12 Samsung Electronics
4. Testing Function
This function is for PCB and test of products, work process test, and SVC.
After checking the product's function by selecting TEST S/W, let the self-diagnosis function
start with the POWER OFF and ON.
1)Forced Starting Function
COMP and FAN starts immediately after the TEST S/W on the Main PCB is pressed once. So
when the forced staring function is done right at the COMP OFF point, Over Load in the
COMP may be caused. Extra caution is necessary.
When forced starting function is selected, COMP and FAN run for 24 hours regardless of the
freezer/refrigerator temperature and knob selection. Indicating Lamp on main PCB shows that
it is a forced starting function by 0.5sec interval ON/OFF.
When a selected forced starting function is selected and maintains for 24 hours, defrosting
function starts its operation, and when defrosting is completed normal operation is carried out
according to the temperature selection knob position.
To release it's operation during forced starting, power should be turned off and turned on
again or test release mode on 3) below should be selected.
2)Forced Defrosting Function
If test switch is pressed once more during forced starting function, it is released immediately
and forced defrosting function starts, and the Lamp on main PCB shows that it's forced
defrosting by 1.0 sec. interval ON/OFF.
When forced defrosting is selected COMP and FAN is turned off immediately, and defrosting
heater is turned on at the same time. At this moment if the sensed temperature of EVASENSOR is higher than -5.0¡ , defrosting heater is not turned ON and operates only for recess
time and returns to normal operation.
When Heating is completed it recesses for 10 mints. and after that indicating Lamp remains
ON and returns to normal operation.
3)Test Function Release Mode
If TEST S/W is pressed once more when forced defrosting function is carried out, forced
defrosting is released and stops for 10 mints. and after that it returns to normal operation.