )_ nlj_golw_l yp.o >g_sns _ IICaptionMode;Ye, canselecIlhednsir<lo_pfionmode I_IPictureTest:U_ela_h(_ikl_pi[_n_( orobl nl_ fib( pool( " i ir ,.,-_ 19 --.
1_.1g h (lv_t(x Y_u (_n set Ih Ig lo tt_rrl oll a S_ cific and tlen press the _T_R_ bulton he nptions nre fisted bslo,v: A_ x! Capl )n _ntb_ in _/hr _r/}k I rv (_fr_d on the ;r_
ch J/nil (_ pbf L_ck codi_lfs uch as i:>hoo el audio ils ffi TV Par_ntdi Gdidelines: YuJ can bV_k IV pl_ttams t)asc<_ n_rxle or vd n _ sgnal s s_]_ p <_l from I (_ n_l d(vx, 1 the _ S_nd Tost: List th bNI1 #1 mlody s) JnJ to ;h(XA kr '<xl_J
Usethe_/_bultonslo{_ovetonove/OlheC_l_gs[_eH on[hirfHifsgs ilslnct r_a_l_ws_o_llocontrolwh_{ o Jr I\4 _ _ r_)on r) _fa n3gig_8 A (ygC{p_l _ ohm slflMl>lobk_lo_<;;sdudl_gff_ t st s¢4 tY.s}n d r. ade , essloid[e nl iddietyt_ i TV ig B
_;di t_len press ti_e N[R _ l u!k)/ _e()o_lte_l_s re_ ehikJre_ are war{ling ft_nNbn may or _1_F nol ok wi/fi/igtal ch _1,¢/ Is/ follow the dlr%/rx_s Oll toe screen iort USB I[[ s nc s p} ted
app,_ S rise _he _/_- bL Hons to mOVe M.n Idd {o field/so I_ MPAA Rating: vu[j {in b]od< _}lov s b_sed ot_ t_le_rMRt,_ Defaug / ee_zlcel -.So.ice6 / CCl -*CC4 / Textt-.Text4: m Signal Strength; {Dkllt _! ;_1innels Olq})/_/lid c _an/e_ " B,x cnrr :rig yOLI ( _ tc il r TV I _ is( Oak yetr
the _/'_ butto_ s to ch _nge tie vakJ ,s in es_:h I{_d fa_rigs Th MO_ (Xl P(tu( As cx:iation ot/'_n lira t¢!F¢'7',)/(} ([)igi_a (;t ann Is o_y) rh, Mgi_ Cap _ons hnction vo_k8 with r( c( pt (_I ((J] t'_ S £14_ I :d_;_[ (r 11 ch _r}rl a _ Ii_ _v3]di) ( t3 r( ,, r( tttu *rl )go x h; ( S/¢_SU :_
- _V/UaB: S(_ t TV {x USB lh [JSB doyle r/us[Ix _[/}1 [ I1X1_ting sys_ h_l provid par{_ts c¢ _u_rcf_ i dig_f tJcl'_/ Is hi}us _ou_ _nt nl_a _a /(;_ _s_ sig_111sl :ngth r°l (sl)r's / kr 'Y it_ I_ g ([ ($5
cor_ _,,(t4<_1{) y>ur F7 b( k)r_ y)u (_ s £*c;t USB ,_,_11idv_((xJ irk£_ )1on ()_ t,hi ;h _il_s }_i _)[_(_)ri _t kt Service1-6 may lot be _vaiia ;ie _ dgi/al ( orlon r/od • Reset: Re_/aH se[lings k toe laetOr ,/ defa Its be s> :ed
- Antenna: Di phrs the (_rr*nt _f _<,rlt/_ s(x r(6 Air )r Cable depending oh the bfoadcas_ /s IM F>_Ninpul _c_(_rl @p _rs I<fOl i[_ _u_ sa_in " [o rlc, di r, rr.;t ISB de, c _,_lle Ji is osdrg
- Channel: Ifyou _v ;e _;_( ;_V, s< e(.t lh de _4rcx cl}/nnl • Caladi_ E_glish: Yu[ can dock IV p!ogrsms !A;sctl on t_esr [] Digit di Caption Optics: _[agil_l / IfiH@J OrM Eiter yoJr 4 glgJt [>iN D[lal_ge {ile 'IN isi/g t[_eChange " r ]} : t e [ r tie i :(6 t t£k[ t(
