Samsung SGH-G810 User Guide

user manual
Using this manual
This user manual has been specially designed to guide you through the functions and features of your device. To get started quickly, refer to the Qu ick Start Guide.
Instructional icons
Before you start, familiarise yourself with the icons you will see in this manual:
Warning—situations that could cause injury to yourself or others
Caution—situations that could cause damage to your device or other equipment
Note—notes, usage tips, or additional information
[ ]
< >
Refer to—pages with related information; for example:
p.12 (represents "see page
12") Followed by—the order of
options or menus you must select to perform a step; for example: Press [Menu]
Music player
(represents [Menu], followed by
, followed by
Square brackets—device keys; for example: [ ] (represents the Power key)
Angled brackets—softkeys that control different functions at each screen; for example:
> (represents the OK
< softkey)
Copyrights and tradem ar ks
Rights to all technologies and products that comprise this device are the property of their respective own e rs:
• This product includes software licensed from Symbian Ltd. © 1998-2008. Symbian and Symbian OS are trademarks of Symbian Ltd.
• Java™ is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
•Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldwide— Bluetooth QD ID: B013532.
• Windows Media Player
is a registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation.


Safety and usage infor ma t ion ........... 4
1. Communication 11
Calls ........................................... 11
Messages..................................... 14
Log............................................. 30
2. Media 34
Music player................................. 34
Camera ....................................... 36
Gallery ........................................ 38
ShoZu......................................... 39
Video Editor .................... .... .... ... .. 41
Image Editor... .... .... ..................... 44
Radio .......................................... 46
Flash® Player . .... ......................... 47
RealPlayer®................................. 47
Recorder ......................................48
PC Studio .....................................49
3. Personal productivity 50
Contacts ......................................50
Calendar ......................................54
Adobe® Reader®............. .............57
4. Web 59
Browse a web page... .... ................. 59
Change browser settings ................61
Add a bookmark............................61
Use a bookmark ...................... ......61
Save a web page and vie w it offline .62
Download files from the web ........... 63
5. Connectivity 64
Use the Bluetooth wireless feature.. 64
Connect via USB........................... 67
Synchronise your device................ 69
6. Additional programs 71
Calculator .................................... 71
Clock .......................................... 71
Converter .................................... 73
GPS data ..................................... 75
Landmarks................................... 76
Oxford ........................................ 77
Navigation ................................... 77
XTRA .......................................... 78
7. Managers 80
File manager................................ 80
Application manager ......................81
Device manager ............... .... .........82
Activation key manage r..... .... .........84
Memory card manager ...................85
Connection manager......................86
8. Settings 89
General settings ............................89
Phone settings ..............................94
Connection settings .......................97
Applications settings....................100
9. Troubleshooting 103
Index 108

Safety and usage information

Comply with the following prec au tions to avoid dangerous or illegal situations and ensure peak performance of your device.
Safety warnings
Keep your device away from small children and pets
Keep your device and all accessories out of the reach of small children or animals. Small parts may cause cho king or serious injury if swallowed.
Protect your hearing
Listening to a headset at high volumes can damage your hearing. Use only the minimum volume setting necessary to hear your conversation or music.
Install mobile devices and equipment with caution
Ensure that any mobile devices or related equipment installed in your vehicle are securely mounted. Avoid placing your device and accessories near or in an air bag deployment area. Improperly installed wireless equipment can cause serious injury when air bags inflate rapidly.
Handle and dispose of batteries and chargers with care
• Use only Samsung-approve d ba tteries and chargers specifically designed for your device. Incompatible batteries and chargers can cause serious injuries or damage to y o u r de vic e.
• Never dispose of batteries in a fire. Follow all local regulations when disposing used batteries.
Safety and usage information
• Never place batteries or phon es on o r in heating devices, such as microwave ovens, stoves, or r adiato rs. Batte ries may explode when overheated.
Avoid interference with pacemakers
Maintain a minimum of 15 cm (6 inches) between mobile devices and pacemak e rs to avoid potential interference, a s recommended by manufacturers and the independent research group, Wireless Technology Research. If you have any reason to suspect that your device is interfering with a pacemaker or other medical equipment, turn off the device immediately and contact the manufacturer of the pacemaker or medical equipme n t for gu id an ce.
