1) Remove power cable from power outlet.
Remove power cable from an outlet prior to disassembly for
When the power cable is removed wait for at least 1 minute
and measure the voltage between the + and - terminal of the
large capacity electrolyti capacitor using a tester. Make sure
that the voltage is less than DC 10V, then starts repairing.
2) Warning about electrical shock
If you cannot avoid checking the circuits with power not disconnected pay special attention not to touch live parts to
avoid electric shock.
3) Use proper parts
Use genuine parts of a model if parts need to be replaced. (It
is recommended that parts are replaced rather than repaired,
to avoid electrical contact. Customers should refrain from
repairing parts themselves as this can be extremely dangerous.)
4) Use proper tools
Use proper tools for repair and be familiarized with handling
test equipment.
Using worn out tools may result in problems such as intermittent contact, etc
5) Lead wire or power cable damaged
Check if lead wire or power cord is damaged prior to repair,
and replace if damaged.
6) Avoid tapping a power cord
Tapping a power cable or using an extension cord from a
power outlet is dangerous and should be avoided. It may
result is malfunctioning or fire.
inter connection
7) Checking insulation
Be sure to check insulation resistance when assembly is completed. (Check insulation resistance between the power cord
plug and ground terminal using an ohm meter and check if it
is greater than 30MΩ prior to applying the power.)
8) Check grounding
Check grounding status and fix it if not sufficient.
9) Check installation condition
Check installation condition and fix insufficient conditions.
If it is still not satisfactory find another area for installation.
10) Child care
It is recommended to have children stay away the units when
the repair is being done to avoid accidents.
Clean the unit and the area arount it.
Let the customer know that the unit has been repaired.
Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics
2. Product Specifications
2-1 Table
ItemIndoor unit Outdoor unit Indoor unit Outdoor unit Indoor unit Outdoor unit
Heat exchanger
Coolant control unitFreezer oil capacitycc-410-1,180-1,180
Coolant to charge(R-22)g1,3001,7501,670
Cooling test condition INDOOR UNIT : DB 27˚C WB 19˚C27˚C ,19.5˚C
Heating test conditionINDOOR UNIT : DB 20˚C
Maximum operation conditionINDOOR UNIT : DB 32˚C,WB 23˚C 29˚C, 19˚C32˚C, 22.5˚C
ID(mm) x L(mm)
OUTDOOR UNIT : DB 35˚C WB 24˚C35˚C,24˚C
OUTDOOR UNIT : DB 43˚C,WB 26˚C 54˚C, 24˚C43˚C, 25.5˚C
1 , 0 5 0 x 2 9 8 x 1 8 07 8 7 x 6 2 0 x 3 2 0 1 , 0 5 0 x 2 9 8 x 1 8 07 8 7 x 6 2 0 x 3 2 0 1 , 0 5 0 x 2 9 8 x 1 8 07 8 7 x 6 2 0 x 3 2 0
4 1 . 3 4 x 1 1 . 7 3 x 7 . 0 9 3 0 . 9 8 x 2 4 . 4 x 1 2 . 6 4 1 . 3 4 x 1 1 . 7 3 x 7 . 0 93 0 . 9 8 x 2 4 . 4 x 1 2 . 6 4 1 . 3 4 x 1 1 . 7 3 x 7 . 0 9 3 0 . 9 8 x 2 4 . 4 x 1 2 . 6
Use this button to start and stop air conditioner.
Each time you press this button,
MODE is changed in the following order.
Use this button to provide heavy duty cooling (heating)
for 30 minutes.
Use this button to provide pleasant cooling (heating)
for 3 hours.
Set up the reserve or cancel the timer on and timer off quickly.
Each time you press this button,
FAN SPEED is changed in the following order.
"AUTO" " (L)" " (ME)" " (HI)" NATURAL
Adjusts air flow vertically.
Each time you press this button,
BLADE-H rotates by 8° (Changable range 50°).
Each time you press this button,
BLADE-H rotates within 35° and stop.
Without regard to ON/OFF condition in remote controller,
use this button to set current time.
Adjust the current time using TIME button.
(Data can be transmitted after setting up the time)
Use this button to reserve or cancel the timer on and timer off.
Set up the time that operation start.
Set up the time that operation stop.
If the TIME button is pressed once, the time increase by one
minute during the time set mode, and ten minutes during the
timer set mode.
If the TIME button is pressed once, the time decrease by one
minute during the time set mode, and ten minutes during the
timer set mode.