- Musi¢/Pl_oto f you lave _bcied USB follow these steps to I_ Canadian French You (an i)(xk ] V i>ro$ J_rs [_sx_ on th_ default S alan(_r _
s( I(x:l _ leld :_nont tln ng MP: (M,rS } or .M[( iPl_oto} files ol Frn(h D _rlad n _tJngs Font SMe: Opt ons ndude Delault and Styles 0 to ' f he So,ware Upgrade • if_ !ii* eli d r the V de_ io4 t e ib y( It,
Ihe USH de,,ic I_ DownloadabIe U.S. Rating; I>, (*_ts a_t ictio _ir ffomlat on can default s SMe 0 $oftw_e Upgrade < an be p_forrue.t >> down_o _dir g [h_ la_es/ N i SL,rX o I d Fio m a r o se(e pls,> r
<_ lh_ i _x_ln4r dp_y_ rt ,b(r di nolo( nj sub be _se_ wtge w,slehnq DWeha_nei Foregmur_d Color (}pli ns /d_deD@aa, vvIl_e Bla{k Red, f_rl_,t,'a_e _rc_ s_su_l_con _ ) eSB 8norv doric
rodeos in Ol fdite_ of DSS storage device i 20¢0
Yellowse_ec_button _o_e_ec!_heM>di_oklerand
_henpressthe SETU_N bul_onThaTimer scr_n
8 lls,_h_ ,_/V_Ltto,,, toh_ghl_ghtafo_,_,rth,tConlah,
4 I'ress the R_TL_ button TheI_n_ersc,eenre appea,s
le ,nse,, _a Jay highlighti__nd_her,_lessthe ENTE_
Wh,_¸,ye,,f_nlshed_nak_r=gal_you_r_,_,_;t_or_s(Xl _heT_m__:,een
rxass_:_tl,__heENTER_ _ R_TUF_NIx,_lOn
Program Ra_ing L_k !_d_ I'_ yxl bhck _ rogr ,_ exp_ir_;; iy tu_nJn I rx_ h Game Mode _Lr/r t On _,_ od o_ th_o eu Cktin, tl_ scr(_ n _w_ is a<_ival<_ to pr(v_ nt
y}t'v d_rrlfinl ir_ in*puro_ _t k _oJ (hkJr n on 'ec._lflo", and h/k_ton_ or qarne r_0de h_ forma cr o ghos {n ag_'_ on _sceen
th: I og _ t's/at_lg_ Ib c_e;th( Program R_ting Lock ECO Solution' e ey; s_rmest r _e _', cel_ aret,e
[eatLre and make an_ ohnnges yO_lTli_ Her a PIN (p_t ona] vxtr-_ vi, @i Game Mode Off r i =, stJb ;(r) _ = =
idenLilic41onn(Jn_be_i -_",at_habiodiedlxog_m _/OVl"_SLa]_o ' v _s=.,_t ],/1_ iGameMode ies,zr_f !_ _sadiustth_b_gh_nessoflhe V /orderloreducepov,,e r
c'{l_ h_ sa_ _ _N It, y consump[i_ [f you select Picture Off tte scle_,n s ttmed
Program Rating Lock _ n()_ av _Jl;,b_ _ HDMI o Game Mode is not _vsJ_ab_ 4,_n fix apJ/S)L{C_ iS t_l t_ of b4 lh s_>_nd _enl ns on Press any blJttnn cxr; F>tvoJ lrl_c
eompone_t moge TV h _/(o_i _o_Lrn On the ,>c een
Ih_ddi_ulMMnur_bud_r, wrVsclisg0gg'You sn .A o,, i h g o _eGameMode_On mNoSignaIPowerOff(Off!15min./30min./60min.);Se k; I_MedlaPlayi'ffi_Maul°ll°¢[h/_ _4):
y_Hf )¢n PIN ihg _he Change PIN f Jn;tion _%H rlay _tkx _lhtly idled p<lu_e lua_ity low guk;kly th_ F7 s¢,kch Sto s/_ndby m(xl, i no i)_,tu_ 5 1. _t_',S tn_ Mf_NU bl tton hn, pr_s _ e_ '_ b r_tor/10
HOW It Works Caption t,_lj [L[i)ns_tAf_plication on he [eft and the r tress _1_ N R]_