Turn off the device in potentiall y explosive environments
Do not use your device at refuelling points (service stations) or near fuels or chemicals. T urn off your device whene ver directed by warning signs or instruct ions. Your device could cause explosions or fire in and around fuel or chemical storage and transfer areas or blasting areas. Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases, or explosive materials in the same compartment as the device, its parts, or accessories.
Reduce the risk of repetitive motion injuries
When sending text messages or playing games on your device, hold the device with a relaxed grip, press the keys lightly, use special features that reduce the number of keys you have to press (such as templates and pred ictive text), and take frequent breaks.
Safety and usage information
Safety precautions
Drive safely at al l tim es
Avoid using your device while driving and obey all regulations that restrict the use of mobile devices while driving. Use hands-free accessories to increase your safety when possible.
Follow all safety warnings and regulations
Comply with any regulations that restrict the use of a mobile device in a certain area.
Use only Samsung-approved accessories
Using incompatible accessories may damage your device or cause injury.
Turn off the device near medical equipment
Your device can interfere w ith m edical equipment in hospitals or health care facilities. Follow all regulations, posted warnings, and directions from medical personnel.
Turn off the device or disable the wireless functions when in an aircraft
Your device can cause interfere nce with aircraft equipment. Follow all airline regulations and turn off your device or switch to a mode that disables the wireless functions when directed by the airline personnel.
Safety and usage information
Protect batteries and chargers from damage
• Avoid expos ing batteries to very cold or very hot temper atu res (b elow 0° C/ 32° F or above 45° C/113° F). Extreme temperatures can reduce the charging capacity and life of your batteries.
• Prevent batteries from contacting metal objects, as this can create a connection between the + and ­terminals of your batteries and lead to temporary o r permanent battery damage.
• Never use a damage d ch arg er or battery.
• Risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries according to the instructions.
Handle your device carefully and sensibly
• Do not allow your device to get wet— liquids can cause serious damage. Do not handle your device with wet hands. Water damage to your device can void your manufacturer’s warranty.
• Avoid using or storing your device in dusty, dirty areas to preven t damage to moving parts.
• Your device is mad e of complex electronics—protect it from impacts and rough handling to avoid serious damage.
• Do not paint your device, as paint can clog moving parts and prevent proper operation.
• Avoid using the device’s cam era flash or light close to the eyes of children or animals.
Safety and usage information
• Your d evice and m emo ry cards ma y b e damaged by exposure to magnetic fields. Do not use carrying cases or accessories with magnetic closures or allow your device to come in contact with magnetic fields for extended periods of time.
Avoid interference with other electronic equipment
Your device em its r adio frequency (RF ) signals that may interfere with unshielded or impro p erl y shi elde d electronic equipment, such as pacemakers, hearing aids, and medical equipment in homes or vehicles. Consult the manufacturers of your electro nic equipment to solve an y in terfere nce problems you experience.
Important usage information
Use your device in the normal position
Avoid contact with your device’ s internal antenna.
Allow only qualified personnel to service your device
Allowing unqualified personnel to service your device may result in damage to your device and will void your warranty.
Ensure maximum battery and charger life
• Avoid charging batteries fo r more than a week, as overcharging may shorten battery life.
Safety and usage information
• Over time, unused batteries will discharge and must be recharged before use.
• Disconnect chargers from power sources when not in use.
• Use batteries only for their intended purpose.
Handle SIM cards and memory cards with care
• Do not remove a card while the device is transferring or accessing information, as this could result in loss of data and/or damage to the card or device.
• Protect cards from strong shocks, static electricity, and electrical noise from other equipment.
• Frequent writing and erasing will shorten the life span of memory cards.
• Do not touch gold-coloured contacts or terminals with your fingers or metal objects. If dirty , wip e the card with a soft cloth.
Ensure access to emergency services
Emergency calls from your device may not be possible in some areas or circumstances. Before travelling in remote or undeveloped areas, plan an alternate method of contacting emergency services personnel.
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) certification information
Your device conforms to European Union (EU) standards that limit human exposure to radio frequency (RF) energ y emitted by radio and telecommunications equipment. These standard s p rev en t the sale of mobile devices that exceed a maximum exposure level (known as the
Safety and usage information
Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR) of
2.0 watts per kilogram of body tissue. During testing, the maximum SAR
recorded for this model was 0.197 watts per kilogram. In normal use, the actual SAR is likely to be much lower, as the device has been designed to emit only the RF energy necessary to transmit a signal to the nearest base station. By automatically emitting lower levels when possible, your device reduces your overall exposure to RF energy.
The Declaration of Conformity at the back of this user manual demonstrates your device’s compliance with the European Radio & Terminal Telecommunications Equipment (R&TTE) directive. For mo re information about the SAR and related EU standards, visit the Samsung mobile website.


Your device allows you to send and receive many types of calls and messages over cellular networks and the internet.


Learn to use your device's call functions. For basic call functions, see the Quick Start Guide.
Call an international number
1. Press [ ] twice to insert the + character (this replaces the international access code).
2. Enter the complete number you want to dial (country code, area code, and phone number), and then press [ ] to dial.
3. To end the call, press [ ].
Make a call from the contact list
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
2. Scroll to a contact or search by entering the first few letters of the contact's name.
3. Press [ ] to call the default number for the contact.
You can also press the open the contact information and select a different number or call type (e.g., video).
to open your contact list.
key to
Insert a pause
When calling automated systems, you can insert a pause between the device number and another set of numbers.
T o insert a pause, press [ ] to select the type of pause:
(automatic pause)-press [ ] three
• times to insert an automatic pause. The device will pause for two seconds, then automatically transmit the numbers after the pause.
(manual pause)-press [ ] four
• times to insert a manual pause. After the pause, you must press < transmit the remaining numbers.
> to
View and return missed calls
Your dev ice w ill show missed calls o n t he display.
To return a missed call,
1. Press the Confirm key.
2. Scroll to a missed call.
3. Press [ ] to dial.
Call a recently dialled number
1. In Standby mode, press [ ] to display a list of recent numbers.
2. Scroll to a number and press [ ].
Divert calls
Your service provider or network may or may not support this feat ure.
To divert your incoming calls to another number,
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu]
Call diver t
2. Scroll to a call type and press Confirm key.
3. Scroll to a diverting type and press <
> →
4. For voice calls, scroll to a diverting location (mailbox or other number) and press
the Confirm key.
5. Enter a phone number and press
> (if necessary).
Bar (block) ca lls
To activate this function, you need a barring password from your service provider.
To bar incoming calls from a specific number,
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu]
Call barring
2. Scroll to a barring type and press
> →
3. Enter the barring password and press
If you ente r the incorrect barring password t h ree times, the de vice will lock. Contact your service provider.


Learn to use messaging functions. For instructions on entering text, see the Quick Start Guide. For an explanation of options, see "Change message options."
Message folders
When you open Messaging, you will see
New message
the folders:
: received messaging, except
email and cell broadcast messages
My folders
saved messages
when you create a mailbox, the name you specify will appear here
: received email messages;
function and a list of
: message templates and
: messages you have not yet
: recent sent messages
• messages waiting to be sent
multimedia messages; you must request a delivery report in the message options before sending
: temporary storage for
: delivery reports of text and
• Messages sent via the Bluetooth wireless feature are not saved in the Drafts or Sent folder.
• You may not receive a delivery report for a multimedia message if you send it to an email address.
Inbox icons
In the Inbox, you may see the following icons next to your messages:
Icon Description
Unread text message Multimedia message
notification Unread multimedia message
Unread smart message
Unread service message Data received via a Bluetooth
connection Unknown mes s age type
Outbox sta t us
When you are outside your se rvice area or have no connection to the network or email server, y o ur messag es will remain in the Outbox folder until you re-establish a connection. The Outbox status explains why a message is being held in t he Outbox folder:
• the message will be sent immediately
another message and will be sent as soon as possible
Resend at (time)
failed to send and will be sent at the specified time
: the device is connecting and
: the message is in cue behind
: the message has
: the message has been
scheduled to send at a later time
: the device has attemp ted to send the message multiple times, but has failed
Text messages
Text messages longer than 160 characters will be sent as two or more messages and may result in additional charges.
Send a text message
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging message
2. Enter a phone number or press the Confirm key to select a contact.
New message
3. Scroll down and enter text.
4. Press the Confirm key
to send
the message.
View a text message
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
2. Scroll to a message and press the Confirm key.
Retrieve messages from a SIM card
If you have text messages stored on a SIM card, you must copy them to the device before you can view them.
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu]
Messaging messages
2. Press <
→ <
> →
(to select one) or
Mark all
> →
select all).
3. Press <
Options> →
a folder.
You can now view the me ssages from the folder on your device.
Multimedia messages
Before you can send multimedia messages, you must define an access point.
