LN32B360 32” High Definition TV
(31.5” (truncated) actual diagonal screen size)
The world of LCD HDTV comes alive, with
Samsung’s LN32B360. Turn on the riveting clarity of HD
resolution, for crisp, bold images that leap off the
32-inch screen. The Wide Color Enhancer renders the
most vivid tones, for a more realistic picture quality. Two
HDMI interface connections let you easily hook up your
DVD or Blu-ray D isc® player – or both. The PC input let s you
connect to your home computer in a snap. Thanks to SRS
TruSurround HD™ technology, all the HD excitement
sounds as incredible as it looks. True, clear sound is
delivered via an internal 10W X 2 speaker system.
The attractive “piano black” cabinet means this LCD
HDTV always looks amazing, no matter which room you
put it in.
• 720p pixel resolution
• Widescreen aspect ratio
• 30,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio
• Built-in digital tuner (ATSC/Clear QAM)
• Fast 8ms response time
• Game Mode
• Single User Interface
• Wide Color Enhancer 2
• Transparent bottom decoration
• “Piano Key Black” cabinet
• Watts per channel: 10W x 2
• SRS TruSurround HD™
• 2 HDMI inputs (rear)
• 1 Component video input (rear)
• Composite input (rear)
• PC input
• RS232C
• Headphone jack (rear)
• Optical sound output
All feat ures, speci cation s, and model numb ers sub ject to change. A ll on scre en imag es are si mulate d pictur es.
LN32B360 32” High Definition TV
(31.5” (truncated) actual diagonal screen size)
720 p pixel res olution: 1366 (H) x 768 (V )
pixel resolution
Widescreen aspect ratio
CCFL—Cold Cathode Fluorescent lamp
30,0 00:1 dynamic co ntrast rat io
Wide Color Enhancer2:
color’s hue, result ing in more natural
rendering of colors.
Built-in digital tuner: (ATSC/Clear QAM)
Response t ime: A fast 8ms respons e time
minimize s blurring of fast m otion in sports
Game Mode enhances dark areas,
sharpens t he pictur e, speeds up t he image
proc essing respon se and enhances the
sound s of your games . Pictur e and sound
quality opt imized for the special needs of
gamin g systems at t he touch of a button..
Singl e User Interfac e
SRS TruSurr ound HD™
immer sive, feature- rich surround sound
expe rience f rom two speakers, complet e
wit h rich bas s, high fr equency detai l and
clear d ialog.
Ster eo broadc ast reception: Supports
mult ichannel sound (MTS) and second audi o
prog ram (SAP) with 18 1-channel c apacity.
Bot tom speakers w ith 10 Watt s x 2 audio
Energy Star® Compliant
consumpt ion by up to 25% c ompared w ith
standard TVs.
V-Chip system1: Allows blocki ng of rated
TV and Mov ie progra ms determined by a
pare nt to conta in object ionable con tent.
Trilingual on-screen displays in Engl ish,
Spanish or Fr ench.
Variable sleep t imer: Ca n be programmed
to tur n the TV of f at different tim e
Swivel stand
Optimiz es a given
creates an
reduces energy
HDMI (Hig h-Definit ion Multi media
Inte rface) ver sion 1.3: (2 rear)
Component video: 1 rear (Y, Pb, Pr)
Composit e inputs: 1 r ear (share d with
PC input: 1
Optical sound output : 1 rear
Headphone jack
1 year part s and 1 year lab or warranty (90
days pa rts and labor for c ommercial use),
wit h carry in s ervic e, backed by S amsung
toll-free support.
Panel: Wide (16:9) LCD
TV system: Amer ican NTSC standar d color
Channel coverag e: VHF 2-13, UHF 14-69,
CAT V 1-125 (up t o 181 pre-selected
Antenna: CATV/VHF/UFH 75-ohm,
Watts per channel: 10 Watts x 2
T V withou t stand: 31.4” x 20.9” x 3.3”
TV w ithout stand w eight: 20.1 lbs.
TV with stand: 31.4” x 22.7” x 9.9”
TV w ith stand weight : 25.1 lbs.
Dimensions: 35. 0” x 23.6” x 6.8”
Weight: 32.8 lbs.
Feature dependent upo n broadcastin g of
inform ation by lo cal of f-air T V and cab le channels.
As an Ene rgy Sta r® par tner, Sam sung has
determ ined that this product me ets the Energy Star®
guidel ines for e nergy e f ci ency. Ener gy Star ® is a
registered tr adema rk of the U.S. E nvironmental
Protection Agency.
Desig n and spe ci cations ar e subjec t to change
withou t notice. Non-metric weights an d
measurements are approximate.
HDMI, th e HDMI log o and Hig h De nit ion Mult imedia
Inter face are tradem arks or registe red trademarks of
HDMI Licensin g LLC.
SRS TruSur round HD is a regis tered tr adema rk of
SRS Lab s, Inc.
©2009 S amsun g Electronics A merica, Inc. A ll right s
reser ved Samsung is a r egiste red tra demar k of
Samsu ng Electronic s Co., Ltd. All p roduc t and bra nd
names a re trade marks o r regis tered tr adema rks of
their respective companies.
209-SS Printe d in USA .
For more informa tion on di gital T V techn ology p lease
visit www.samsung.com/hd
Samsung Electronics America, Inc.
105 Challenger Road | Ridgefi eld Park, NJ 07660-0511
Tel (201) 229-4000 | 1-800-SAMSUNG | www.samsung.com
Part Number: