Samsung SCH-6100 User Manual

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Portable Cellular
Telephone SCH-6100
Owner’s Manual
World Wide Web
Printed in Korea Code No.: GH68-01163A 2000/08. Rev.1.2
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Table of Contents
Getting to know your phone 7 Turning your Samsung PCS Phone on and of f
To turn it on 1 8 To turn it off 1 8
The top line of the display 19 Using the battery 21
Installing the battery 2 1 R e m oving the battery 2 1 C h a rging the battery 2 1 C h a rging with the dual-slot desktop ch a rger 2 2 Things to remember about the dual-slot desktop ch a rge r 2 2 The empty battery icon 2 3
Your phone’s modes 24
S t a n d by mode 2 4 Talk mode 2 4 Power Save mode 2 4
Basic voice call functions 25
Making a voice call 2 5 Redialing calls 2 5 C o rrecting dialing mistakes 2 6 Ending a call 2 6 Incoming call notification 2 6 A n swe ring a call 2 7 Adjusting voice volume 2 8 Adjusting ring volume 2 8 Silencing (or muting) the ri n ger during an incoming call 2 8 To mute the microphone during a call 2 9 W h e re you can use your phone 2 9 Setting your phone’s roaming ability 3 0 Roaming call guard 3 1 What yo u ’ll see 3 1 Using Caller ID 3 2 Call Waiting 3 2 A n swe ring a Call Waiting call 3 2 Using T h re e - Way Calling 3 4 Using Call Fo r wa rding 3 5 D i s p l aying your phone number 3 5
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Missed calls 3 6 D ropped calls 3 6 Failed calls 3 7 Key beep volume setting 3 7
Advanced voice calling features 38
Tone length setting 3 8 Automatic hyphenation 3 8 P repend dialing 3 9 Fo u r - d i git dialing 4 0
Pause dialing 41
S t o ring pauses in an Internal Phone Book entry 4 1 Pause dialing from a stored Internal Phone Book entry 4 2 M a nual pause dialing 4 3
Audible alerts 44
S e rvice alert 4 4 M i nute beep 4 5
Display options 46
B a cklight control 4 6 Pe rsonal greeting 4 7 B a cklight contrast control 4 7
Setting the language of your phone 4 8
D i s p l aying your phone’s softwa re and hardwa re ve rs i o n s 4 8
Ringer options 49
R i n ger type setting for voice calls 4 9 R i n ger volume setting for voice and fax calls 5 0 R i n ger type setting for message calls 5 1 R i n ger volume setting for message calls 5 1 R i n ger type setting for your alarm 5 2 R i n ger volume setting for your alarm 5 2 R i n ger type setting for fax calls 5 3 R i n ger type setting for roaming calls 5 3
Voice memo 54
R e c o rding a Voice memo 5 4
R ev i ewing a Voice memo 5 5
Voice-activated dialing 56
Tips on re c o rding names 5 6 P ro gramming the phone for Vo i c e - a c t i vated dialing 5 7 Vo i c e - a c t i vated dialing setup 5 8
Placing a call using voice dialing 5 9 R ev i ewing voice dialing entries 5 9 E rasing voice dialing entries 6 0
Emergency dialing 61 The Internal Phone Book 62
Vi ewing stored entries 6 2 Vi ewing stored entries in one step 6 2 Finding stored entries by name 6 3 Finding stored entries by location 6 3 S t o ring phone nu m b e rs and names 6 4 To add a new phone number to an existing entry 6 5 S h o rtcuts to storing phone nu m b e rs 6 6 S t o ring phone nu m b e rs at the end of a call 6 6 P repend a phone number 6 7 Adding a Name Ringer 6 8
Changing Your Internal Phone Book 69
Editing Internal Phone Book nu m b e rs 6 9 S e c ret Internal Phone Book nu m b e rs 6 9 E rasing Internal Phone Book entries 7 0 E rasing the Internal Phone Book 7 0 Set Speed Dial 7 0
Dialing numbers from your Internal Phone Book
S h o rtcuts to Memory Dialing 7 1
Calendar 72
To d ay 7 2 Month Vi ew 7 4 Jump To Date 7 5 To Do List 7 6 Count Down 7 7 A l a rm Clock 7 9 World Clock 8 1 Calculator 8 2
Voicemail 83
Setting up your Voicemail box 8 3 R ev i ewing Voicemail messages 8 3 O n e - To u ch Access to your Voicemail box 8 3
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Messaging 84
