Samsung HLN617W, HLN507W, HLN437W, HLN5065W, HLN4365W User's Guide

Safety Instructions
Warning! Important
/_Th_ fl SoyypbOHnidiscaleshghrye'latgeis presentff isdangerous_omakeanykindof con_ac_
ar tnlde lhlsp oduc
;, mu e 0 thYOh s ,o mu ,or,an,,,,e,a,u........,rigopera,,onandma,nte....has
CAUTION: FCC/CSA regulations state that any unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment may void the user's authori b, to operate it.
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock, match the wide blade of plug to the wide slot, and fully insert the plug.
ATTENTION: Pour eviter les chocs electriques introduire la lame leplus large de la fiche dans la borne correspondante de la prise et pousser jusqu au fbnd.
Note to CATV system installer: This reminder is provided to call CATV system installer's altention to Article 820-40 of the National Electrical Code Section 54 of Canadian Electrical Code Part I that provides guidelines for proper grounding and in oarticular specifies that the cable ground shaII Be connected to the grounding system of }he build- ing as close to the point of cable entry as possible.
Important: One Federal Court has held that unauthorized recording of copyrighted TV programs is an infringement of U.S. copyright laws. Certain Canadian programs may
also be copyrighted and any unauthorized recording in whole or in parfmay be in violation of{hese laws.
To prevent damage which may result in fire or electric shock, I
do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.
Thank you for choosingSamsung! Your new Samsung proiection TV represents the Jalestin _elevision _ech-
notog_ We designed Hwith easy_:_useor_screen menus and dosed captioning capabi_itles, making i_
one of the best products in its class. We are proud _o offer you a product tha_will provide convenient,
dependable service and enioyment for years to come.
A_ways be carefu_ when using y_ur TV T__educe the risk _f h_e_e_ec_r_ca_sh_ck_and _ther iniuries '
keep these safely precautions in mind when installing, using, and maln_alning your uni_
Read all safely and operating instructions before operaling your TV.
Keep the safely and operating instructions for future reference
Heed all warnings on the IV and in the operating instructions
Unplug the TVfrom the walt oudet before cleaning Use a damp cloth; do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners
Never add any attachments and/or equipment wilbeul approval of the manufacturer Such additions can increase the risk of fire, electricshock, or other personal iniury.
Do not usethe 1V where contact with water is passible, suchas near bath tubs, sinks, washing machines, swimming pools, elc
Do not place the IV on an unstable cart, stand, tripod, brackel, or table wbere i_can fail. A failing TV can cause serious iniury to a child or adult, and serious
damage to the appliance Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, brackel, or table recommended by themanufacturer or sold with the IV Follow the
manufacturer's instructions when mounling the unit, and usea mounling accessory recommended by the manufoclurer Move the TV and cart with cole. Quick slops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces can make the unit and cart unsteady and more likety to overturn
The TV is designed with slots in the cabinet for ventilation _oprotect il from overheating Do not block these openings with any obied, and do not put lhe IV on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface Do
not put the TV near a radiator or heal register ify_oudo put the TV on a rack or bookcase, make sure that there is adequate ventilation and thai you've followed the manufacturer's instruclions for mounting
Operate your TV only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label If you are not sure of the type of power supplied _oyour home, consult your appliance dealer or local power company
Use only a grounded or polarized outlet For your safely, this TV is equipped wilh a polarized ahernal-
ing curren__ine plug having one blade wider than the other. This plug will fit into the pawe_ outlet only one way If you are unable 1oinsert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug if the plug still does not fit, conlad an electrician to replace your outlet
Safety Instructions
Protecl the power cord. Power supply cords sbeu[d be routed so ;hal ;hey won't be walked on or pinched by ob acts placed on or against ;hem Payparticular ot_enttanto cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and ;he potal where ;hey exil from ;he unit
Unplug ;he TV from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system during a lightning storm or when left una_nded and unused for long periods of time This will prevenl damage te ;he unll from lightning and power4ine surges.
