Samsung S950 User Manual

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,in any form or by any means, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the manufacturer.
The information within this manual is subject to change without notice. The manufacturer shall not be held liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained in herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
Microsoft Windows is a re gistered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only , and may be
trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright 2001 All rights are reserved
Notices i
Important Safety Information
Safety Instructions
Your system is designed and tested to meet the latest standards for safety of information technology equipment. However, to ensure safe use of this product, it is important that th e safety instructions marked on the product and in thedocumentation are followed.
Always follow these instructions to help guard against personalinjury and damage to your system.
Setting Up your System
Read and follow all instructions marked on the product and in the
documentation before you operate your system. Retain all safety and operating instructions for future use.
Do not use this product near water or a heat source such as a r adiator.
Set up the system on a stable work surface.
The productshould be operated only with the type of power source indicatedon
the rating label. Ensure that the electricaloutlet you are using to power your equipmentis easily
accessible in case of fire or short circuit. If your computer has a voltage selector switch, make sure that the switch is in
the proper position for your area. Openings in the computer case are provided for ventilation. Do not block or
cover these openings. Make sure you provide a dequate space, at least 6 inches (15 cm), around the system for ventilation when you set up your work a rea. Never insert objects of any kind into the computer ventilation openings.
ii Users Manual
Ensurethat the fan vents on the bottom of the casing are clear at all times. Do
not place the computeron a soft surface, doing so will block the bottom vents. The computer product is equipped with a three-wire power cord to make sure
that the product is properly grounded when in use. The plug on this cord will fit only into a grounding-type outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert theplug into an outlet, contact an electrician to install the appropriate outlet.
If you use an extension cord with this system, ma ke sure that the total ampere
rating on the products plugged into the extension cord does not exceed the extension cord ampere rating.
Care During Use
Do not walk on the power cord or allow anything to rest on it.
Do not spill anything on the system. The best way to avoid spills is to not eat or
drink near your system. Some products have a replaceable CMOS battery on t he system board. There is
a danger of explosion if the CMOS battery is replaced incorrectly. Replace the battery with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of batteries according to the m anufacturer’s instructions. If the CMOS battery requires replacement insure that a qualifiedtechnician performs the task
When the computer is turned off, a small a mount of electrical current still flows
through the computer. To avoid electrical shock, always unplug all power cables, remove the battery and modem cables from the wa ll outlets before cleaning the system.
Unplug the system from the wa ll outlet and refer servicing to qualified
personnel if:
– The power cord or plug is damaged. – Liquid has been spilled into the system. – The system does not operate properly when the operating instructions are
followed. – The system was dropped or the casing is damaged. – The system performance changes.
Replacement Parts and Accessories
Use only replacement parts and accessories recommended by manufacturer.
To reduce the r isk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunications
line cord.
Do not use this product in areas classified as hazardous. Such areas include
patient care areas of medical and dental facilities, oxygen rich environments,
or industrial areas.
Important Safety Information iii
Battery Disposal
Do notput rechargeable batteries or products powered by non-removable
rechargeable batteries in t he garbage.
Contact the Samsung Helpline for information on how to dispose of batteries that you cannot use or recharge any longer.
Follow all local regulations when disposing of old batteries.
iv Users Manual
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.
Thisequipmenthas beentestedandfound to complywiththe limitsforaClass
B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generate uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions may cause harmful interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
andon,theuser isencouragedto trytocorrecttheinterferencebyone ormore
of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technicianfora dditional suggestions. Theusermayfindthefollowing booklethelpful: "Something About Interference." This is available at FCC local regional offices. Our company is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modifications of this e quipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by our company. The correction will be the responsibility oftheuser.Useonly shieldeddatacableswith this system.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) v
Federal Communications Commission Part 68 Statement
This equipment compiles with part of the FCC rules. On the back of this equipment is a labelthatcontains, among other information,theFCCregistration numberandringer equivalence number(REN) for this equipment. If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.
This equipment uses the following USOC jacks : RJ11C An FCC complianttelephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment.
This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephonenetwork or promises wiring using a compatible modularjack which is Part 68 compliant. See Installation Instructions for details.