Set an access point
Your service prov ider m a y s upply access point settings via a smart message. To automatically set an access point using a smart message, see "Save sm art message data or settings to your device."
To manually set an access point,
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu]
Settings points
2. Scroll down and press the Confirm key to select an existing access point or press <
> →
New access
3. Set access point options according to the instructions provided by your service p rovider.
Send a multimedia me ss ag e
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging Multimedia message
New message
2. Enter a phone number or press the Confirm key to select a contact.
3. Scroll down and enter a subject.
4. Scroll down and enter text.
5. T o inser t a n existi ng mult imed ia object, press <
→ an object type. T o create and
> →
insert a new multimedia object, press
> →
Insert new
→ an
object type.
6. Press the Confirm key
to send
the message.
You can only add images with a resolution of 176 x 144 or lower.
Edit a multimedia m e ss age
You can edit your multimedia message before sending it:
• To add fields to the message header,
press <
> →
Address fields
a field type
• To change the message layout, press <
> → a text position
• To preview the message, press <
• To remove an item, press <
> →
→ an item
You can add images, sounds, or videos to slides; however, you can only add one type of media type per slide.
View a multimedia m essage
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
2. Scroll to a message and press the
Confirm key.
Listen to voice mail
If your voice mail number is pres et by your service provider, you can press and
] to access your voice mail.
hold [ If the voice mail number is not pre set or
if you need to change the voice mail number,
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu]
Call mailbox
2. Enter the voice mail number provided by your service provider.
3. Press <
You can now access your voice mail from Standby mo de by pressing and holdi n g
Email messages
Before you can send or receive email messages, you must create a mailbox .
Create a mailbox
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
2. Press <
3. Press the Confirm key to start the mailbox setup wizard and follow the onscreen instructions.
The new mailbox will automatically appear in Messaging. To change the current mailbox, return to email settings and switch the "Mailbox in use" to another mailbox.
→ <
> →
New mailbox
> →
If you use the POP3 protocol, the mailbox will not up date automatically when you are online. You must disconnect and then reconnect to view new messages.
Send an email message
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging E-mail
New message
2. Enter an email address or press the Confirm key to select a contact.
3. Scroll down and enter a subject.
4. Scroll down and enter text.
5. Press <
> →
→ an
attachment type (optional).
6. Press the Confirm key
If you are offline or outside your service area, the message will be held in the Outbox folder until you are online and in your service area.
View an email message
When you open a mailbox, you can view previously retrieved emails offline or connect to the email server to view new messages. After you retrieve email messages, you can view them offline.
To view new messages online,
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu]
2. Press <
3. Press <
→ your mailbox.
Options Options
> → > →
Connect Retrieve e-mail
To view new messages offline,
1. Repeat steps 1-3 above.
2. Press <
> →
View or save email attachments
Email attachments ( ) may contain viruses that can damage your device. To protect your device, open attachments only if you trust the sender. For more information, see
"Certif. management."
To view an attachment,
1. From an open email message, press <
> →
2. Scroll to the attachment and press the Confirm key.
The attachment opens with the corresponding application.
To save an attachment,
1. From an open email message, press
> →
2. Scroll to the attachment and press
> →
Delete an email message
You can delete email messag es from yo ur device only or from both your device and the mail server.
To delete a message from your dev ice only,
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu]
→ your mailbox.
2. Scroll to an email and press
> →
Phone only
The email header will remain in your mailbox until you delete the message from the mail server.
To delete a message from both your device and the mail server,
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu]
→ your mailbox.
2. Scroll to an email and press
> →
Phone and
If you are offline, messages will be deleted from the s erv er th e next time you connect. If you are using the POP3 protocol, deleted messages are removed when you close the mailbox connection.
Audio messages
You can send audio messages with voice memos or sound clips. To record a voice memo or sound clip, see "Recorder."
Send an audio message
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging Audio message
2. Press <
New message
> →
Add recipient
3. Scroll to a recipient and press the
Confirm key
<OK> → a number (if
4. To insert an existing sound clip: a. Press <
> →
From Gallery
Insert sound
b. Scroll to a sound clip and press the
Confirm key (skip to step 6).
5. To record and insert a new sound clip: a. Press <
New sound clip
> →
Insert sound
b. When you are finished reco rding ,
press <
> to automatically attach the sound clip to the audio message.