Avoid overhead power lines An ovlside antenna systemshould hal be placed inlbe vicinity of over- head power linesor other electric ligh_or power circuits, or where il can fall inlo such power lines or
circuits. When installing an outside antenna system,be exlremely carefu_ to keep from _ouching the power lines or circuits Contacl wi;h such lines can be fatal
Do hal overload ;he wall outlet or exlension cords Overloading can resuff in fire or electric shock
Do hal insert any;hing ;hrough the openings in ;he unil, where ;heycan touch dangerous voltage points or damage ports Never spill liquid of any kind on ;he TV
Ground ouldoor antennas ff an outside anlenna or cable
system iSconnected te ;he _, be sure lhe antenna or cable _NN_ _ _%__ system iSgrounded so as to provide some prolec_ion against _ _ "
_x_v_c_ !EX_eL_°_
National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No 70_1984, pro.............
vides information aboul proper grounding of ;he mast and o_%'Z_ supporting structure, grounding of ;he tead-ln wire ta an ,N__,,o ,_
voltage sur_s and built-up staffc charges Section 810 of the _!o,_,%_o_
antenna discharge vni_,size of grounding conductors, .......
Iocalion of antenna discharge unit, connection to grounding _o_,g_,_¢0,_ electrodes, and requirements for ;he grounding electrode _ _'°_ °_ _ _'_'_
Do hal attempt ta service ;he TV yourseff Referall servicing to qualified service personne_ Unplug ;he unit from the wall gullet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel when:
The power-supply cord or plug is damaged Liquid has been spilled on the unil or ff obiects have fallen tate ;he uni_ The TV has been exposed to rain or water The TV does not o rate normally b followin the operalin instrucltans
The TV has been 5Pr_pped or ;he ca_inel has _een damage_ The TV exhibits a distinct degradation in performance
When ;he LAMP[gULB ONLY} replacemenl is needed
tf you make adjustments yourself, adjust only ;hose controls that are covered by the operallng instruc- tions Adjus_tag other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified
technician to restore ;he TV to normal
When reptacemenl parts are required, be sure ;he service technician uses repJacemenl parts specified by the manufacturer or ;hose that have the same characteristics as the original part Unau;horized
svbstiluffons may resuh in additional damage to ;he uni_
Upon completion of any service or repairs to ;his T_v perform safely checks te determine that ;he TV is in
This device complies with part t5 of the FCC Rules
(1] This device may not cause harmful taterference, (2] This device must accept any interference ;hat may
This television receiver provides displa_ ;he FCC ru_es
User Instructions
The Federal Communications Commission Radio
Frequency _nlerference Slatement tac[udes ;he fok lowing warning: NOTE: This equipment has Been tested and found 1ocompty with ;he _imilsfor a Class B digital
device, porsuanl 1oPart 15 of ;he FCC Rutes
Tbese limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection againsl harmful interference in a resi- dential installation This equipment generates,
uses,and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if hal installed and used in accordance with ;he tastruclions, may cause bermful interference 1o radio communications. However, ;here is no guar- antee ;hat inlerference will not occur in a particu-
lar installation
If this equipment does cause harmful interference ta radio or television receptions, which can be determined by turning ;he equipmenl off and on, ;he user _sencouraged ta try 1o correct the interfe_
once by one or more of the following measures:
Reorienl or refecale lhe receiving antenna
Increase the separation baleen the equipment and receive_
Connecl ;he equipment into an out_e_ on a eta cui_ different from that to which ;he receiver is
Consult ;he dealer or an experienced radlo/TV technician for help.