If the button is pressed once,
the setting temperature is increased by 1°C.
If the button is pressed once,
the setting temperature is decreased by 1°C.
Use this button for sleep operation.
(The SLEEP mode can be selected at COOL and HEAT mode.)
Samsung Electronics
3-1-2 Main controller function.
Operating Instructions and Installation
1. A U TO MODE: In this mode, operation
mode (COOL, HEAT) is selected automatically by the room temperature of initial
o p e r a t i o n .
Room Temp
21°C +∆T>Tr
∆T= -1°, -2°C, 0°C, +1°C, +2°C
∆T is controlled by setting temperature
up/down key of remote contro l l e r
2. C O O L MODE: The unit operates accord i n g
to the diff e rence between the setting and
room temperature .
The setting temperature range is
1 8 ° C t h rough 30°C.
3. H E AT MODE: The unit operates accord i n g
to the diff e rence between the setting and
room temperature .
The setting temperature range is 16°C
t h rough 30°C.
* P revention against cold wind : For about
3~5 minutes after initial operation, thermo
c o n t rol or °∞de-ice°±, the indoor fan will
either not operate or operate very slowly
(650 rpm), then switch to the selected fan
speed. This period is to allow the indoor
unit's heat-exchanger to prewarm before
emitting warm air.
* P rotective function : High temperature
re l e a s e .
*De-ice: Deicing operation is controlled by
indoor unit's heat exchanger temperature
and room temperature and accumulating
time of compressor's operation.
4. D RY MODE: The unit is operated at comp ressor on state re g a rdless of room tempera t u re for an initial 30 minutes of dehumidification operation, and the indoor fan motor
is automatically operated due to the tempera t u re diff e rence between the room temperat u re and set temperature .
The compressor is automatically contro l l e d
due to the temperature diff e rence between
room temperature and set temperature after
operation of 30 minutes.
*Set Te m p e r a t u re : 23°C
* P rotective function: Low temperature
release. (Prevention against fre e z e )
5. TURBO MODE: This mode is available only
in A U TO, COOL, HEAT mode.
When this button is pressed at first, the air
conditioner is operated "powerful" state for
30 minutes re g a rdless of the set temperat u re, room temperature .
When this button is pressed again, or when
the operating time is 30 minutes, turbo
operation mode is canceled and returned to
the previous mode.
6 . MILD MODE: This mode is available only
in A U TO, COOL, HEAT mode.
When this button is pressed at first, the air
conditioner is operated in its current state
for 3 hours.
When this button is pressed again or when
the operating time is 3 hours, mild operation mode is canceled and returned to the
p revious mode.
7 . S L E E P MODE: Sleep mode is available only
in COOL or HEAT mode.
The operation will stop after 6 hours.
*In COOL mode : The setting temperature
is automatically raised by 1°C each 1hour
When the temperature has been raised by
total of 2°C, that temperature is maint a i n e d .
*In HEAT mode : The setting temperature
is automatically droped by 1°C each 1hour.
When the temperature has been droped by
total of 2°C, that temperature is maint a i n e d .
8. DE-ICE Operation: De-ice operation is cont rolled by sensing the indoor unit's heatexchanger temperature and timer.
De-ice ends by sensing of the pro c e s s i n g
time by de-ice condition.
9. FAN SPEED: Manual (3 step), Auto (4 step),
N a t u r a l
Fan speed automatically varies depending
on both the diff e rence between setting and
the room temperature .
1 0 . C O M P U L S O RY O P E R ATION:
For operating the air conditioner without
the remote contro l l e r.
The operating is the same function that
A U TO MODE in the remote contro l l e r.
Samsung Electronics
Operating Instructions and Installation
11 . SWING: BLADE-H is rotated vertically by
the stepping motor.
*Memory louve: When ON/OFF button is
p ressed at stop state, the BLADE-H re t u r n s
to its original location which is operating
state before stop
*Swing auto: The BLADE-H can ro t a t e
within about 35° in the original position set
by the SWING SET button.
*Swing set: Press the SWING SET button,
then the blade rotates vertically by 8°
The BLADE-H location is dispalyed on
REMOTE CONTROL. (total 7 steps)
1 2 . Q.TIMER: Q. timer (quick timer) allows
reservation or cancel the timer on and timer
o ff quickly
When Q.timer button is pressed at operating state, LCD displays the polling state
s e q u e n t i a l l y.
