Samsung Magician v.4.9.7
Introduction and Installation Guide
2016.05 (Rev 1.97)

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2016.05 (Rev 1.97)

The Samsung Magician software is designed to help users easily manage
the health and performance of their Samsung SSD. In addition to
providing vital SSD health status information, Magician will assist users
in updating firmware, measuring performance, and optimizing the
configuration of a Windows operating system installation.
Samsung Magician software is developed and distributed exclusively for
owners of Samsung Solid Sate Drives (SSDs).
New in Version 4.9.7
Magician version 4.9.7 features a number of improvements over version 4.9.6:
- Improved stability with some SSD models
- Update typo
2016.05 (Rev 1.97)

Windows XP SP2 (32bit)
Windows Vista (32/64bit)
Windows 7 (32/64bit)
Windows 8 & 8.1 (32/64bit)
Windows 10(32/64bit)
minimum 95MB available for installation
Supported Partition Types
English, Korean, Spanish, Deutsch, Japanese,
Chinese(Simplified), French, Italian,
Portuguese, Russian
The following Samsung SSDs are supported*:
Samsung SSD 950 PRO(M.2)
Samsung SSD 850 PRO
Samsung SSD 850 EVO(2.5”, mSATA, M.2)
Samsung SSD 840 PRO
Samsung SSD 840 EVO(2.5”, mSATA)
Samsung SSD 840 Series
Samsung SSD 830 Series
Samsung SSD 750 EVO
Samsung SSD 470 Series
System Requirements
*Some features may not be supported for all models.