Incoming messages 8 4 R ev i ewing Numeric Pages and Wi reless Web Messages 8 5 M e s s age options 8 6 E rasing individual messages 8 7 E rasing all Page / Text or Wi reless Web messages 8 7 M e s s age ri n ging 8 7 M e s s age memory capacity 8 8 M e s s ages and Lock mode 8 8
Your phone’s security features 89
L o ck mode 8 9 L o ck code setting 9 0 L o cking the phone 9 0 Dialing in Lock mode 9 1 Special nu m b e rs 9 1 S t o ring special nu m b e rs 9 2 Dialing special nu m b e rs in Lock mode 9 2 Resetting your phone 9 2 E rasing Your Internal Phone Book 9 3
Keeping track of your calls 94
R ev i ewing Outgo i n g ,Incoming or Missed Calls 9 4 E rasing Call Logs 9 5 R ev i ewing airtime 9 6
The Wireless Web Browser 97
The MiniBrowser Start and End Prompts 9 8 L a u n ching the Wi reless Web Browser 9 8 To end the Wi reless Web Browser Session 9 9 N avigating the Wi reless Web Browser 1 0 0 The MiniBrowser soft keys 1 0 0 E n t e ring tex t ,nu m b e rs or symbols 1 0 2 Using Links 1 0 3 Initiating a phone call while using the Wi reless Web Brow s e r Receiving a phone call while using the Wi reless Web Browser Using Bookmarks 1 0 4 C reating a Bookmark 1 0 4 Finding a Bookmark 1 0 5
1 0 3 1 0 4
Placing a call 1 0 7 Reading the Display 1 0 8 D u ring the call 1 0 8 Receiving a call 1 0 9 Receiving a fax call 1 0 9 C h a n ging your phone back to voice calling 1 1 0 Ending a call 1 1 0
Menus 111
Main menu 1 1 1 In Use menu 1 1 1 M e nu navigation 1 1 1
Your Phone’s Main menu 1 1 2
Usage guidelines: All about performance and safety 113
Keeping tabs on signal strength 1 1 3 U n d e rstanding Power Save mode 1 1 3 U n d e rstanding how your phone operates 1 1 4 Radio frequency safety 1 1 4 Maintaining your phone’s peak perfo rmance 1 1 5 P rotecting your battery 1 1 6 B a t t e ry disposal and re c y cling 1 1 7 Samsung PCS Phone and battery specifications 1 1 8 Using your phone while driving 1 1 9 Fo l l owing safety guidelines 1 1 9 Tu rn off your phone befo re flying 1 1 9 R e s t ricting ch i l d re n ’s access to your phone 1 1 9 Using your phone near other electronic devices 1 2 0 Tu rn off your phone in dange rous areas 1 2 0 Cautions 1 2 1 FCC notice 1 2 1 L i q u e fied Pe t roleum Gas 1 2 1 S p e c i fications Subject to Change 1 2 1 FCC Compliance Info rmation 1 2 2 I n fo rmation To User 1 2 2
Samsung PCS Wireless Web Connection 106
Getting Started 1 0 6 A t t a ching the data cable 1 0 7 Installing the softwa re 1 0 7
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Getting to know your phone
A c c e s s o ries connector
(hidden in this view )
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Getting to know your phone (continued)
1 . LED Indicator: Flashes to indicate
an incoming call or message .W h e n you have the phone closed and the ri n ger set to off,the LED indicator will notify you that you have an incoming call or message .
Lights up (flashes) for a few sec­onds when you turn on the p h o n e .
2 . Headset Connector:This is where
you connect the optional headset. The headset includes an earpiece and microphone in a conve n i e n t , l i g h t weight unit so you can con­ve rse without using your hands.
What you see in the illustration to
the left is re a l ly the cover for the headset connector.G e n t ly pry
open the top of the cover to
expose the headset connector.
3 . Voice Memo Key: From Standby
m o d e :
P ress and hold it to re c o rd up to 60 seconds of audio.
A total of four minutes of audio can be re c o rded in four separa t e Voice Memos.E a ch Voice Memo can be stored indefi n i t e ly or e ra s e d .
From Standby mode,p ress bri e fly to view the Voice Memo menu .
4 . Backlit Display Screen:The display
s c reen contains two are a s :
The top line display indicators appear based on your phone’s o p e rating mode (see “The top line of the display ”on page 19).