The LCD also displays the time re m a i n i n g .
1 3 . TIMER: The air conditioner is turned
ON/OFF at a specified time using TIMER
O N / O F F.
* Timer LED lights on.
* I n t e r ruption of electric power and Power
o n .
*Abnormal condition of the room sensor.
*Indoor unit fan motor lock.
*Abnormal condition of the indoor unit's
heat exchanger sensor.
1 5 . TIME SHORTENING: If the "Time short"
connector pin is shorted on the main P. C. B,
the compressor's three minutes delay function is cancelled, and each operation time is
shortened to one fiftieth of its original time.
1 6 . BUZZER SOUND: Whenever the ON/OFF
button is pressed or whenever change
occurs to the condition which is set up or
select, the compulsory operation mode,
buzzer is sounded "beep"
Samsung Electronics
3-2 Installation
3-2-1 Selecting Area for Installation
Select an area for installation that is suitable
to the customer's needs.
3-2-1(a) Indoor Unit
1 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area providing good ventilation. It must
not be blocked by an obstacle affecting the
airflow near the air inlet and the air outlet.
2 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area allowing good air handling and
endurance of vibration of the indoor unit.
3. Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area where there is no source of heat or
vapor nearby.
4 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area from which hot or cool air is spre a d
evenly in a ro o m .
5 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area away from TVs, audio units, cordless phones, fluorescent lighting fixture s
and other electrical appliances (at least 1
m e t e r ) .
6 . Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area which provides easy pipe connection with the outdoor unit, and easy
drainage for condensed water.
7. Make sure that you install the indoor unit in
an area which is large enough to accomodate the measurements shown in figure on
the next page.
3 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area providing good ventilation and
which is not dusty. It must not be blocked
by any obstacle affecting the airflow near
the air inlet and the air outlet.
4 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area free from animals or plants.
5 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area not blocking the traff i c .
6. Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area easy to drain condensed water fro m
the indoor unit.
7. Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area which provides easy connection
within the maximum allowable length of a
coolant pipe (10 meters).
1. Add “A” grams of refrigerant (R-22) for
every 1 meter if the pipe length exceeds
t he standard pipe length of 5 meters.
2. Maintain a height between the indoor and
outdoor units of less than 3 meters.
8 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in an area which is large enough to accommodate the measurements
shown in figure on the next page.
3-2-1(b) Outdoor Unit
1 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area not exposed to the rain or direct sun
l i g h t .
(Install a separate sunblind if exposed to
d i rect sun light.)
2 . Make sure that you install the outdoor unit
in area allowing good air moment, not
amplifying noise or vibration, especially to
avoid disturbing neighbours.
(Fix the unit firmly if it is mounted in a
high place.)
Caution :
It is harmful to the air conditioner if it is used in the following environments: greasy areas (including areas near machines),
salty areas such as coast areas, areas where sulfuric gas is present such as hot spring areas. Contact your dealer for advice.
3-2-1(c) Remote Control Unit
1 .Make sure that you install the remote con-
t rol unit in an area free from obstacles such
as curtains etc, which may block signals
f rom the remote control unit.
2. Make sure that you install the remote cont rol unit in an area not exposed to
d i rect sunlight, and where there is no sourc e
of heat.
3. Make sure that you install the remote cont rol unit in an area away from TVs, audio
units, cordless phones, fluorescent lighting
f i x t u res and other electrical appliances (at
Samsung Electronics
3-2-2 Installation diagram of indoor unit and outdoor unit
GAS LEAK TESTSlope of drain hose* Piping may be laid to the rear, left, right or down.
Avoid up
Indoor unit check
Outdoor unit
check points
* Check for gas leak from the flare nut
connections with leak detector.
5 6
m i n i m u m
Insulation of pipe connection area
* Perform gas leakage test first, and insulate the pipe
connection area.
Use an insulation tube for insulation as shown in figure.
The insulation
tube shall be
properly finished
not to allow
any gap.
Left rear
350mm or more
Vinyl tape
(purchase locally)
Remote control
Remote control holder
Hole dimension of bolts for the outdoor unit
Coolant adjustment pro c e d u re
C l a s s
C o n n e c t i o n
pipe lengh
At installationAt installation
A i r- p u rg e
m e t h o d
C o o l a n t
a d j u s t m e n t
u n n e c e s s a ry
5m max
Refer to the
a i r- p u rg e
p ro c e d u re .
