Samsung AP500, AP500PF0K-XAP Operating Instructions

3. Operating instructions and Installation
3-1 Operating Instructions
3-1-1 Control system chart
Operation Main switch operation
Operation of remote
Function selection Auto mode
Cool mode
Fan mode
Fan speed
selector mode
Airflow selector
Convenience function
Manual 3-step
Left-right turn
Turbo operation
Operation of turbo, auto, cool, and fan
C o n t rol of fan motor step according to current temperature C o n t rol of cool according to the diff e rence between curre n t
and desired temperature Operation of indoor fan motor only
High medium, low
C o n t rol of fan motor step according to current temperature
Turbo-operating compressor and powerful operating fan m o t o r ( 3 0 m i n u t e s )
LED display
Convenience reservation
Function selector Selection of fan speed Low, medium, high lamp Selection of airflow Left-right lamp
Current temperature Indoor temperature display Desired temperature Desired temperature display
Fan speed diagram Low, medium, high, turbo lamp
Convenience reservation Reserve lamp and reserve time display
Current time Current time display
R e s e rve function which is off after on time of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 h o u r s
Displayed at the time of indoor temperature sensor open or short
Auto, cool, fan lamp
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3-1-2 Key type and functions
3-1-2(a) PANEL key type and functions
Key name Key operating function Key type
On/off Start and end of operation TACT
- ON 1 time = operation start, ON again = operation end.
- No continued operation
Mode selection Change of the operation mode TACT
- Each time the button is pressed(ON), the mode is changed in the following order: “auto cool fan”(standard=auto)
- No continued operation
Fan speed Setting of the indoor fan motor speed TACT
selection - Each time the button is pressed ON, the mode is changed in the following order:
“low medium high”(standard=high)
Temperature(time) Increase the desired temperature(current time) TACT
setting(up) - Temperature: When pressing the button(ON) one time,
the desired temperature is increased by the unit of 1°C.(18°C- 30°C)
- Time: When pressing the button(ON) one time, the time is increased by 1 minte. If the “on” button is pressed continuously, the time is increased by 10 minutes.
- One short, and continued operation
Temperature(time) Decrease the desired temperature (current time) TACT
setting(down) - Temperature: When pressing the button(ON) one time,
the desired temperature is decreased by the unit of 1°C. (18°c- 30°C)
- Time: When pressing the button(ON) one time, the time is decreased by 1 minute. If the “on” button is pressed continuously, the time is decreased by 10 minutes.
- One short, and continued operation
Change of display The temperature and current time can be changed. TACT
- If the “on” key is pressed 1 time, current temperature and desired temperature are displayed.
- If the “on” key is pressed 1 time, current time is displayed.
* Operating functions
Button for speed selection: When pre s s i n g the button, the mode is selected in the o rder of high-medium-low.
Display change button: When the button is pressed, cur­rent time and temperature are displayed continuously.
Fan display: The fan is dis­played in the order of turbo, high, medium, and low.
Time and temperature display: C u rrent time, re s e rve time, and t e m p e r a t u re are displayed.
Up/down button: It can regulate curre n t
time and desired temperature .
Cool display: The door tempera­t u re is sensed and the button is lighted when cooling is begun.
Function selector button: when pressing the button, the mode can be selected repeatedly in the order of auto-cool-fan.
Left-right turn d i s p l a y.
Function selector dis­play: Current mode of operation display.
Sensor to perceive re m o t e c o n t roller: It can re c e i v e o rders from remote contro l l e r. O n / o ff button.
Convenience re s e rv e button: It can stop the operation automatically.
R e s e rve display: Convenience re s e rv e operation is perc e i v e d when ord e red to do so.
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Operation display lamp: When the power is first applied, the lamp will blink, but will turn on when operation begins.
3-1-2(b) LED display operating spec.
Lamp name Operating spec.
Operation lamp - When the power is applied, the lamp goes on and off in an interval of 0.5
- If the operation is changed to “on”, the lamp stops turning on and off and continues to remain on.
- If the operation is changed to “off”, then LED off.
Cool lamp - When the compressor is activated: ON
- When the compressor is stopped: OFF
Timer lamp - During reservation: ON
- Reservation ended or cancelled: OFF
Reservation-timer - During reservation-timer display: ON
lamp - During current time and temperature: OFF
Current temperature - During current temperature display : ON
lamp - During current time and time display: OFF
Desired temperature - During desired temperature display: ON
lamp - During current time and reserve time display: OFF
Fan speed display - During on operation: ON
lamp - During off operation: OFF
Current time lamp - During current time display: ON
- During reserve time and temperature display: OFF
Turbo lamp - During turbo operation: ON
- During turbo operation is ended or cancelled: OFF
Fan speed selector - Low: 2 lines ON
lamp - Medium: 4 lines ON
- High: 5 lines ON
- Turbo: 6 lines ON
Left-right lamp - During left-right turn operation: ON
- During left-right turn ends: OFF
Auto lamp - During auto operation: ON
- Other modes: OFF
Cool lamp - During cool operation: ON
- Other modes: OFF
Fan lamp - During fan operation: ON
- Other modes: OFF
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