Samsung RF28N9780SR Rebate Form

“Ring!” See who’s at the door from your
Family Hub.
FREE Ring Video Doorbell Pro with the purchase of a Family Hub.
(a $249 value)
Valid purchase dates: 4/2/20 – 6/3/20
Eligible Family Hub™ Models
RF22N9781SG RF22N9781SR RF28N9780SG RF28N9780SR RF23M8590SG RF23M8590SR RF23M8570SG
RS22T5561SG RS22T5561SR RS27T5561SG RS27T5561SR
How to Redeem this Offer
1. Purchase a qualifying Samsung Family Hub refrigerator from a participating retailer in-store or online between April 2, 2020, and June 3, 2020, and save your receipt. Offer is not valid on purchases made from the following retailers: Costco, Lowe’s, and Best Buy.
2. Submit an Offer claim form using one (1) of the following two (2) methods (either Online or Mail-in):
1. Visit (“Website”) to access the online Offer claim form.
2. Complete and submit the Offer claim form by following the on-screen prompts to provide the required information including but not limited
to: participant’s full name (no initials), complete mailing address (no P.O. Boxes), valid email address, telephone number, and date of birth. Participants will not be allowed to change their mailing address or email address after submitting.
3. Provide date of Qualifying Purchase and upload a photograph of the original register receipt showing the Qualifying Purchase. The file must
be in .JPG, .PDF, .PNG, or .GIF format and may not exceed 12MB.
Participant must legibly and fully complete the Offer claim form found at the bottom of these Terms and Conditions and mail it with the Qualifying Purchase receipt in an envelope to The Samsung Home Appliance Family Hub and Ring Video Doorbell Pro Offer, P.O. Box 251328, West Bloomfield, MI 48325 (collectively, the “Mail-In Envelope”). The Mail-In Envelope must be postmarked by August 11, 2020, and received by August 21, 2020.
Prior to submitting the Offer claim form and Qualifying Purchase receipt, it is strongly recommended that participants print and maintain the original or a photocopy for themselves of all materials submitted. PARTICIPANTS SHOULD NOT SHOW OR GIVE DOCUMENTATION TO ANY STORE EMPLOYEE. Each participant must circle the Qualifying Purchase items on the original receipt.
Must b e an eligible leg al resident o f the 50 US/DC & a t least 18 year s old to par ticipate. Ter ms and condit ions apply. Purc hase a qualif ying Sams ung Family Hub Refr igerator b etween 4/ 2/20 and 6/ 3/20 from a par ticipatin g retailer in -store or on line. Must su bmit valid of fer claim fo rm online by 8/ 11/20 or mail- in postma rked by 8/11/ 20 and receiv ed by 8/21/ 20. After of fer claim f orm is validat ed, Samsun g will send a Ring Vid eo Doorbe ll Pro (approx . retail valu e $249) to the addr ess on off er claim form . Quantiti es limited; o ffer valid w hile supplie s last. On e claim per qual ifying pur chase. Addi tional res trictio ns apply. See samsun gpromoti 2020FamilyHu bRingDoor bellOf fer for full t erms and to sub mit offe r claim form an d purchase r eceipt. O ffer is val id and can be com bined with o ther Samsu ng offer s, rebate s, program s, or promo tions unles s otherwi se state d. Offer n ot valid on purc hases made f rom the follo wing retaile rs: Costco , Lowe’s, and B est Buy. Allow ap prox. 12 week s from veri fication o f offer cl aim form and re ceipt for delivery of offer item.
©2020 Samsung Electronics America, Inc. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.