The REN is used to determine the quantity of deviceswhich may be connected to telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of RENs should not exceed five(5.0). To be certain of t he number of devices that may be connectedtoaline, as determinedby total RENs, contact the local telephonec ompany to determine the maximum REN for the calling area.
If the terminal equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the Telephone Company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. But if advance notice is not practical, the telephone company will notify the customerassoonas possible. Also,youwillbe advised of yourrightto file acomplaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could a ffect the operation of the equipment.If this happens, the telephone company will provide advanced n otice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with this equipment (SENS Modem) for repair or warranty information,please contact your local distributor. If the e quipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that youdisconnect the equipment until the problem i s resolved.
The user must use the accessories and cables supplied by the manufacturer to get optimum performance from the product.
No repairs may be done by the customer. Thisequipmentcannot be used on publicc oin phone serviceprovided by thetelephone
company. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs.
vi Users Manual
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to useacomputerorother electronicdevice,includingfaxmachines,tosend any message unless such message c learly contains in a m argin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and anidentificationofthe businessor otherentity,or otherindividualsending themessage and the telephone number of the sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual. (Thetelephonenumber provided may notbeanynumberfor which charges exceed local or long-distance transmission charges.)
In order to program this information into your fax machine, refer to your communications software user manual.
CTR21 Statement
The equipmenthas been approvedinaccordancewithCouncilDecision 98/482/ECfor pan-European single terminal connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). However, due to differences between the individual PSTNs provided in different countries, the approval does not, of itself, give an unconditional assurance of successful operation on every PSTN network termination point.
In the event of problems, you should contact your equipment supplier in the first instance.
Canadian Radio Interference Regulations
This apparatus does not exceed the class B limits for radio noise emissions set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicable aux appareils de la classe B prescrites par le règlement de brouillage radioélectrique dicté par le Ministère des Communications du Canada.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vii
Laser Safety
All systems equipped with CD or DVD drives comply with the appropriate safety standards, including IEC 825. The laser devices in these components are classified as “Class 1 Laser Products” under a US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) RadiationPe rformance Standard.Shouldthe unit ever needservicing,contact an authorized service location.
Laser Safety Note:
Use of controlsoradjustments or performanceofprocedures other thanthose
specified in this manual may resultin hazardous radiation exposure. To
prevent exposure to laser beams, do not try to open the enclosure of a CD or
DVD drive.
viii Users Manual
Power Cord Requirements
The power cord set (wall plug, cable and AC adapter plug) you received with your computer meets the requirements for use in the country where you purchased your equipment.
Power cord sets for use in other countries must meet the requirements of the country where you use the computer. For more information on power cord set requirements, contact your authorized dealer, reseller, or service provider.
General Requirements
The requirements listed beloware applicableto all countries:
The length of the power cord set must be at l east 6.00 feet (1.8m) and a
maximum of 9.75 feet (3.0m). All power cord sets must be approved by an acceptable accredited agency
responsible for evaluation in the country where the power cord set will be used. The power cord set must have a minimum current capacity of 7 A and a
nominal voltage rating of 125 or 250 volts A C, as required by each country’s power system.
The appliance coupler must meet the mechanical configuration of an EN 60
320/IEC 320 Standard Sheet C13 connector,for mating with appliance inlet on the computer.
Power Cord Requirements ix
Country-Specific Power Cord Set Requirements
The requirements listed below are applicable to the specific countrylisted:
Australia EANSW 1 Austria OVE 1 Belgium CEBC 1 Canada CSA 2 Denmark DEMKO 1 Finland FIMKO 1 France UTE 1 Germany VDE 1 Italy IMQ 1 Japan JIS 3 The Netherlands KEMA 1 Norway NEMKO 1 Sweden SEMKO 1 Switzerland SEV 1 United Kingdom BSI 1 UnitedStates UL 2
Accrediting Agency
Applicable Note Numbers
x Users Manual
1.Flexible cord must be Type HO5VV-F, 2-conductor,1.0 mm² conductor
size. Power c ord set fittings (appliance coupler and wall plug) must bear the certification mark of the agency responsible for evaluation in the country where it will be used.
