Samsung SST US URFR01A Users Manual

RFID Reader Manual
1. Overview of UHF RFID Reader ....................................................................................... 4
2. Outer Image of Reader .................................................................................................... 4
3. Outer Image of Antenna................................................................................................... 5
4. The method of power connection ...................................................................................5
5. The method of Reader connection with Antenna............................................................6
(1) LED Indicator........................................................................................................... 7
(2) LAN.......................................................................................................................... 8
(3) SYNC........................................................................................................................8
(4) RELAY ..................................................................................................................... 9
(5) RS-422 .................................................................................................................... 9
(6) RS-485 ..................................................................................................................10
(7) RS-232 ..................................................................................................................10
(8) DEBUG...................................................................................................................11
7. The setting of serial communication mode (DIP switch setting) ...............................11
8. RFID Configuration Program .........................................................................................13
(1) Configuration of program ...................................................................................... 13
(2) Parameter Setting.................................................................................................. 14
⒜ Communication ................................................................................................14
⒝ Tag type setting ..............................................................................................15
⒞ Selection of modulation parameters ...............................................................16
⒟ Setting of duty cycles of RF power ................................................................ 16
⒠ Anti-collision setting ......................................................................................17
⒡ Buzzer Setting .................................................................................................18
⒢ Reading of TAG Data ...................................................................................... 18
⒣ Writing TAG Data............................................................................................ 19
⒤ Tag Lock Setting ............................................................................................. 20
⒥ Reader Configuration ...................................................................................... 22
⒦ Synchronization Setting ..................................................................................24
⒧ Adjustment of Reader RF Output power.........................................................24
⒨ UII 쓰기 ........................................................................................................... 24
⒩ Time setting .................................................................................................... 26
⒪ Setting of TID Length .....................................................................................27
⒫ TAG Indicator.................................................................................................. 27
⒬ Tag Test.......................................................................................................... 28
(3) Displaying Tag Information...................................................................................29
(4) Program Downloading ...........................................................................................30
(5) Reset RFID Reader ................................................................................................ 32
9. Test method of RFID Reader with DEBUG port ...........................................................33
(1) Communication Connection...................................................................................33
(2) Menu ....................................................... ............................................................... 34
⒜ Setting of modulation parameters...................................................................35
⒝ Anti-collision...................................................................................................36
⒞ Timer Setting .................................................................................................. 37
⒟ Setting of TAG Type.......................................................................................38
⒠ Setting of Serial Communication Baud rate....................................................39
⒡ Synchronization ...............................................................................................40
⒢ Adjustment of RF Power ................................................................................. 40
⒣ Adjustment of Laser Interface Timing............................................................ 41
⒤ Baseband Speed Setting.................................................................................. 42
⒥ Frequency Hopping Setting ............................................................................42
⒦ Relay Test .......................................................................................................44
⒧ CW (Continuous Wave) mode .........................................................................45
⒨ Select message transmission..........................................................................46
⒩ LBT setting......................................................................................................46
⒪ DDP Timeout setting.......................................................................................47
⒫ Buzzer setting .................................................................................................47
⒬ RF Tx Control ................................................................................................. 48
⒭ Query Params.................................................................................................. 49
⒮ Single Inventory Mode ....................................................................................49
10. RFID Reader Specification........................................................................................... 50
11. RFID Antenna Specification.........................................................................................51
1. Overview of UHF RFID Reader
This product is RFID reader to transmit car information to a remote server for the
purpose of electronic toll collection system with RF technology. The reader reads car
information from TAG ID, which is embedded in TAG, and sends this information to the
remote server. This reader can be used for 4 channels if it is connected to 4 antennas
and can be used with parts of all antennas. The reader uses TCP/IP(Ethernet), RS-232
and RS-485 for transmitting TAG ID and receiving commands from and to the remote
server. Between RS-232 and RS-485, one interface is selected for being used as
communication interface and this is determined by dip switches in the MCU board. In
addition, the reader has RS-422 interface to communicate with other devices, such as
laser or camera, and has sync port to synchronize the operations of multi-readers.
Relay interface can be used to control the switch of an outer device. The debug port is
provided so that it can receive commands from user and display the status of reader.
LED interface shows the status of reader and antennas.