Add “A”g of
c o o l a n t
5 ~ 1 0 m
<R-22> for
e v e ry 1m.
(Refer to
the detailed
c o o l a n t
c h a rg e
p ro c e d u re . )
Samsung Electronics
Air purg e
m e t h o d
P u rge air
a vacuum
pump or an
a d d i t i o n a l
c o o l a n t
c y l i n d e r.
R e f r i g e r a n t
q u a n t i t y
See table
r i g h t .
Add “A”g of
c o o l a n t
<R-22> for
e v e ry 1m.
(Refer to
the detailed
c o o l a n t
c h a rg e
p ro c e d u re . )
Fix firmly if installed in an area affected by typhoons.
Tighten the flare nut by hand first, and tighten firmly with a spanner
C o o l a n t - q u a n t i t y
M o d e l
A S H 1 8 0 U E
A S H 1 8 1 U E
Coolant quantity
R e m a r k
1 3 0 0 gSelf refrigerant is included with shipment.
A S H - 2 4 1 7 E R1 7 5 0 gSelf refrigerant is included with shipment.
A S H - 1 8 0 8 D R1 6 7 0 gSelf refrigerant is included with shipment.
For more information refer to the Installation Manual.
3-2-2(a) Fixing the Installation Plate
Operating Instructions and Installation
When the refrigerant piping are hooked up from the rear.
Installation plate
Pipe hole (ø65mm)
When the installation plate is directly mounted on the wall.
Pipe hole
Installation plate
Indoor unit
200mm 100mm
Determine the pipe hole position using the
paper pattern for installation and drill the pipe
hole (65mm inner diameter) so that it slants
slightly downward.
1. Install the installation plate horizontally on
structural members (studs, etc.) in the wall.
2. To mount the installation plate on a concrete
wall with anchor bolts, utilize the anchor bolt
holes as illustrated in the left figure.
3. When the anchor bolts are already driven in the
wall, also utilize the anchor bolts holes to secure
the installation plate. (If an anchor bolt is too
long, adjust the projecting length to 20mm or
Mounting at the window frame.
Screw wood
3-2-2(b) Purging the Unit
1. Open the Grille and remove the
screw securing the cover.
2. Pass the assembly cable through
the rear of the indoor unit and
connect the assembly cable to terminals 1~5.
*Each wire is labelled with the
corresponding terminal number.
3. Assembly every parts by contrary
order to disassembly.
Wood pillar
1. When mounting installation plate at the window frame. Use the paper patten for installation
of the wood pillar.
2. As the left Fig.
Fix the wood pillar at the wood frame and
install installation plate with screw tap.
3. Fix the wood pillar with enough strength to
bear the weight of the indoor unit.
Samsung Electronics
Operating Instructions and Installation
3-2-2(c) Piping and drain hose installation
1 . Fix the drain hose right the refrigerant piping.
2. Be careful not to form a slack of the drain hose.
3. Do not allow the piping to jut out from the back of the indoor unit.
4. Insulate both of the refrigerant pipings so that dewing and troubles
may not happen.
5. Be careful in bending the pipes. The bending radius must be
100mm or larg e r.
Drain hose
Assembly cable
A.Right-hand connection with piping
1. Cut out the knock-out piece from the
rightside of the rear body with a knife,
etc. Smooth the cut edges.
1. Cut out the knock-out piece from the
leftside of the rear body with a knife,
etc. Smooth the cut edges.
2. Cut out the Holder-pipe slit part.
3. Support the above section to be bent
with your hand and bend the pipes
3-2-2(d) Indoor unit installation
1. Pass the pipes
2. Move the indoor unit to the right and
left to make sure that the unit is
s e c u rely hooked on to the installation
p l a t e .
t h rough the
hole in the
wall and hook
the indoor
unit to the
i n s t a l l a t i o n
plate at the
upper and
lower hooks.
C.Under-side connection with pipingB.Left-hand connection with piping
1. Cut out the knock-out piece from the
underside of the rear body with a knife,
etc. Smooth the cut edges.
2. Cut out the Holder-pipe on its slit part.
Set the drain hose in the inner part of the
indoor unit and the assembly cable in lower part of it.
Wind tape round them.
Assembly cable
Installation plate
Drain hose
1. Run the drain hose sloped downward .
2. Do not install the drain hose as illustrated below.
Do not form
a rise
3. Put water in the drain pan and make sure that the water is drained outdoor.
4. When connecting the extension drain hose, insulate the inside part of the
extension drain hose with shield.