2.Flexible cord must be Type SVT or equivalent, No.18 AWG. Wall plug
must be a two-pole grounding type.
3.Appliance coupler, flexiblecord, and wall plug must bear a "T" mark and
registration number in accordance with the Japanese Dentori Law. Flexible cord must be Type VCT or VCTF, 2-conductor, 0.75 mm² conductor size. Wall plug must be a two-pole grounding type with a Japanese Industrial Standard C8303 (15 A, 125V) configuration.
Using Your Documentation
Congratulations on your purchase of a notebook computer with the Windows® XP operating system. Whether you are new to using a portable computer o r are an experienced user, this user’s manual can help you get the most from your computer.
Manual Documentation Conventions
Information Icons
Three icons and their a ssociated messages appear in this manual. The information icons are placed before the step/information they apply to:
Indicates the possibility of personal injury.
Warns you of possible damage to equipment or data.
Informs you of specialcircumstances.
Keyboard Conventions
Keys that you need to press to perform certain functions are displayed in the manual using a small graphic of the button. For example:
indicates the control key (Ctrl on the keyboard). If you need to press two keys at the same time, the key names are shown joined by a
plus sign. For example:
means that you should press the Alt key and hold it and then press thePgUp key.
Using Your Documentation 1
CD-ROM Device Naming Convention
In many installation programs you will have to get a program from the CD-ROM device. The program installation sequence assumes that the CD is drive d:\, however this is not always the case. The name of the CD-ROM drive is the letter following the letter assigned to yourlast HDD. For instance, if you have one HDD with two partitions, the HDD is drives C: and D: and the CD-ROM drive is then drive E.
Touchpad Conventions
You may be asked to click or double-click on items on the display screen.Asa general note the touchpadactionsact much in the same way as a wheel mouse, any differences are explained fully.
The object that needs to be clicked upon will be displayed in Bold text or shown in a small figure such as the “Start Button” shown on the right =>.
Table 1. Touchpad Click Conventions
Action Process
Click Depress the touchpad left button and release Double-Click Quickly click the left touchpad button two times
Windows Conventions:
Almost all "Windows" programs will display the name/function of a button or
icon if you pl ace the touchpad pointer on the item you wantinformationabout.
Software User Documentation
Your computer is shipped from the factory with several software programs installed. The software may include its own online or printed documentation. Refer to the documentation or the Help options in the software for more information.
2 Users Manual
The figures and illustrations in this manual may not be identical to those on
your system.
General Icon Note:
Some of the Icons used in Windows XP may be placed on the taskbar by
selecting(ex:Place the volume icon in the taskbar)in t he pr operties dialog
Windows XP
Windows® XP has a fresh new look and is more intuitive. You are provided with an animated tour as well as much more extensive help t o complete your computing requirements.
To view the tour, click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Tour Windows X P. The tour provides you with a good overall understanding of the Windows® XP operating system.
To access the help menus, Click Start > Help and Support. The “Help and Support Center” is designed to help you find answers to your Windows® XP questions easily and quickly.
The new or upgraded features of Windows® XP are shown in the table below: To obtain more detail on the features, use the tour and the help menus.
New Features:
Taskbar Grouping Integrated CD Burning Troubleshooters
Remote Desktop Hot Docking • Device Driver Rollback
Internet Connection Firewall Remote Assistance
Upgraded/Improved Features:
Fresh Visual Design Start Menu My Documents
Multitasking Easily Publish Information to
DualView Network Connections • Offline Files and Folders
Offline Viewing Synchronization Manager Improved Power Management
Hibernate AdvancedConfiguration and
Enhanced Device Driver
Support for LatestHardware
Windows Update
the Web
Power Interface (ACPI)
Encrypting File System (EFS)
with Multi-user Support
Improved Help and Support
Setup with Dynamic Update
Improved File Association
System Restore
Increased Application
Automatic Updates
Using Your Documentation 3
Introducing Your Computer
Your computer is a lightweight portable computer that includes features su ch as a Biometric(fingerprint)securitysystem, wirelessLAN capability,Dolby stereosupport and CD-ROM a nd floppy drives to meet your computing needsat home or on the road.