Whir you access 1he Progr_ Rating LOCk Menu k_netMns Ol (@ Saeen text Dialogue} _ Auto Power Off (Off / On) I IV vdi b. _X_,OlT ilk:a_y I Jmr_ pl sslht H/ _S _ but or/
lhe isl/inle thePINinpu_sc_,enal3f_£_<_ £_{_0000 IhePH i_Daption _ot eansw;lehll eaFtionfuncti{_t_e eft jf oftvhc_nJsoper_tblSl,_.,iv(#lor4h{IS 3, )rest!_ .> t_Jllonlo_iectanieolg/ideos Music,
_r_ dose's and [f_,* Program Rating Lock f@_l _pp _JK, vc_v _ tptions -_ {rd _v_l_t>l_/hey ,*,,illnol b_ dcplay xl on Photos, Settings} and tJ/_ prc_s the N_fR e button
di ildi_
AIoIh e _na ia_ _ JUS Size:Optlonsincludei}klaut Small S_andafdandLarge The PINO]>IO_ (s:=/ir I( (
Locking/Blocking Programs or Movies G_c_=_Le _11o/_Magc_taad Q/an Y_uc_ chlge the
'4 J_,;korbl_:k _rogranIS_/¸,_/_ ,_LOW_ in eSS__MIb¸t _,_ssn¸, an_r_l_r,ag_,n_n_ofd_g_a_cor_Le_tin _n,n_g__t_da_
way rr eact ap bn ad ap _ondisplaysag,_I or _ _eA_ he Background Cabot Op_ionslncludeOdia,,_hWhile B_a,;kR_k I_ k¸,tJ/b_,r,,,_r,;_t_e,_whene_/,,_;ting ex_r,a_d_4,_s_othe so_,_,_he,ls_e_ y ir,c_u_i_g_ru_clirJgthorgn _,_dinsr_sts
• . • e_oor,_entpr_v_da,sp,even_r,{__iega_nop,,ingercontenis_nd
cc£xo!theie_tn,s rt_edek_u_t_sWhite HD Connection Guide
/ L:AdultIar,guage/ e SexudiySu_stbe Dialog¸ ir_c_ude()etgulL_i_nspar_,tTrsnslucediSdi_dand Flas/kr_
c_ntu/t click 1he_uare next tothe ratingandiorunder _,ekindof b_ckg_oundOp_bns_nnludesek_u_LIrar,sp_r_,_sel_dUC_t
W,I_ yo_ c_ckab_ rall_] th ra_hgs_bov_i_will$_cdsphy Return toDefault: Ihs opi)n _ts :1 S_z( Ion1Slyk
locks¸_u C_¸,arsoAl_o,,_¸AUor LockAll Whendone,pressthe Foreg,ou,_,J(;olo_ Ba,;kg,uund(_ok),F_)_,_<)ur/,_()parity and
r:_TuRr_but_0non you1,el_,ote ,kg , )f, iy s f_ I
mCh_,geP_N:_he(;ha,,geP_ scr_n v,_lspa,earChr×)seany % D_gga!eaptlon Options areavailablenn_ywhenyou can
4,_igi_s_ory_JrP_Nande,,le, _henl_nEnterNew PIN_ds s_en_Default andServicel - Sewice6 _r/CaptionMode
Fieer,t_ _hesome4dig_ts_nC_rrn New PiNM_dsWhen tl_ % _heFo_egroL,,d andseckgrour_dc_nnot bes,_tte the
0 an)e 'Ns_ce _s pp,_s pcss, _(b, en I_V samecolor
t_s rne_noriz_dyourne_,P_N
% If yol__o_get1hePiN presstheremote cormol txJ_ionsin
thef_)l_,;_,g _quence whk;hresets_he_,inlo 0 0 0 g' : set sa_f,a_a rnebdvp_aysv,l/_/the _Vistu,,,_ on o_e_f
POWER{dif) _ MUI£ _ g. 2o 4 _ _'OW_R(en) _:_TheMelody doesndi pkg,:
' Wher,nosoundi_ouq>ut_on_the TVbesausetheT,41_rS
• W_ ¸,nos,:,und_Sei_tl>,J__,en__he rvberceuse_evn_un,ehas
_e,_,e _,,e_d_ n_i_,_,_u,__t_¸,_heVO_ _:L,I_,,_,
Energy Saving (Off / Low / Medium / High / Picture Off) :