User information
Changes or modihcaltans hal expressly approved
by the party responsibte for compliance could
void theuser's authority te operate ;he equipmenL
If necessary, consult your deaJel or an experi-
iflffenced [
User must useshielded signa_interface cables to maintain FCC compliance for the product¸ Declaration of conformity for products marked
with FCC Logo. This device complies with Part t5 of the FCC Rules¸
Opera,on is subiect to the following two condi- _tans:
(1] this device may hal cause harmful interference, and
(2] thisdevice must accept any interference received, including interference ;hal may cause undesired opera_om The party responsible for product compliance:
85 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA
Tel) 408_544_5124 Paxj 408_44_5 _91
Provided with ;his monitor is a detachable power supply cord with _EC320 style terminations¸ It may be suitable for connec_on to any UL Listed person- al computer with similar configuration¸ Before making the connection, make sure the voltage ra_
ing of ;he computer convenience ou_et is the same as the monitor and that ;he ampere rating of ;he computer convenience oulJelis equal to or exceeds the monitor voltage rating¸
Par 1gO Voff applica_tans, use only UL Listed detecbeb_e power cord with NEMA configuration 5-15P type (parallel blades} p_ug cap. For 240 Volt applications use only UL Listed Detachable power supply cord with N£MA configuration
6015P type (tandem blades) plug cap
IC Compliance Notice
This Class _ digital apporalus meets aft require- ments of theCanadian Interference-Caustag Equipment Regulations of ICE_003
Notice de Conformit_ IC Col appo_eil num6rique de dasse B respecte
loutes le_exigences du R_gfemen_ICES-gO3 sur los 6quipements prodeisan_ des interferences au Canada
Table of Contents
Your New Wide TV .......................................................................................... 10
Replacing the Lamp ............................................................................................. tO
Listof Features ..................................................................................................... t 2
Checking Parts..................................................................................................... t 2
Side Panel Buttons ................................................................................................ t 3
Side Panel Jacks ................................................................................................. 13
Front Panel LEDIndicators ..................................................................................... t4
Rear Panel Jacks .................................................................................................. t5
Remote Cont_d .................................................................................................... 16
_nstalling Batteries in the RemoteControl ..................................................... 17
Connections ..................................................................................................... 20
Conneding VHF and UHF Antennas.......................................................................20
Antennas with 300ohm Flat Twin Leads ..................................................... 20
Antennas with 75-ohm Round Leads...........................................................20
SeparateVHF and UHF Antennc_s..............................................................21
ConneclingCable IV aod VCR ..............................................................................22
Cabb withouta Cable Box .......................................................................22
Cable with a Cable Box thai Desc_ambbs All Channels ............................... 22
Connecting a Cable Converter Box ............................................................23
Connecling a Cable Converter Box and a VCR...........................................23
Connecting a Camcorder ......................................................................................24
Connectinga DVD Player.....................................................................................25
Conneding a DTVSet Top Box .............................................................................. 26
Operation ........................................................................................................ 30
Turning the IV On and Off ....................................................................................30
Viewing the Menus and Dispk_ys........................................................................... 30
Selecting the Menu Language ................................................................................ 31
SeJeeting the Antenna _npul................................................................................... 31
Channel Memory ................................................................................................. 33
Changing Channels .............................................................................................. 34
SoJectingYour Favorile Channels ........................................................................... 35
Labeling the Channels .......................................................................................... 36
So_tingThe On/Off Melody .................................................................................. 36
Pidure Control ..................................................................................................... 38
Sound Control ..................................................................................................... 40
So_ting the Clock .................................................................................................. 42
Solting the Timers................................................................................................. 43
Viewing an Rxlernal Signal Source ........................................................................ 45
Special Features ...............................................................................................48
PC Disp(ay ....................................................................................................... 78
Appendix ......................................................................................................... 88
Setting Up Your Remote Control .............................................................................48
RemoteControl Codes ..........................................................................................51
Fine Tuning Channels ...........................................................................................52
Selecting the Color Tone....................................................................................... 53
Selting the Film Mode ...........................................................................................53
DNId _ {Digital Natural Image engine)_ ........................................................... 54