Where Everything Is
The next 7 figures will explain the location of a ll of the buttons, L EDs and equipment needed to operate your notebook computer.
4 Users Manual
LCD Latch
Cover Latch Slot Cover Latch Slot
Buttonsand LEDs
Power Button
Power Button
Power,Battery Status
Touchpad Touchpad Buttons
Internal Microphone
Battery Status
Number Lock Icon
Caps Lock Icon
ScrollLock Icon
Drive Access Icon
E-Mail Button
Internet Button
User Programmable Button
E-Mail Alert
Introducing Your Computer 5
Right Side
FDD Fan Vent LAN PortCD/DVD - ROM Hard Drive
Left Side
TV-Out Port
Back Side
PS/2 Port
Modem Port
DC-In Port
PC Card Eject Buttons PC Card Slot
Fan Vent Security Lock Port
Printer Port
Printer Port
Wheel Volume Control
Microphone Jack
Headphone Jack
1394 Port
USB Ports
Serial Port
External Monitor Port
6 Users Manual
Hard Drive
Mini PCI
Flex Bay Compartment
Battery Compartment
Flex Bay Latch
Introducing Your Computer 7
Using Your Computer for the First Time
This section gives you detailed information on using your computer for the first time.
Installing the Battery
To install thebattery pack:
1. With the computer’s power off, close the LCD panel a nd t urn the computer over
so the bottom of the unit faces up.
2. Slide the battery compartment cover straight up and off the computer.
Insert the battery into the battery compartment,ensuring the correct
orientation so that the battery fits in its slot properly.
3. Slidethebatterypackinto the compartment.Makesurethebatteryisfully inserted
into the compartment.
4. Align the tabs on the battery compartment cover with the slots on the battery
5. Push the cov er straight down until it snaps into place.
8 Users Manual
Attaching the AC Adapter
Your computer runs on power from the battery in the computer or from an electrical outlet. The first time that you use your computer, fully charge the battery by attaching the power cord to the computer and to an electrical outlet.
All batteries lose their charge if they sit unused for an extendedtime period.
When not used, battery can discharge fully in 2 to 3 months. The battery may
have discharged in thetime it took for the computer to go from the fact ory to
To attach the power cord:
1. Plug the AC adapter into the power connector on the back side of the computer.
2. Connect the power cord to the AC adapter and then to an electrical outlet.
AC Adapter
Power Connector
The battery startschargingassoon as you plugthepower cordintoanelectrical outlet. The battery charges faster if the computer is turned off during charging.
If the battery is fully depleted and the computer is turned off, the battery charges in about 3 hours. If the c omputer is turned on, the battery charges in about 5 hours. When the battery is charging, the battery charge light is amber. When the battery is fully charged, the light turns green.
See “Using Power Management Options” on page 52 for more information on using your computer’s battery.
UsingYourComputer for theFirstTime 9
To turn on the computer’s power for the first time:
1. S lide the LCD latch, located on the front of the cover to the right.
2. Lift up the cover.
3. Press and then release the powe r button.
The power light is on when the computer’s power is on.
Power button
Cover Latch
Adjusting the LCD Display
You may wish to adjust the LCD (Liquid-Crystal Display) when you begin using your computer.ATFT(Thin-FilmTransistor)LCDdoesnot require adjustmentfor contrast because the contrast is set to remain at maximum.
To adjust the LCD:
10 Users Manual
Power Light
Initial Computer Startup:
The first time you start your computer you willsee the operating system
registrationscreens.Simplyread eachscreen andfollowthesimple directions.
You must complete this process in order to use your computer. A tutorial is
provided if you require it.
Press <Fn+Right Arrow> to increase the display brightness.
Press <Fn+Left Arrow> to decrease the display brightness.
Turning Off Your Computer
Prior to shutting down your computer ensure all of your data and current work are saved. The system will ask if you wish to save any unsaved work, s aving your work first will speed the shutdown process.
To turn off the computer, complete the following steps:
1. Click on the taskbar.
If you need to restart your computer after software (re)installation or because it is not responding select the Restart option in step 3 below.