[)i:.ab_ed hc_ the I'(} is n _ove_ savng/(x_e 2. 'tr_s tte & o_ '_ [ utlon to _;ioct Media Play (ueB), ar:_ lh,_
Nt d ) Know i_ b(iOl UgJlg Med_ Play (USB)
• A i?} Je,c tha le _s -c 1 __*,,,> noetsn 05A lay not
• he r, )x n s_;;p xte J Jp ,eso Jto s I [36} x 8,.4(} pxes
Contact Semsung • l_l i_d_;vis'_ a;e no_ su_>perte,_
vi_w t_,is inlom,_tb,, ,vher, _ou_ /V doe_. hal work _,oper ly or • i/an nve_-_o_r war_ing ,_es_ge is dispi_y÷d _i_e you .sre
,_,h r, y , want IO ,pMa le _hesdi ware¸ _ c_n f_r, _inforn Lr_,_ co_r _x_r ,g er _s_g s _S_ :_e_ce t_,_ _,,_,i,_,__ay not _e
_ading our ca_ centers arm how to dewnloag p,_ucts and ,e:x,gr_zed o_ may,_;_;_ _,
En_o_ photos¸ tousle arid,o, m o.,_e ii_essaved on s _ =,S_,4e,,,ce o,¸mey _c_ be st;_ _o read _r,e_,_s or_ _,_ice
USS _,lass Sto;age Dlass (MSC) devlee _ • j__'t'S_; dev_'_: eer,nec_ed _e I_e iv _s_:_ rs_n_zea The '_S_O_
Connecting a USB Device p_ay use _he _mp_ _he rMcyc_e B_n¸¸t_,nction er, _he PC to
1. lurr, on yOUr iV " Phot0_ anp suppor_s t_,ssequi_,_ia_ iP_ _,_rr,,_
2. Donr_a USbdevlcecont_ling pho_o music an_ior movie • _t_ V_deos_,i_,_,,s r_,_,,_r_x_t_,,,_e_rl_;_e_,_et_,,,d
_i!esk_ U,e use iaek o,, the back of t_,e rM A pup up windo_ " i_th _nun_l _r of fiie_ _n __d_ers _v _d: ,na Ug_ s_0,_t _ d_,,cc is
app{_r S _er a_x_,ox_,,_ate_v4(X_) t_ _es _n_1_ol_JerS,n_y no1 _ppear sr,rl
menu _r;pear_
_ anagi g t ig rd (re irl
' 1i1he _V has no in_,t during tl _et_n_epe, ied set ir Auto
Protection T_me tl_e S,:reer ,,_ve_ w_, ,,_,
" ii y_x__;s,,,, t _s_exter sion :x_Jle the TV,,_y ,,,X _,_xg_,_,_ the
_S C_¸_e d_<:e _Ssom,_ed or _ _le U,_C _st _S_X _ayed
e,_n._,n_ the USP*_lev_ce tc o _n f,,rmL_tme d,_ice er,_ _neck
I _ B_6_-OS_2gBENG-USin_d I 20140_-_ aU23S29 I

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l,el <ix, ,t Diltl . ,_<i st hePci_ e ;pi y_ :n [ Vr:l(H<pio_ureMode/Colot/Bri®llne_siSharpne_ } ........................................................................ II JACK PANEL DETAIL / REAR VIEW
I gf s d(t ' neo/h +c _ Ift s,_c ' slzgi tt _IFI C I/(sHos69 A'ModeNotS_p_'IleS_e • } e0 _:essq(:t_, I S ti(: _1_ e_8!dal[_ [eexJel_N e_<s (xJtf i -s£_ 8 c _Srl{_l fe _11 fV':l _ IC el nee celse is i I/S P ten N{S S!5{ 674: :, i74Si,:i; 6487 735&: i iS 8rd
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8eur¢l_#u_7 :_: 7_: ::_i <._ Z,<_su_;<t_e_ : : _lf Dag,losis,_t OpenSourceLicenseNotice
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) 2014 Sa s_g EI]t c *sle : Ic