Digital Noise Reduction ........................................................................................ 55
Selting the Blue Screen Mode ................................................................................ 56
Changing the Screen Size ..................................................................................... 57
Special Audio Options ......................................................................................... 59
MTS Setttegs: Choosing a Boundtrack ........................................................ 59
Do'by Virbal ...........................................................................................60
BBE........................................................................................................ 61
Aute Volume ............................................................................................ 62
Viewing Closed Caption Information ...................................................................... 63
Viewing Piclure_in-Pidure....................................................................................... 64
Solecting a Screen ................................................................................... 64
Se[ecling an External Signal ...................................................................... 65
Solecflng a Signal Source (Antenna or Cable) for P_P................................... 66
Swapping the Contents of the PIPand Main image ...................................... 67
Changing the Size of the PIPimage ........................................................... 68
Changing the Pidure4n-Pictu*eChannel ...................................................... 69
Selecling the Sound Source ....................................................................... 70
Changing the Location of the PiP image ...................................................... 70
Using the V_Chip.................................................................................................. 71
Using Your TV as a Computer {PC} Display ............................................................. 78
How to connect Your PC to the TV ............................................................. 78
How te Set up You_PC Soflware IWiodows only) ........................................ 79
Display Modes......................................................................................... 80
How to Set up Your TV as a PC display .................................................................. 81
Piclure Quality Adiuslment .................................................................................... 82
Changing the Posiiion of the _mage(Moving left, right, up and down) ....................... 83
Changing the Screen Size (PC mode) ..................................................................... 84
T_oubleshooting ................................................................................................... 88
Care and Maintenance ......................................................................................... 89
Using Your TV in Another Country .......................................................................... 89
Specifications ...................................................................................................... 89
YourNew Wide'IV
A Proiection TV lamp is a consumable item, and should be replaced from time to time for best proiec- ter operation If the screen image becomes dark, or time_, lamp and Temp LEDsflicker off at the same time, you may have to replace the tamp
When changing the lamp, you should first verify the type/model, and then use only the correct lamp _eplacemenl Thecode for lamp regulation and usage is marked on the label If you remove the lamp, you can identify this replacement code. Yo_should only replace the lamp with the one of the same reg-
ulation code.
If you wish tobuy a new lamp, please phone your Service Center or a nearby TV dealer, and tell them the model of your proiecllon unit
You can idenlify the lamp type on the left side of TVand the lamp cover
TheTVwi_bedamagedify_uUse_amptha_isdi_eren_mthe_rigin_supp_iedbythemanufac- _uref
Please don_l remove the lamp excepl when replacing with a new one
Please turn off TV power before changing a lamp and then unplug after waiting 1 minute.
TbecoolingfanwiffhelpcoolthelampsoyoucansafelyremoveitThesurfaceoftheLampisvery hot Please wait for 30 minutes after turning off your proieclion TV to handle the lamp
Please keep the old lamp away from flammable articles and children Dispose of properly.
Don'l allow dirt or dusl to accumulate inside the lamp cover or on the Lamp
A dirty cover or lamp can catch fire, explode and cause eleclric shock•
please don_l louch the ffon_ glass of a new lamp or the glass of the lamp containe_
_fanew_ampisimpr_per_yhand_ed_thequa_ity_f_hescreenimagecanbea_e_tedandtheexpected lib span of the lamp can be reduced
Be sure to tightenthe lamp cover on the TV after changing the lamp Note that the TV will not function ff the lamp cover is not securely attached. Please lighten the holding screw on the lamp cover after il
has been attached to the TV
Use a screwdriver te remove the screw as
shown in the picture
_! Remove the Lamp cover.
Use a screwdriver to
_,,_ remove the screws
securing theLamp. There are 2 screws: one
on the left and one on the right. When the screws
have been completely unfastened, theywill still be connected to the body
of the Lc_mp.
_ Separate theLamp from
the engine by holding the bend_eand pulling it out
Toreinstall the Lamp, loi-
low thesesteps in reverse order¸
Be sure the replacement Lamp is the same mode[
YourNew WideTV
Your TV was designed and engineered using the latesttechnology (t is a full-featured,
high-performance unit that exceeds industry standards, In addition, it has these special features:
Easy-to,operate remote control
Easy-lo-useor_screen menu syslem you can access fi'om the side pJne) or remo_econtrol
Au)omafic time_)o turnthe TV on and off a) cmy time you choose
Adiustable pic)ure and sound set)ings and the ability )o memodze you_ (avod_e settings
Au)omatic channel tuning for up to 181 channels
A special _ller toreduce or e(iminale recep)ion problems
Fine tuningcontrol for the sharpest picture possible
A buibin muhi-channe(sound decode_ for slereo and bilingual listening
BuiINn, dual channel speakers
A special sleep timer
Pictureqn-Pie)urecc_pabilily that lets you wafch F,vo channels at once
Widesc_een TV with ad(ustable image size
Once you have unpacked your TV, check to make sure thatyou have all the pc_rtsshown here (f any piece is missing or broken, call your dealer
This A/V Cable
Television Remote Control
AAA Ratterles
(AA39-40001 B)
The bul)ons on the side pa_eJ confro( your TV'sbasic features, including the on-screen menu system To use lhe more advanced fealJ_es,you mL_sluse the temole conlro(
_e_(os,,_llbbe_l v_g IY _rarns _ s_k from1¢_
_e__ _eeIFe0_re_ meru
_e_ _ d'_ i_r_e)i a_dmoveb_n ile_ on)heo_re_n
0 VOLUME+, -
............................................. +!
) i _e_mt_ng_e1Yon_ oil
) ) )
Use the side panel iacks to connect a component Ibat is used only occasionally (o comcorder or video
game, for example).
O VIDEO Input jack
O AUDIO Input jacks
@ S-WDEO Input jack
...................................' HLN437W
YourNew WideTV
The three lights on thefronl pcsnelindicaIe the status of your TV,
Indicator LightKey
: Ligh_isOn
_: L_ghtis Blinking
0 : L_ghtis Off
Tinier Lamp Pemp Indication
© 0 _uto Timer ON/OFF has been set
0 O the set is operating normally
0 _ © the picture wiff automatically appear in about 25 seconds
© _,uto Timer ON/OFF has been set and the set is normally operating.
_ O _bout 25 seconds GI O @ _, cooitag Ion inside the set is not operating normaffy
© _ @ Lamp cover on rear of the setis hal properly shut
© O _ nner temperature istoo high, the power will shutoff.
GI _ _ Lamp may be defective. Piease contact a certified technician
_tandby state
_,uta Timer ON/OFF has been set and the setwill automatically be turned on in
2beck if the ventilation hole on the rear of the set_sblocked, because ff the
Use the rear panel iacks to connee_components such as a VCR,
You can connect _vo differentcomponents such as two VCRs, Set-TopBox and a DVD player etc,
because there are two sets of video input iacks and one set of component video input iacks on the rear panel of your TV For more in[ormattan, please see "Conneclions".
0 0
0 ANTENNAtei'miaabo caWesole:_ten_ofcanheion_,e_le__olhaselermi.
n_ Use_._ an_AH_lermlnids_oieceiveasi_nc_from VffF/_HFan_,aso_yaurCaklesyslemI_e_bo_ A-O_Tlermi-
,c__asend_ si_,c_hid,greceiv__ker_._te_nun__1tO O_olhe__on_one,_(s_d_asaC_kleSel_p B_xl.
1_ PiP_,_ c_nbo_id_ c_ty_ osi_,__rcei_
Con_e_lvldeo/a,_ slgn.hflare ex_er_l_oulce_,sulk_. V_ oI
$_ndf_videolig_l_omlke_V_oan_x_n__ lulk .f
0 Compone.iT jacks (Y, Pb,P_,L, R)
Uselkeseacks_o_e_ lbec_o_l vldeo/audia_1f fromo [t?0playerwhenL_ingI eiomponenlv_o in_ iacf
Nole:0n_4801_d 40_pformalsa_esu_o_te_
O Compone.t 2, 3 jacks (Y, P_, Pr, L, R)
Re_elve_l_eDT_v_e_/_diosigp_lsflarea _11_ box Hole:0n_480p,720po,_ I080ifo_n_llc_esup_l_J
Canal _bo_1o_boaudia-_l_l jacksa_y_i P(.
O DVI (Digital Video Interlace) jack
R_elve_l_edlg]_lsig_lsfromg selleFboxorP_elc,
0 RS-232C _ck
Con_IIo lhevideo_l_l _o_lonyo_ P(.
It takes about 30 seconds for theTV to warm up, so normal brightness may not appear immediately.