2. Click Shut Down Co mputer to display the shutdown popup window shown
3. Click Turn Off to complete the shutdown sequence.
Power Off:
Ifthesystem does not poweroff,then pressandhold thepowerbuttonfor over
5 seconds. See “Using Power Management Options” on page 52.
Power Button Functions:
The power button has several functions other than just turning on and off your
computer,see “Using Power Management Options” on page 52.
You can also perform a soft boot by saving your files and pressing <Ctrl+Alt+Del>to pop-up the “Windows Task Manager” window. Click Shut Down > Restart.
You can perform a cold boot by pressing the power button for more than 5 seconds to turn the computer off, waiting more than five seconds, and then pressing the power button to turn the computer on. The system may perform some extra checks during the restart.
Using Your Computer for the First Time 11
Tips for Using Your Computer
The following information helps you avoid potential problems as you use your computer:
Do not try to disassemble your computer. Opening the system chassis voids
yourwarranty.Onlyan authorisedmanufacturerservicecenter can replace or
add any parts inside the chassis.
Follow all the instructions and cautions in your computer user documentation.
The LCD has a polarized surface and can be damaged easily. To prevent
damage, avoid touching the screen. Use only approved AC adapters, auto adapters, memory modules and other
options. Becausea notebook computer is small and has restricted air flow around
components,it is more likely to overheat than a desktop computer.A fan inside your computer runs when needed to help eliminate heat. Make sure the fan vent on the left side of your computer is not blocked when you use the computer. Occasionally check the vents and remove any accumulated dust on the outside.
Avoid using or storing the computer in extremelyhot or cold areas, such as a
car on a hot day. Keep the computer away from heatersand out of direct sunlight. Exposure to e xcessive heat may damage computer components. If you have left your computer in a hot place, let it cool down slowly to room temperature (with the LCD panel open) before using it.
12 Users Manual
Do not remove the memory-module compartment door, or try to install a
memory module when the computer is on. (For information on installing memory modules, see “Installing a Memory Module” on page 67.)
Set up your computer work area to avoid physical strain. Sit with your back
straight and supported by your chair. Adjust your chair or work table so that your arms and wrists can remain in a relaxed position, parallelwith the floor. Avoid bending or twisting your wr ists as you work. Your hands should “f lo at” slightly above the keyboard. Refer to a book on office ergonomics for more information on setting up your work area.
Take frequent breaks from working at the computer to rest your eyes and
stretch your muscles. Rememberto saveyour data files frequently and to make backup copies of your
Travelling with Your Computer
If you are travelling by air, follow these tips:
Take the computer with you as carry-on luggage. Do not check the computer
with your baggage. Allow the computer and disks to go through the X-ray security devices. Do not
hand-carry disks through the walk-through metal detectors, which can cause loss of data.
Please collect your computer immediately after X-ray scanning, this is a high
theft area for portable computers. Make sure that the battery is charged or the power cord is easily accessible.
You may be required to turn on the computer for airport security personnel. Be prepared to turn off the computerduring take off and landing.
Handling Spills
Do not s pill anything on your c omputer. The best way to avoid spills is to avoid eating and drinking around your computer. If you do spill something on your computer, turn off your c omputer, unplug it immediately, and do the following:
If you spill liquid on the keyboard, drain as much of the liquid from the
keyboard as possible. Be careful not to let the liquid drip onto the LCD p anel. Allow the system to dry for several days before trying to use it.
If you spill liquid on an external keyboard or keypad, unplug it and drain as
much of the liquid as possible. Allow the keyboard to sit at room temperature for a full day before trying to use it.
Sweet liquids leave a sticky residue that may jam the keyboard despite your
efforts to dry it.
If you spill liquid on the LCD panel, clean it immediately with a soft cloth and
denatured alcohol or a proprietary LCD screen cleaner. Do not use water, window cleaner, acetone, aromatic solvent, or dry, rough towels to clean it.
Some liquids damage the polarized LCD screen. If your screen is damaged,
contact your authorized manufacturer’s service center for a replacement.
Using Your Computer for the First Time 13
Storing the Computer for Long Periods
If possible, leave the power cord connected to the computer and an electrical outlet when the computer is not in use. This extends the life of the battery and keeps the battery fully charged.