The lower area display s :
In-use info rmation such as the other part y ’s nu m b e r,the call t i m e r, the name and number of the other party (if ava i l abl e ) , Call Wa i t i n g ,M u t e ,e t c .
M e nus and sub-menu s .
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5 . Volume/Scroll Keys:T h e re are
t wo keys (one up and one dow n ) that are used to set the ri n ger vo l­u m e ,set audio volume levels and to n avigate through the menu s . P ress the vo l u m e / s c roll key to:
Adjust voice volume during con­ve rs a t i o n .
Adjust ri n ger volume in Standby m o d e .
Mute the ri n ger during an incom-
ing call.
S c roll through menu options.
6 . OK / Messages Key:This key per-
fo rms seve ral useful functions:
From Standby or Talk mode,p re s s
it bri e fly to access the Message s
m e nu . From Standby mode,p ress and
hold it to access the Vo i c e m a i l . When entering a phone nu m b e r,
p ress it once to save the nu m b e r to the Internal Phone Book (then fo l l ow the pro m p t s ) .
When navigating a menu ,p ress it to select the highlighted item.
7 . SEND Key:This key perfo rms seve r-
al useful functions.
P ress it to answer calls. Dial a number and press it to con-
n e c t . D u ring conve rs a t i o n ,p ress it to initi-
ate T h re e - Way Calling.
D u ring conve rs a t i o n ,p ress it to
a n swer a Call Waiting call. P ress it once in Standby mode to
q u i ck ly access your last fi ve incom­i n g ,o u t go i n g ,and missed Call Logs.
P ress it twice in Standby mode to
redial the last outgoing nu m b e r.
P ress and hold to use vo i c e - a c t i va t­ed dialing (depending on your Main m e nu setting).
8 . Backlit Keypad: Keys are lighted
f rom the back for maximum visibility.
B a cklight for keys and display are can be set to one of four settings: Flip Open,30 Seconds,8 Seconds, or Off.
When the alarm goes off,p ress it to silence the alarm .
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9 . * / Scroll / Shift Key:
P ress for special star calling fe a t u re s .
A l l ows scrolling when view i n g m e nu s ,the Internal Phone Book, Wi reless Web Brow s e r,e t c . and to
m ove the cursor when editing any
o p t i o n .
1 0 . Accessories Connector: This is
w h e re you connect your ch a rgi n g d ev i c e .It can also be used to con­nect the Samsung Data Connection kit or hands-free car kit (both sold s e p a ra t e ly ) .
R e m ove the ru bber plug befo re
fi rst use.
1 1 . Active Flip: Closing your flip ends
a call and turns off the back l i g h t . T h e re are seve ral options you can set when you open the fl i p :
A n swer an incoming call.To set
this option,see “A n swe ring a call”
on page 27. Voice dial someone.To set this
o p t i o n ,see “ Vo i c e - a c t i vated dialing
s e t u p ”on page 57.
C o n t rol the back l i g h t .To set this
o p t i o n ,see “ B a cklight contro l ”o n
p age 46.
1 2 . M i c r o p h o n e :Your typical vo i c e
m i c rophone for conve rs a t i o n ,b u t a l s o :
accepts your voice commands fo r
Vo i c e - A c t i vated Dialing
re c o rds your speech for vo i c e
m e m o s
you can mute the micro p h o n e
d u ring a call by simply pre s s i n g
or .
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1 3 . # / Scroll / Space Key:This key
has seve ral useful functions:
This is the pound key.I t ’s used at
va rious times when you dial,e s p e­c i a l ly when using telephone access serv i c e s .
When entering tex t ,p ress it to cre-
ate a space.
A l l ows scrolling when view i n g
m e nu s ,the Internal Phone Book, Wi reless Web Brow s e r,e t c .and to m ove the cursor when editing any o p t i o n .
1 4 . 0 / Next Key:
This key is used to display the
n ext matching wo rd when enter­ing text in T9 Text Entry mode.
1 5 . CLR Key:This key is used to era s e
nu m b e rs or ch a ra c t e rs you may h ave entered incorre c t ly,or to re t u rn to a previous scre e n .
To erase one ch a racter from the
d i s p l ay scre e n ,b ri e fly press it
o n c e . To erase all ch a ra c t e rs ,hold it
d own for one second. To back up one menu leve l ,p re s s
it once. To re t u rn to Standby mode fro m
a ny menu ,hold it down for one
s e c o n d .
