Samsung dcs application User Manual

No. 14 September 1997
Topic Primary Rate ISDN
This Application Note describes the installation, configuration and operation of the PRI cards in the Samsung DCS for use with Telstra’s On Ramp 10, 20 and 30 Primary Rate ISDN service. The Primary Rate Interface (PRI) is not supported on the DCS Compact.
The DCS and Compact support Direct Dial In (DDI) and Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP). The DCS system is able to display either the CLI number or the CLIP name, using a number­to-name translation table.
The DCS currently does not support Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR), Malicious Call Trace (MCT) or Sub-Addressing. Customers requiring Calling Line Identification Restriction should arrange for this facility to be provided in the network by Telstra.
The Telstra On Ramp service does not support certain MacroLink supplementary services such as Advice of Charge. However, with the release of Version 4 Software the DCS will support the ETSI Advice of Charge feature which we expect Telstra to release later this year.
The DCS PRI card supports on Primary Rate Access (PRA) providing up to 30 B channels. OnRamp 10, 20 & 30 provide 10, 20 and 30 B channels respectively.
Installing the PRI Card
The following restrictions apply to the installation of the PRI card into a DCS system -
PRI cards must be installed in slots 1,3 or 5 of the DCS KSU only.
The slot immediately to the right of the PRI card (slot 2 or slot 4 or slot 6) must be left empty.
The PRI card has priority in the system and therefore the PRI card must be installed in card slots
to the left of any BRI or BSI cards installed.
A maximum of 3 PRI cards can be installed in the DCS KSU.
To install a PRI card in the DCS system -
1. Turn off the power to the DCS.
2. Insert the PRI card into slot 1, 3 or 5 in the KSU. Note that the PRI card can only be fitted in the
DCS basic KSU. The PRI card will not operate in a DCS expansion cabinet.
3. Fit an RJ45 wall mount socket onto the wall within 2m of the DCS cabinet.
Samsung DCS Application Note No 14 - Issue 01
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4. Connect the RJ45 socket to the NT1 as per the latest version of the ACA (AUSTEL) standard
TS009 or the Customer’s Premises Cabling Manual. The ACA state that the TX and RX pairs must be run in separate cable sheaths and recommend that each cable is screened.) The operation of the PRI card is independent of polarity of the TX and RX pairs as PRI operates in Point to point mode only. The connections should be made as shown below -
Description RJ45 Socket NT1
TX Pair 4 and 5 NT1 Equipment In RX Pair 1 and 2 NT1 Equipment Out
6. The Telstra NTI has a row of status LEDs. If the DCS is connected correctly only the Power
LED will be on. If any alarm LEDs are on , check the wiring to the DCS
7. Termination resistors are fitted to the PRI card. DO NOT fit extra termination resistors.
8. Power on the system and do a ‘System Reset’ or, for a new DCS installation, do a ‘Clear
Memory’ using MMC811.
9. If the PRI card is being added to an existing DCS installation, use MMC724 to allocate line
numbers to the PRI card.
10. Configure the PRI mode for Normal/DID as required using MMC 420 (see below).
11. Configure the PRI DLSEND and DLRECV options using MMC420 (see below).
12. Do a “Card Restart” on the PRI card using MMC418. (The DID/Normal programming will not
take effect until the card is reset).
Trunk Numbering
The DCS assigns a line number to each B channel of each ISDN line in the system ie. Thirty (30) numbers per PRI card. After doing a ‘Clear Memory’ with MMC811, the DCS will assign numbers to the PRI card in the 700 number range, the same as with analogue trunks. For example, on a DCS with a TRK-A card in slot 1 and a PRI card in slot 2, the PRI card is assigned line numbers 703 to 732. If a ‘Clear Memory’ is not done after installing the PRI card, the line numbers for the PRI card will have to be assigned using MMC724. The ISDN lines can be assigned to line keys using MMC 722, the same as with analogue lines. From a system users point of view, the ISDN lines appear to operate like a normal PSTN line.
PRI Mode
The PRI card can be configured for two different modes using MMC 420 -
DDI (indial)
Primary Rate ISDN is only offered in a Point to Point mode. Ie. The DCS is the only device connected to the PRA.
Samsung DCS Application Note No 14 - Issue 01
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In Normal mode the incoming calls are routed according to the trunk ring assignment in MMC 406. Calls on unassigned lines are routed to the operator group.
In DDI mode the incoming calls are routed in accordance with the DID Table (MMC714). Unrecognised numbers are sent to the operator group.
Outgoing calls can be made as usual in both modes.
Other MMC420 Options.
MMC420 presents extra configuration options as well as the PRI mode described above. The other parameters should configured as described below.
PRI Mode Options Normal or DDI, as described above
DLSend Options Overlap or Enblock. Leave this parameter set to its default value of Overlap.
DLReceive Options Enblock or Overlap. Leave this parameter set to its default value of enblock. Note : This option is not included in Version 4.X software because if the sending complete is not included in the incoming SETUP message, the DCS will wait for additional digits to come automatically.
PRI-TRK Channel Any Options Yes or No. This parameter should be set to Yes to tell the DCS to use any idle B channel on a PRI line if the user presses a line key. If you wish to allocate specific B channels to say different tenants this parameter should be set to No. When set to No the B channels are selected individually like PSTN lines.
Samsung DCS Application Note No 14 - Issue 01
For Further Information Call LSP Communications
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