The TV has a fan ta keep thetaslde lamp from overhea_ing. You'll occasionally hear idworktag
YourNew WideTV
You can use the remote control up to a distanceof abou123 feet ham the TV. When using the remote,
cdwoys point _tdiredly a_ the TV The remote contco_can also operal_ your VCR, cable box, and DVD player¸
1. POWER 16. StUl
Tur_iheWone_off P_e_tos_pEFe_n d_r]r_a_lfitdar
2. +100
presstose_Ia_&ar_ek_eitOg_ ]7. Fav.CH _Favorite
[Y p_e_ to _]9_h_e t,_ee ye_i [a_ige c_
3. Menu _s
0_ EFen_i_o_r_ n_ 18. S.Mode
_re_ton_toIFeW_o_r_ _onel,iustom[ze_p_lhweseffi_}
6. Display 20. VCR controls
7. Aspect 21. PIP controls
_ressto ike_ ike_een _ze $_ _ress_o _el_ oneoh_e a_a_e
_ressIo keol_e _o_y ._lro_n_ef_ ch_rne_
9. MTS(Moltlchannol bxo_eP_e__ _e _*_ _i_ w
Television Stereo) e_ol_b_to_cerne__*h_1__e_
pressIo IFa_ _le_eo,monoolSeparate $_; E_c_r_3est_ev_e_ i_rml t_zl is
_]_ P_egr_($_p_o_dt_} c_rlently_hye_onlhe_s__reee_]lh
10. Mode
_e:_ o_l_el _mr_e_Obei_lld L_ by Size;_le__ _e _hePIP_i_a la_ge_
1 1. P_e*(h _he_lP_ir_edy}
Tunes_0_ _e_ cha_r_ 22. V._hip
12. TV/VIdeo _e__se__pen_ac_eto_ke_d
_d_ EFeWsoldby_i_9 o_eeh_
p_ese_[_10_yseff_(or_ yo__m
Installing Batteries in the Remote Contrd
With normal use, the belfries in lbe remote conlrol should lost aboul c_year If yo_ notice a performance
degradation whiJe using the remote, the batteries may need _obe replaced Make sure you replace both botieries and do not mix aid a_d new ba_ries in the remote control if yo_ won't be _sing the remote
control [or o long time, remove the batteries and store them in a cool dry place
Slide the back cover ol_the way o_t to open the battery compartment o[ the remote control
_ns_ll t,,vo AAA size batteries
.., Make sure to match the "+" and
"-" ends of the batteries with the diagram inside the comparlment.
_'_ S_ide the cover back into place
_ merew_ 24. Sleep
14. DNle _e_to_e_t_p_eseHL__nh_val]o_
ec_j_) 25. Add/Erase
15. PIP P_e__ee_°_or°soch_r_r_in_he_'s
_tt]_a_esp_ei. pllh_re b_eike Add/Er0_ b_llon
men'._ize/eroseI_e {]_ tun[_ efh_ flee
o- o-
ff you do not have a cable system, you will need to connect an antenna to your TV
Antennaswith 300-ohm Flut Twi_ Leads
If your antenna looks like this: _ i_has 300_ohm fiat twin leads
Place the wires from the lwin
leads under the screws on the 300-75 ohm adapter¸ Use a
screwdriver to tightenthe
2 Plug the adapter into the
.., ANT-A terminal on theback
panel oFthe TV.
Antennaswith 75-ohmRoundLeads Ifyour antennalookslikethis: _ it isan antennawith 75_ohmroundleads
SeparateVHF aad UHFAnlels
If you have _o separate antennas for your TV (one VHF and one UHF), you mus_combine the lwo antenna signals before connecting them to the TV.This _equires a combiner atiachment, which
you can Buy at an electronics slope
ConneclBoth antennQ
leads te the combiner
Plug the combiner into the
_ on theANT-A terminal
Back panel oFthe TV
Pbg the antenna lead into the
ANT-A terminalon the Back paneJ of the TV
You can connect different cable systems_o your TV, including cebte without a cable box, and cable with a cable box that descramNes someor all channels.