If you will not be using the computer for a lo n g period of time (a month or more), you shouldchargethe battery untilitis completelyfull.After you have doneso,remove the battery from the unit.
14 Users Manual
Using the Keyboard
Your computer has an 87/88-key keyboard. By pressingdesignated key combinations, you can have access to all the key functions of a full-sized keyboard.
Function & Special purpose Hot Keys Imbedded Numeric Keypad
Function Key
Alphanumeric Keys
Althoughthe layout of the keys on your computer’s keyboard is different from
that on a desktop computer’s keyboard, the keyboard feels like a full-sized
keyboard when you use it.
Cursor & Screen Control Keys
The keys on the keyboard can be grouped into the following categories:
Full-sized Alphanumeric typewriter keys are arranged like a standard
typewriter keyboard and are used for text entry. The Windows keys on either side of the spacebar open Windows menus and perform other special functions.
Function keys, when pressed together with the <Fn> key, enablespecial
functions. Cursor and Screen control keys move the cursor. They may perform other
functions, depending on your software.
To clean the computer keyboard, use slightly damp cotton swabs. Scrubthe keys and the surface around the keys.
Using the Keyboard 15
Do not allow liquid to drip into the keyboardor you may damagethe keyboard.
Using the Numeric Keypad
Your keyboard includesa numerickeypad, which is a group of keys thatyoucan set to type numbers and mathematical symbols, such as the plus sign. A number or symbol on the right corner of each keypad key shows its numeric function.
Num Lock LED
Press <Num Lock> to turn on the embedded numeric keypad. The numeric functions of the keypad a re enabled and the Num Lock light turns on.
Whilethenumeric functionsare enabled,youcan temporarilyreturn a keytoits normal function by pressing <Fn> and the key. For example to type the letter m, press <Fn+m>.
To turn the numeric keypad off, press <Num Lock> again. The Num Lock light turns off.
16 Users Manual
Using Special Function Keys
The <Fn> key activates special functions when it is pressed in combination with another key.
Table 2. Description of Special Function Keys
<Fn> Key Combination
<Fn+F2> <Fn+F5>
<Fn+F8> <Fn+F9> <Fn+F10> <Fn+F11>
<Fn+Right Arrow>
<Fn+Left Arrow>
Print screen:
System request: CRT/LCD:
simultaneous display on both the LCD and the external monitor.
The gauge closes in a few seconds, oryou can press <Esc> to closethe gauge. (See “Monitoring the Battery Charge” on page42 for more information on the battery gauge.)
password and press <Enter>to unlock the keyboard. The <Fn+F7> key combination has no effect unless a password is enabled in System Setup. The Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock lights blink when the keyboard is locked.
Mute: Volume down: Volume up: Rest:
press the power button. (See “Using Power Management Options” on page 52 for more information about the rest mode.)
down while the cursor position does not change. Pressing <Fn+F12> again turns off the scrolling function.
Brightness up:
Brightness down:
Takes a picture of the open screen, which you can paste into the Paint
Reserved for use in software programs.
Switches the display between the LCD, the external monitor, and
Displays the battery gauge in the upper-right corner of your screen.
Locks the keyboard and activates password protection. Type your
Turns the audio output on and off.
Decreases the audio volume.
Increases the audio volume.
Puts the computer into Suspend mode. To resume normal operation from rest,
In some applications, sets the cursor-control keys to scroll the page up or
Increases the LCD brightness.
Decreases the LCD brightness.
When you press a function key combination,the system sound may be
temporarily muted.
Using the Keyboard 17
User Defined Buttons (Magic Keyboard)
You may program the three buttons to the left of the power button to start any program you have installed on your computer.
User defined program
Outlook Express
Internet Explorer
The default s ettings for these buttons are:
Internet E-Mail - Outlook User Programmable
To reprogram the Magic Keyboard, follow the steps below:
1. Double-Click icon on the Windows taskbar
1. Click Start > ControlPanel > OtherControl Panel Options.
2. Click icon.
3. Select User from the drop down menu.
18 Users Manual
+ 65 hidden pages