1 6 . END/ Power Key: This key per-
fo rms seve ral important functions:
P ress to turn on your phone.
P ress and hold to turn off yo u r
p h o n e .
P ress this key to disconnect a call
or to re t u rn to Standby mode fro m
a ny menu .
If the phone is alre a dy open,a n d
you re c e i ve an incoming call,yo u
can mute the ri n ger by pre s s i n g
o n c e .
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1 7 . MENU Key:When in Standby or
Talk mode,p ress this key to access m e nu items,and continue pre s s i n g it to scroll through menu items. When you re a ch the menu item you wa n t ,p ress . S eve ra l other menus can be accessed by p ressing this key (see “ M e nu s ”o n p age 111).
1 8 . Navigation Key:This key allow
you to scroll when viewing menu s , the Wi reless Web Brow s e r,I n t e rn a l Phone Book,e t c .and to move the c u rsor when editing any option. A l s o ,this key has a one-touch spe­cial function that it perfo rm s :
In Standby or Talk mode,p ress this key to view your Internal Phone Book (in alphabetical ord e r ) .
When entering tex t ,this key
selects capital letters ,l ower case l e t t e rs or initial capital letters .
1 9 . S p e a k e r : S p e a ker for listening to
c o nve rs a t i o n s .Also fo r :
Voice messages and pro m p t s .
2 0 . A n t e n n a : Fi xed length for conve-
nience and maximum cl a ri t y.
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Turning your Samsung PCS Phone on and off
To turn it on
S i m p ly press and three things happen:
The LED indicator fl a s h e s , the phone beeps and the start-up graphics begin to play.
The phone will then begin searching for a netwo rk signal. When a signal is fo u n d ,the icon appears and yo u r phone enters Standby mode.The Standby mode screen is s h own below and always contains the fo l l owing fo u r t h i n g s :
Signal strength indicator . B a t t e ry strength indicator . Banner (here the banner is
“Samsung PCS”but you can per­sonalize it).
Time and date.
You can make and re c e i ve calls now.
To turn it off
To turn your phone off,p ress and hold until the p ower off graphics begin to play.The power off sounds will then play and the display goes bl a n k . Notice that when the phone is off,nothing is displayed on the scre e n ,and the b a cklight is off.
N o t e : If your phone is on and is pressed for less than one second,the phone will not turn off.This fe a t u re helps keep your phone from being accidentally turned off.
The top line of the display
D i s p l ay indicators (or icons) appear across the top of yo u r p h o n e ’s display scre e n .The signal strength and battery s t rength icons will always appear,but other icons appear based your phone’s operating mode.
Signal stre n g t h : This icon always appears when your phone is on,and shows your current signal s t re n g t h .M o re lines indicate more signal stre n g t h . Four lines indicate maximum stre n g t h ,and one line indicates least stre n g t h .
S e rvice indicator: This icon indicates a call is in p ro gre s s .If there is tro u ble with signal stre n g t h , this indicator will have a diagonal line through it.
No service indicator: This icon indicates yo u r phone cannot find a signal because yo u ’re outside a service are a .When this is displaye d ,you cannot m a ke or re c e i ve calls.Wait a little while for a signal or move into an open are a .
N o t e :The no service indicator will always appear when you turn on your phone.As soon as service is fo u n d ,the indicator disappears .
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R o a m i n g : This icon indicates you are “ ro a m i n g ” o ff the Netwo rk of your service prov i d e r.
Message indicator: This icon indicates you have Voicemail message(s) wa i t i n g .P ress to see the Message menu ,or press and hold to be connected to Vo i c e m a i l .
Message indicator: This icon indicates you have m e s s age(s) wa i t i n g .The message(s) can be page , t ex t ,or Wi reless Web message ( s ) .P ress t o see the Message menu .
Vibrating Ringer: This icon indicates that an incoming call will vibrate the phone rather than ring it.This fe a t u re can be used for quiet situations w h e re you don’t want your ri n ger to disturb others or for loud situations where the ri n ger cannot be h e a rd .
B a t t e ry stre n g t h : This icon is always displaye d when your phone is on,and shows the level of your battery ch a rge .The more bl a ck bars you see, the greater the ch a rge .When the battery becomes ve ry low,an empty box appears and the phone flashes an alert ;this indicates your phone is ab o u t to turn itself off.