Do not put the
drain hose end
into water
Do not wave
the hose
Keep a distance
at least 5cm
or more
Do not put the
drain hose end
in the ditch
3-2-2(e) Indoor unit installation
A u x i l i a ry power S/W
should be installed
near indoor unit so
that each access is
p o s s i b l e .
power S/W
Main/Outdoor unit power
c o rds are connected to
upper/lower term i n a l
of auxiliary power S/W.
Samsung Electronics
Indoor unit connector wire should be
connected to both indoor unit
connector and outdoor
unit terminal board
as shown in the
f i g u re below.
In heating and deice operation,
condensed water may be generated.
Install drain line as following
p ro c e d u re .
1. Insert the drain plug into base hole
2. And then connect drain hose to drain plug.
Drain plug
Drain Hose
3-2-2(f) Grounding
(The Parts for this work are optional.)
Operating Instructions and Installation
•A g rounding terminal can be found on
the outdoor unit as illustrated.
1 . When an existing grounding terminal is avilable.
( G rounding wire of ø1.6mm or larger<solid
w i re>or 2mm2or larger <standard wire > )
Terminal used exclusively
for grounding.
Grounding resistance ;
Less than 100 ohms
(existing grounding electrode)
2 . Use of a grounding electro d e .
• Specifications of grounding electro d e .
Steel coreCarbon plastic
PVC-Insulated(2mm2x3.5m), greenTerminal, M4
1Determine the• Suitable location• Avoid sandy or gravelly soil as its grounding
grounding position.a) Place that is always dank.resistance is high.
b) Hard soil rather than loose sandy soil.• The grounding wire for the telephone line cannot
be used for the grounding of the air conditioner.
• Unsuitable location• When the grounding electrode is to be installed
a) Where there are underground structures orunder a place with heavy traffic, its wire must be
facilites such as gas pipes, water pipes, connected firmly with the utmost care.
telephone lines, underground cables, etc.
b) A place 2m or less from the lightning arrester
grounding electrode and its cable.
2Drive the grounding a) Dig a hole to the size illustrated,
electrode into position.and drive in the grounding electrode.
b) Cover the top of the grounding
electrode with excavated soil.
3Put the grounding a) If the grounding wire is too short, connect an• The grounding wire should be a green
wire in order.extention lead to it. Solder the joint andinsulated wire of ø1.6mm or 2mm2or larger.
wrap it with tape.• The soldered joint should not be buried
b) Fasten the grounding wire with staples.underground.
4Check the a) After grounding work, measure the grounding
workmanship,resistance with a grounding resistance tester.
and provide
correctiveb) If the resistance is above a specified level,
measures ifdrive the grounding electrode in deeper
necessary.or increase the number of grounding
5Connect theSecure the grounding wire to the
groundinggrounding terminal of the air conditioner
wire to the air
Samsung Electronics
3-2-2(g) Flare modification
• Tools used
Clamp handle
Cutting wheel
• Flare modification procedure
1) Cut the pipe using a pipe cutter.
3) Insert a flare nut into the pipe and modifty flare.
2) Remove burrs at the tip of the pipe cut.
Caution : Burrs not removed may result
in leakage of gas.
Samsung Electronics
• Unproper flaring
Outer diameterA(mm)
Operating Instructions and Installation
3-2-2(h) Air-Purge Procedure
•Use the coolant of the outdoor unit to purge air inside indoor unit and pipe.
1. Remove the caps from the 2-way valve (B)
and the 3-way valve(A).
3-way valve
2. Turn the 2-way valve cock approx. 45°∆
counterclockwise to open it.
Close it about 10 seconds later.
3. Check leakage of coolant not leaking.
• Tighten pipe fixing area one more time
and go to ®Í if gas is not leaking.
• If gas continues to leak although the
pipe fixing area has been tightened
again, repair the leaking area,
discharge the coolant completely and
refill with the required amount of new
4. Open the 2-way valve again.
5. Open the service valve cap of the 3-way
valve and press the needle valve to
discharge gas for 3 seconds and leave it
for about 1 minute.
Repeat the above procedure for 3 times
to purge air.
Valve body
2-way valve
Flare nut
valve stem
Valve stem cap
Indoor unit
6. Open the 2-way valve and 3-way valve
7. Close the cap of each valve.
•Valve cap tightening torque kg .cm
ModelLiquid pipe side Gas pipe side