Samsung CSH9839, CSH7839, CSH780 Reference Information

CSH7839L/CSH9839L 2-1
2 Reference Information
2-1 List of Abbreviations, Symbols and Acronyms
2-1-1 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition
ASS’Y Assembly B Blue B+ ADJ B+ Adjustment B-CUT Blue-Cutoff B-GAIN Blue Gain BRIGHT Brightness C R-Composition C-MIC Condenser Microphone CLK Clock CM R-Cement CN Connector CONT Contrast D-SUB D-Subminiature EEP-CLK Electrically Erasable and
Programmable Clock EXT External EXT-MIC External Microphone Freq. Frequency FU Fusible G Green G-CUT Green-Cutoff G-GAIN Green Gain GND Ground H Horizontal H Heater H-DRV Horizontal Drive H-DY Horizontal Deflection Yoke H-FLB Horizontal Flyback H-FV Horizontal-Feedback Voltage H-LIN Horizontal Linearity H-POSI Horizontal Position H-SIZE Horizontal Size H/PHONE Headphone Hz Hertz I-SENSE Current-Sense lb Pound MAX Maximum MIC Microphone MIN Minimum MP C-Metalized Polyester MPP Metal Polypropylene MO R-Metal Oxide
OSC Oscillator P C-Polyester PARA Parabola PARALL Parallelogram PIN-BAL Pincushion Balance PRE-AMP Pre-Amplifier PS1 Power Saving1 (suspend) PS2 Power Saving2 (off) PWR Power R Red R-CUT Red-Cutoff R-GAIN Red Gain RST Reset S-PIN Side Pincushion S-RASTER Self Raster S/W Switch SCAP S Correction Capacitor SPK Speaker SYNC Synchronization T C-Tantalum TR Transistor TRAP Trapezoid U-COM Microprocessor V Vertical V-DY Vertical Deflection Yoke V-FLB Vertical Flyback V-LIN Vertical Linearity V-MUTE Video Mute V-OUT Vertical Output V-PARA Vertical Parabola V-POL V-Polarity V-POSI Vertical Position V-SENSE Voltage-Sense V-SIZE Vertical Size WW R-Wire Wound X-TAL Crystal ohm K 1000 ohm M 1000 K uF microfarad (10-6F) nF nanofarad (10-9F) pF picofarad (10
2 Reference Information
2-2 CSH7839L/CSH9839L
Acronym Definition Acronym Definition
ABL Automatic Brightness Limits AC Alternating Current ACL Automatic Contrast Limit AFC Automatic Frequency Control ANSI American National Standards Institute CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide
Semiconductor CRT Cathode Ray Tube DC Direct Current DDC Data Display Channel DF Dynamic Focus DMM Digital Multimeter DPMS Display Power Management Signaling DVM Digital Voltmeter DY Deflection Yoke EEPROM Electrically Erasable and
Programmable Read only Memory ESD Electrostatically Sensitive Device ESF Electronic Static Field FBT Flyback Transformer FET Field Effect Transistor FH Horizontal Frequency FS Fail Safe FV Vertical Frequency GD Geometric Distortion
H/V Horizontal/Vertical HV High Voltage I/O Input/Output IC Integrated Circuit LED Light Emitting Diode MAC Macintosh MOFA Mask Outside Frame Assembly OCP Over Current Protection OP AMP Operational Amplifier OSD On Screen Display P-P Peak to Peak PCB Printed Circuit Board PLL Phase Locked Loop PWM Pulse Width Modulation SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply SVGA Super Video Graphics Array SWEDAC TP Test Point UL Underwriters Laboratories USB Universal Serial Bus VESA Video Electronics Standard
Association VGA Video Graphics Array VR Variable Registor W/B White Balance
2-1-2 Acronyms
2-1-2 Symbols
Can emit X-radiation Hot Ground Cold Ground Electrostatically Sensitive Device (ESD) Provides special safety considerations