Using the battery
Your Samsung PCS Phone comes pack aged with a part i a l ly ch a rge d ,re ch a rge able Lithium Ion (LiIon) battery so that you can use your phone immediately after it is activa t e d .
Installing the battery
To attach the battery to your Samsung PCS Phone:
1 . Hold the battery so that the
metal contacts on the base of the battery line up with the metal contacts on the base of the phone.
2 . Place the battery on the back of the phone with the top
of the battery about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch from the latch .
3 . G e n t ly push the battery towa rd the top of the phone
until it snaps into place.
Removing the battery
To re m ove the battery from your Samsung PCS Phone:
1 . Tu rn the phone off. 2 . P ress the battery release latch (see
i l l u s t ration) and slide the battery away from the latch .
Charging the battery
You can tell whether or not your bat­t e ry needs to be re ch a rged by ch e ck­ing the indicator in the upper­right corner of your phone’s display.
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Charging with the dual-slot desktop charger
Use only Samsung-approved ch a rge rs and adapters with your Samsung PCS Phone.Use of any unauthorized acces­s o ries may be dange rous and will invalidate the phone wa r­ranty if the accessories cause damage or a defect to the p h o n e .
To ch a rge the battery using the dual-slot desktop ch a rge r : 1 . Plug the power cord of the ch a rger into a wall outlet. 2 . Select one of the fo l l owing three ch a rging confi g u ra t i o n s :
I n s e rt the entire phone with battery attached into the f ront compartment of the ch a rge r.
I n s e rt a single battery (alone,not attached to the phone) into the rear compartment of the ch a rge r.
I n s e rt a single battery into the rear compartment and a phone (with battery attached) into the front compart­m e n t .
Things to remember about the dual-slot desk­top charger
To get the quickest ch a rge for any battery : 1 . Tu rn the phone off. 2 . Put the phone,with battery attach e d ,into the front slot. 3 . Do not put a battery in the rear slot.
The LEDs on the front of the ch a rger indicate the fo l­l ow i n g :
Red indicates that the battery is ch a rgi n g . G reen indicates that the battery is fully ch a rge d . Ye l l ow indicates that the battery is operating at a
t e m p e ra t u re that is too high or too low,or that something is not plugged in corre c t ly.C h e ck the ch a rger and battery for proper connections.
Using the dual-slot desktop ch a rge r,a completely dis­ch a rged standard battery re ch a rges fully in approx i m a t e ly tbd hours .The extended battery re ch a rges in approx i m a t e­ly tbd hours .
The empty battery icon
Two to three minutes befo re the battery ch a rge level ge t s too low to operate the phone,the battery sensor will let you know by blinking an empty battery icon ( ) , sounding a tone and displaying a wa rning message . If yo u c o n t i nue to operate the phone without ch a rgi n g ,t h e phone will turn off automatically (after the two to thre e m i nute delay ) .If this happens your wireless call will be e n d e d .But if you plug into a ch a rging dev i c e ,you can con­t i nue your call.Be sure to monitor the battery strength icon and make sure your battery is adequately ch a rge d .
When two batteries are in the ch a rge r,the batteri e s ch a rge simu l t a n e o u s ly,but ch a rging time increases fo r both batteri e s .
L e aving the battery in the ch a rger once it is fully ch a rged does not harm the battery.
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Your phone’s modes
Standby mode
S t a n d by is the most basic state of your Samsung PCS Phone. The phone goes into Standby mode soon after you turn it o n ,or if your phone is on,w h e n ever you bri e fly press . When your phone is in Standby mode,you will see the ban­ner (the message displayed when you turn on your phone), the time/date and the active top line icons.While in Standby m o d e ,you can enter a phone nu m b e r,p ress to dial it, or press to save it in the Internal Phone Book.
P ress at any time to re t u rn to Standby mode,but be care f u l ; if yo u ’re on a call when you press ,yo u ’ll re t u rn to S t a n d by mode but yo u ’ll also disconnect the call.P re s s s eve ral times or hold it down to re t u rn to Standby mode without ending a call.
The Main menu is accessed when you are in Standby mode by pressing .See “ Your Phone’s Main menu ”on page 112 for a listing of the Main menu items.