6. Press <
> →
Cell broadcast messages
If your service provider supports this function, you can subscribe to cell broadcasts that provide a utomatic notifications or news updates. To learn about available cell broadcasts, contact your service prov ider.
Add a cell broadcast topic
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging broadcast
2. Press <
3. Enter the topic name and n um ber, and then press <
→ <
> →
> →
Subscribe to a cell bro a dca s t
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging broadcast
2. Scroll to a topic and press <
→ <
> →
Your device will now receive new messages automatically.
3. To cancel a subscription, press <
> →
Cancel subscription
Some connection settings may block cell broadcasts. Contact your service provider for the appropriate connection settings.
View a cell broadcast topic
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging broadcast
→ <
> →
2. Scroll to a topic folder and press the Confirm key.
3. Scroll to a topic and press the Confirm key.
Set automatic notification of new cell broadcast messages
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging broadcast
2. Scroll to a topic and press <
→ <
> →
3. To stop automatic notifications, press
> →
Remove hotmark
Smart messages
Your device can receive many kinds of smart messages, including business cards, ringtones, calendar events, browser bookmarks, and settings. Your service provider may send smart messages that you can use to load settings into your device.
Save smart message data or settings to your device
1. In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
2. Scroll to a message and press the Confirm key.
3. Press < settings according to the smart message type:
• Business card: select
business card
> and save the data or
• Ringing tone: to save to
• Calendar entry: select
Save to
• WAP message: select
• SMS service number: select
• Voice mail number: select
Add to
Save to Contacts
Save to
• Access point settings: select
• Email settings: select
You ma y also receive an email notification, which tells you how many new emails are in your remote mailbox.
Service messages
You ma y receiv e serv ice mess ages from your service provider that are deleted automatically when they expire. You can view service messages from the Inbox (you may have to download the message from the service provider). Contact your service provider for more information about service messages.
Change message options
Change text message options
In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging → < Text message
Message centres
message centres or add a new centre (press <
> →
to change the following
: view all defined
> →
New message
Message centre in use
: set a message centre to use when sending text messages
Character encoding
• encoding type (
: set a character
Full support
Unicode reduces your maximum message length by about one-half)
Receive report
: set to receive a report when the message has been delivered
Message validity
: set a duration for the message to be valid; if the message cannot be delivered within the specified time, it will be removed from the message centre
Message sent as
: set to convert text
messages to another format
Preferred connection
: set a network
connection type
Reply via same centre
: set to use the same message centre when receiving a reply message
Change multimedia message options
In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging Multimedia message
→ <
> →
to change the
following options:
Image size
: set a size for images added to multimedia messages (when sending a message to an email address, the size is auto matically set to
MMS creation mode
: set the mode
for creating multimedia messages
Access point in use
: set an access point to use when sending multimedia messages
Multimedia retrieval
: set an option
for receiving multimedia messages
Allow anon. msgs.
: set to allow or deny messages from anonymo us senders
Receive adverts
: set to receive or
block advertisements
Receive report
: set to receive a report when the message has been delivered
Deny report sendi n g
: set to deny delivery reports for multimedia messages
Message validity
: set a duration for the message to be valid; if the message cannot be delivered within the specified time, it will be removed from the message centre
Change email options
In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging E-mail
→ <
> →
to change the following options:
: view a list of defined mailboxes; for each mailbox, you can set the following options:
Connection settings
Incoming e-mail
: set options for
incoming email messages
Outgoing e-mail
: set options for
outgoing email messages
User settings
My name
Send message
: set your user name
: set email messages to send immediately or the next time you connect to the server
Send copy to self
: set to save
copies of outgoing email messages
Include signatu re
: set to include a
signature in your email messages
New e-mail alerts
: set to show an icon when you receive a new email message
Retrieval settin g s
E-mail to retrieve
: set to retrieve email headers or full messages with attachments (you can specify a size limit for full messages)
Retrieval amoun t
: set a maximum number of headers to retrieve at one time
IMAP4 folder path
(IMAP4): set a path to the folder that will sync with the server
Folder subscriptions
(IMAP4): connect to mailbox and update folders
Automatic retrieval
E-mail notifications
: set to be notified when you receive a new email message
E-mail retrieval
: set to automatically retriev e email from t he server
Mailbox in use
: set a mailbox for
Change service message options
In Standby mode, press [Menu] →
Messaging Service message
→ <
> →
to change the
following options:
Service messages
: set to receive
service messages
Download messages
: set to automatically or manually download new service messages
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