Cablewithout a Cable Box
if you want to connect cable, and you do not need to use a cable box:
Plug the incoming cane
inlo the ANT-A Qnlenna ter-
minal on the back of the T_
Cablewitha CableBoxthatDescramblesAllChamPs
Find the cable that is cor_ healed 1othe ANTENNA
OUT le_minal on your ccsblebox This I_rminal
might be labeted "ANT OUT," "VHF OUT," or sim-
ply, "OUtV'
_ Connect the other end of
this cable to the ANT A antenna lerminat on the
back of the TV
Connectinga Cable Converter Box This connection allows you 1owatch cable and premium channe&. You should keep your TV
selected 1oANT-A so that you can use the TVfeatures When viewing premium channels, setecl ANT-g and tune the TV to channel 3 or 4 (whichever channel isvacant in your area), then use the converter box tochange channe&. Youwilt need two coaxial cables
Note: When you use a converter box with
your TV, thele may be fealures thai you can
nol program using the remole conlro_, such as programming your favorite channels and Necking channels
Connectinga Cable Converter Box and a VCR This connection allows you to watch and record basic cmd premium cable channels, c_swell as
watch videotapes You should keep your TV selected to ANT-A so that you can use the TV's fen- lures When viewing #_emlvm channels or _ecording with the VCR, select ANT-B (whichever cbon-
nel is vacant in your area), then use the converter box 1ochange channels
Caution: If you wahl torecord one channel
while watching anothel channel, a sptit_er
(no_included} must be added between the cable and ANT-A One output of the splitter
goes to ANT-A end thesecond output is connected to IN on the cable converter
if you have a mona VCR, connect L/Mona to VCR Audio OUT using only one audio
if you have a S_VHSVCR, use the SMdeo conneclions and _emove the video cable
Do not connect the video cable and the S-vldeo cable to videot simuhaneously
When you use a conveMel box with your
tV theremay be features thai you can not
p_ogram using the remo_econtrol, such as p_ogramming your favorite channels and blocking channels
The side panel iacks on your TV make it easy to connect a camcorder to your TV. You can use you_ camcorder to view tapes withoul using a VCR
Locale the A/V output jacks on thecamcorder. They are
usually found on the side or back o_ the camcorder
Connect an audio cable
between theAUDIO OUT- PUTiack on the camcorder
and the AUDIO terminals on the side of theTV
If your camcorder is stereo, you mus_connecl two sepa-
rate cables (The audio cables are usual-
ly included with the cam- corder)
,_ Connect a video cable _j_ between theVIDEO OUT-
POTjack on the camcorder
and theVIDEO terminal on
theside of the TV. (A video cable is usually included with the camcorder } To watch a tape, follow your
camera's instructions and
thesection on "Viewtag an
External Signal Source" in
TVS'd*®nm Camoard*r
Connectinga DVDPlayer
The rear panel jacks on your 1V make it easy to connect a DVD player to your IV
Connectingto Y,Pb,Pr
Connect a se_of audio
cables bet_veen the imll Component 1AUDIO IN
jacks on the TV and the AUDIO OUT iacks on the
DVD player
To enable Component video
viewing, connecl video cables be_een the
Component1 (Y, P_and P_) jacks on the TV and Y,Pb
and P_(or Y, C0, C*}output jacks on the DVD player
Note: Foron explanation o_ Componenl video, see your DVD p_ayer_sowner's man-
Connectinglo nudio and video jacks
Connect a se_of audio
cables between the AUDIO IN jacks on the TV and the
AUDIO OUT iacks on the DVD player
'_ Connect video cables _, bet_veen the VIDEO OUT
jack on the DVD player and the VIDEO IN iack on the
Connectingto Y,PbPr
Connect a se)of audio
_ cables between the
Component2 or Component3 AUDIO IN iacks on the TVand the
AUDIO OUT jacks on the
Se)Top Box.
_ Connect video cables
between theComponent2 or Componenl3 Y, Pband P_ inputs on the TV and Y,Pb
and Pr (or Y, Cb, C r) OUtpUtS
on the Set Top Box Note: For an explanation o( Component video, see your Set Top Box owneds manu-
Connectingto DVI (Digital Visual
Connect a se)of audio
_ cab(es between the PC
AUDIO _N iac_,son the TV
and the AUDIO OUT jacks on the Set Top Box
_ Connect video cables
between the DVI iN iack on the TV and the DVI OUT
iack on the Set Top Box.
h,t,M_ ('Jh41. m
DTV S_rT_ B_
Connectingto R,G,8
Connex:l a se_o_audio
cables between the PC AUDIO IN iacks on the _/
and the AUDIO OUT iaeks on the Se)Top Box.
_ Connect video cables
between the PC IN jack on the TV and the RGB OUT
iaek on the SetTop Box
D_ S_rT_ B_
DTV Se_T_B_x
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