Talk mode
You can place and answer calls only when your Samsung PCS Phone is powe red on.D u ring a call,the phone is in Ta l k m o d e .While you are in Talk mode,p ressing gi ves yo u a list of options re fe rred to as “In-Use options.See “In Use m e nu ”on page 111.
Power Save mode
Your Samsung PCS Phone comes with a Power Save fe a t u re that will automatically be activated if your phone is unabl e to find a signal after 15 minutes of search i n g .While this fe a­t u re is active ,the phone’s battery ch a rge is conserve d .T h e phone will automatically re ch e ck for a signal peri o d i c a l ly.A m e s s age on the display will let you know when your phone is operating in Power Save mode.
Basic voice call functions
N o t e : Your phone makes seve ral kinds of calls (vo i c e ,fa x and Wi reless We b ) .This section explains voice calling only.
Making a voice call
To place a voice call: 1 . P ress to power on your Samsung PCS Phone.I f
you see indicators on the display,this indicates yo u r phone is on.Note that you will not hear a dial tone.
2 . Enter the phone number (up to 32 digits) by pre s s i n g
the digit key s .The phone number displays from left to ri g h t .
3 . P ress .The phone places the call to the entere d
phone nu m b e r.
You can also make voice calls:
From your Internal Phone Book (see “ S h o rtcuts to M e m o ry Dialing”on page 76).
From your Call Logs list (see “ R ev i ewing Outgo i n g , Incoming or Missed Calls”on page 100).
By using One-,Two- or T h re e - To u ch Dialing (see “ S h o rtcuts to Memory Dialing”on page 76).
By using Voice A c t i vated Dialing (see “ Vo i c e - a c t i va t e d dialing setup”on page 63).
Redialing calls
To redial the last call you made,p ress t w i c e . You can also easily redial any of your last ten incoming,o u t-
going or missed calls by accessing the Call Logs listings (see “ R ev i ewing Outgo i n g ,Incoming or Missed Calls”o n p age 94).
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Correcting dialing mistakes
To correct a misdialed digi t :
P ress to erase one digit at a time.
You can erase all the digits at once by pressing
and holding it down for one second.
Ending a call
To end a call,close the phone or press .If you end a call by pressing ,the call time (length of the call) dis­p l ay s ,along with the name and number of the called part y (if ava i l abl e ) .A l s o ,if the number is not stored in yo u r I n t e rnal Phone Book,your phone prompts you to save the number by pressing .If you do nothing,the phone a u t o m a t i c a l ly re t u rns to Standby mode after approx i m a t e ly fi ve seconds.
Incoming call notification
Your Samsung PCS Phone signals an incoming call or mes­s age in the fo l l owing way s :
The backlight illuminates. The red LED on the top of the handset fl a s h e s . The ri n ger sounds (unless you have set the ri n ger to
Vi b rate or Off ) .
Incoming call notification continues until one of the fo l­l owing events occurs :
You answer the call. You press or to silence the ri n ger befo re
a n swe ring the call. The calling party ends the call. The call is sent to the Vo i c e m a i l .
Your Samsung PCS Phone provides the fo l l owing voice call n o t i fication fe a t u re s .
Six ring volume settings including Vi b ra t e ,O ff and 1­B e e p .
Nine unique ring types and four melody tones (see “ R i n ger type setting for voice calls”on page 49).
Name display with Caller ID (if the name is pro­grammed into your Internal Phone Book).
Automatic storage of an incoming call’s info rmation in the Call Logs (the last 10 calls you answe red are store d in the Incoming Call logs and the last 10 calls yo u missed are stored in the Missed Call Logs).See “ M i s s e d c a l l s ”on page 36.
Answering a call
T h e re are three ways to answer an incoming call.
P ress if the phone is alre a dy open. Open the phone (when the Flip Open option is set in
the Main menu ) . P ress any key except , (when the A ny Key
A n swer option is selected in the Main menu ) .
Your phone is preset to answer when you press .Yo u can easily ch a n ge how your phone answe rs by setting the Call A n swer fe a t u re as explained here :
1 . P ress to display the Main menu . 2 . P ress for Setup / To o l . 3 . P ress for Call A n swe r. 4 . Use the scroll keys to toggle between “Flip Open”,
“A ny Key ” ,or “SEND key ” .
5 . P ress to save the setting.
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Adjusting voice volume
You can adjust the earpiece volume during a call using the volume keys on the side of your phone. B ri e fly press the appro p riate volume key to incre a s e or decrease the vo l u m e .