This product uses DC-24V.
2. Outer Image of Reader
(Figure 1) RFID Reader (SST-US-URFR01A)
3. Outer Image of Antenna
(Figure 2) Antenna (SST-US-URFA01A)
4. The method of power connection
Connect the power connector (Left of Figure3), located at the right-bottom side of a
front panel, with SMPS(DC24V) power connector (Right of Figure3).
(1) Connection Power connector of Reader with connector of SMPS cable
(2) Power Cable
(Figure 3) Power Connection of RFID Reader
5. The method of Reader connection with Antenna
(1) Antenna connector of Reader
(2) Connector of Antenna
(그림4) Connection of RFID Reader with Antenna
As in Figure 4 (1), Connect Rx, Tx TNC connector with Rx, Tx connector of Antenna
with antenna cable. The reader has total 4 antenna connector ports and each port has
Rx, Tx port separately. The Figure shows the first antenna is selected. Connect Rx
connector of reader's antenna port to Rx connector in an antenna and connect Tx
connector of reader's antenna port to Tx connector in an antenna. When all antennas
are not selected, it is safe to connect dummy loads to unconnected antenna ports in a
reader (Antenna selection is made in configuration menu of CPR503 program. Refer to
Figure 29). If RF signal is output through unconnected antenna port, it would give a
damage to a power amplifier in a reader.
6. Outer Interface of Reader
(1) LED Indicator
There are 6 leds in LED indicator interface. The RUN led lights as soon as power is
inserted into reader and it blinks every 0.5 second after CPU is booted. TAG led is
toggled on receiving Tag ID. (Tag led is operated only if buzzer option is selected as
ON) The remaining 4 red-leds indicate the antenna being used. For example, if the first
red-led lights, it tells that the 1st Antenna is being used.
(Figure 5) LED Indicators
(2) LAN
LAN is used for communicating with a remote server. It supports up to 100Mbps. By
default, the IP address of a reader is set to
(Figure 6) LAN Port
(3) SYNC
SYNC port is used to synchronize the readers in the case multi-readers occur the
interference to each other.
SYNC port uses the same communication method as RS-422.
2 Synchro.Z X34.3 Yellow 5 Syncro.GND X34.2 Black 3 Synchro.Y X34.1 White 6 Synchro.A X34.5 White 7 Synchro.B X34.4 Red
Table 1) DB9 pin map of SYNC port
(Figure 6) SYNC port
Relay is used to control the outer device as a switch..
1 Opto.A X36.4 Yellow 2 Opto.C X36.3 White 4 Relay.1 X36.2 Red 5 Relay.2 X36.1 Black
Table 2) DB9 pin map of REALY port
(Figure 7) RELAY port
(5) RS-422
RS-422 is used to communicate with outer devices. Currently the communication speed
of RS-422 of the reader is fixed to 115200 bps.
2 RS422.Z X33.3 Yellow 5 RS422.GND X33.2 Black 3 RS422.Y X33.1 White 6 RS422.A X33.6 White 8 RS422.GND X33.5 Red 7 RS422.B X33.4 Black
Table 3) DB9 pin map of RS-422 Port
(Figure 8) RS-422 port
(6) RS-485
RS-485 is used to communicate with outer devices or a remote server. Currently the
communication speed of RS-485 of a reader is fixed to 9600bps.
7 RS485.B X32.6 Red 8 RS485.GND X32.5 Black 6 RS485.A X32.4 White
Table 4) DB9 pin map of 485 port
(Figure 9) RS-485 port
(7) RS-232
RS-232 is used to communicate with outer devices or a remote server. Currently the
communication speed of RS-232 of a reader is fixed to 9600bps
3 RS232.TX X32.8 White 2 RS232.RX X32.7 Yellow 5 GND X32.2 Black
Table 5) DB9 pin map of RS-232 port
(Figure 10) RS-232 port
DEBUG port is used when the user want to see the status of a reader or he want to
input commands to a reader. It is a console of linux device. The command input method
will be explained next chapter 9.