Adjusting ring volume
From Standby mode you can quick ly adjust the volume of the ri n ger by pressing the volume keys on the side of the p h o n e .You can also ch a n ge the settings for your phone’s ring volume from the Main menu (see “ R i n ger options”o n p age 49).
Silencing (or muting) the ringer during an incoming call
When the phone is open and ri n gi n g ,p ress t o silence the ri n ge r.When the phone is closed and ri n gi n g ,p ress the volume keys to quick ly silence the ri n ge r.
You can also set the ri n ger to remain off.From Standby m o d e ,p ress the down volume key until “Ring Volume Off” is displaye d ,or use the Main menu (see “ R i n ger type setting for voice calls”on page 49).
To mute the microphone during a call
You can mute the microphone during conve rsation by selecting the Mute option from the In-Use menu .W h e n Mute is active ,“ M U T E ”d i s p l ay s .The phone resets this con­dition to the default (Un)Mute setting at the end of yo u r c a l l .
To mute the microphone during a call: 1 . D u ring a conve rs a t i o n ,p ress to display the In-Use
m e nu .
2 . P ress (or ) to mute the micro p h o n e .Yo u
will hear the other part y ’s conve rs a t i o n ,but they will not hear your conve rs a t i o n .“ M U T E ”d i s p l ays on the s c re e n .
3 . To “ u n mu t e ”the microphone during the same conve rs a-
t i o n ,repeat steps 1 and 2.Selecting the (Un)Mute option toggles Mute on and off.
Where you can use your phone
Your Samsung PCS Phone is single-band,and can used it to m a ke and re c e i ve calls in many places.
In any city where your service provider provides PCS s e rv i c e .
On other CDMA netwo rks where your serv i c e p rovider has implemented roaming agre e m e n t s .
When you use your phone outside your service prov i d e r ’s PCS Netwo rk ,i t ’s called ro a m i n g .
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Setting your phone’s roaming ability
Your Samsung PCS Phone allows you to control your ab i l i t y to ro a m .The roaming ability is determined by the “ m o d e ” that you select in the Main menu .
The three service modes are :
Au t o m a t i c : The phone will search for your serv i c e p rov i d e r ’s service fi rs t . When this service is not ava i l­abl e ,it will search for an alternate system automatically.
O n ly PCS or No Roaming: This setting allows you to select only your service prov i d e r ’s Netwo rk to preve n t
ro a m i n g . To select the service mode: 1 . P ress to display the Main menu . 2 . P ress for Roaming. 3 . P ress for Set Mode. 4 . P ress the scroll keys to scan options. 5 . When the desired service mode display s ,p ress t o
s ave the setting or to exit without sav­i n g .
Roaming call guard
Your phone can be set to display a confi rmation message when a roaming call is about to be placed or re c e i ve d .T h i s is helpful if you want to avoid roaming ch a rge s .To ch a n ge your roaming call guard setting:
1 . P ress to display the Main menu . 2 . P ress for Roaming. 3 . P ress for Call Guard . 4 . Select Yes or No using the scroll key s . 5 . When the desired setting display s ,p ress to save the
setting or to exit without sav i n g .
What you’ll see
You should always ch e ck your phone’s display because it will let you know when yo u ’re outside your serv i c e p rov i d e r ’s Netwo rk .
your service prov i d e r ’s Netwo rk - is not displaye d Other CDMA Netwo rks - d i s p l ay s
Note: This can be diffe rent depending on your serv i c e p rov i d e r ’s setting.
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Using Caller ID
This fe a t u re tells you who is calling you by displaying the c a l l e r ’s number when the phone ri n g s .If a caller’s name and number are stored in your Internal Phone Book,t h e c o rresponding name is also displaye d .If you call someone who has this fe a t u re ,your phone number is displayed on their phone.
To bl o ck your phone number from being displayed for a p a rticular outgoing call,ask your service prov i d e r.
Call Waiting
Call Waiting lets you re c e i ve a second call during conve rs a­t i o n .When a Call Waiting call comes in,the incoming call a l e rt sounds (this sound is audible to you but not your fi rs t c a l l e r ) ,and a text notification display s .
Your Samsung PCS Phone provides the option of turning the Call Waiting fe a t u re on or off.Call Waiting is on by defa u l t .I f you choose to have an undisturbed conve rs a t i o n ,s i m p ly t u rn off the fe a t u re for the current call.