3 Debug.TX X31.3 White 5 Debug.GND X31.2 Black 2 Debug.RX X31.1 Yellow
Table 6) DB9 pin map of debug port
(Figure 11) DEBUG port
7. The setting of serial communication mode (DIP switch setting)
DIP switch is used to set the communication mode to RS-232 or RS-485. Only one
mode between RS-232 and RS-485 is used. If number 1, 2 switches are ON, RS-232
mode is activated and if number 3,4 switches are ON, RS-485 mode is activated.
In addition, serial communication mode is selected though CPR-503 program as the
same mode as determined by DIP switches.
(1) RS-232 mode (2) RS-485 mode
(Figure 12) DIP switch setting
8. RFID Configuration Program
RFID Reader (CPR-503) program can be used to measure the performance of a reader
or set the configuration of a reader. It commits the functions through communication
with a reader via serial/Ethernet. As major functions, this program can set parameters
used in a reader and provide interfaces for read/write/lock functions to RFID tags.
In addition, it gives the interfaces for configuration of communication environment and
displaying the information of tags which a reader recognizes.
(1) Configuration of program
Tabs for setting parameters Window for displaying TAG information
CPR-503 program consists of 2 windows. Left windows is tabs for parameter setting,
which contains 17 items (Communication, Tag, Modulation, Scan, Anti-collision, MISC,
Read, Write, Lock, Configuration, Synchronization, Attenuation, UII write, Time, TID,
Tag indicator, Tag Test). You can select a tab using arrow button in the right corner.
Right window displays TAG information which a reader recognizes. The information
contains Serial No., the reading counter, UII, TAG ID(TID), antenna number and
reception time.
(2) Parameter Setting
Use communication item in parameter setting tabs to configure the communication
environments. The communication method can be RS-232, RS-485 or Ethernet. The
selection is committed by pressing the radio button located in left side of each
communication method. In case of RS-232 or RS-485, the port number and baud rate
should be set, too. (Refer to Figure 14)
(Figure 14) RS-232, RS-485 Connection (Figure 15) Ethernet Connection
In Ethernet mode, the server mode or the client mode can be selected. In client mode,
IP address and port number should be set. (Refer to Figure 15) Now, the port number of
TCP is fixed to 1000. If you choose the server mode, the windows for setting IP
address and port number will be deactivated. In order to use the server mode, Server
(PC) IP address should be set in the RFID reader. (Refer to Figure 16)
(Figure 16) Ethernet (Server mode) Setting
If RS-232, RS-485 or Ethernet client mode is selected, press connect button for
communicating with a reader. In case of Ethernet server mode, it is needless to press
connect button.
When the connection is completed, the communication status indicator located in right-
bottom side of the program will display "Connected" from "Not Connected".
(Figure 17) Communication status indicator
Tag type setting
RFID Reader (CPR-503) supports 3types of RFID tags. The supported types of tags are
EM-4122, ISO-6B and GEN2 among which one type should be selected using radio
button. By default, GEN2 type is selected. (Refer to Figure 18)
(Figure 18) Tag type setting (Figure 19) Selection of modulation parameters
Selection of modulation parameters
Modulation parameters can be set in modulation tab. (Refer to Figure 19) The
modulation tab is only used when selected TAG type is GEN2. Configurable parameters
of modulation are TARI, RTCal, TRCal, Reverse link encoding method, Divide ratio (DR),
and pilot tone. TARI, RTCal, TRCal value is set by the micro second. Reverse link
encoding method can be FM0, Miller2, Miller3, Miller8, but now the CPR-503 reader
supports only Miller2 encoding. Divide ratio cab be set with 8 or 64/3. Pilot tone
determines which preamble is used, short preamble or long preamble. By default, TARI
is set to 12micro seconds, RTCal is set to 33mirco seconds, TRCal is set to 66micro
seconds, Reverse link encoding is set to Miller 2, Divide ratio is set to 64/3 and Pilot
tone is set to long preamble.
[CAUTION] Except of a special case, do not change default modulation parameters.
Setting of duty cycles of RF power
In order to set the duty cycles of RF power of a reader, the scan item can be used.
RFID uses RF power which is turned on/off periodically. The period of ON/OFF state of
RF power can be set with milli-second. However, if, in the RF ON period, a tag is
already read or it is determined that no more tag can be read (As such a case, It will be
possible that although query message and query-repeat message in all slots allocated
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