Answering a Call Waiting call
To answer a Call Waiting call: 1 . P ress .The phone connects the calling party and
places the current party on hold. 2 . P ress again to sw i t ch between the two part i e s . N o t e : If you do not respond to a Call Waiting notifi c a t i o n ,
the phone logs the call in the Missed Calls Log and then sends the call to the Vo i c e m a i l .
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Using Three-Way Calling
T h re e - Way Calling lets you talk with two diffe rent people at the same time.When you use this fe a t u re ,you will be ch a rged normal airtime rates for each of the two calls yo u m a ke .The phone re c o rds each called party in the Outgo i n g Calls Log.
D u ring a thre e - way call,if one of the callers hangs up,yo u and the remaining caller will stay connected.If you initiat­ed the call and you hang up fi rs t ,all three parties are dis­c o n n e c t e d .
T h e re are two methods for making a thre e - way call;t h e SEND key method and by using the In-Use menu .
To place a thre e - way call using the SEND key method: 1 . D u ring a conve rs a t i o n ,s i m p ly press .The phone
places the current call on hold.
2 . N ex t ,enter the number for the third part y,and pre s s
3 . When yo u ’re connected to the third part y,p ress
again to begin your thre e - way call. To place a thre e - way call using the In-Use menu : 1 . D u ring a conve rs a t i o n ,s i m p ly press and
for T h re e - Way Calling. 2 . N ex t ,enter the number for the third part y,and pre s s
.The phone places the current call on hold.
Using Call Forwarding
With Call Fo r wa rd i n g ,you can have all of your incoming calls fo r wa rded to another phone number — even if yo u r phone is turned off.When Call Fo r wa rding is used,you can still make calls from your phone.
To use Call Fo r wa rding ask your service prov i d e r.
Displaying your phone number
The phone number of your Samsung PCS Phone display s eve ry time you turn on your phone.You can easily display your phone number by two methods.
To view your phone number from Standby mode: 1 . P ress to display the Main menu . 2 . P ress for Phone Book. 3 . P ress for My Phone #. 4 . P ress to re t u rn to the previous scre e n . To view your phone number while in a conve rs a t i o n : 1 . P ress to display the In-Use menu . 2 . P ress for Phone Book menu . 3 . P ress for My Phone #.
3 . When yo u ’re connected to the third part y,p ress
again to begin your thre e - way call.
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Missed calls
Your phone keeps a list of calls that you do not answe r when the phone is on and service is ava i l abl e .The phone indicates a missed call by displaying a text notification on the scre e n .A d d i t i o n a l ly,if caller info rmation is ava i l abl e ,a Missed Call Log entry is cre a t e d ,and the screen display s the phone number of the most recent missed call.
Your phone gi ves you two ve ry convenient options when you have missed a call:
P ress to call the displayed nu m b e r. P ress to save the number in the Internal Phone
B o o k .
To view a list of your missed calls,see “ R ev i ew i n g O u t go i n g ,Incoming or Missed Calls”on page 100.
P ress to clear the “Missed Call”m e s s age fro m the display and re t u rn to Standby mode.
Dropped calls
A dropped call can occur during a conve rsation in response to a signal fade or leaving a service are a .In this c a s e ,the call ends and “Signal Fa d e d ”d i s p l ay s .
P ress to clear the message and re t u rn to Standby m o d e .
Failed calls
A failed call can occur if your Samsung PCS Phone is out of calling ra n ge or the netwo rk is tempora ri ly busy.Yo u r phone responds to a failed call by displaying an appro p ri­ate text message : “Call not completed out of ra n ge ” .
Cancel the call attempt and re t u rn to Standby mode by p ressing or and try the call again later.
Key beep volume setting
The keys on your phone beep when they are pre s s e d .T h e volume of the beeps can be easily set to one of three lev­e l s .If you don’t want the keys to beep at all,you can turn them off.
To set the key beep vo l u m e : 1 . P ress to display the Main menu . 2 . P ress for Setup / To o l . 3 . P ress for Sounds. 4 . P ress for Key Beep. 5 . P ress the scroll keys to view and listen to the key beep
volume options:H i g h ,M e d ,L ow or Off.
6 . When the desired volume level display s ,p ress t o
s ave the setting.
If the dropped call was an outgoing call from your phone, you can redial the number automatically by pressing t w i c e .
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